public int GeraNovo_NumeroNFiscal() { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("stringConexao"); int iNFiscal = 0; try { db.BeginTransaction(); //Buscando o numero da ultima nota fiscal emitida e gerando um novo numero iNFiscal = (this.getNumNFiscal() + 1); //Atualizando o numero da nota fiscal no banco de dados db.Update("Update Controle Set NFiscal_NFCe=" + iNFiscal + " Where ChvControle = 1"); Controle.getInstance.ultima_NFCe = Convert.ToInt32(iNFiscal); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { db.AbortTransaction(); return(0); } return(iNFiscal); }
public static bool UpdateSettings(Dictionary <string, string> dic) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { try { db.BeginTransaction(); foreach (var d in dic) { var r = db.Query <Models.Settings>(" where title=@0", d.Key).SingleOrDefault(); r.Value = d.Value; db.Update(r); } db.CompleteTransaction(); return(true); } catch { db.AbortTransaction(); return(false); } } }
public void Setup(SchoolCheckIn.CheckIn.Model.School school) { PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("DatabaseConn"); db.BeginTransaction(); try{ _schoolService.School(db); _schoolService.Setup(school); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { db.AbortTransaction(); throw e; } }
public void ImportClass(string file) { PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("DatabaseConn"); db.BeginTransaction(); try { _classService.Class(db); _classService.ImportClass(file); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { db.AbortTransaction(); throw e; } }
public void Delete(SchoolCheckIn.CheckIn.Model.Class classModel) { PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("DatabaseConn"); db.BeginTransaction(); try { _classService.Class(db); _classService.DeleteClass(classModel); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { db.AbortTransaction(); throw e; } }
public void ClearLocation(string scenenName, int locationId) { var db = new PetaPoco.Database("ccs"); try { db.BeginTransaction(); db.Execute("update location set if_cargo=0 where id=" + locationId + " and scene_name='" + scenenName + "'"); db.Execute("DELETE FROM cargo_material WHERE location_id=@0 and scene_name=@1", locationId, scenenName); db.Execute("DELETE FROM cargo_item WHERE location_id=@0 and scene_name=@1", locationId, scenenName); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.AbortTransaction(); } }
public void ImportStudent(string file) { using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database("databaseConn")) { db.BeginTransaction(); try { _studentService.Student(db); _studentService.ImportStudent(file); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { db.AbortTransaction(); throw e; } } }
public bool UpdateStudent(StudentViewModel objViewModel) { PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("DBConnectionString"); DBConnectionString.User user = DBConnectionString.User.SingleOrDefault(objViewModel.UserId); DBConnectionString.Student student = DBConnectionString.Student.SingleOrDefault(objViewModel.StudentId); DBConnectionString.Profile profile = db.Query <DBConnectionString.Profile>("Select * from profile where UserId = @0", student.UserId).SingleOrDefault(); db.BeginTransaction(); try { if (user != null) { user.FirstName = objViewModel.FirstName; user.LastName = objViewModel.LastName; user.Update(); } if (student != null) { student.ClassId = objViewModel.ClassId; student.CourseId = objViewModel.CourseId; student.DepartmentId = objViewModel.DepartmentId; student.Email = objViewModel.Email; student.FullName = objViewModel.FirstName + " " + objViewModel.LastName; student.ModifiedBy = objViewModel.ModifiedBy; student.ModifiedOn = objViewModel.ModifiedOn; student.SectionId = objViewModel.SectionId; student.Update(); } if (profile != null) { profile.Title = objViewModel.Title; profile.DateOfBirth = objViewModel.DateOfBirth; profile.MobileNumber = objViewModel.MobileNumber; profile.HomeTelephoneNumber = objViewModel.HomeTelephoneNumber; profile.EmailAddress1 = objViewModel.Email; profile.Update(); } //var subjectIdArray = objViewModel.SubjectIds.Split(','); //foreach (var subjectId in subjectIdArray) //{ // DBConnectionString.UserSubject userSubject = db.Query<DBConnectionString.UserSubject>("select * from UserSubjects where UserId = @0 and SubjectId = @1", objViewModel.UserId, subjectId).SingleOrDefault(); // if (userSubject == null) // { // userSubject.UserId = objViewModel.UserId.Value; // userSubject.SubjectId = Convert.ToInt64(subjectId); // userSubject.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now; // userSubject.InsertedBy = objViewModel.InsertedBy; // userSubject.Update(); // } //} db.CompleteTransaction(); return(true); } catch { db.AbortTransaction(); return(false); } }
public static bool UpdateUserInfo(User model) { using (PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("sqlconnection")) { var entity = db.Query <User>("Where uid=@0", model.Uid).SingleOrDefault(); /* * var properties = typeof(User).GetProperties(); * foreach (var p in properties) * { * var value = p.GetValue(model, null); * if (value != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.ToString())) * { * p.SetValue(entity, value, null); * } * } * */ entity.Email = model.Email; entity.Homepage = model.Homepage; entity.Location = model.Location; entity.QQ = model.QQ; entity.Signature = model.Signature; entity.Introduction = model.Introduction; entity.Money = model.Money; entity.NickName = model.NickName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.NickName)) { entity.NickName = model.UserName; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Password)) { entity.Password = model.Password; } db.BeginTransaction(); try { if (entity.Gid != model.Gid) { var mentity = db.Query <UserGroup>("Where gid=@0", model.Gid).SingleOrDefault(); var eentity = db.Query <UserGroup>("where gid=@0", entity.Gid).SingleOrDefault(); mentity.UserNum = mentity.UserNum + 1; eentity.UserNum = eentity.UserNum - 1; entity.Gid = model.Gid; if (db.Update(entity) > 0 && db.Update(mentity) > 0 && db.Update(eentity) > 0) { db.CompleteTransaction(); return(true); } else { db.AbortTransaction(); return(false); } } else { if (db.Update(entity) > 0) { db.CompleteTransaction(); return(true); } else { db.AbortTransaction(); return(false); } } } catch { db.AbortTransaction(); return(false); } } }
public bool UpdateStudent(StudentViewModel objViewModel) { PetaPoco.Database db = new PetaPoco.Database("DBConnectionString"); DBConnectionString.User user = DBConnectionString.User.SingleOrDefault(objViewModel.UserId); DBConnectionString.Student student = DBConnectionString.Student.SingleOrDefault(objViewModel.StudentId); DBConnectionString.Profile profile = db.Query<DBConnectionString.Profile>("Select * from profile where UserId = @0", student.UserId).SingleOrDefault(); db.BeginTransaction(); try { if (user != null) { user.FirstName = objViewModel.FirstName; user.LastName = objViewModel.LastName; user.Update(); } if (student != null) { student.ClassId = objViewModel.ClassId; student.CourseId = objViewModel.CourseId; student.DepartmentId = objViewModel.DepartmentId; student.Email = objViewModel.Email; student.FullName = objViewModel.FirstName + " " + objViewModel.LastName; student.ModifiedBy = objViewModel.ModifiedBy; student.ModifiedOn = objViewModel.ModifiedOn; student.SectionId = objViewModel.SectionId; student.Update(); } if (profile != null) { profile.Title = objViewModel.Title; profile.DateOfBirth = objViewModel.DateOfBirth; profile.MobileNumber = objViewModel.MobileNumber; profile.HomeTelephoneNumber = objViewModel.HomeTelephoneNumber; profile.EmailAddress1 = objViewModel.Email; profile.Update(); } //var subjectIdArray = objViewModel.SubjectIds.Split(','); //foreach (var subjectId in subjectIdArray) //{ // DBConnectionString.UserSubject userSubject = db.Query<DBConnectionString.UserSubject>("select * from UserSubjects where UserId = @0 and SubjectId = @1", objViewModel.UserId, subjectId).SingleOrDefault(); // if (userSubject == null) // { // userSubject.UserId = objViewModel.UserId.Value; // userSubject.SubjectId = Convert.ToInt64(subjectId); // userSubject.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now; // userSubject.InsertedBy = objViewModel.InsertedBy; // userSubject.Update(); // } //} db.CompleteTransaction(); return true; } catch { db.AbortTransaction(); return false; } }
protected override void Process() { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); var discountExcelLocation = GetConfiguration().AppSettings.Settings["DiscountImport.ExcelLocation"]; var addToProductGroupMappingID = GetConfiguration().AppSettings.Settings["DiscountImport.AddToProductGroupMappingID"]; var addToMasterGroupMappingID = GetConfiguration().AppSettings.Settings["DiscountImport.AddToMasterGroupMappingID"]; var connectorIDs = GetConfiguration().AppSettings.Settings["DiscountImport.ConnectorIDs"].Value.SplitToInts(','); if (discountExcelLocation == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(discountExcelLocation.Value)) { log.AuditError("The discount excel location was not specified"); return; } if (addToProductGroupMappingID != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(addToProductGroupMappingID.Value)) { AddProductsToContentProductGroup = true; } var repo = new Sapph.Repositories.ExcelSalesPricesRepository(discountExcelLocation.Value); var discountList = repo.GetDiscountList().Distinct().ToList(); if (discountList == null) { return; } var totalRows = discountList.Count; var currentRow = 0; using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Environments.Current.Connection, "System.Data.SqlClient")) { db.CommandTimeout = 120; db.BeginTransaction(); try { var processed = new List <string>(); foreach (var discountProduct in discountList) { if (currentRow % 50 == 0) { log.AuditInfo(string.Format("Progress {0}/{1}", currentRow, totalRows)); } currentRow++; if (processed.Contains(discountProduct.VendorItemNumber)) { continue; } var updatePriceQuery = string.Format(@"UPDATE VendorPrice SET SpecialPrice = VP.Price - ( VP.Price * {0} ) FROM Product P INNER JOIN VendorAssortment VA ON P.ProductID = VA.ProductID INNER JOIN VendorPrice VP ON VA.VendorAssortmentID = VP.VendorAssortmentID WHERE P.IsConfigurable = 0 AND P.VendorItemNumber LIKE '{1}%'", discountProduct.DiscountPercentage.ToString(), discountProduct.VendorItemNumber); db.Execute(updatePriceQuery); if (AddProductsToContentProductGroup) { var deleteQuery = @"DELETE CPG FROM ContentProductGroup CPG INNER JOIN Product P ON CPG.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE P.VendorItemNumber LIKE '{0}%' AND CPG.MasterGroupMappingID = {1} AND CPG.ConnectorID = {2}"; var baseQuery = @"INSERT INTO ContentProductGroup SELECT {0}, P.ProductID, {1}, 1, GETDATE(), NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 1, {2} FROM Product P INNER JOIN Content C ON P.ProductID = C.ProductID WHERE C.ConnectorID = {0} AND P.VendorItemNumber LIKE '{3}%'"; foreach (var connectorID in connectorIDs) { var deleteExistingContentProductGroupsQuery = string.Format(deleteQuery, discountProduct.VendorItemNumber, addToMasterGroupMappingID.Value, connectorID); db.Execute(deleteExistingContentProductGroupsQuery); var insertIntoContentProductGroupQuery = string.Format(baseQuery, connectorID, addToProductGroupMappingID.Value, addToMasterGroupMappingID.Value, discountProduct.VendorItemNumber); db.Execute(insertIntoContentProductGroupQuery); } } processed.Add(discountProduct.VendorItemNumber); } db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { db.AbortTransaction(); log.AuditError("An error occured update the special prices", e); } log.AuditInfo("Succesfully updated special prices with discounts."); } }
protected override void Process() { _monitoring.Notify(Name, 0); log.InfoFormat("Start processing Shipment Notification"); var vendorIDsToProcess = VendorSettingsHelper.GetVendorIDsToExportToWehkamp(log); foreach (var vendorID in vendorIDsToProcess) { _monitoring.Notify(Name, vendorID); log.InfoFormat("Start processing Shipment Notification for VendorID {0}", vendorID); var dummyProductIDsInFile = new List <int>(); //Get all products in shipment notification that we need to export to Wehkamp var products = GetShipmentNotificationProductInformationData(vendorID); if (products == null || products.Count == 0) { continue; } //Add all products to the artikelInformatie file that aren't sent to Wehkamp before var artInfo = new artikelInformatie(); //Add all products to the aankomst file var shipmentInfo = new aankomst(); foreach (var product in products) { shipmentInfo.aankomsten.Add(CreateNewShipmentItem(product, vendorID)); //Create dummy product if parentproduct isn't sent to Wehkamp (as dummy or regular product) if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.ParentSentToWehkamp) || product.ParentSentToWehkamp.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "false") && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.ParentSentToWehkampAsDummy) || product.ParentSentToWehkampAsDummy.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "false") && !dummyProductIDsInFile.Contains(product.ParentProductID)) { var artikel = CreateNewDummyArtikelInformatieArtikel(product); var sizes = GetDummyProductSizes(vendorID, product.ParentProductID); foreach (var size in sizes) { artikel.maatlijst.Add(CreateNewDummyArtikelInformatieMaatGegevens(size)); } artInfo.artikel.Add(artikel); if (!dummyProductIDsInFile.Contains(product.ParentProductID)) { dummyProductIDsInFile.Add(product.ParentProductID); } if (!dummyProductIDsInFile.Contains(product.ProductID)) { dummyProductIDsInFile.Add(product.ProductID); } } } var orderIDs = products.Select(p => p.OrderID).Distinct().ToList(); using (var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Environments.Current.Connection, "System.Data.SqlClient")) { db.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); db.CommandTimeout = 60; try { var updateOrdersSql = string.Format("UPDATE [Order] SET IsDispatched = 1, DispatchToVendorDate = getdate() WHERE OrderID IN ({0})", string.Join(",", orderIDs.ToArray())); db.Execute(updateOrdersSql); foreach (var orderID in orderIDs) { var id = orderID; var item = from p in products where p.OrderID == id select p; var orderLineIDs = item.Select(p => p.OrderLineID).Distinct().ToList(); var updateOrderLinesSql = string.Format("UPDATE [OrderLine] SET IsDispatched = 1, DispatchedToVendorID = {1} WHERE OrderLineID IN ({0})", string.Join(",", orderLineIDs.ToArray()), vendorID); db.Execute(updateOrderLinesSql); } //Save data to disk if (artInfo.artikel.Count != 0) { SaveProductInformation(vendorID, artInfo, db); //Set all dummy products as SentToAsDummyWehkamp = true SetDummyProductsAsSentAsDummyToWehkamp(dummyProductIDsInFile, db); } SaveShipmentInformation(vendorID, shipmentInfo, db); db.CompleteTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { db.AbortTransaction(); log.AuditError("Something went wrong while updating the order dispatched status or saving the files in the wehkamp drives", e); } } log.InfoFormat("Finished processing Shipment Notification for VendorID {0}", vendorID); } //end foreach (var vendorID in vendorIDsToProcess) log.InfoFormat("Finished processing Shipment Notification"); _monitoring.Notify(Name, 1); }