예제 #1
        public void ShouldListAllPets()
            //1. Arrange
            //ApplicationDbContext database = null; (Controller does not use / depend on database)

            mockPetRepo = new Mock <IPetRepo>();

            List <Pet> mockPets = CreateMockPetData();

            mockPetRepo.Setup(m => m.ListAllPets()).Returns(mockPets);

            int expectedNumberOfPetsInList = 4;

            PetController petController = new PetController(mockPetRepo.Object);//database);

            //2. Action

            ViewResult result      = petController.ListAllPets() as ViewResult; //I know that the resulting datatype is a  viewresult (casting)
            List <Pet> resultModel = result.Model as List <Pet>;
            int        actualNumberOfPetsInList = resultModel.Count;

            //3. Assert (comparing: Expecting v Actual)

            Assert.Equal(expectedNumberOfPetsInList, actualNumberOfPetsInList);