public void TestParsePersonaAssertion()
                Log.D(Database.TAG, "testParsePersonaAssertion");
                var result          = PersonaAuthorizer.ParseAssertion(sampleAssertion);
                var email           = (string)result.Get(PersonaAuthorizer.AssertionFieldEmail);
                var origin          = (string)result.Get(PersonaAuthorizer.AssertionFieldOrigin);

                Assert.AreEqual(email, "*****@*****.**");
                Assert.AreEqual(origin, "http://localhost:4984/");
                Assert.AreEqual(PersonaAuthorizer.RegisterAssertion(sampleAssertion), email);

                Uri originURL    = new Uri(origin);
                var gotAssertion = PersonaAuthorizer.AssertionForEmailAndSite(email, originURL);
                Assert.AreEqual(gotAssertion, sampleAssertion);

                // variant form of URL
                originURL    = new Uri("Http://LocalHost:4984/");
                gotAssertion = PersonaAuthorizer.AssertionForEmailAndSite(email, originURL);
                Assert.AreEqual(sampleAssertion, gotAssertion);

                var auth = new PersonaAuthorizer(email);
                Assert.AreEqual(email, auth.GetEmailAddress());
                Assert.AreEqual(null, auth.AssertionForSite(originURL));
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies and registers a persona token for use in replication authentication
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The response state for further HTTP processing</returns>
        /// <param name="context">The context of the Couchbase Lite HTTP request</param>
        public static ICouchbaseResponseState RegisterPersonaToken(ICouchbaseListenerContext context)
            var response = context.CreateResponse();
            var body     = context.BodyAs <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            string email = PersonaAuthorizer.RegisterAssertion(body.GetCast <string>("assertion"));

            if (email != null)
                response.JsonBody = new Body(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "ok", "registered" },
                    { "email", email }
                response.InternalStatus = StatusCode.BadParam;
                response.JsonBody       = new Body(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "error", "invalid assertion" }

예제 #3
        /// <summary>Private Constructor</summary>
        protected Replication(Database db, Uri remote, bool continuous, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory, TaskFactory workExecutor, CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = null)
            LocalDatabase           = db;
            Continuous              = continuous;
            WorkExecutor            = workExecutor;
            CancellationTokenSource = tokenSource ?? new CancellationTokenSource();
            RemoteUrl      = remote;
            Status         = ReplicationStatus.Stopped;
            online         = true;
            RequestHeaders = new Dictionary <String, Object>();

            if (RemoteUrl.GetQuery() != null && !RemoteUrl.GetQuery().IsEmpty())
                var uri = new Uri(remote.ToString());
                var personaAssertion = URIUtils.GetQueryParameter(uri, PersonaAuthorizer.QueryParameter);

                if (personaAssertion != null && !personaAssertion.IsEmpty())
                    var email      = PersonaAuthorizer.RegisterAssertion(personaAssertion);
                    var authorizer = new PersonaAuthorizer(email);
                    Authorizer = authorizer;

                var facebookAccessToken = URIUtils.GetQueryParameter(uri, FacebookAuthorizer.QueryParameter);

                if (facebookAccessToken != null && !facebookAccessToken.IsEmpty())
                    var email                  = URIUtils.GetQueryParameter(uri, FacebookAuthorizer.QueryParameterEmail);
                    var authorizer             = new FacebookAuthorizer(email);
                    Uri remoteWithQueryRemoved = null;

                        remoteWithQueryRemoved = new UriBuilder(remote.Scheme, remote.GetHost(), remote.Port, remote.AbsolutePath).Uri;
                    catch (UriFormatException e)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid URI format.", "remote", e);

                    FacebookAuthorizer.RegisterAccessToken(facebookAccessToken, email, remoteWithQueryRemoved.ToString());

                    Authorizer = authorizer;
                // we need to remove the query from the URL, since it will cause problems when
                // communicating with sync gw / couchdb
                    RemoteUrl = new UriBuilder(remote.Scheme, remote.GetHost(), remote.Port, remote.AbsolutePath).Uri;
                catch (UriFormatException e)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid URI format.", "remote", e);

            Batcher = new Batcher <RevisionInternal>(workExecutor, InboxCapacity, ProcessorDelay,
                                                     inbox =>
                Log.V(Database.Tag, "*** " + this + ": BEGIN processInbox (" + inbox.Count + " sequences)");
                ProcessInbox(new RevisionList(inbox));
                Log.V(Database.Tag, "*** " + this.ToString() + ": END processInbox (lastSequence=" + LastSequence);
            }, CancellationTokenSource);

            this.clientFactory = clientFactory ?? CouchbaseLiteHttpClientFactory.Instance;