internal static async Task SeedPersonResume(this ILifetimeScope scope,
                                                    int resumeId = 1,
                                                    int personId = Defaults.PersonId)
            var db = scope.Resolve <AppDbContext>();

            var toAdd = new PersonResume()
                ResumeId          = resumeId,
                PersonId          = personId,
                Description       = "Description",
                Permission        = "Permission granted",
                ModifiedDate      = Defaults.Today,
                Summary           = "Person experience summary",
                ShowProfilePhoto  = true,
                ResumePersonSkill = new List <ResumePersonSkill>()
                    new ResumePersonSkill()
                        Skill = SkillHelper.CreateSkill()

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
예제 #2
            private static void MergeResumeSkills(PersonResume resume, ResumePersonSkillDto[] skills)
                var toAdd = from r in skills ?? System.Array.Empty <ResumePersonSkillDto>()
                            join e in resume.ResumePersonSkill on r.SkillId equals e.SkillId into ge
                            from e in ge.DefaultIfEmpty()
                            select(r, e);

                foreach (var(skill, existing) in toAdd)
                    if (existing == null)
                        if (skill.IsHidden || skill.IsRelevant || skill.Position > 1)
                            resume.ResumePersonSkill.Add(Update(new ResumePersonSkill(), skill));
                        Update(existing, skill);
        private void AssertClonedResume(PersonResume template, PersonResume clone)
            var t = template;
            var c = clone;

            Assert.Equal(t.Description, c.Description);
            Assert.Equal(t.Permission, c.Permission);
            Assert.Equal(t.PersonId, c.PersonId);
            Assert.Equal(t.Position, c.Position);
            Assert.Equal(t.ShowProfilePhoto, c.ShowProfilePhoto);
            Assert.Equal(t.Summary, c.Summary);
            Assert.Equal(t.ResumePersonSkill.Count, c.ResumePersonSkill.Count);

            foreach (var s in t.ResumePersonSkill)
                var cSkill = c.ResumePersonSkill
                             .FirstOrDefault(i => i.SkillId == s.SkillId);
                Assert.Equal(s.IsHidden, cSkill.IsHidden);
                Assert.Equal(s.IsRelevant, cSkill.IsRelevant);
                Assert.Equal(s.Position, cSkill.Position);
예제 #4
            private Result <PersonResume> CloneResume(PersonResume resumeToClone)
                var r     = resumeToClone;
                var toAdd = new PersonResume()
                    Description       = r.Description,
                    ModifiedDate      = _dateTimeService.Now,
                    Permission        = r.Permission,
                    PersonId          = r.PersonId,
                    Position          = r.Position,
                    ShowProfilePhoto  = r.ShowProfilePhoto,
                    Summary           = r.Summary,
                    ResumePersonSkill = resumeToClone.ResumePersonSkill
                                        .Select(s => new ResumePersonSkill()
                        IsHidden   = s.IsHidden,
                        IsRelevant = s.IsRelevant,
                        Position   = s.Position,
                        SkillId    = s.SkillId

예제 #5
        public List <PersonResume> QueryPersonResume()
            string               comText         = @"SELECT  pr.Number,left(pbi.AccountID,18)AccountID,
                                    CONVERT(varchar(100),  pr.UpdateTime, 20)UpdateTime ,
                                    pr.ResumeName ,
                                    OpenStatus =case when pr.OpenStatus=0 then 0 else 1 end,
                                    Intention = CASE WHEN jwi.Intention = NULL THEN 1
                                                     ELSE 0
                                                END ,
                                    Experiences = CASE WHEN pwe.Experiences = NULL THEN 1
                                                       ELSE 0
                                                  END ,
                                    EducationAndTrainingBackground = CASE WHEN et.EducationAndTrainingBackground = NULL
                                                                          THEN 1
                                                                          ELSE 0
                                                                     END ,
                                    SUBSTRING(pr.SelfEvaluation, 0, 500) SelfEvaluation ,
                                    cj.JobID ,
                                    WorkingMode=CASE WHEN jwi.WorkingMode=2 THEN '1' WHEN jwi.WorkingMode=1 THEN '2' ELSE '3' END,
                                    Years = case when pwe.Years<1 and pwe.Years>0 then 1  when pwe.Years<3 then 2
                                    when pwe.Years>=3 and pwe.Years<=5 then 3  when pwe.Years>5 and pwe.Years<=10 then 4 when pwe.Years>10 then 5 else 0 end
                             FROM   dbo.PersonResume pr
                                    JOIN dbo.PersonBaseInfo pbi ON pr.InfoID=pbi.Id
                                    JOIN dbo.PersonJobWantedIntention jwi ON jwi.ResumeID = pr.Id
                                    JOIN PersonWorkExperience pwe ON pwe.ResumeID = pr.Id
                                    JOIN dbo.PersonEducationAndTraining et ON et.ResumeID = pr.Id
                                    JOIN (select *from( select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by p2.JobId 
                                    order by p2.JobId)sequence from CompanyJob p2 )t where t.sequence=1)
                                     cj ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), cj.JobID) = (SELECT top 1 * FROM dbo.StringSplit(jwi.ExpectedJobID ,','))
                             WHERE  pr.IsAudited = 1";
            DataTable            resumeInfoTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(comText, new SqlParameter("@param", DBNull.Value));
            List <JobCodeMapper> codeMappers     = SqlHelper.QueryJobCodeMapper();

            string               cmdText2           = "select * from PullInfoRecord where type='个人简历'";
            DataTable            yetresumeInfoTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(cmdText2, new SqlParameter("@param", DBNull.Value));
            List <YetInsertInfo> YetInsertInfolist  = new List <YetInsertInfo>();
            List <PersonResume>  resumeInfolist     = new List <PersonResume>();

            if (yetresumeInfoTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow item in yetresumeInfoTable.Rows)
                    YetInsertInfo yetInsertInfo = new YetInsertInfo()
                        number     = item["number"].ToString(),
                        type       = item["type"].ToString(),
                        updateTime = item["updateTime"].ToString()

            if (resumeInfoTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow item in resumeInfoTable.Rows)
                    PersonResume PersonResume = new PersonResume()
                        acc200 = item["Number"].ToString(),
                        aac001 = item["AccountID"].ToString(),
                        acc201 = item["ResumeName"].ToString(),
                        acc202 = item["OpenStatus"].ToString(),
                        acc205 = item["Intention"].ToString(),
                        acc206 = item["Experiences"].ToString(),
                        acc208 = item["EducationAndTrainingBackground"].ToString(),
                        //acc209 = item["SelfEvaluation"].ToString(),

                        //aca111 =

                        aca112 = item["JobName"].ToString(),

                        acc217 = item["Years"].ToString(),

                        acc203 = "0",
                        aae043 = item["UpdateTime"].ToString(),
                        aae044 = item["UpdateTime"].ToString(),
                        yae100 = "广元人才中心",
                        aae036 = item["UpdateTime"].ToString(),
                        aae017 = "广元人才中心",
                        aae011 = "广元市",
                        aae022 = "510800000000",
                        ycb213 = item["WorkingMode"].ToString(),
                        acb215 = "510800000000"
                    JobCodeMapper cm = codeMappers.Where(c => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.ID) && c.ID.Equals(item["JobID"])).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (cm == null)
                        PersonResume.aca111 = "4010000";
                        PersonResume.aca111 = cm.codeValue;

            DateTimeFormatInfo dtFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo();

            dtFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy/MM/dd";
            //需要推送的信息 过滤:未插入,插入但更新时间大于推送时间

            List <PersonResume> personResumes1 = resumeInfolist.Where(r => !YetInsertInfolist.Any(y => y.number == r.acc200)).ToList();
            List <PersonResume> personResumes2 = resumeInfolist.Where(r => YetInsertInfolist.Any(y => y.number == r.acc200 && Convert.ToDateTime(y.updateTime, dtFormat)
                                                                                                 < Convert.ToDateTime(r.aae044, dtFormat))).ToList();
            List <PersonResume> personResumes = personResumes1.Union(personResumes2).ToList <PersonResume>();

예제 #6
        public List <PersonResume> QueryPersonResume()
            string               comText         = @"SELECT   *
                                               FROM     ( SELECT    pr.Number ,
                                                                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Number ORDER BY Number ) sequence ,
                                                                    LEFT(pbi.AccountID, 18) AccountID ,
                                                                    CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), pr.UpdateTime, 20) UpdateTime ,
                                                                    pr.ResumeName ,
                                                                    OpenStatus = CASE WHEN pr.OpenStatus = 0 THEN 0
                                                                                      ELSE 1
                                                                                 END ,
                                                                    Intention = CASE WHEN jwi.Intention = NULL THEN 1
                                                                                     ELSE 0
                                                                                END ,
                                                                    Experiences = CASE WHEN pwe.Experiences = NULL
                                                                                       THEN 1
                                                                                       ELSE 0
                                                                                  END ,
                                                                    EducationAndTrainingBackground = CASE
                                                                                                      WHEN et.EducationAndTrainingBackground = NULL
                                                                                                      THEN 1
                                                                                                      ELSE 0
                                                                                                     END ,
                                                                    SUBSTRING(pr.SelfEvaluation, 0, 500) SelfEvaluation ,
                                                                    cj.JobID ,
                                                                    cj.JobName ,
                                                                    WorkingMode = CASE WHEN jwi.WorkingMode = 2
                                                                                       THEN '1'
                                                                                       WHEN jwi.WorkingMode = 1
                                                                                       THEN '2'
                                                                                       ELSE '3'
                                                                                  END ,
                                                                    Years = CASE WHEN pwe.Years < 1
                                                                                      AND pwe.Years > 0 THEN 1
                                                                                 WHEN pwe.Years < 3 THEN 2
                                                                                 WHEN pwe.Years >= 3
                                                                                      AND pwe.Years <= 5 THEN 3
                                                                                 WHEN pwe.Years > 5
                                                                                      AND pwe.Years <= 10 THEN 4
                                                                                 WHEN pwe.Years > 10 THEN 5
                                                                                 ELSE 0
                                                          FROM      dbo.PersonResumes pr
                                                                    JOIN dbo.PersonBaseInfo pbi ON pr.InfoID = pbi.Id
                                                                    JOIN dbo.PersonJobWantedIntention jwi ON jwi.ResumeID = pr.Id
                                                                    JOIN PersonWorkExperience pwe ON pwe.ResumeID = pr.Id
                                                                    JOIN dbo.PersonEducationAndTraining et ON et.ResumeID = pr.Id
                                                                    JOIN ( SELECT   *
                                                                           FROM     ( SELECT    * ,
                                                                                                ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY p2.JobID ORDER BY p2.JobId ) sequence
                                                                                      FROM      RecruitmentJobs p2
                                                                                    ) t
                                                                           WHERE    t.sequence = 1
                                                                         ) cj ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), cj.JobID) = ( SELECT TOP 1
                                                          WHERE     pr.IsAudited = 1
                                                        ) t
                                               WHERE    t.sequence = 1";
            DataTable            resumeInfoTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(comText, new SqlParameter("@param", DBNull.Value));
            List <JobCodeMapper> codeMappers     = SqlHelper.QueryJobCodeMapper();

            string               cmdText2           = "select * from PullInfoRecord where type='个人简历'";
            DataTable            yetresumeInfoTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(cmdText2, new SqlParameter("@param", DBNull.Value));
            List <YetInsertInfo> YetInsertInfolist  = new List <YetInsertInfo>();
            List <PersonResume>  resumeInfolist     = new List <PersonResume>();

            if (yetresumeInfoTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow item in yetresumeInfoTable.Rows)
                    YetInsertInfo yetInsertInfo = new YetInsertInfo()
                        number     = item["number"].ToString(),
                        type       = item["type"].ToString(),
                        updateTime = item["updateTime"].ToString()

            if (resumeInfoTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow item in resumeInfoTable.Rows)
                    PersonResume PersonResume = new PersonResume()
                        acc200 = item["Number"].ToString(),
                        aac001 = item["AccountID"].ToString(),
                        acc201 = item["ResumeName"].ToString(),
                        acc202 = item["OpenStatus"].ToString(),
                        acc205 = item["Intention"].ToString(),
                        acc206 = item["Experiences"].ToString(),
                        acc208 = item["EducationAndTrainingBackground"].ToString(),
                        //acc209 = item["SelfEvaluation"].ToString(),

                        //aca111 =

                        aca112 = item["JobName"].ToString(),

                        acc217 = item["Years"].ToString(),

                        acc203 = "0",
                        // 登记日期
                        aae043 = item["UpdateTime"].ToString(),
                        yae100 = "攀枝花市人才服务中心",
                        aae036 = item["UpdateTime"].ToString(),
                        aae017 = "攀枝花市人才服务中心",
                        aae011 = "攀枝花市",
                        aae022 = "510401000000",
                        ycb213 = item["WorkingMode"].ToString(),
                        acb215 = "510401000000"
                    JobCodeMapper cm = codeMappers.Where(c => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.ID) && c.ID.Equals(item["JobID"])).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (cm == null)
                        PersonResume.aca111 = "4010000";
                        PersonResume.aca111 = cm.typeCode;

            DateTimeFormatInfo dtFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo();

            dtFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy/MM/dd";
            //需要推送的信息 过滤:未插入,插入但更新时间大于推送时间

            List <PersonResume> personResumes1 = resumeInfolist.Where(r => !YetInsertInfolist.Any(y => y.number == r.acc200)).ToList();

            //List<PersonResume> personResumes2 = resumeInfolist.Where(r => YetInsertInfolist.Any(y => y.number == r.acc200 && Convert.ToDateTime(y.updateTime, dtFormat)
            //< Convert.ToDateTime(r.aae043, dtFormat))).ToList();
            //List<PersonResume> personResumes = personResumes1.Union(personResumes2).ToList<PersonResume>();