예제 #1
        public void InsertPersonLicenseTest()
            LicenseService target = new LicenseService(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

            #region Header Init
            List <PersonLicenseHead> headerls = new List <PersonLicenseHead>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            PersonLicenseHead        headEnt  = new PersonLicenseHead();
            headEnt.APPROVE_COMPCODE  = "111";
            headEnt.APPROVED_BY       = null;
            headEnt.APPROVED_DATE     = null;
            headEnt.APPROVED_DOC      = "W";
            headEnt.COMP_CODE         = null;
            headEnt.COMP_NAME         = null;
            headEnt.FILENAME          = null;
            headEnt.FLAG_LIC          = null;
            headEnt.FLAG_REQ          = null;
            headEnt.LICENSE_TYPE_CODE = "03";
            headEnt.LOTS               = 1;
            headEnt.MONEY              = 200;
            headEnt.PAYMENT_NO         = null;
            headEnt.PETITION_TYPE_CODE = "16";
            headEnt.REQUEST_NO         = null;
            headEnt.TRAN_DATE          = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
            headEnt.UPLOAD_BY_SESSION  = "140609145948540";
            headEnt.UPLOAD_GROUP_NO    = "140701152850898";

            #region Detail Init
            List <PersonLicenseDetail> detaills  = new List <PersonLicenseDetail>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            PersonLicenseDetail        detailEnt = new PersonLicenseDetail();
            detailEnt.ADDRESS_1         = "asdfasfdasf";
            detailEnt.ADDRESS_2         = null;
            detailEnt.APPROVED          = "W";
            detailEnt.APPROVED_BY       = null;
            detailEnt.APPROVED_DATE     = null;
            detailEnt.AR_DATE           = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0544");
            detailEnt.AREA_CODE         = "10";
            detailEnt.CURRENT_ADDRESS_1 = "asdfasfdasf";
            detailEnt.CURRENT_ADDRESS_2 = null;
            detailEnt.CURRENT_AREA_CODE = "10";
            detailEnt.EMAIL             = "*****@*****.**";
            detailEnt.ERR_DESC          = null;
            detailEnt.FEES                = 200;
            detailEnt.HEAD_REQUEST_NO     = null;
            detailEnt.ID_CARD_NO          = "1589900053854";
            detailEnt.LASTNAME            = "มุ่งดี";
            detailEnt.LICENSE_DATE        = null;
            detailEnt.LICENSE_EXPIRE_DATE = null;
            detailEnt.LICENSE_NO          = "5603007789";
            detailEnt.NAMES               = "เบญจมาส";
            detailEnt.OLD_COMP_CODE       = null;
            detailEnt.ORDERS              = null;
            detailEnt.PAY_EXPIRE          = Convert.ToDateTime("21/5/2558");
            detailEnt.PRE_NAME_CODE       = "2";
            detailEnt.RENEW_TIMES         = "1";
            detailEnt.REQUEST_NO          = null;
            detailEnt.SEQ_NO              = "0001";
            detailEnt.TITLE_NAME          = "นางสาว";
            detailEnt.UPLOAD_GROUP_NO     = "140701152850898";

            #region UserProfile Init
            UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            userProfile.AgentType      = "Z";
            userProfile.CompCode       = null;
            userProfile.DepartmentCode = null;
            userProfile.DepartmentName = null;
            userProfile.DeptCode       = null;
            userProfile.EmployeeCode   = null;
            userProfile.EmployeeName   = null;
            userProfile.Id             = "140609145948540";
            userProfile.IdCard         = "1589900053854";
            userProfile.IS_APPROVE     = "Y";
            userProfile.LastName       = null;
            userProfile.LicenseNo      = null;
            userProfile.LoginName      = "1589900053854";
            userProfile.LoginStatus    = "0";
            userProfile.MemberType     = 1;
            userProfile.Name           = "เบญจมาส มุ่งดี";
            userProfile.OIC_EMP_NO     = null;
            userProfile.OIC_User_Id    = null;
            userProfile.OIC_User_Type  = null;
            userProfile.PositionCode   = null;
            userProfile.PositionName   = null;
            userProfile.STATUS         = "2";
            userProfile.TitleName      = null;
            userProfile.UserGroup      = null;

            #region AttatchFileLicense Init
            List <AttatchFileLicense> files = new List <AttatchFileLicense>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int count = 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                i = i + 1;
                AttatchFileLicense file = new AttatchFileLicense();
                if (i == 1)
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_PATH = "Temp\\140609145948540\\140701152905098_03.jpg";
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE = "03";
                    file.CREATED_BY       = "1589900053854";
                    file.CREATED_DATE     = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
                    file.FILE_STATUS      = "W";
                    file.GROUP_LICENSE_ID = "140701152850898";
                    file.ID_ATTACH_FILE   = "140609145948540";
                    file.ID_CARD_NO       = "1589900053854";
                    file.LICENSE_NO       = null;
                    file.REMARK           = "hhh";
                    file.RENEW_TIME       = null;
                    file.UPDATED_BY       = "1589900053854";
                    file.UPDATED_DATE     = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_PATH = "Temp\\140609145948540\\140701153226031_65.jpg";
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE = "65";
                    file.CREATED_BY       = "1589900053854";
                    file.CREATED_DATE     = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
                    file.FILE_STATUS      = "W";
                    file.GROUP_LICENSE_ID = "140701153215473";
                    file.ID_ATTACH_FILE   = "140609145948540";
                    file.ID_CARD_NO       = "1589900053854";
                    file.LICENSE_NO       = null;
                    file.REMARK           = "";
                    file.RENEW_TIME       = null;
                    file.UPDATED_BY       = "1589900053854";
                    file.UPDATED_DATE     = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");



            ResponseMessage <bool> expected = new ResponseMessage <bool>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            expected.ResultMessage = true;
            ResponseMessage <bool> actual = new ResponseMessage <bool>();
            actual = target.InsertPersonLicense(headerls, detaills, userProfile, files);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
예제 #2
        private void Init()
            LicenseBiz biz = new LicenseBiz();
            #region Header Init
            List<PersonLicenseHead> headerls = new List<PersonLicenseHead>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            PersonLicenseHead headEnt = new PersonLicenseHead();
            headEnt.APPROVE_COMPCODE = "111";
            headEnt.APPROVED_BY = null;
            headEnt.APPROVED_DATE = null;
            headEnt.APPROVED_DOC = "W";
            headEnt.COMP_CODE = null;
            headEnt.COMP_NAME = null;
            headEnt.FILENAME = null;
            headEnt.FLAG_LIC = null;
            headEnt.FLAG_REQ = null;
            headEnt.LICENSE_TYPE_CODE = "03";
            headEnt.LOTS = 1;
            headEnt.MONEY = 200;
            headEnt.PAYMENT_NO = null;
            headEnt.PETITION_TYPE_CODE = "16";
            headEnt.REQUEST_NO = null;
            headEnt.TRAN_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
            headEnt.UPLOAD_BY_SESSION = "140609145948540";
            headEnt.UPLOAD_GROUP_NO = "140701152850898";

            #region Detail Init
            List<PersonLicenseDetail> detaills = new List<PersonLicenseDetail>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            PersonLicenseDetail detailEnt = new PersonLicenseDetail();
            detailEnt.ADDRESS_1 = "asdfasfdasf";
            detailEnt.ADDRESS_2 = null;
            detailEnt.APPROVED = "W";
            detailEnt.APPROVED_BY = null;
            detailEnt.APPROVED_DATE = null;
            detailEnt.AR_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0544");
            detailEnt.AREA_CODE = "10";
            detailEnt.CURRENT_ADDRESS_1 = "asdfasfdasf";
            detailEnt.CURRENT_ADDRESS_2 = null;
            detailEnt.CURRENT_AREA_CODE = "10";
            detailEnt.EMAIL = "*****@*****.**";
            detailEnt.ERR_DESC = null;
            detailEnt.FEES = 200;
            detailEnt.HEAD_REQUEST_NO = null;
            detailEnt.ID_CARD_NO = "1589900053854";
            detailEnt.LASTNAME = "มุ่งดี";
            detailEnt.LICENSE_DATE = null;
            detailEnt.LICENSE_EXPIRE_DATE = null;
            detailEnt.LICENSE_NO = "5603007789";
            detailEnt.NAMES = "เบญจมาส";
            detailEnt.OLD_COMP_CODE = null;
            detailEnt.ORDERS = null;
            detailEnt.PAY_EXPIRE = Convert.ToDateTime("21/5/2558");
            detailEnt.PRE_NAME_CODE = "2";
            detailEnt.RENEW_TIMES = "1";
            detailEnt.REQUEST_NO = null;
            detailEnt.SEQ_NO = "0001";
            detailEnt.TITLE_NAME = "นางสาว";
            detailEnt.UPLOAD_GROUP_NO = "140701152850898";

            #region UserProfile Init
            UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            userProfile.AgentType = "Z";
            userProfile.CompCode = null;
            userProfile.DepartmentCode = null;
            userProfile.DepartmentName = null;
            userProfile.DeptCode = null;
            userProfile.EmployeeCode = null;
            userProfile.EmployeeName = null;
            userProfile.Id = "140609145948540";
            userProfile.IdCard = "1589900053854";
            userProfile.IS_APPROVE = "Y";
            userProfile.LastName = null;
            userProfile.LicenseNo = null;
            userProfile.LoginName = "1589900053854";
            userProfile.LoginStatus = "0";
            userProfile.MemberType = 1;
            userProfile.Name = "เบญจมาส มุ่งดี";
            userProfile.OIC_EMP_NO = null;
            userProfile.OIC_User_Id = null;
            userProfile.OIC_User_Type = null;
            userProfile.PositionCode = null;
            userProfile.PositionName = null;
            userProfile.STATUS = "2";
            userProfile.TitleName = null;
            userProfile.UserGroup = null;

            #region AttatchFileLicense Init
            List<AttatchFileLicense> files = new List<AttatchFileLicense>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int count = 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                AttatchFileLicense file = new AttatchFileLicense();
                if (i == 1)
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_PATH = "Temp\\140609145948540\\140701152905098_03.jpg";
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE = "03";
                    file.CREATED_BY = "1589900053854";
                    file.CREATED_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
                    file.FILE_STATUS = "W";
                    file.GROUP_LICENSE_ID = "140701152850898";
                    file.ID_ATTACH_FILE = "140609145948540";
                    file.ID_CARD_NO = "1589900053854";
                    file.LICENSE_NO = null;
                    file.REMARK = "hhh";
                    file.RENEW_TIME = null;
                    file.UPDATED_BY = "1589900053854";
                    file.UPDATED_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");

                    file.ATTACH_FILE_PATH = "Temp\\140609145948540\\140701153226031_65.jpg";
                    file.ATTACH_FILE_TYPE = "65";
                    file.CREATED_BY = "1589900053854";
                    file.CREATED_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");
                    file.FILE_STATUS = "W";
                    file.GROUP_LICENSE_ID = "140701153215473";
                    file.ID_ATTACH_FILE = "140609145948540";
                    file.ID_CARD_NO = "1589900053854";
                    file.LICENSE_NO = null;
                    file.REMARK = "";
                    file.RENEW_TIME = null;
                    file.UPDATED_BY = "1589900053854";
                    file.UPDATED_DATE = Convert.ToDateTime("1/7/2557");


            DTO.ResponseMessage<bool> resInsertLicense = biz.InsertPersonLicense(headerls.ToArray(), detaills.ToArray(), userProfile, files.ToArray());

            if (resInsertLicense.ResultMessage == true)
                lblRes.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                lblRes.Text = Convert.ToString(resInsertLicense.ResultMessage);
                lblRes.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                lblRes.Text = resInsertLicense.ErrorMsg;
