public static Equity Transform(this Equity sourceEquity, PeriodOption targetPeriod) { if (sourceEquity.Period == targetPeriod) { return(sourceEquity); } if (!IsTransformationValid(sourceEquity.Period, targetPeriod)) { throw new InvalidTransformationException(sourceEquity.Period, targetPeriod); } var candles = new List <Candle>(); var periodInstance = targetPeriod.CreateInstance(); DateTime startTime = sourceEquity.First().DateTime; while (startTime <= sourceEquity.Last().DateTime) { var nextStartTime = periodInstance.NextTimestamp(startTime); if (periodInstance.IsTimestamp(startTime)) { var candle = ComputeCandle(sourceEquity, startTime, nextStartTime); if (candle != null) { candles.Add(candle); } } startTime = nextStartTime; } return(new Equity(sourceEquity.Name, candles, targetPeriod)); }
private static bool IsTransformationValid(PeriodOption inputPeriod, PeriodOption outputPeriod) { var inputInstance = inputPeriod.CreateInstance(); var outputInstance = outputPeriod.CreateInstance(); if (inputInstance is IIntradayPeriod input) { return(!(outputInstance is IIntradayPeriod output) || (input.NumberOfSecond < output.NumberOfSecond)); } var input2 = inputInstance as IInterdayPeriod; if (outputInstance is IIntradayPeriod output2) { return(false); } var output3 = outputInstance as IInterdayPeriod; if (input2.OrderOfTransformation >= output3.OrderOfTransformation) { return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync( string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) => await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (var fs = File.OpenRead(_path)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs)) using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(sr, new CsvConfiguration(_culture) { Delimiter = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_delimiter) ? "," : _delimiter, HasHeaderRecord = _hasHeader })) { var candles = new List <IOhlcv>(); bool isHeaderBypassed = false; while (csvReader.Read()) { // HasHeaderRecord is not working for CsvReader 6.0.2 if (_hasHeader && !isHeaderBypassed) { isHeaderBypassed = true; continue; } var date = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_format) ? csvReader.GetField <DateTime>(0) : DateTime.ParseExact(csvReader.GetField <string>(0), _format, _culture); if ((!startTime.HasValue || date >= startTime) && (!endTime.HasValue || date <= endTime)) { candles.Add(GetRecord(csvReader)); } } return(candles.OrderBy(c => c.Time).ToList()); } }, token);
public static SelectList GetPeriodOptionsList(PeriodOption?defaultPeriodOption = null) { PeriodOption defaultOption = defaultPeriodOption ?? PeriodOption.None; string selectedPeriodOption = ConvertPeriodOptionToString(defaultOption); SelectList periodOptionsList = new SelectList(_optionsList, selectedPeriodOption); return(periodOptionsList); }
public TimeSeries(string name, IEnumerable <TTick> ticks, PeriodOption period) { Name = name; Ticks = (ticks ?? new List <TTick>()).OrderBy(t => t.DateTime).ToList(); Period = period; if (!IsTimeSeriesValid(out var errorTick)) { throw new InvalidTimeFrameException(errorTick.DateTime); } }
public PeriodViewModel(PeriodBindingModel periodBinging, int?periodId) { Period = periodBinging; PeriodId = periodId; PeriodNumber number = PeriodNumbersHelper.ConvertStringToPeriodNumber(Period.Number); PeriodOption option = PeriodOptionsHelper.ConvertStringToPeriodOption(Period.Option); NumbersList = PeriodNumbersHelper.GetPeriodNumbersList(number); OptionsList = PeriodOptionsHelper.GetPeriodOptionsList(option); }
public static IPeriod CreateInstance(this PeriodOption period, Country?country = null) { string periodName = Enum.GetName(typeof(PeriodOption), period); var periodType = Type.GetType($"Trady.Core.Period.{periodName}"); if (!country.HasValue || periodType is IIntradayPeriod) { return((IPeriod)Activator.CreateInstance(periodType)); } else { return((IPeriod)Activator.CreateInstance(periodType, new object[] { country.Value })); } }
/// <summary> /// Imports the async. endTime stock history inclusive /// </summary> /// <returns>The async.</returns> /// <param name="symbol">Symbol.</param> /// <param name="startTime">Start time.</param> /// <param name="endTime">End time.</param> /// <param name="period">Period.</param> /// <param name="token">Token.</param> public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync( string symbol, DateTime?startTime = default(DateTime?), DateTime?endTime = default(DateTime?), PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (period != PeriodOption.Daily && period != PeriodOption.Monthly && period != PeriodOption.Weekly) { throw new ArgumentException("This importer only supports daily, weekly & monthly data"); } var candles = await StooqApi.Stooq.GetHistoricalAsync(symbol, PeriodMap[period], startTime, endTime, SkipOption.None, false, token); return(candles.Select(c => new ES.Domain.Models.CandleTrade(c.DateTime, c.Open, c.High, c.Low, c.Close, c.Volume)).OrderBy(c => c.Time).ToList()); }
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync( string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (period != PeriodOption.Daily && period != PeriodOption.Weekly && period != PeriodOption.Monthly) { throw new ArgumentException("This importer only supports daily, weekly & monthly data"); } var response = await _client.Timeseries.GetDataAsync(_databaseCode, symbol, startDate : startTime, endDate : endTime, token : token, collapse : PeriodMap[period]).ConfigureAwait(false); return(response.DatasetData.Data.Where(r => !r.IsNullOrWhitespace()).Select(r => r.CreateIOhlcvData()).OrderBy(c => c.Time).ToList()); }
private static DateTime AddPeriod(DateTime dateTime, PeriodOption period) { switch (period) { case PeriodOption.Daily: return(dateTime.AddDays(1)); case PeriodOption.Weekly: return(dateTime.AddDays(7)); case PeriodOption.Monthly: return(dateTime.AddMonths(1)); default: return(dateTime); } }
/// <summary> /// Imports the async. Endtime stock history exclusive /// </summary> /// <returns>The async.</returns> /// <param name="symbol">Symbol.</param> /// <param name="startTime">Start time.</param> /// <param name="endTime">End time.</param> /// <param name="period">Period.</param> /// <param name="token">Token.</param> public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = default(DateTime?), DateTime?endTime = default(DateTime?), PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (period != PeriodOption.Daily && period != PeriodOption.Weekly && period != PeriodOption.Monthly) { throw new ArgumentException("This importer only supports daily, weekly & monthly data"); } var corrStartTime = (startTime < UnixMinDateTime ? UnixMinDateTime : startTime) ?? UnixMinDateTime; var corrEndTime = (endTime > UnixMaxDateTime ? UnixMaxDateTime : endTime) ?? UnixMaxDateTime; var candles = await YahooFinanceApi.Yahoo.GetHistoricalAsync(symbol, corrStartTime, corrEndTime, PeriodMap[period], token); return(candles.Select(c => new ES.Domain.Models.CandleTrade(c.DateTime, c.Open, c.High, c.Low, c.Close, c.Volume)).OrderBy(c => c.Time).ToList()); }
public static string ConvertPeriodOptionToString(PeriodOption periodOption) { switch (periodOption) { case PeriodOption.None: return(None); case PeriodOption.Once: return(Once); case PeriodOption.Since: return(Since); case PeriodOption.Until: return(Until); case PeriodOption.OnceDifferentCabinet: return(OnceDifferentCabinet); default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(periodOption), (int)periodOption, typeof(PeriodOption)); } }
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <Candle> > ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { List <Candle> cndls = new List <Candle>(); //Import Candles from Data.Candle5m, get more data from sqlite if needed: if (endTime == null) { endTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } bool histLinesReady = BtrexData.Markets[symbol].TradeHistory.Candles5m != null && BtrexData.Markets[symbol].TradeHistory.Candles5m.Any(); if (histLinesReady) { List <HistDataLine> HistLines = new List <HistDataLine>(); HistLines.AddRange(BtrexData.Markets[symbol].TradeHistory.Candles5m); if (startTime <= HistLines.First().T) { histLinesReady = false; } foreach (HistDataLine histLine in HistLines) { if (histLine.T >= startTime || histLine.T <= endTime) { cndls.Add(new Candle(histLine.T, histLine.O, histLine.H, histLine.L, histLine.C, histLine.V)); } } } if (!histLinesReady) { //Call lines from SQLite and set cndls in correct order: List <Candle> sqlCndls = new List <Candle>(); using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + HistoricalData.dbName + ";Version=3;")) { conn.Open(); string startTimeString = startTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), endTimeString = endTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string commandString = "SELECT * FROM " + symbol.Replace('-', '_') + " WHERE DateTime >= '" + startTimeString + "'" + " AND DateTime <= '" + endTimeString + "'"; using (var sqlAdapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(commandString, conn)) sqlAdapter.Fill(dt); foreach (DataRow line in dt.Rows) { sqlCndls.Add(new Candle(Convert.ToDateTime(line["DateTime"]), Convert.ToDecimal(line["Open"]), Convert.ToDecimal(line["High"]), Convert.ToDecimal(line["Low"]), Convert.ToDecimal(line["Close"]), Convert.ToDecimal(line["Volume"]))); } conn.Close(); } cndls.InsertRange(0, sqlCndls); } return(cndls); }
/// <summary> /// Imports the async. endTime stock history inclusive /// </summary> /// <returns>The async.</returns> /// <param name="symbol">Symbol.</param> /// <param name="startTime">Start time.</param> /// <param name="endTime">End time.</param> /// <param name="period">Period.</param> /// <param name="token">Token.</param> public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = default(DateTime?), DateTime?endTime = default(DateTime?), PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (period == PeriodOption.PerSecond || period == PeriodOption.Per10Minute || period == PeriodOption.BiHourly) { throw new ArgumentException($"This importer does not support {period.ToString()}"); } Client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); string query = string.Empty; string function = "TIME_SERIES_DAILY"; string format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; switch (period) { case PeriodOption.PerMinute: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; function = "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&interval=1min"; break; case PeriodOption.Per5Minute: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; function = "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&interval=5min"; break; case PeriodOption.Per15Minute: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; function = "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&interval=15min"; break; case PeriodOption.Per30Minute: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; function = "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&interval=30min"; break; case PeriodOption.Hourly: format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; function = "function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&interval=60min"; break; case PeriodOption.Daily: function = "function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY"; break; case PeriodOption.Weekly: function = "function=TIME_SERIES_WEEKLY"; break; case PeriodOption.Monthly: function = "function=TIME_SERIES_MONTHLY"; break; default: break; } query = $"/query?{function}&symbol={symbol}&apikey={ApiKey}&outputsize={OutputSize.ToString()}&datatype=csv"; var csvStream = await client.GetStreamAsync(query); TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(csvStream); var culture = "en-US"; var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo(culture); var candles = new List <IOhlcv>(); using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(textReader, new Configuration() { CultureInfo = cultureInfo, Delimiter = ",", HasHeaderRecord = true })) { bool isHeaderBypassed = false; while (csvReader.Read()) { // HasHeaderRecord is not working for CsvReader 6.0.2 if (!isHeaderBypassed) { isHeaderBypassed = true; continue; } var date = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(format) ? csvReader.GetField <DateTime>(0) : DateTime.ParseExact(csvReader.GetField <string>(0), format, cultureInfo); if ((!startTime.HasValue || date >= startTime) && (!endTime.HasValue || date <= endTime)) { candles.Add(GetRecord(csvReader, format, cultureInfo)); } } } return(candles.OrderBy(c => c.DateTime).ToList()); }
public Equity(string name, IEnumerable <Candle> candles, PeriodOption period) : base(name, candles, period) { }
public static Equity ToEquity(this IEnumerable <Candle> candles, string name, PeriodOption period) => new Equity(name, candles, period);
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <Core.Candle> > ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = default(DateTime?), DateTime?endTime = default(DateTime?), PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (!PeriodMap.TryGetValue(period, out int frequency)) { throw new ArgumentException("This importer only supports second, minute, hourly & daily data"); } if (!symbol.Contains(SymbolSeparator.ToString())) { throw new ArgumentException("The input symbol should be in the form of \'{Market}/{Symbol}\'"); } string[] syms = symbol.Split(SymbolSeparator); var candles = await Task.Run(() => _lqs.GetValues(syms[0].ToUpper(), syms[1], PeriodMap[period], startTime, endTime)); return(candles.Select(c => new Core.Candle(c.Date, c.Open, c.High, c.Low, c.Close, c.Volume)).OrderBy(c => c.DateTime).ToList()); }
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) => await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (var stream = File.Open(_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream)) { var candles = new List <IOhlcv>(); var result = reader.AsDataSet(); for (int i = 1; i < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { var row = result.Tables[0].Rows[i]; var date = GetDate(row.Field <double>(2)); if ((!startTime.HasValue || date >= startTime) && (!endTime.HasValue || date <= endTime)) { candles.Add(GetRecord(row)); } } return(candles.OrderBy(c => c.DateTime).ToList()); } } }, token);
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <IOhlcv> > ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) => await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (var fs = File.OpenRead(_path)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs)) using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(sr, new CsvConfiguration() { CultureInfo = _culture })) { var candles = new List <IOhlcv>(); while (csvReader.Read()) { var date = csvReader.GetField <DateTime>(0); if ((!startTime.HasValue || date >= startTime) && (!endTime.HasValue || date <= endTime)) { candles.Add(GetRecord(csvReader)); } } return(candles.OrderBy(c => c.DateTime).ToList()); } });
public async Task <Equity> ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = default(DateTime?), DateTime?endTime = default(DateTime?), PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (period != PeriodOption.Daily && period != PeriodOption.Weekly && period != PeriodOption.Monthly) { throw new ArgumentException("This importer only supports daily, weekly & monthly data"); } var yahooCandles = await Yahoo.GetHistoricalAsync(symbol, startTime, endTime, _periodMap[period], false, token); var output = new List <Core.Candle>(); foreach (var yahooCandle in yahooCandles) { output.Add(new Core.Candle(yahooCandle.DateTime, yahooCandle.Open, yahooCandle.High, yahooCandle.Low, yahooCandle.Close, yahooCandle.Volume)); } return(output.ToEquity(symbol, period)); }
public async Task <Equity> ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { if (period != PeriodOption.Daily && period != PeriodOption.Weekly && period != PeriodOption.Monthly) { throw new ArgumentException("This importer only supports daily, weekly & monthly data"); } var response = await _client.Dataset.GetAsync(_databaseCode, symbol, startDate : startTime, endDate : endTime, token : token, collapse : _periodMap[period]).ConfigureAwait(false); var candles = response.DatasetData.Data.Where(r => !r.IsNullOrWhitespace()).Select(r => r.CreateCandle()).ToList(); return(candles.ToEquity(symbol, period)); }
public async Task <Equity> ImportAsync(string symbol, DateTime?startTime = null, DateTime?endTime = null, PeriodOption period = PeriodOption.Daily, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { return(await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (var fs = File.OpenRead(_path)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs)) using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(sr)) { var candles = new List <Candle>(); while (csvReader.Read()) { var record = csvReader.CurrentRecord; var recordDatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(record[0]); if (startTime.HasValue && recordDatetime < startTime.Value || endTime.HasValue && recordDatetime >= endTime.Value) { continue; } candles.Add(record.CreateCandle()); } return candles.ToEquity(symbol, period); } })); }
public InvalidTransformationException(PeriodOption sourcePeriod, PeriodOption targetPeriod) { _sourcePeriod = sourcePeriod; _targetPeriod = targetPeriod; }