/// <summary> /// Executes CCExtractor, using the given test entry. /// </summary> /// <param name="test">The test entry data.</param> /// <param name="storeName">The name of the report.</param> /// <returns>An instance of RunData containing the test results.</returns> public RunData CallCCExtractor(TestEntry test, string storeName) { Test = test; string programToRun = Config.CCExctractorLocation; string commandToPass = String.Format("{0} --no_progress_bar", test.Command); string inputFile = Path.Combine(Config.SampleFolder, test.InputFile); string firstOutputFile = Path.Combine(Config.TemporaryFolder, test.CompareFiles[0].ExpectedFile); FileInfo firstOutputFileFI = new FileInfo(firstOutputFile); if (!firstOutputFileFI.Directory.Exists) { firstOutputFileFI.Directory.Create(); } if (Config.UseValgrind) { programToRun = "valgrind"; commandToPass = String.Format("{0} {1}", Config.CCExctractorLocation, commandToPass); } switch (test.OutputFormat) { case OutputType.File: // Append the first file as -o commandToPass += String.Format(@" -o ""{0}""", firstOutputFile); break; case OutputType.Null: // No output file necessary break; case OutputType.Tcp: // We'll need to set up another instance to receive the captions, but we'll do this later commandToPass = String.Format("-sendto{0} --no_progress_bar", Config.TCPPort); break; case OutputType.Cea708: // use -o for base determination & 608 contents commandToPass += String.Format(@" -o ""{0}""", firstOutputFile); break; case OutputType.Multiprogram: // use -o for base filename determination commandToPass += String.Format(@" -o ""{0}""", firstOutputFile); break; case OutputType.Stdout: // No output file necessary break; default: break; } ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(programToRun); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.CreateNoWindow = true; switch (test.InputFormat) { case InputType.File: // Append input file regularly commandToPass += String.Format(@" ""{0}""", inputFile); break; case InputType.Stdin: // No input file to append, but we'll have to add a handler psi.RedirectStandardInput = true; break; case InputType.Udp: // Set up ffmpeg to pass udp to ccextractor later, add -udp to CCExtractor commandToPass += String.Format(" -udp {0}", Config.UDPPort); break; default: break; } psi.Arguments = commandToPass; Logger.Debug("Passed arguments: " + psi.Arguments); Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = psi; p.ErrorDataReceived += processError; if (OutputHandler != null) { p.OutputDataReceived += OutputHandler; } else { p.OutputDataReceived += processOutput; } p.Start(); // Determine if we need to setup a sender process Process input = new Process(); bool input_started = false; if (test.InputFormat == InputType.Udp) { // Set up ffmpeg to stream a file to CCExtractor input.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Config.FFMpegLocation) { Arguments = String.Format(@"-re -i ""{0}"" -loglevel quiet -codec copy -f mpegts udp://{1}", inputFile, Config.UDPPort), UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true }; input_started = input.Start(); } // Determine if we need to setup a receiver process Process output = new Process(); bool output_started = false; if (test.OutputFormat == OutputType.Tcp) { // Set up another CCExtractor instance to receive raw caption data output.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Config.CCExctractorLocation) { Arguments = String.Format(@"{0} -tcp {1} -o ""{2}""", test.Command, Config.TCPPort, firstOutputFile), UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true }; output_started = output.Start(); } // Set up performance logger PerformanceLogger.SetUp(Logger, p); // Start stopwatch Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Start reading output of the main CCExtractor instance p.BeginOutputReadLine(); p.BeginErrorReadLine(); // Create timer and start loop bool canRun = true; System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer(Config.TimeOut * 1000); t.AutoReset = false; t.Elapsed += delegate(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { canRun = false; }; t.Start(); // If we use stdin, we need to pipe as much as possible during the execution run, otherwise we just sleep in a loop. if (test.InputFormat == InputType.Stdin && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(test.InputFile)) { using (StreamWriter sw = p.StandardInput) { using (FileStream sr = File.OpenRead(test.InputFile)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; int read; while (canRun && (read = sr.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { PerformanceLogger.DebugValue(); // Need to write to the basestream directly, as we have a byte buffer. sw.BaseStream.Write(buffer, 0, read); } } } } else { bool extra = true; while (!p.HasExited && canRun && extra) { if (test.InputFormat == InputType.Udp) { extra = !input.HasExited; } if (test.OutputFormat == OutputType.Tcp) { extra = !output.HasExited; } PerformanceLogger.DebugValue(); Thread.Sleep(100); } } watch.Stop(); // Process results RunData rd = new RunData() { ExitCode = -1, Runtime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, Config.TimeOut) }; // If the process hasn't exited now, it means the timer elapsed, so we need to abort CCExtractor if (!p.HasExited) { Logger.Warn("Aborting CCExtractor, maximum time elapsed."); p.CancelErrorRead(); p.CancelOutputRead(); p.Kill(); } else { Logger.Debug("Process Exited. Exit code: " + p.ExitCode); PerformanceLogger.DebugStats(); rd.ExitCode = p.ExitCode; rd.Runtime = watch.Elapsed; } // Preventively kill off any possible other processes if (input_started && !input.HasExited) { input.Kill(); } if (output_started && !output.HasExited) { output.Kill(); } // Create store folder if necessary string storeDirectory = Path.Combine(Config.TemporaryFolder, storeName); if (!Directory.Exists(storeDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(storeDirectory); } // Add generated output file(s), if any, to the result rd.ResultFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // Check for each expected output file if there's a generated one foreach (CompareFile compareFile in test.CompareFiles) { if (!compareFile.IgnoreOutput) { FileInfo fileLocation = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Config.TemporaryFolder, compareFile.ExpectedFile)); string moveLocation = Path.Combine(storeDirectory, (new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Config.TemporaryFolder, compareFile.CorrectFile)).Name)); if (fileLocation.Exists) { rd.ResultFiles.Add(compareFile.CorrectFile, moveLocation); // Move file if (File.Exists(moveLocation)) { File.Delete(moveLocation); } fileLocation.MoveTo(moveLocation); } else { Logger.Debug("File " + fileLocation.FullName + " does not exist"); rd.ResultFiles.Add(compareFile.CorrectFile, ""); } } } // Return the results return(rd); }