static void generateFileList(string fName) { using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("generateFileList")) { if (!Directory.Exists("cache")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("cache"); } string scenerioPath = CoreGlobals.getWorkPaths().mGameScenarioDirectory; string scenarioName = scenerioPath + @"\" + fName + @"\" + fName + ".scn"; string arguments = " -quiet"; arguments = arguments + @" -scriptfile " + CoreGlobals.getWorkPaths().mBaseDirectory + @"\settings\MemEst_createScenarioFileList.xml"; arguments = arguments + @" /define scenariofilename=" + scenarioName; string argGenPath = CoreGlobals.getWorkPaths().mToolsDirectory + @"\arcGen\arcGen.exe"; System.Diagnostics.Process arcgenUtility = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); arcgenUtility.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; //arcgenUtility.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; arcgenUtility.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments; arcgenUtility.StartInfo.FileName = argGenPath; arcgenUtility.Start(); arcgenUtility.WaitForExit(); if (arcgenUtility.ExitCode != 0) { //!!!!! // CoreGlobals.ShowMessage("Error calculating memory estimates for : " + scenarioName + "\n Please send a screenshot of this message to the editor programmers."); } arcgenUtility.Close(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------- static public void estimateMemory(bool forceAutoSave, bool asyncTest) { if (mEstimatingMemory != 0) { return; } using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("estimateMemory")) { System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref mEstimatingMemory, 1); TerrainGlobals.getTerrainFrontEnd().setMemoryEstimateString(null, "Calculating.."); if (asyncTest) { int hackedStatePacket = forceAutoSave ? 1 : 0; hackedStatePacket = hackedStatePacket << 1; hackedStatePacket |= asyncTest ? 1 : 0; BackgroundWorker mWorkerThread = new BackgroundWorker(); mWorkerThread.WorkerReportsProgress = false; mWorkerThread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; mWorkerThread.DoWork += bw_Work; mWorkerThread.RunWorkerAsync(hackedStatePacket); } else { doMemoryEstimate(forceAutoSave); updateGUIElements(asyncTest); } } }
static void doMemoryEstimate(bool forceAutoSave) { using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("doMemoryEstimate")) { mMemoryUsageItems.Clear(); estimateTerrainMemory(); estimateSimMemory(forceAutoSave); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; using (PerfSection p = new PerfSection("ScenarioSourceInfo Refresh")) { Reset(); DynamicLoadUI(); //RefreshButton.Visible = false; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
private void CheckInButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (PerfSection p10 = new PerfSection("Perforce - Check in scenario component: " + mTopic.Name)) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; PerforceChangeList newlist = CoreGlobals.getPerforce().GetNewChangeList("Scenario Topic: " + GetTopicAlias(mTopic.Name) + " Scenario: " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CoreGlobals.ScenarioFile)); foreach (string file in mTopic.Files) { if (newlist.ReOpenFile(file) == false) { CoreGlobals.ShowMessage("Error re-opening: " + file); return; } } mTopic.mbPauseFileCheck = true; bool updateMemoryVersion = false; if (newlist.Submitchanges() == false) { CoreGlobals.ShowMessage("Error checking in files"); } using (PerfSection p1 = new PerfSection("Clean list")) { //CoreGlobals.getPerforce().CleanEmptyChangeLists("Scenario Topic: "); if (CoreGlobals.getPerforce().HasFilesOpen(newlist.ID) == false) { CoreGlobals.getPerforce().getConnection().P4DeleteList(newlist.ID); updateMemoryVersion = true; } } ///////Double check that this is good mTopic.UpdateState(updateMemoryVersion); UpdateUI(); if (!mbPaused && StateChanged != null) { StateChanged.Invoke(this, null); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; mTopic.mbPauseFileCheck = false; } }
static void quickSaveFile(bool forceAutoSave) { using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("quickSaveFile")) { string scenerioPath = CoreGlobals.getWorkPaths().mGameScenarioDirectory; string scenarioName = scenerioPath + @"\" + fName + @"\" + fName + ".scn"; string terrainName = Path.ChangeExtension(scenarioName, "ted"); string lightsetName = Path.ChangeExtension(scenarioName, "gls"); if (forceAutoSave || !File.Exists(scenarioName)) { if (!Directory.Exists(scenerioPath + @"\" + fName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(scenerioPath + @"\" + fName); } XMBProcessor.Pause(); SimGlobals.getSimMain().SaveScenario(scenarioName, terrainName, lightsetName, true); SimGlobals.getSimMain().SaveExtasMacro(scenarioName); XMBProcessor.Unpause(); } } }
static void estimateSimMemory(bool forceAutoSave) { using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("estimateSimMemory")) { // BVisualManager.BModelStatistics stats = BVisualManager.giveTotal360MemoryEstimate(); // int texMem = GrannyManager2.giveTotal360TextureMemoryEstimate(); //DO a quicksave, run arcGen to generate the ENTIRE file list that could exist, and use that info... quickSaveFile(forceAutoSave); generateFileList(fName); int UGXMem = 0, UAXMem = 0, DDXMem = 0; //file will be in form of "<filename>_fileList.txt" : _memestsave_FileList.txt processFileList(fName + "_FileList.txt", out UGXMem, out UAXMem, out DDXMem); quickDeleteFile(fName); setOrAddMemoryElement("Model UGX Memory", UGXMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Sim); setOrAddMemoryElement("Model UAX Memory", UAXMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Sim); setOrAddMemoryElement("Model Texture Memory", DDXMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Sim); System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref mEstimatingMemory, 0); } }
static void estimateTerrainMemory() { using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("estimateTerrainMemory")) { int width = TerrainGlobals.getTerrain().getNumXVerts(); //CLM THESE ESTIMATES ARE VALID AS OF [07.24.07] ///XTD //positions & normals - each component is 32bit mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Positions & Normals", (width * width * 8), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //ALPHA - DXT5A mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Alpha", ((width >> 2) * (width >> 2) * 8), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //AO - DXT5A mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain AO", ((width >> 2) * (width >> 2) * 8), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //TessData int nodeWidth = 16; int numXPatches = (int)(TerrainGlobals.getTerrain().getNumXVerts() / (float)nodeWidth); int tessMem = numXPatches * numXPatches; tessMem += (numXPatches * numXPatches * 2) * (sizeof(float) * 4); mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Tessellation", tessMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //light data - DXT1 if (LightManager.hasTerrainLightData()) { mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Precomputed Lighting", ((width * width) >> 2), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); } //////XTT //texture alpha data int texAlphaMem = 0; BTerrainQuadNode[] nodes = TerrainGlobals.getTerrain().getQuadNodeLeafArray(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { int numAlignedSplatLayers = 4 * (((nodes[i].mLayerContainer.getNumSplatLayers() - 1) >> 2) + 1); int numAlignedDecalLayers = 4 * (((nodes[i].mLayerContainer.getNumDecalLayers() - 1) >> 2) + 1); texAlphaMem += numAlignedSplatLayers * ((64 * 64) >> 2); } mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Texture Blends", texAlphaMem, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //unique Albedo int uniqueTextureRes = 128; int uniqueWidth = (int)((width / BTerrainQuadNode.cMaxWidth) * uniqueTextureRes); int uniqueMemSize = (int)(uniqueWidth * uniqueWidth); if (BMathLib.isPow2(uniqueWidth)) { uniqueMemSize += (uniqueWidth >> 1) * (uniqueWidth >> 1); } mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Unique Albedo Texture", (uniqueMemSize >> 1), eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //FOLIAGE int totalPhysicalMemory = 0; for (int qi = 0; qi < FoliageManager.getNumChunks(); qi++) { FoliageQNChunk chunk = FoliageManager.getChunk(qi); for (int setI = 0; setI < chunk.mSetsUsed.Count; setI++) { int numBlades = 0; FoliageSet fs = FoliageManager.giveSet(chunk.mSetsUsed[setI]); //walk through the main grid for our current chunk //pack the data into proper inds.. for (int x = 0; x < BTerrainQuadNode.cMaxWidth; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < BTerrainQuadNode.cMaxWidth; z++) { int index = (x + chunk.mOwnerNodeDesc.mMinXVert) + width * (z + chunk.mOwnerNodeDesc.mMinZVert); FoliageVertData fvd = FoliageManager.mVertData.GetValue(index); if ( { continue; } if (FoliageManager.giveIndexOfSet(fvd.mFoliageSetName) == FoliageManager.giveIndexOfSet(chunk.mSetsUsed[setI])) { numBlades++; totalPhysicalMemory += (fs.mNumVertsPerBlade + 1) * sizeof(int); } } } } } mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Foliage", totalPhysicalMemory, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //ROADS /////XTH mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Decal Rep", 256 * 256 * sizeof(short) * 2, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //CACHES //add in our 360 cache data int cacheMemCount = 0; const int numCachePages = 20; const int cachePageSize = 512; const int numMips = 2; bool albedoCache = true; bool normalCache = true; bool specCache = false; bool selfCache = false; bool envCache = false; for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTextureCount(); i++) { BTerrainActiveTextureContainer ActTex = TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTexture(i); String fname = ActTex.mFilename; String ext = ".ddx";// Path.GetExtension(fname); string sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_em" + ext; selfCache |= File.Exists(sname); sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_rm" + ext; envCache |= File.Exists(sname); sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_sp" + ext; specCache |= File.Exists(sname); } for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecalCount(); i++) { BTerrainActiveDecalContainer ActTex = TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecal(i); String fname = ActTex.mFilename; String ext = ".ddx";// Path.GetExtension(fname); string sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_em" + ext; selfCache |= File.Exists(sname); sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_rm" + ext; envCache |= File.Exists(sname); sname = fname.Substring(0, fname.LastIndexOf("_df")) + "_sp" + ext; specCache |= File.Exists(sname); } if (albedoCache) { cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 0); //DXT1 * numCachePages (mip0 & mip1) } if (normalCache) { cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 1); } ; //DXN if (specCache) { cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 0); //DXT1 } if (envCache) { cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 0); //DXT1 } if (selfCache) { cacheMemCount += giveTextureCacheMemoryRequirement(numCachePages, cachePageSize, numMips, 1); //DXT5 } mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Texture Cache", cacheMemCount, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); //ARTIST TERRAIN TEXTURES int totalMemTT = 0; for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTextureCount(); i++) { totalMemTT += TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveTexture(i).m360MemoryFootprint; } for (int i = 0; i < TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecalCount(); i++) { totalMemTT += TerrainGlobals.getTexturing().getActiveDecal(i).m360MemoryFootprint; } mMemoryUsageItems.Add(new memoryElement("Terrain Artist Textures", totalMemTT, eMainCatagory.eCat_Terrain)); } }
static void processFileList(string listfilename, out int UGXMem, out int UAXMem, out int DDXMem) { using (PerfSection p3 = new PerfSection("processFileList")) { UGXMem = 0; UAXMem = 0; DDXMem = 0; if (!File.Exists(listfilename)) { return; } Stream st = null; // if we're in async mode, we may not have access to this yet. while (st == null) { try { st = File.OpenRead(listfilename); } catch (IOException e) { } } StreamReader tr = new StreamReader(st); int otherFiles = 0; List <string> ddxFiles = new List <string>(); try { string filename = tr.ReadLine(); do { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".xmb")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".lgt")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".tfx")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".xpr")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".scn")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".txt")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".gls")) { continue; } if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".ddx")) { ddxFiles.Add(filename); //DDXMem += DDXBridge.give360TextureMemFootprint(filename); } else if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".ugx")) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename); UGXMem += (int)fi.Length; fi = null; } else if (filename.ToLower().Contains(".uax")) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename); UAXMem += (int)fi.Length; fi = null; } else { otherFiles++; } } while ((filename = tr.ReadLine()) != null); //using (PerfSection p4 = new PerfSection("give360TextureMemFootprint")) { foreach (string s in ddxFiles) { DDXMem += DDXBridge.give360TextureMemFootprint(s); } } } catch (IOException e) { } finally { tr.Close(); st.Close(); } } }