예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: mgrcar/OPA
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random rnd = new Random(1);

            string[] featureNames = "ttr,brunet,honore,hl,ttrLemma,brunetLemma,honoreLemma,hlLemma,ari,flesch,fog,rWords,rChars,rSyllables,rComplex,M04,M05,M06,M07,M08,M09,M10,M11,M12,M13".Split(',');
            LabeledDataset <BlogMetaData, SparseVector <double> > dataset = new LabeledDataset <BlogMetaData, SparseVector <double> >();

            Console.WriteLine("Analiziram besedila...");
            foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(Config.DataFolder, "*.xml"))
                // load XML
                Console.WriteLine("Datoteka {0}...", fileName);
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(fileName).Replace("xmlns=\"http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0\"", ""));
                Corpus corpus = new Corpus();
                corpus.LoadFromXmlFile(fileName, /*tagLen=*/ int.MaxValue);
                Text text = null;
                Text text = new Text(corpus, doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/naslov").InnerText, doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/blog").InnerText /*blog identifier is used as author identifier*/);
                text.ComputeFeatures(); // compute Detextive features
                // run chunker
                Console.WriteLine("Racunam znacilke...");
                ArrayList <Chunk> chunks = Chunker.GetChunks(doc);
                chunks = new ArrayList <Chunk>(chunks.Where(x => !x.mInner)); // get non-inner chunks only
                chunks.ForEach(x => x.mType = MapChunkType(x.mType));         // move chunks from Other_* to main categories
                // get blog meta-data
                BlogMetaData metaData = new BlogMetaData();
                metaData.mAuthorAge       = doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/avtorStarost").InnerText;
                metaData.mAuthorEducation = doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/avtorIzobrazba").InnerText;
                metaData.mAuthorGender    = doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/avtorSpol").InnerText;
                metaData.mAuthorLocation  = doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/avtorRegija").InnerText;
                metaData.mBlog            = doc.SelectSingleNode("//header/blog").InnerText;
                // compute features M04-M13 from Stamatatos et al.: Automatic Text Categorization in Terms of Genre and Author (2000)
                double   totalChunks = chunks.Count;
                double[] M           = new double[10];
                double   numNP       = chunks.Count(x => x.mType == ChunkType.NP);
                double   numVP       = chunks.Count(x => x.mType == ChunkType.VP);
                double   numAP       = chunks.Count(x => x.mType == ChunkType.AP);
                double   numPP       = chunks.Count(x => x.mType == ChunkType.PP);
                double   numCON      = chunks.Count(x => x.mType == ChunkType.CON);
                if (totalChunks > 0)
                    M[0] = numNP / totalChunks;
                    M[1] = numVP / totalChunks;
                    M[2] = numAP / totalChunks;
                    M[3] = numPP / totalChunks;
                    M[4] = numCON / totalChunks;
                double numWordsNP = chunks.Where(x => x.mType == ChunkType.NP).Select(x => x.mItems.Count).Sum();
                M[5] = numNP == 0 ? 0 : (numWordsNP / numNP);
                double numWordsVP = chunks.Where(x => x.mType == ChunkType.VP).Select(x => x.mItems.Count).Sum();
                M[6] = numVP == 0 ? 0 : (numWordsVP / numVP);
                double numWordsAP = chunks.Where(x => x.mType == ChunkType.AP).Select(x => x.mItems.Count).Sum();
                M[7] = numAP == 0 ? 0 : (numWordsAP / numAP);
                double numWordsPP = chunks.Where(x => x.mType == ChunkType.PP).Select(x => x.mItems.Count).Sum();
                M[8] = numPP == 0 ? 0 : (numWordsPP / numPP);
                double numWordsCON = chunks.Where(x => x.mType == ChunkType.CON).Select(x => x.mItems.Count).Sum();
                M[9] = numCON == 0 ? 0 : (numWordsCON / numCON);
                // create dataset
                SparseVector <double> vec = new SparseVector <double>();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (string featureName in "ttr,brunet,honore,hl,ttrLemma,brunetLemma,honoreLemma,hlLemma,ari,flesch,fog,rWords,rChars,rSyllables,rComplex".Split(','))
                    if (double.IsNaN(text.mFeatures[featureName]) || double.IsInfinity(text.mFeatures[featureName]))
                        vec[i++] = 0;
                        vec[i++] = text.mFeatures[featureName];
                foreach (double val in M)
                    vec[i++] = val;
                dataset.Add(new LabeledExample <BlogMetaData, SparseVector <double> >(metaData, vec));
                string htmlFileName = Config.HtmlFolder + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".html";
                Output.SaveHtml(featureNames, vec, doc, chunks, htmlFileName);
            // save as Orange and Weka file
            Console.WriteLine("Zapisujem datoteke Weka ARFF in Orange TAB...");
            foreach (ClassType classType in new ClassType[] { ClassType.AuthorName, ClassType.AuthorAge, ClassType.AuthorGender, ClassType.AuthorEducation, ClassType.AuthorLocation })
                Output.SaveArff(featureNames, dataset, classType, Config.OutputFolder + "\\" + string.Format("OPA-{0}.arff", classType));
                Output.SaveTab(featureNames, dataset, classType, Config.OutputFolder + "\\" + string.Format("OPA-{0}.tab", classType));
            // evaluate features via classification
            Console.WriteLine("Evalviram znacilke s klasifikacijskimi modeli...");
            PerfData <string> perfData = new PerfData <string>();
            ArrayList <Pair <string, IModel <string> > > models = new ArrayList <Pair <string, IModel <string> > >();
            // create classifiers
            NearestCentroidClassifier <string> ncc = new NearestCentroidClassifier <string>();
            ncc.Similarity = new SingleFeatureSimilarity();
            models.Add(new Pair <string, IModel <string> >("NCC", ncc));
            //KnnClassifier<string, SparseVector<double>> knn = new KnnClassifier<string, SparseVector<double>>(new SingleFeatureSimilarity());
            //models.Add(new Pair<string, IModel<string>>("kNN", knn)); // *** kNN is too slow
            SvmMulticlassClassifier <string> svm = new SvmMulticlassClassifier <string>();
            models.Add(new Pair <string, IModel <string> >("SVM", svm));
            MajorityClassifier <string, SparseVector <double> > maj = new MajorityClassifier <string, SparseVector <double> >();
            models.Add(new Pair <string, IModel <string> >("Majority", maj));
            MajorityClassifier <string, SparseVector <double> > backupCfy = new MajorityClassifier <string, SparseVector <double> >();
            foreach (Pair <string, IModel <string> > modelInfo in models) // iterate over different classifiers
                Console.WriteLine("Kasifikacijski model: {0}...", modelInfo.First);
                foreach (ClassType classType in new ClassType[] { ClassType.AuthorName, ClassType.AuthorAge, ClassType.AuthorEducation, ClassType.AuthorGender, ClassType.AuthorLocation }) // iterate over different class types
                    Console.WriteLine("Ciljni razred: {0}...", classType);
                    for (int fIdx = 0; fIdx < featureNames.Count(); fIdx++) // iterate over different features
                        Console.WriteLine("Znacilka: {0}...", featureNames[fIdx]);
                        LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> > datasetWithSingleFeature = CreateSingleFeatureDataset(dataset, classType, fIdx);
                        LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> > trainSet, testSet;
                        for (int foldNum = 1; foldNum <= 10; foldNum++)
                            Console.WriteLine("Sklop " + foldNum + " / 10...");
                            datasetWithSingleFeature.SplitForCrossValidation(/*numFolds=*/ 10, foldNum, out trainSet, out testSet);
                            IModel <string> model = modelInfo.Second;
                            // if there is only one class in trainSet, switch to MajorityClassifier
                            if (((IEnumerable <LabeledExample <string, SparseVector <double> > >)trainSet).Select(x => x.Label).Distinct().Count() == 1)
                                model = backupCfy;
                                string cacheFileName = Config.OutputFolder + "\\svm-" + classType + "-" + featureNames[fIdx] + "-" + foldNum + ".bin";
                                if (model is SvmMulticlassClassifier <string> && File.Exists(cacheFileName))
                                    using (BinarySerializer bs = new BinarySerializer(cacheFileName, FileMode.Open))
                                        ((SvmMulticlassClassifier <string>)model).Load(bs);
                                if (model is SvmMulticlassFast <string> )
                                    using (BinarySerializer bs = new BinarySerializer(cacheFileName, FileMode.Create))
                            foreach (LabeledExample <string, SparseVector <double> > lblEx in testSet)
                                Prediction <string> pred = model.Predict(lblEx.Example);
                                if (pred.Count == 0)
                                    pred = backupCfy.Predict(lblEx.Example);
                                }                                                                 // if the model is unable to make a prediction, use MajorityClassifier instead
                                perfData.GetPerfMatrix(classType.ToString(), modelInfo.First + "\t" + featureNames[fIdx], foldNum).AddCount(lblEx.Label, pred.BestClassLabel);
            // train full models
            Console.WriteLine("Treniram klasifikacijske modele...");
            SvmMulticlassClassifier <string> svmFull = new SvmMulticlassClassifier <string>();
            models.Add(new Pair <string, IModel <string> >("SVM", svmFull));
            //NearestCentroidClassifier<string> nccFull = new NearestCentroidClassifier<string>();
            //nccFull.Similarity = new ManhattanSimilarity();
            //models.Add(new Pair<string, IModel<string>>("NCC", nccFull));
            foreach (Pair <string, IModel <string> > modelInfo in models) // iterate over different classifiers
                Console.WriteLine("Kasifikacijski model: {0}...", modelInfo.First);
                IModel <string> model = modelInfo.Second;
                foreach (ClassType classType in new ClassType[] { ClassType.AuthorName, ClassType.AuthorAge, ClassType.AuthorEducation, ClassType.AuthorGender, ClassType.AuthorLocation }) // iterate over different class types
                    Console.WriteLine("Ciljni razred: {0}...", classType);
                    LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> > nrmDataset = CreateNormalizedDataset(dataset, classType);
                    LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> > trainSet, testSet;
                    for (int foldNum = 1; foldNum <= 10; foldNum++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sklop " + foldNum + " / 10...");
                        nrmDataset.SplitForCrossValidation(/*numFolds=*/ 10, foldNum, out trainSet, out testSet);
                        // if there is only one class in trainSet, switch to MajorityClassifier
                        if (((IEnumerable <LabeledExample <string, SparseVector <double> > >)trainSet).Select(x => x.Label).Distinct().Count() == 1)
                            model = backupCfy;
                            string cacheFileName = Config.OutputFolder + "\\svm-" + classType + "-full-" + foldNum + ".bin";
                            if (model is SvmMulticlassClassifier <string> && File.Exists(cacheFileName))
                                using (BinarySerializer bs = new BinarySerializer(cacheFileName, FileMode.Open))
                                    ((SvmMulticlassClassifier <string>)model).Load(bs);
                            if (model is SvmMulticlassFast <string> )
                                using (BinarySerializer bs = new BinarySerializer(cacheFileName, FileMode.Create))
                        foreach (LabeledExample <string, SparseVector <double> > lblEx in testSet)
                            Prediction <string> pred = model.Predict(lblEx.Example);
                            if (pred.Count == 0)
                                pred = backupCfy.Predict(lblEx.Example);
                            }                                                                 // if the model is unable to make a prediction, use MajorityClassifier instead
                            perfData.GetPerfMatrix(classType.ToString(), modelInfo.First + "\tfull", foldNum).AddCount(lblEx.Label, pred.BestClassLabel);
                    // save model
                    string modelFileName = Config.OutputFolder + "\\" + modelInfo.First + "-" + classType + ".model";
                    if (!File.Exists(modelFileName))
                        using (BinarySerializer bs = new BinarySerializer(modelFileName, FileMode.Create))
            using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(Config.OutputFolder + "\\ClassifierEval.txt"))
                w.WriteLine("*** Macro F1 ***");
                w.WriteLine("\t" + perfData.ToString(null, PerfMetric.MacroF1));
                w.WriteLine("*** Micro F1 ***");
                w.WriteLine("\t" + perfData.ToString(null, PerfMetric.MicroF1));
                w.WriteLine("*** Macro accuracy ***");
                w.WriteLine("\t" + perfData.ToString(null, PerfMetric.MacroAccuracy));
                w.WriteLine("*** Micro accuracy ***");
                w.WriteLine("\t" + perfData.ToString(null, PerfMetric.MicroAccuracy));
            // all done
예제 #2
        public override void Run(object[] args)
            int foldCount = args.Any() ? (int)args[0] : 10;

            args = args.Skip(1).ToArray();

            // get classifier and labeled data
            BinarySvm classifierInst = BinarySvm.RunInstanceNull(args);
            var       classifier     = (SvmBinaryClassifier <string>)classifierInst.Result["classifier"];
            var       labeledData    = (LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> >)classifierInst.Result["labeled_data"];

            bool stratified = true;

            // cross validation
            if (stratified)
                labeledData.Shuffle(new Random(1));

            var perfData = new PerfData <string>();

            foreach (var g in labeledData.GroupBy(le => le.Label))
                Output.WriteLine("total {0} {1}\t {2:0.00}", g.Key, g.Count(), (double)g.Count() / labeledData.Count);

            Output.WriteLine("Performing {0}{1}-fold cross validation...", stratified ? "stratified " : "", foldCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < foldCount; i++)
                int foldN = i + 1;
                LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> > testSet;
                LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> > trainSet;

                if (stratified)
                    labeledData.SplitForStratifiedCrossValidation(foldCount, foldN, out trainSet, out testSet);
                    labeledData.SplitForCrossValidation(foldCount, foldN, out trainSet, out testSet);


                PerfMatrix <string> foldMatrix = perfData.GetPerfMatrix("tutorial", "binary svm", foldN);
                foreach (LabeledExample <string, SparseVector <double> > labeledExample in testSet)
                    Prediction <string> prediction = classifier.Predict(labeledExample.Example);
                    foldMatrix.AddCount(labeledExample.Label, prediction.BestClassLabel);
                Output.WriteLine("Accuracy for {0}-fold: {1:0.00}", foldN, foldMatrix.GetAccuracy());

            Output.WriteLine("Sum confusion matrix:");
            PerfMatrix <string> sumPerfMatrix = perfData.GetSumPerfMatrix("tutorial", "binary svm");

            Output.WriteLine("Average accuracy: {0:0.00}", sumPerfMatrix.GetAccuracy());
            Output.WriteLine(sumPerfMatrix.ToString(new PerfMetric[] { }));
            Output.WriteLine(sumPerfMatrix.ToString(perfData.GetLabels("tutorial", "binary svm"), new OrdinalPerfMetric[] { }));
            Output.WriteLine(sumPerfMatrix.ToString(new ClassPerfMetric[] { }));

            foreach (string label in perfData.GetLabels("tutorial", "binary svm"))
                double stdDev;
                Output.WriteLine("Precision for '{0}': {1:0.00} std. dev: {2:0.00}", label,
                                 perfData.GetAvg("tutorial", "binary svm", ClassPerfMetric.Precision, label, out stdDev), stdDev);