// Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     PRGI     = gameObject.AddComponent <PerceptronRandomGenerationInterface>();
     PRGI.PCT = TCP.EnemyPCT;
     PRGI.PLBRG.StudentData(TCP.gameObject, TCP, "EnemyPCT", TCС, "death", "lifeTime");
예제 #2
    void Window(int ID)                                                                     // interface window
        bool SV = false;

        Reload = false;
        if (WindowRect.height == 80)                                                        // small window
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(WindowRect.width - 20, 0, 20, 20), "+"))                // change window scale
                WindowRect.width  = 400;
                WindowRect.height = 260;
                WindowRect.x      = WindowRect.x;
            ShowVisualization = IGUI.Button(1, 2, "Visualization OFF", "Visualization ON", ShowVisualization, ref SV); // perceptron's visualization (ON / OFF)
        else                                                                                                           // big window
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(WindowRect.width - 20, 0, 20, 20), "-"))                                           // change window scale
                WindowRect.width  = 200;
                WindowRect.height = 80;
                WindowRect.x      = WindowRect.x;
            PerceptronBackPropagationInterface PBPI = gameObject.GetComponent <PerceptronBackPropagationInterface>();
            if (PBPI != null)
                if (PBPI.Learn)
                    GUI.enabled = false;                                                                // disable GUI if GO have lerning interface and perceptron is study
            PerceptronRandomGenerationInterface PRGI = gameObject.GetComponent <PerceptronRandomGenerationInterface>();
            if (PRGI != null)
                if (PRGI.Learn)
                    GUI.enabled = false;                                                                // disable GUI if GO have lerning interface and perceptron is study
            PCT.AFWM = IGUI.Button(1, 2, "Without Minus", "With Minus", PCT.AFWM, ref Reload);
            PCT.B    = IGUI.Button(1, 3, "Bias OFF", "Bias ON", PCT.B, ref Reload);
            PCT.AFS  = IGUI.HorizontalSlider(1, 4, "Scale", PCT.AFS, 0.1F, 5F, ref Reload);
            Enters   = IGUI.IntArrows(1, 5, "Enters", false, Enters, 1, true, 0);
            Layers   = IGUI.IntArrows(1, 6, "Layers", false, PCT.NIHL.Length, 0, true, 0, ref Reload);

            if (Enters != PCT.Input.Length && !PCT.B)
                Reload = true;
            else if (Enters != PCT.Input.Length - 1 && PCT.B)
                Reload = true;

            if (Reload)
                LayersModification();       // create new array of hiden layer
            if (Layers != 0)
                SelectLayer        = IGUI.IntArrows(1, 7, "Select Layer", true, SelectLayer, 0, false, Layers - 1);
                Layer[SelectLayer] = IGUI.IntArrows(1, 8, "Neurons in layer", false, Layer[SelectLayer], 1, true, 0, ref Reload);
            GUI.enabled = true;
            IGUI.Info(2, 5, "Exits", PCT.Output.Length);

            ShowVisualization = IGUI.Button(2, 2, "Visualization OFF", "Visualization ON", ShowVisualization, ref SV);          // perceptron's visualization (ON / OFF)

            PerceptronName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(200, 160, 180, 30), PerceptronName);
            bool Save = false;
            Save = IGUI.Button(2, 7, "Save", "Save", Save);
            bool Load = false;
            Load = IGUI.Button(2, 8, "Load", "Load", Load);
            if (Save)
            else if (Load)
                Layers = PCT.NIHL.Length;
                Layer  = new Formulas().FromArray(PCT.NIHL);
                if (PCT.B)
                    Enters = PCT.Input.Length - 1;
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < Layers)
                    Enters = PCT.Input.Length;
                if (PV != null)
                    PV.PCT = PCT;
                    PV.CreatePerceptronModel(false, 0, 0);

        if (Reload)
            if (PV != null)

            PCT.CreatePerceptron(PCT.AFS, PCT.B, PCT.AFWM, Enters, Layer, PCT.Output.Length);   // create perceptron

        if (SV || (ShowVisualization && Reload))
            if (ShowVisualization)                                              // for perceptron's visualization
                if (PV == null)
                    PV = new PerceptronVisualization();

                PV.PCT = PCT;
                PV.CreatePerceptronModel(false, 0, 0);
                if (PV != null)
                    PV = null;

        if (WindowRect.x < 0)                                           //window restriction on the screen
            WindowRect.x = 0;
        else if (WindowRect.x + WindowRect.width > Screen.width)
            WindowRect.x = Screen.width - WindowRect.width;
        if (WindowRect.y < 0)
            WindowRect.y = 0;
        else if (WindowRect.y + WindowRect.height > Screen.height)
            WindowRect.y = Screen.height - WindowRect.height;

        GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, WindowRect.width, 20));