public void PutForm_Initialize(Point _location, Bitmap _m_PageA, Bitmap _m_PageB, double transparency, int _AnimationSpeed, int _rotorType) { rotorType = _rotorType; m_PageA = _m_PageA; m_PageB = _m_PageB; m_X1 = 0; m_X2 = m_PageA.Width; m_Y1 = 0; m_Y2 = m_PageA.Height; c_X = 1; c_Y = 1; _transparency = transparency; AnimationSpeed = _AnimationSpeed; Put_form = new PerPixelAlphaForm(); Put_form.ShowInTaskbar = false; Put_form.ShowIcon = false; Put_form.SetBitmap(m_PageA, (byte)_transparency); Put_form.Location = _location; Put_form.Show(); Timer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); Timer1.Interval = 5; Timer1.Tick += Timer1_Tick; Timer1.Enabled = true; }
private void chg_Half(int half) { PerPixelAlphaForm Put_form = new PerPixelAlphaForm(); Put_form.ShowInTaskbar = false; Put_form.ShowIcon = false; Put_form.Location = Point.Round(set[0]); Put_form.SetBitmap(display[89 * half], (byte)_transparency); Put_form.Show(); _formList[half].listForm.CrossThreadCalls(() => { _formList[half].listForm.SetOpacity(0); }); _BeginPeriod((uint)_speed); if (half == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { Put_form.Location = Point.Round(set[i]); Put_form.SetBitmap(display[i], (byte)_transparency); Thread.Sleep(_speed); } } else if (half == 1) { for (int i = 89; i >= 0; i--) { Put_form.Location = Point.Round(set[i]); Put_form.SetBitmap(display[i], (byte)_transparency); Thread.Sleep(_speed); } } _EndPeriod((uint)_speed); int t = 0; if (half == 0) { t = 1; } _formList[t].listForm.CrossThreadCalls(() => { _formList[t].listForm.SetOpacity(_transparency); }); }
// Token: 0x0600024C RID: 588 RVA: 0x01036604 File Offset: 0x01034804 public void method_1(Bitmap bitmap_0, int int_4) { if (bitmap_0.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) { throw new ApplicationException("The bitmap must be 32bpp with alpha-channel."); } IntPtr dc = PerPixelAlphaForm.GetDC(IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr intPtr = PerPixelAlphaForm.CreateCompatibleDC(dc); IntPtr intPtr2 = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr intptr_ = IntPtr.Zero; try { intPtr2 = bitmap_0.GetHbitmap(Color.FromArgb(0)); intptr_ = PerPixelAlphaForm.SelectObject(intPtr, intPtr2); PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct7 @struct = new PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct7(bitmap_0.Width, bitmap_0.Height); PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct6 struct2 = new PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct6(0, 0); PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct6 struct3 = new PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct6(base.Left, base.Top); PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct9 struct4 = default(PerPixelAlphaForm.Struct9); struct4.byte_0 = 0; struct4.byte_1 = 0; struct4.byte_2 = (byte)int_4; struct4.byte_3 = 1; PerPixelAlphaForm.UpdateLayeredWindow(this.method_3(), dc, ref struct3, ref @struct, intPtr, ref struct2, 0, ref struct4, 2); } finally { PerPixelAlphaForm.ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, dc); if (intPtr2 != IntPtr.Zero) { PerPixelAlphaForm.SelectObject(intPtr, intptr_); PerPixelAlphaForm.DeleteObject(intPtr2); } PerPixelAlphaForm.DeleteDC(intPtr); } }
public void Initialize3dEffect(Point origin, int _first, int _second, int rotationType, double transparency, int speed) { Thread check_all = new Thread(ck_All); check_all.Start(); Bitmap firstBmp = _formList[_first].listImg; Bitmap secondBmp = _formList[_second].listImg; _w = _formList[_first].listImg.Width; _h = _formList[_first].listImg.Height; Put_form = new PerPixelAlphaForm(); Put_form.ShowInTaskbar = false; Put_form.ShowIcon = false; _rotationtype = rotationType; _speed = speed; _transparency = transparency * 255; cube = new Cube(firstBmp.Width, firstBmp.Height, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { cube.RotateY = i * 2; cube.calcCube(origin); corners[i, 0] = cube.d; corners[i, 1] = cube.a; corners[i, 2] = cube.c; corners[i, 3] = cube.b; int t = 0; if ((corners[i, 0].X - corners[i, 1].X) <= 1) { if (corners[i, 0].Y < corners[i, 1].Y) { t = corners[i, 0].Y; } else { t = corners[i, 1].Y; } set[i] = new PointF(corners[i, 0].X + _w / 2, t + _h / 2); } else { if (corners[i, 1].Y < corners[i, 0].Y) { t = corners[i, 1].Y; } else { t = corners[i, 0].Y; } set[i] = new PointF(corners[i, 1].X + _w / 2, t + _h / 2); } begin[i] = false; filters[i] = new FreeTransform(); if (i < 45) { filters[i].Bitmap = firstBmp; } else { filters[i].Bitmap = secondBmp; } } for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { rtd[i] = new Thread(getimg); rtd[i].Start(i); } }
void UpdateAlphaPreviewWindow( bool allowOn=true ) { // Prevent it from reentering here (when we call _alphaPreviewForm.Show below) and screwing everything up. if ( _updatingAlphaPreviewWindow ) return; _updatingAlphaPreviewWindow = true; bool on = _alphaPreviewCheckbox.Checked && allowOn; if ( on ) { if ( _alphaPreviewForm == null ) { _alphaPreviewForm = new PerPixelAlphaForm(); _alphaPreviewForm.ShowInTaskbar = false; } _alphaPreviewForm.SetBitmap( _fontPreviewBitmap ); _alphaPreviewForm.Show(); // Reposition it. _alphaPreviewForm.Left = this.Right + 10; _alphaPreviewForm.Top = this.Top + _fontPreview.Top + ( this.Size.Height - this.ClientSize.Height ); } else { if ( _alphaPreviewForm != null ) { _alphaPreviewForm.Close(); _alphaPreviewForm = null; } } _updatingAlphaPreviewWindow = false; }