public void LoadPentagrams(char[][] letterSets, int[] wordsCount) { _pentagrams = new Pentagram[letterSets.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _pentagrams.Length; i++) { _pentagrams[i] = new Pentagram(letterSets[i], wordsCount[i]); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a five-pointed star with the specified size and center. /// </summary> public static XPoint[] GetPentagram(double size, XPoint center) { XPoint[] points = Pentagram.Clone() as XPoint[]; for (int idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++) { points[idx].X = points[idx].X * size + center.X; points[idx].Y = points[idx].Y * size + center.Y; } return(points); }
void Start() { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft; Score = 0; penta = GameObject.Find( "Symbol" ).GetComponent<Pentagram>(); pentaRenderer = GameObject.Find( "Symbol" ).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); OnBadCash += Controller_OnBadCash; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a five-pointed star with the specified size and center. /// </summary> protected static XPoint[] GetPentagram(double size, XPoint center) { var points = (XPoint[])Pentagram.Clone(); for (var idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++) { points[idx].X = points[idx].X * size + center.X; points[idx].Y = points[idx].Y * size + center.Y; } return(points); }
IEnumerator Burn(float seconds, Pentagram pentagram) { animator.SetTrigger("Burn"); pentagram.LightPentagram(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(seconds)); GameManager.manager.OpenDoors(doors); GameManager.manager.DecayCorpses(corpses); Destroy(gameObject); }
private void Initialize() { if ( list == null ) { mTarget = target as Pentagram; values = mTarget.Qu; list = new ReorderableList( values, typeof( PentaInfo ), true, true, true, true ); list.elementHeight *= 2; list.onAddCallback = new ReorderableList.AddCallbackDelegate( OnAdd ); list.onRemoveCallback = new ReorderableList.RemoveCallbackDelegate( OnRemove ); list.drawElementCallback = new ReorderableList.ElementCallbackDelegate( OnDrawElement ); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { Pentagram pentagram = collision.GetComponent <Pentagram>(); if (collision.GetComponent <Pentagram>() && !destroyed) { destroyed = true; Burn(collision.GetComponent <Pentagram>()); } else if (collision.tag == "Level" && freeFall) { animator.SetTrigger("Land"); freeFall = false; } }
public void TestMethod1() { Pentagram pentagram = new Pentagram(); pentagram.VisitVertices(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { #region ISWIDESCREEN if (!GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.IsWideScreen) { if (graphics.GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.AspectRatio == 1.25f) { ASPECTHD = 16.0f / 9.0f; ASPECTSD = 5f / 4f; ASPECTWIDTHRATIO = 1280f / 1280f; ASPECTHEIGHTRATIO = 1024f / 720f; ASPECTRATIO = ASPECTSD / ASPECTHD; VIEWPORTHEIGHT = 720f; VIEWPORTWIDTH = 1280f; } else { ASPECTHD = 16.0f / 9.0f; ASPECTSD = 4f / 3f; ASPECTWIDTHRATIO = 1024f / 1280f; ASPECTHEIGHTRATIO = 1024f / 720f; ASPECTRATIO = ASPECTSD / ASPECTHD; VIEWPORTHEIGHT = 720f; VIEWPORTWIDTH = 1280; } } #endregion #region BACKGROUND tileMap = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Barrier\" + nameTileMap); backgoundManager = new BackgroundPixelManager(this, ref tileMap, screen); Components.Add(backgoundManager); #endregion #region TANK tank = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Tank\" + nameTank); player = new Tank(this, ref tank, screen); Components.Add(player); player.PutinStartPosition(); #endregion #region INVASOR invasor = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Invasors\" + nameInvasor); invasorsManager = new InvasorsManager(this, ref invasor, difficult.normal.ToString()); Components.Add(invasorsManager); #endregion #region UFO ufo_t = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Ufo\" + "ufo_sheet"); ufo = new Ufo(this, ref ufo_t); Components.Add(ufo); ufo.PutinStartPosition(); #endregion #region PENTAGRAM pentagam_sheet = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Pentagram\pentagram_sheet"); pentagramP1 = new Pentagram(this, ref pentagam_sheet, Vector2.Zero); pentagramP2 = new Pentagram(this, ref pentagam_sheet, new Vector2(1280 - 120, 0)); Components.Add(pentagramP1); Components.Add(pentagramP2); #endregion base.Initialize(); }
void Burn(Pentagram pentagram) { StartCoroutine(Burn(0.8f, pentagram)); }