public virtual void TestRead()
            string         treeText   = "(1 (2 This)) (3 (4 is) (5 a)) (6 (\\* small) (7 \\/test))";
            StringReader   reader     = new StringReader(treeText);
            PennTreeReader treeReader = new PennTreeReader(reader);

            string[] expected = new string[] { "(1 (2 This))", "(3 (4 is) (5 a))", "(6 (* small) (7 /test))" };
            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; ++i)
                Tree tree = treeReader.ReadTree();
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(tree != null);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], tree.ToString());
            Tree tree_1 = treeReader.ReadTree();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(tree_1 != null);
 // We don't use valueOf because we sometimes use trees such as
 // (bar (foo (foo 1))), and the default valueOf uses a
 // TreeNormalizer that removes nodes from such a tree
 public static Tree TreeFromString(string s)
         ITreeReader tr = new PennTreeReader(new StringReader(s), new LabeledScoredTreeFactory());
     catch (IOException e)
         throw new Exception(e);
        /// <summary>Process all the trees in the given directory.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Process all the trees in the given directory. For example, the WSJ section of the Penn Treebank.</remarks>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the directory we are processing.</param>
        /// <param name="directory">The directory we are processing.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A dataset of subject/object pairs in the trees in the directory.
        /// This is a list of sentences, such that each sentence has a collection of pairs of spans.
        /// Each pair of spans is a subject/object span pair that constitutes a valid extraction.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static IList <Pair <ICoreMap, ICollection <Pair <Span, Span> > > > ProcessDirectory(string name, File directory)
            Redwood.Util.ForceTrack("Processing " + name);
            // Prepare the files to iterate over
            IEnumerable <File> files = IOUtils.IterFilesRecursive(directory, "mrg");
            int numTreesProcessed    = 0;
            IList <Pair <ICoreMap, ICollection <Pair <Span, Span> > > > trainingData = new List <Pair <ICoreMap, ICollection <Pair <Span, Span> > > >(1024);

            // Iterate over the files
            foreach (File file in files)
                //      log(file);
                ITreeReader reader = new PennTreeReader(IOUtils.ReaderFromFile(file));
                Tree        tree;
                while ((tree = reader.ReadTree()) != null)
                        // Prepare the tree
                        // Get relevant information from sentence
                        IList <CoreLabel> tokens = tree.GetLeaves().Stream().Map(null).Collect(Collectors.ToList());
                        //            .filter(leaf -> !TRACE_SOURCE_PATTERN.matcher(leaf.word()).matches() && !leaf.tag().equals("-NONE-"))
                        SemanticGraph           graph   = Parse(tree);
                        IDictionary <int, Span> targets = FindTraceTargets(tree);
                        IDictionary <int, int>  sources = FindTraceSources(tree);
                        // Create a sentence object
                        ICoreMap sentence = new _ArrayCoreMap_325(tokens, graph, 4);
                        natlog.DoOneSentence(null, sentence);
                        // Generate training data
                        ICollection <Pair <Span, Span> > trainingDataFromSentence = SubjectObjectPairs(graph, tokens, targets, sources);
                        trainingData.Add(Pair.MakePair(sentence, trainingDataFromSentence));
                        // Debug print
                        numTreesProcessed += 1;
                        if (numTreesProcessed % 100 == 0)
                            Redwood.Util.Log("[" + new DecimalFormat("00000").Format(numTreesProcessed) + "] " + CountDatums(trainingData) + " known extractions");
                    catch (Exception t)
            // End
            Redwood.Util.Log(string.Empty + numTreesProcessed + " trees processed yielding " + CountDatums(trainingData) + " known extractions");
            Redwood.Util.EndTrack("Processing " + name);