예제 #1
파일: TableBase.cs 프로젝트: lenloe1/Stuff
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the table to the meter as a pending table using an offset write
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pendingRecord">The pending event record to use for the table write</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset of the table to write</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to write</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the write</returns>
        //  Revision History
        //  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        //  -------- --- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------
        //  11/21/11 RCG 2.53.12        Created

        public virtual PSEMResponse PendingTableWrite(PendingEventRecord pendingRecord, ushort offset, ushort count)
            PSEMResponse Result             = PSEMResponse.Iar;
            ushort       PendingTableNumber = (ushort)(m_TableID | PENDING_BIT);

            if (m_PSEM != null)
                if (count + offset <= m_Data.Length)
                    byte[] Data = new byte[count + pendingRecord.EntireRecord.Length];

                    Array.Copy(pendingRecord.EntireRecord, Data, pendingRecord.EntireRecord.Length);
                    Array.Copy(m_Data, offset, Data, pendingRecord.EntireRecord.Length, count);

                    m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Pending Table Offset Write to " + PendingTableNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " Offset: " + offset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " Count: " + count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    Result = m_PSEM.OffsetWrite(PendingTableNumber, offset, Data);
                throw (new NotImplementedException("This Operation is not supported with a file"));

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the pending table header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strmPSEM">Stream to which the data is written</param>
        /// <param name="bSelfRead">tells whether or not to perform a self read
        /// before table is activated</param>
        /// <param name="bDemandReset">tells whether or not to perform a demand
        /// reset before table is activated</param>
        /// <param name="byMfgEventCode">Mfg assigned code identifying event for
        /// activating pending table</param>
        /// <param name="eCode">Event code for status bitfield.  2 => non-time activated</param>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 08/16/06 AF 7.35.00  N/A    Created
        // 10/04/06 AF 7.40.00  N/A    Moved from CENTRON_AMI.cs
        // 06/08/07 RCG 8.10.07        Changed to call BuildEventRecord

        protected void BuildPendingHeader(ref MemoryStream strmPSEM, bool bSelfRead, bool bDemandReset,
                                          byte byMfgEventCode, PendingEventRecord.PendingEventCode eCode)
            PendingEventRecord EventRecord = new PendingEventRecord();

            // Build the event record
            EventRecord = BuildPendingEventRecord(bSelfRead, bDemandReset, byMfgEventCode, eCode);

            // Write the event record to the stream
            strmPSEM.Write(EventRecord.EntireRecord, (int)strmPSEM.Position, EventRecord.EntireRecord.Length);
예제 #3
파일: TableBase.cs 프로젝트: lenloe1/Stuff
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the table to the meter as a pending table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pendingRecord">The pending event record to use for the table write</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the write.</returns>
        //  Revision History
        //  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        //  -------- --- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------
        //  11/21/11 RCG 2.53.12        Created

        public virtual PSEMResponse PendingTableWrite(PendingEventRecord pendingRecord)
            PSEMResponse Result             = PSEMResponse.Iar;
            ushort       PendingTableNumber = (ushort)(m_TableID | PENDING_BIT);

            byte[] Data = new byte[m_Data.Length + pendingRecord.EntireRecord.Length];

            if (m_PSEM != null)
                // There is a maximum length that a pending table may be so if the table is longer we need to do multiple offset writes
                if (m_Data.Length <= MAX_PENDING_SIZE)
                    Array.Copy(pendingRecord.EntireRecord, Data, pendingRecord.EntireRecord.Length);
                    Array.Copy(m_Data, 0, Data, pendingRecord.EntireRecord.Length, m_Data.Length);

                    m_Logger.WriteLine(Logger.LoggingLevel.Detailed, "Pending Table Full Write to " + PendingTableNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    Result = m_PSEM.FullWrite(PendingTableNumber, Data);
                    ushort CurrentOffset = 0;

                    // Write the bulk of the data
                    for (int Count = 0; Count < (m_Data.Length / MAX_PENDING_SIZE); Count++)
                        Result = PendingTableWrite(pendingRecord, CurrentOffset, (ushort)MAX_PENDING_SIZE);

                        if (Result != PSEMResponse.Ok)

                        CurrentOffset += MAX_PENDING_SIZE;

                    // Write the remaining data
                    if (CurrentOffset < m_Data.Length && Result == PSEMResponse.Ok)
                        Result = PendingTableWrite(pendingRecord, CurrentOffset, (ushort)(m_Data.Length - CurrentOffset));

                if (PSEMResponse.Ok == Result)
                    m_TableState = TableState.Loaded;
                throw (new NotImplementedException("This Operation is not supported with a file"));

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Activates the pending table with the specified Event Record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pendingEvent">The Event Record for the event to activate</param>
        /// <returns>ProcedureResultCodes</returns>
        //  Revision History
        //  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        //  -------- --- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------
        //  05/07/07 RCG 8.10.07        Created

        public ProcedureResultCodes ActivatePendingTable(PendingEventRecord pendingEvent)
            ProcedureResultCodes ProcResult = ProcedureResultCodes.INVALID_PARAM;

            byte[] ProcResponse;

            ProcResult = ExecuteProcedure(Procedures.ACTIVATE_PENDING_TABLE,
                                          out ProcResponse);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the pending table with the specified Event Record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pendingEvent">The Event Record for the event to clear</param>
        /// <returns>ProcedureResultCodes</returns>
        //  Revision History
        //  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        //  -------- --- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------
        //  05/07/07 RCG 8.10.07        Created

        public ProcedureResultCodes ClearPendingTable(PendingEventRecord pendingEvent)
            ProcedureResultCodes ProcResult = ProcedureResultCodes.INVALID_PARAM;

            byte[] ProcResponse;

            ProcResult = ExecuteProcedure(Procedures.CLEAR_SPECIFIC_PENDING_TABLE,
                                          out ProcResponse);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a PendingEventRecord object for a Non Time Activated pending event
        /// with the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bSelfRead">Whether or not a Self Read should be performed on activation.</param>
        /// <param name="bDemandReset">Whether or not a Demand Reset should be performed on activation.</param>
        /// <param name="byMfgEventCode">The manufacturer event code for the pending event.</param>
        /// <param name="eCode">The event code for the pending event.</param>
        /// <returns>The EventRecord object.</returns>
        //  Revision History
        //  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        //  -------- --- ------- ------ -------------------------------------------
        //  06/07/07 RCG 8.10.07        Created
        //  02/05/09 AF  -.--.00        Changed the access modifier from protected to public
        //                              for automated firmware testing project

        public PendingEventRecord BuildPendingEventRecord(bool bSelfRead, bool bDemandReset,
                                                          byte byMfgEventCode, PendingEventRecord.PendingEventCode eCode)
            PendingEventRecord EventRecord = new PendingEventRecord();
            ASCIIEncoding      AE          = new ASCIIEncoding();

            byte[] abyManufacturer = new byte[5];

            // Set up the event selector bitfield
            EventRecord.EventCode          = eCode;
            EventRecord.PerformSelfRead    = bSelfRead;
            EventRecord.PerformDemandReset = bDemandReset;

            // Copy the manufacturer ID to the device storage
            AE.GetBytes(MANUFACTURER).CopyTo(abyManufacturer, 0);

            // Copy the manufaturer event code
            abyManufacturer[abyManufacturer.Length - 1] = byMfgEventCode;
            EventRecord.EventStorage = abyManufacturer;
