예제 #1
    public void RegisterFurniture(Furniture placed, int x, int y)
        // Called on both client and servers when the object is spawned.
        if (IsFurnitureAt(x, y))
            Debug.LogWarning("Already something at {0}, {1}".Form(x, y));

        // Set parent

        // Register furniture at that position.
        furniture.Add(GetIndexAt(x, y), placed);

        // Confirm to pending building system.
        PendingBuildingManager.Instance.ConfirmPlaced(PendingBuildingManager.MakeID(x, y));
예제 #2
    public void RecievedTileChange(Msg_SendTile data)
        // Called on clients when a tile has been set.

        // Confirm to the pending placement system...
        PendingBuildingManager.Instance.ConfirmPlaced(PendingBuildingManager.MakeID(data.X, data.Y));

        // If we are a host, just stop. Tile has already been set.
        if (isServer)

        // Check if is in bounds.
        if (!InLayerBounds(data.X, data.Y))
            Debug.LogError("Why did the server send me coordinates out of bounds?!?! (" + data.X + ", " + data.Y + ")");

        // Check if it is loaded. If it is not ignore this. TODO if it is loading, make it be applied once loaded.
        if (IsChunkLoaded(GetChunkIndexFromTileCoords(data.X, data.Y)))
            // Place tile in position.
            BaseTile oldTile = Tiles[data.X][data.Y];

            BaseTile tile = data.Prefab == null ? null : BaseTile.GetTile(data.Prefab);

            Chunk c = GetChunkFromIndex(GetChunkIndexFromTileCoords(data.X, data.Y));

            if (oldTile != null)
                TileRemoved(data.X, data.Y, oldTile, c);

            // Apply tile.
            Tiles[data.X][data.Y] = tile;

            // Update tiles sourrounding and update physics bodies.
            TilePlaced(data.X, data.Y, tile, c);
 public void OnDestroy()
     Instance = null;
 public void Awake()
     Instance = this;
 public string GetID()
     return(PendingBuildingManager.MakeID(X, Y));