예제 #1
        void SetIconFor(PositionDB db)
            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

            path.AddEllipse(-2, -2, 4, 4);
            PenPathPair circle = new PenPathPair()
                Pen = new Pen(Colors.Blue), Path = path

예제 #2
        void SetIconFor(StarInfoDB db)
            //TODO: change pen colour depending on star temp and lum?
            double temp = db.Temperature;
            double lum  = db.Luminosity;

            Pen starPen = new Pen(Colors.DarkOrange);

            float width  = 8;
            float height = 8;
            float hw     = width * 0.25f;
            float hh     = height * 0.25f;

            GraphicsPath starPath = new GraphicsPath();

            PointF start = new PointF(0, -height);
            PointF end   = new PointF(-width, 0);
            PointF c1    = new PointF(-hw, -hh);
            PointF c2    = new PointF(-hw, -hh);

            starPath.AddBezier(start, c1, c2, end);

            start = new PointF(-width, 0);
            end   = new PointF(0, height);
            c1    = new PointF(-hw, hh);
            c2    = new PointF(-hw, hh);
            starPath.AddBezier(start, c1, c2, end);

            start = new PointF(0, height);
            end   = new PointF(width, 0);
            c1    = new PointF(hw, hh);
            c2    = new PointF(hw, hh);
            starPath.AddBezier(start, c1, c2, end);

            start = new PointF(width, 0);
            end   = new PointF(0, -height);
            c1    = new PointF(hw, -hh);
            c2    = new PointF(hw, -hh);
            starPath.AddBezier(start, c1, c2, end);

            PenPathPair starPathPair = new PenPathPair()
                Pen = starPen, Path = starPath

예제 #3
        void SetIconFor(PropulsionDB db)
            int    maxSpeed        = db.MaximumSpeed / 10;
            int    totalEP         = db.TotalEnginePower / 25;
            PointF currentSpeed    = new PointF((float)db.CurrentVector.X, (float)db.CurrentVector.Y);
            float  currentSpeedLen = currentSpeed.Length / 10;

            Pen          enginePen  = new Pen(Colors.DarkGray);
            GraphicsPath enginePath = new GraphicsPath();

            enginePath.AddRectangle(-totalEP * 0.5f, 0, totalEP, maxSpeed);
            PenPathPair engine = new PenPathPair()
                Pen = enginePen, Path = enginePath

예제 #4
        public void DrawMe(Graphics g, PointF?atPosition = null)
            if (atPosition == null)
                atPosition = new PointF((float)_starSysPosition.X, (float)_starSysPosition.Y);
            //if(_camera.ViewCoordinate(_starSysPosition.Position) > _camera.ViewPortCenter)


            IMatrix cameraOffset = _camera.GetViewProjectionMatrix((PointF)atPosition);

            //apply the camera offset

            if (_radius * Zoom < _minRad)
                g.ScaleTransform(Scale * Zoom);

            foreach (var item in _shapes)
                g.DrawPath(item.Pen, item.Path);

            if (_entity.HasDataBlob <PropulsionDB>()) //this seems a little hacky way to get this specific thing to redraw each update.
                PenPathPair ppp = Thrust(_entity.GetDataBlob <PropulsionDB>());
                g.DrawPath(ppp.Pen, ppp.Path);
예제 #5
        void SetIconFor(CargoStorageDB cargodb)
            int   stackHeight = 0;
            float red         = 128 / 255;
            float green       = 128 / 255;
            float blue        = 128 / 255;
            Color colour      = new Color(128 / 255, 128 / 255, 128 / 255);

            foreach (var item in cargodb.CargoCapicity)
                int height       = (int)(item.Value / 100);
                int width        = (int)(item.Value / 100);
                Pen containerPen = new Pen(new Color(red, green, blue));
                green += 20 / 255;
                GraphicsPath containerPath = new GraphicsPath();
                containerPath.AddRectangle(width / 2, stackHeight, width, height);
                PenPathPair container = new PenPathPair()
                    Pen = containerPen, Path = containerPath
                stackHeight += height;