protected override void OnFillRegionComputed(Point[][] polygonSet) { using (PdnGraphicsPath path = new PdnGraphicsPath()) { path.AddPolygons(polygonSet); using (PdnRegion fillRegion = new PdnRegion(path)) { Rectangle boundingBox = fillRegion.GetBoundsInt(); Surface surface = ((BitmapLayer)ActiveLayer).Surface; RenderArgs ra = new RenderArgs(surface); HistoryMemento ha; using (PdnRegion affected = Utility.SimplifyAndInflateRegion(fillRegion)) { ha = new BitmapHistoryMemento(Name, Image, DocumentWorkspace, DocumentWorkspace.ActiveLayerIndex, affected); } ra.Graphics.CompositingMode = AppEnvironment.GetCompositingMode(); ra.Graphics.FillRegion(brush, fillRegion.GetRegionReadOnly()); HistoryStack.PushNewMemento(ha); ActiveLayer.Invalidate(boundingBox); Update(); } } }
public Renderer(Settings settings, PdnRegion selectionRegion) { //convert to AA space selectionBounds = selectionRegion.GetBoundsInt(); var scaledBounds = selectionBounds.Multiply(settings.AntiAliasLevel); font = settings.GetAntiAliasSizeFont(); image = new Bitmap(scaledBounds.Width, scaledBounds.Height); graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image); graphics.Clear(Color.Black); graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; this.settings = settings; //map color black to transparent ColorMap[] colorMap = { new ColorMap { OldColor = Color.Black, NewColor = Color.Transparent } }; imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); imageAttributes.SetRemapTable(colorMap); }
protected override void OnSetRenderInfo(EffectConfigToken parameters, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs) { base.OnSetRenderInfo(parameters, dstArgs, srcArgs); PdnRegion rgn = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(EnvironmentParameters.SourceSurface.Bounds); bounds = rgn.GetBoundsInt(); }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { mouseUp = true; if (!mouseDownSettingCloneSource) { Cursor = cursorMouseUp; } if (IsMouseLeftDown(e)) { this.rendererDst.Visible = true; if (savedRegion != null) { //RestoreRegion(this.savedRegion); ActiveLayer.Invalidate(this.savedRegion.GetBoundsInt()); savedRegion.Dispose(); savedRegion = null; Update(); } if (GetStaticData().takeFrom == Point.Empty || GetStaticData().lastMoved == Point.Empty) { return; } if (historyRects.Count > 0) { PdnRegion saveMeRegion; Rectangle[] rectsRO; int rectsROLength; this.historyRects.GetArrayReadOnly(out rectsRO, out rectsROLength); saveMeRegion = Utility.RectanglesToRegion(rectsRO, 0, rectsROLength); PdnRegion simplifiedRegion = Utility.SimplifyAndInflateRegion(saveMeRegion); SaveRegion(simplifiedRegion, simplifiedRegion.GetBoundsInt()); historyRects = new Vector <Rectangle>(); HistoryMemento ha = new BitmapHistoryMemento(Name, Image, DocumentWorkspace, ActiveLayerIndex, simplifiedRegion, this.ScratchSurface); HistoryStack.PushNewMemento(ha); this.ClearSavedMemory(); } } }
public TypeSetter(Settings settings, PdnRegion selectionRegion) { //parameters in this.settings = settings; this.selectionRegion = selectionRegion; bounds = selectionRegion.GetBoundsInt(); //convert to AA space scaledBounds = bounds.Multiply(settings.AntiAliasLevel); font = settings.GetAntiAliasSizeFont(); image = new Bitmap(scaledBounds.Width, scaledBounds.Height); graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image); //constants lineIncrement = (int)Math.Round(font.Height + font.Height * settings.LineSpacing); horizontalMargin = (int)Math.Round(font.Size / 10f); Lines = new List <LineData>(); }
protected override void OnSetRenderInfo(PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken newToken, RenderArgs dstArgs, RenderArgs srcArgs) { Modes OldMode = Mode; Mode = (Modes)newToken.GetProperty <StaticListChoiceProperty>(PropertyNames.Mode).Value; ModeChanged = Mode != OldMode; LowerThreshold = newToken.GetProperty <Int32Property>(PropertyNames.LowerThreshold).Value; UpperThreshold = newToken.GetProperty <Int32Property>(PropertyNames.UpperThreshold).Value; float OldTolerance = Tolerance; Tolerance = newToken.GetProperty <Int32Property>(PropertyNames.Tolerance).Value; Tolerance *= Tolerance / toleranceMax / toleranceMax; ToleranceChanged = Tolerance != OldTolerance; base.OnSetRenderInfo(newToken, dstArgs, srcArgs); PdnRegion selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(SrcArgs.Surface.Bounds); List <RectangleRef> selRects = RectangleRef.RectanglesToRectangleRefs(selection.GetRegionScansInt()); CustomOnRender(RectangleRef.SplitSmall(selRects, selection.GetBoundsInt().Bottom / 4)); }
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseMove(e); this.rendererDst.BrushLocation = new Point(e.X, e.Y); this.rendererDst.BrushSize = AppEnvironment.PenInfo.Width / 2.0f; if (!(ActiveLayer is BitmapLayer) || (takeFromLayer == null)) { return; } if (GetStaticData().updateSrcPreview) { Point currentMouse = new Point(e.X, e.Y); Point difference = new Point(currentMouse.X - GetStaticData().lastMoved.X, currentMouse.Y - GetStaticData().lastMoved.Y); this.rendererSrc.BrushLocation = new Point(GetStaticData().takeFrom.X + difference.X, GetStaticData().takeFrom.Y + difference.Y);; this.rendererSrc.BrushSize = AppEnvironment.PenInfo.Width / 2.0f; } if (IsMouseLeftDown(e) && (GetStaticData().takeFrom != Point.Empty) && !IsCtrlDown()) { Point currentMouse = new Point(e.X, e.Y); Point lastTakeFrom = Point.Empty; lastTakeFrom = GetStaticData().takeFrom; if (GetStaticData().lastMoved != Point.Empty) { Point difference = new Point(currentMouse.X - GetStaticData().lastMoved.X, currentMouse.Y - GetStaticData().lastMoved.Y); GetStaticData().takeFrom = new Point(GetStaticData().takeFrom.X + difference.X, GetStaticData().takeFrom.Y + difference.Y); } else { GetStaticData().lastMoved = currentMouse; } int penWidth = (int)AppEnvironment.PenInfo.Width; Rectangle rect; if (penWidth != 1) { rect = new Rectangle(new Point(GetStaticData().takeFrom.X - penWidth / 2, GetStaticData().takeFrom.Y - penWidth / 2), new Size(penWidth + 1, penWidth + 1)); } else { rect = new Rectangle(new Point(GetStaticData().takeFrom.X - penWidth, GetStaticData().takeFrom.Y - penWidth), new Size(1 + (2 * penWidth), 1 + (2 * penWidth))); } Rectangle boundRect = new Rectangle(GetStaticData().takeFrom, new Size(1, 1)); // If the takeFrom area escapes the boundary if (!ActiveLayer.Bounds.Contains(boundRect)) { GetStaticData().lastMoved = currentMouse; lastTakeFrom = GetStaticData().takeFrom; } if (this.savedRegion != null) { ActiveLayer.Invalidate(savedRegion.GetBoundsInt()); this.savedRegion.Dispose(); this.savedRegion = null; } rect.Intersect(takeFromLayer.Surface.Bounds); if (rect.Width == 0 || rect.Height == 0) { return; } this.savedRegion = new PdnRegion(rect); SaveRegion(this.savedRegion, rect); // Draw that clone line Surface takeFromSurface; if (object.ReferenceEquals(takeFromLayer, ActiveLayer)) { takeFromSurface = this.ScratchSurface; } else { takeFromSurface = takeFromLayer.Surface; } if (this.clipRegion == null) { this.clipRegion = Selection.CreateRegion(); } DrawCloneLine(currentMouse, GetStaticData().lastMoved, lastTakeFrom, takeFromSurface, ((BitmapLayer)ActiveLayer).Surface); this.rendererSrc.BrushLocation = GetStaticData().takeFrom; ActiveLayer.Invalidate(rect); Update(); GetStaticData().lastMoved = currentMouse; } }
private void RenderGradient() { ColorBgra startColor = AppEnvironment.PrimaryColor; ColorBgra endColor = AppEnvironment.SecondaryColor; if (this.shouldSwapColors) { if (AppEnvironment.GradientInfo.AlphaOnly) { // In transparency mode, the color values don't matter. We just need to reverse // and invert the alpha values. byte startAlpha = startColor.A; startColor.A = (byte)(255 - endColor.A); endColor.A = (byte)(255 - startAlpha); } else { Utility.Swap(ref startColor, ref endColor); } } PointF startPointF = this.startPoint; PointF endPointF = this.endPoint; if (this.shouldConstrain) { if (this.mouseNub == this.startNub) { ConstrainPoints(endPointF, ref startPointF); } else { ConstrainPoints(startPointF, ref endPointF); } } RestoreSavedRegion(); Surface surface = ((BitmapLayer)DocumentWorkspace.ActiveLayer).Surface; PdnRegion clipRegion = DocumentWorkspace.Selection.CreateRegion(); SaveRegion(clipRegion, clipRegion.GetBoundsInt()); RenderGradient(surface, clipRegion, AppEnvironment.GetCompositingMode(), startPointF, startColor, endPointF, endColor); using (PdnRegion simplified = Utility.SimplifyAndInflateRegion(clipRegion, Utility.DefaultSimplificationFactor, 0)) { DocumentWorkspace.ActiveLayer.Invalidate(simplified); } clipRegion.Dispose(); // Set up status bar text double angle = -180.0 * Math.Atan2(endPointF.Y - startPointF.Y, endPointF.X - startPointF.X) / Math.PI; MeasurementUnit units = AppWorkspace.Units; double offsetXPhysical = Document.PixelToPhysicalX(endPointF.X - startPointF.X, units); double offsetYPhysical = Document.PixelToPhysicalY(endPointF.Y - startPointF.Y, units); double offsetLengthPhysical = Math.Sqrt(offsetXPhysical * offsetXPhysical + offsetYPhysical * offsetYPhysical); string numberFormat; string unitsAbbreviation; if (units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { string unitsAbbreviationName = "MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Abbreviation"; unitsAbbreviation = PdnResources.GetString(unitsAbbreviationName); numberFormat = "F2"; } else { unitsAbbreviation = string.Empty; numberFormat = "F0"; } string unitsString = PdnResources.GetString("MeasurementUnit." + units.ToString() + ".Plural"); string statusText = string.Format( this.helpTextWhileAdjustingFormat, offsetXPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, offsetYPhysical.ToString(numberFormat), unitsAbbreviation, offsetLengthPhysical.ToString("F2"), unitsString, angle.ToString("F2")); SetStatus(this.toolIcon, statusText); // Make sure everything is on screen. Update(); }
protected void RenderShape() { // create the Pen we will use to draw with Pen outlinePen = null; Brush interiorBrush = null; PenInfo pi = AppEnvironment.PenInfo; BrushInfo bi = AppEnvironment.BrushInfo; ColorBgra primary = AppEnvironment.PrimaryColor; ColorBgra secondary = AppEnvironment.SecondaryColor; if (!ForceShapeDrawType && AppEnvironment.ShapeDrawType == ShapeDrawType.Interior) { Utility.Swap(ref primary, ref secondary); } // Initialize pens and brushes to the correct colors if ((mouseButton & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left) { outlinePen = pi.CreatePen(AppEnvironment.BrushInfo, primary.ToColor(), secondary.ToColor()); interiorBrush = bi.CreateBrush(secondary.ToColor(), primary.ToColor()); } else if ((mouseButton & MouseButtons.Right) == MouseButtons.Right) { outlinePen = pi.CreatePen(AppEnvironment.BrushInfo, secondary.ToColor(), primary.ToColor()); interiorBrush = bi.CreateBrush(primary.ToColor(), secondary.ToColor()); } if (!this.UseDashStyle) { outlinePen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid; } outlinePen.LineJoin = LineJoin.MiterClipped; outlinePen.MiterLimit = 2; // redraw the old saveSurface if (interiorSaveRegion != null) { RestoreRegion(interiorSaveRegion); interiorSaveRegion.Dispose(); interiorSaveRegion = null; } if (outlineSaveRegion != null) { RestoreRegion(outlineSaveRegion); outlineSaveRegion.Dispose(); outlineSaveRegion = null; } // anti-aliasing? Don't mind if I do if (AppEnvironment.AntiAliasing) { renderArgs.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; } else { renderArgs.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None; } // also set the pixel offset mode renderArgs.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = GetPixelOffsetMode(); // figure out how we're going to draw ShapeDrawType drawType; if (ForceShapeDrawType) { drawType = ForcedShapeDrawType; } else { drawType = AppEnvironment.ShapeDrawType; } // get the region we want to save points = this.TrimShapePath(points); PointF[] pointsArray = points.ToArray(); PdnGraphicsPath shapePath = CreateShapePath(pointsArray); if (shapePath != null) { // create non-optimized interior region PdnRegion interiorRegion = new PdnRegion(shapePath); // create non-optimized outline region PdnRegion outlineRegion; using (PdnGraphicsPath outlinePath = (PdnGraphicsPath)shapePath.Clone()) { try { outlinePath.Widen(outlinePen); outlineRegion = new PdnRegion(outlinePath); } // Sometimes GDI+ gets cranky if we have a very small shape (e.g. all points // are coincident). catch (OutOfMemoryException) { outlineRegion = new PdnRegion(shapePath); } } // create optimized outlineRegion for purposes of rendering, if it is possible to do so // shapes will often provide an "optimized" region that circumvents the fact that // we'd otherwise get a region that encompasses the outline *and* the interior, thus // slowing rendering significantly in many cases. RectangleF[] optimizedOutlineRegion = GetOptimizedShapeOutlineRegion(pointsArray, shapePath); PdnRegion invalidOutlineRegion; if (optimizedOutlineRegion != null) { Utility.InflateRectanglesInPlace(optimizedOutlineRegion, (int)(outlinePen.Width + 2)); invalidOutlineRegion = Utility.RectanglesToRegion(optimizedOutlineRegion); } else { invalidOutlineRegion = Utility.SimplifyAndInflateRegion(outlineRegion, Utility.DefaultSimplificationFactor, (int)(outlinePen.Width + 2)); } // create optimized interior region PdnRegion invalidInteriorRegion = Utility.SimplifyAndInflateRegion(interiorRegion, Utility.DefaultSimplificationFactor, 3); PdnRegion invalidRegion = new PdnRegion(); invalidRegion.MakeEmpty(); // set up alpha blending renderArgs.Graphics.CompositingMode = AppEnvironment.GetCompositingMode(); SaveRegion(invalidOutlineRegion, invalidOutlineRegion.GetBoundsInt()); this.outlineSaveRegion = invalidOutlineRegion; if ((drawType & ShapeDrawType.Outline) != 0) { shapePath.Draw(renderArgs.Graphics, outlinePen); } invalidRegion.Union(invalidOutlineRegion); // draw shape if ((drawType & ShapeDrawType.Interior) != 0) { SaveRegion(invalidInteriorRegion, invalidInteriorRegion.GetBoundsInt()); this.interiorSaveRegion = invalidInteriorRegion; renderArgs.Graphics.FillPath(interiorBrush, shapePath); invalidRegion.Union(invalidInteriorRegion); } else { invalidInteriorRegion.Dispose(); invalidInteriorRegion = null; } bitmapLayer.Invalidate(invalidRegion); invalidRegion.Dispose(); invalidRegion = null; outlineRegion.Dispose(); outlineRegion = null; interiorRegion.Dispose(); interiorRegion = null; } Update(); if (shapePath != null) { shapePath.Dispose(); shapePath = null; } outlinePen.Dispose(); interiorBrush.Dispose(); }
private static unsafe void LoadOrSaveSurfaceRegion(FileStream fileHandle, Surface surface, PdnRegion region, bool trueForSave) { Rectangle[] scans = region.GetRegionScansReadOnlyInt(); Rectangle regionBounds = region.GetBoundsInt(); Rectangle surfaceBounds = surface.Bounds; int scanCount = 0; void *[] ppvBuffers; uint[] lengths; regionBounds.Intersect(surfaceBounds); long length = (long)regionBounds.Width * (long)regionBounds.Height * (long)ColorBgra.SizeOf; if (scans.Length == 1 && length <= uint.MaxValue && surface.IsContiguousMemoryRegion(regionBounds)) { ppvBuffers = new void *[1]; lengths = new uint[1]; ppvBuffers[0] = surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(regionBounds.Location); lengths[0] = (uint)length; } else { for (int i = 0; i < scans.Length; ++i) { Rectangle rect = scans[i]; rect.Intersect(surfaceBounds); if (rect.Width != 0 && rect.Height != 0) { scanCount += rect.Height; } } int scanIndex = 0; ppvBuffers = new void *[scanCount]; lengths = new uint[scanCount]; for (int i = 0; i < scans.Length; ++i) { Rectangle rect = scans[i]; rect.Intersect(surfaceBounds); if (rect.Width != 0 && rect.Height != 0) { for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; ++y) { ppvBuffers[scanIndex] = surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); lengths[scanIndex] = (uint)(rect.Width * ColorBgra.SizeOf); ++scanIndex; } } } } if (trueForSave) { FileSystem.WriteToStreamingFileGather(fileHandle, ppvBuffers, lengths); } else { FileSystem.ReadFromStreamScatter(fileHandle, ppvBuffers, lengths); } }
private static unsafe void LoadOrSaveSurfaceRegion(FileStream fileHandle, Surface surface, PdnRegion region, bool trueForSave) { Rectangle[] scans = region.GetRegionScansReadOnlyInt(); Rectangle regionBounds = region.GetBoundsInt(); Rectangle surfaceBounds = surface.Bounds; int scanCount = 0; void*[] ppvBuffers; uint[] lengths; regionBounds.Intersect(surfaceBounds); long length = (long)regionBounds.Width * (long)regionBounds.Height * (long)ColorBgra.SizeOf; if (scans.Length == 1 && length <= uint.MaxValue && surface.IsContiguousMemoryRegion(regionBounds)) { ppvBuffers = new void*[1]; lengths = new uint[1]; ppvBuffers[0] = surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(regionBounds.Location); lengths[0] = (uint)length; } else { for (int i = 0; i < scans.Length; ++i) { Rectangle rect = scans[i]; rect.Intersect(surfaceBounds); if (rect.Width != 0 && rect.Height != 0) { scanCount += rect.Height; } } int scanIndex = 0; ppvBuffers = new void*[scanCount]; lengths = new uint[scanCount]; for (int i = 0; i < scans.Length; ++i) { Rectangle rect = scans[i]; rect.Intersect(surfaceBounds); if (rect.Width != 0 && rect.Height != 0) { for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; ++y) { ppvBuffers[scanIndex] = surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y); lengths[scanIndex] = (uint)(rect.Width * ColorBgra.SizeOf); ++scanIndex; } } } } if (trueForSave) { FileSystem.WriteToStreamingFileGather(fileHandle, ppvBuffers, lengths); } else { FileSystem.ReadFromStreamScatter(fileHandle, ppvBuffers, lengths); } }