protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_main); pdfView = FindViewById <PdfView>(Resource.Id.pdfView); DisplayFromAsset("sample.pdf"); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); var pdfView = new PdfView(); pdfView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; View.AddSubview(pdfView); pdfView.LeadingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.LeadingAnchor).Active = true; pdfView.TrailingAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TrailingAnchor).Active = true; pdfView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.TopAnchor).Active = true; pdfView.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.BottomAnchor).Active = true; var document = new PdfDocument(new NSUrl("")); pdfView.Document = document; pdfView.AutoScales = true; // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. //UILabel label = new UILabel(new CGRect(0, 200, View.Frame.Size.Width, 50)); //label.Text = "Tutorial"; //label.Font.WithSize(36); //View.Add(label.ViewForBaselineLayout); //this.View.AddSubview(uIScrollView); }
internal void Initialize(PdfView pdfView) { PDFView = pdfView; // Register event handlers PDFView.InitializationCompletedHandler += PDFView_InitializationCompletedHandler; PDFView.OnDocumentOpened += (sender, document) => { Events.Add("Document Opened From " + (document.DocumentSource.GetFile() != null ? "StorageFile" : "IBuffer")); document.AnnotationsCreated += (view, annotations) => { AnnotationEvent("created", annotations); }; document.AnnotationsDeleted += (view, annotations) => { AnnotationEvent("deleted", annotations); }; document.AnnotationsUpdated += (view, annotations) => { AnnotationEvent("updated", annotations); }; sender.Controller.OnCurrentPageChanged += (controller, currentPage) => Events.Add($"Changed to page {currentPage}"); sender.OnViewStateChanged += (controller, viewState) => { if (viewState.ZoomFactor != LastZoomFactor) { LastZoomFactor = viewState.ZoomFactor; Events.Add($"ViewState changed: ZoomFactor {LastZoomFactor}"); } }; }; }
public PdfContainerView(NSUrl uri, bool ocr) { BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; title = new UILabel(); title.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; title.TextColor = Colors.DarkGray; title.Font = UIFont.FromName("HelveticaNeue-Bold", 13f); title.Lines = 0; AddSubview(title); content = new PdfView(); content.DisplayMode = PdfDisplayMode.SinglePageContinuous; content.AutoScales = true; content.Document = new PdfDocument(uri); AddSubview(content); if (ocr) { title.Text = "Good job! You created a sandwich .pdf.\n" + "Go ahead, try to select part of the text of your saved file"; } else { title.Text = "Good job! You saved a plain pdf.\n" + "Try to select part of your text, you won't be able to"; } }
public ActionResult RePrint() { List <MovementEntryVM> aList = (List <MovementEntryVM>)Session["CartList"]; if (aList != null && aList.Any()) { List <PdfView> pdfList = new List <PdfView>(); foreach (var mo in aList) { PdfView aPdfView = new PdfView(); aPdfView.OrganizationId = mo.OrganizationId; aPdfView.OrganizationName = mo.OrganizationName; aPdfView.AssetId = mo.AssetId; aPdfView.AssecCode = mo.Code; aPdfView.AssetSerialNo = mo.SerialNo; aPdfView.GeneralCategory = mo.GeneralCategoryName; aPdfView.Category = mo.CategoryNme; aPdfView.Brand = mo.BrandName; aPdfView.FromBranch = mo.BranchName; aPdfView.ToBranch = branchManager.GetById(mo.BranchId).Name; aPdfView.MovedBy = mo.MoveBy; aPdfView.Date = mo.RegistrationDate; pdfList.Add(aPdfView); } GeneratePdf(pdfList, DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(), Session["username"].ToString()); } return(RedirectToAction("Entry")); }
private void GetItem() { UploadedFile = TextValue.Text.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UploadedFile)) { PdfView.OpenFile(UploadedFile); } }
private async void PDFView_InitializationCompletedHandlerAsync(PdfView sender, PSPDFKit.Pdf.Document document) { // If we already have a file to open lets proceed with that here. if (_fileToOpen != null) { await PDFView.OpenStorageFileAsync(_fileToOpen); } _pdfViewInitialised = true; }
protected override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext context) { var result = base.FindView(context); if (result.View == null) return result; var pdfView = new PdfView(result); return new ViewEngineResult(pdfView, pdfView); }
private void DiariesGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (DiariesGrid.SelectedIndex > -1) { DataRowView row = (DataRowView)DiariesGrid.SelectedItems[0]; PdfView.OpenFile(row["UploadLocation"].ToString()); UploadedFile = row["UploadLocation"].ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the view model with the Pdf view. This is necessary as we have to trigger the search /// from the view. /// </summary> /// <param name="pdfView">The Pdf view of the page</param> public void Initialize(PdfView pdfView) { PdfView = pdfView; TextSearcher = new TextSearcher(); PdfView.InitializationCompletedHandler += delegate { // We register the search result handler as soon as the Pdf view is initialized. TextSearcher.SearchResultHandler += APIOnSearchResultHandler; }; }
public void CGPdfPage() { TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(9, 0); var pdfPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("Tamarin", "pdf"); using var view = new PdfView(); view.Document = new PdfDocument(NSUrl.FromFilename(pdfPath)); using var page = view.CurrentPage; Assert.IsNotNull(page.Page, "Page"); }
private void ChooseDiary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FilePath = Repository.GetFile(); if (FilePath != null) { string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(FilePath); ChosenDiary.Text = Path.GetFileName(FilePath); PdfView.OpenFile(fullPath); } }
private void Browse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FilePath = Repository.GetFile(); if (FilePath != null) { string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(FilePath); SelectedDocument.Text = Path.GetFileName(FilePath); PdfView.OpenFile(fullPath); CheckExecutable(); } }
protected override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext context) { var result = base.FindView(context); if (result.View == null) { return(result); } var pdfView = new PdfView(result); return(new ViewEngineResult(pdfView, pdfView)); }
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <PDFView> e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); if (e.NewElement != null) { if (Control == null) { _pdfView = new PdfView(Context, Element); SetNativeControl(_pdfView); LoadFile(Element?.Uri); } } }
private void ChooseDiary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FilePath = Repository.GetFile(); if (FilePath != null) { string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(FilePath); ChosenDiary.Text = Path.GetFileName(FilePath); PdfView.OpenFile(fullPath); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SelectedDiary.Text)) { UploadDiary.IsEnabled = true; } } }
internal void Initialize(PdfView pdfView) { PDFView = pdfView; // Register event handlers PDFView.InitializationCompletedHandler += PDFView_InitializationCompletedHandler; PDFView.OnDocumentOpened += (sender, document) => { Events.Add("Document Opened From " + (document.DocumentSource.GetFile() != null ? "StorageFile" : "IBuffer")); document.AnnotationsCreated += (view, annotations) => { AnnotationEvent("created", annotations); }; document.AnnotationsDeleted += (view, annotations) => { AnnotationEvent("deleted", annotations); }; document.AnnotationsUpdated += (view, annotations) => { AnnotationEvent("updated", annotations); }; }; }
public void PrintPDF(NSUrl fileUrl) { // Create the print settings. ContentWebView.MainFrame.FrameView.PrintDocumentView(); //printOperationWithPrintInfo: printInfo] NSPrintInfo sharePrintInfo = NSPrintInfo.SharedPrintInfo; var sharedDict = sharePrintInfo.Dictionary; NSMutableDictionary printInfoDict = NSMutableDictionary.FromDictionary(sharedDict); printInfoDict.Add(NSObject.FromObject("NSPrintHeaderAndFooter"), NSObject.FromObject(true)); printInfoDict.Add(NSObject.FromObject("NSPrintJobDisposition"), NSObject.FromObject("NSPrintSpoolJob")); // NSPrintSaveJob var printInfo = new NSPrintInfo(printInfoDict); printInfo.TopMargin = 72.0f; printInfo.BottomMargin = 72.0f; printInfo.LeftMargin = 0.0f; printInfo.RightMargin = 0.0f; printInfo.HorizontalPagination = NSPrintingPaginationMode.Fit; printInfo.VerticalPagination = NSPrintingPaginationMode.Auto; printInfo.HorizontallyCentered = true; printInfo.VerticallyCentered = false; printInfo.ScalingFactor = 0.5f; var rect = printInfo.ImageablePageBounds; // Create the document reference. var pdfData = ContentWebView.MainFrame.FrameView.DocumentView.DataWithPdfInsideRect( ContentWebView.MainFrame.FrameView.DocumentView.Frame); PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfData); PdfView pdfView = new PdfView(); pdfView.SetFrameSize(ContentWebView.MainFrame.FrameView.Frame.Size); pdfView.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(0, 0)); pdfView.Document = pdfDocument; var op = NSPrintOperation.FromView(pdfView.DocumentView, printInfo); op.ShowsProgressPanel = true; op.ShowsPrintPanel = true; op.RunOperation(); //op.RunOperationModal(View.Window,null); }
private void SetLayout() { _pdfView = new PdfView(); _pdfView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; Add(_pdfView); _pdfView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _pdfView.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.TopAnchor).Active = true; _pdfView.HeightAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.HeightAnchor, new nfloat(0.8)).Active = true; _pdfView.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.WidthAnchor).Active = true; _musicBar = new UIView(); View.Add(_musicBar); _musicBar.BackgroundColor = new UIColor((nfloat)Xamarin.Forms.Color.FromHex("#343434").R, (nfloat)Xamarin.Forms.Color.FromHex("#343434").G, (nfloat)Xamarin.Forms.Color.FromHex("#343434").B, 1); _musicBar.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; _musicBar.TopAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(_pdfView.BottomAnchor).Active = true; _musicBar.BottomAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide.BottomAnchor).Active = true; _musicBar.WidthAnchor.ConstraintEqualTo(View.WidthAnchor).Active = true; }
public PDFViewPage() { InitializeComponent(); Pdfview = PDFView; PDFView.OnSuspendUnloading += (sender, args) => { // Reset the displated document. // This is a work aronud to ensure that if the user navigates away from // the Page and then back, a document will still be shown. _fileToOpen = null; }; PDFView.OnDocumentOpened += (pdfView, document) => { document.AnnotationsCreated += DocumentOnAnnotationsCreated; document.AnnotationsUpdated += DocumentOnAnnotationsUpdated; document.AnnotationsDeleted += DocumentOnAnnotationsDeleted; }; }
async void PDFView_InitializationCompletedHandler(PdfView pdfView, Document document) { pdfView.Controller.OnPrint += (sender, args) => { Events.Add("Print Button Clicked"); }; pdfView.Controller.OnCurrentPageChanged += (sender, pageIndex) => { Events.Add($"Current Page Changed to {pageIndex}"); }; pdfView.Controller.OnAnnotationSelectionChanged += (sender, annotation) => { if (annotation == null) { Events.Add("No annotation selected"); } else { Events.Add($"Selected {annotation.AnnotationType.ToString ()} annotation with {annotation.Id}"); } }; var pageCount = await document.GetTotalPageCountAsync(); Events.Add($"PdfView Initialization Completed: Opened document with {pageCount} pages"); }
public ActionResult Entry(MovementEntryVM movementM) { var username = Session["username"].ToString(); int orgid = 0; var list = userManager.GetAll().Where(c => c.UserName == username); foreach (var t in list) { orgid = t.OrganizationId; } ViewBag.orglist = organizationManager.GetAll(); MovementEntryVM model = new MovementEntryVM() { OrganizationLookUp = loader.GetOrganizationByUserOrgIdSelectitems(orgid), //AssetLookUp = loader.GetAssetSelectListItems() AssetLookUp = loader.GetAssetSelectListItemsJoinwithAssetDetails(orgid) }; string format = "d"; model.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Today.ToString(format); List <MovementEntryVM> aList = (List <MovementEntryVM>)Session["CartList"]; if (aList != null && aList.Any()) { List <PdfView> pdfList = new List <PdfView>(); foreach (var mo in aList) { MovementEntryVM movementVM = new MovementEntryVM(); movementVM = mo; movementVM.MoveBy = Session["username"].ToString(); AssetRegistrationDetails details = assetdetailsmanager.GetIdAssetId(movementVM.AssetId); int detailsId = details.Id; details = assetdetailsmanager.GetById(detailsId); details.OrganizationId = movementVM.OrganizationId; details.BranchId = movementVM.OrganizationId; var movement = Mapper.Map <Movement>(movementVM); MovementPermision mvp = new MovementPermision(); mvp.Permision = false; var movementPermision = Mapper.Map <MovementPermision>(movementVM); bool isSaved; if (Session["Designation"].ToString() == "Manager") { isSaved = movementPermisionManager.Add(movementPermision); } else { isSaved = movementManager.Add(movement); } if (isSaved) { details.BranchId = movementVM.BranchId; if (assetdetailsmanager.Update(details)) { ModelState.Clear(); ViewBag.message = "Save Successfully"; PdfView aPdfView = new PdfView(); aPdfView.OrganizationId = movement.OrganizationId; aPdfView.OrganizationName = movement.OrganizationName; aPdfView.AssetId = movement.AssetId; aPdfView.AssecCode = movementVM.Code; aPdfView.AssetSerialNo = movementVM.SerialNo; aPdfView.GeneralCategory = movementVM.GeneralCategoryName; aPdfView.Category = movementVM.CategoryNme; aPdfView.Brand = movementVM.BrandName; aPdfView.FromBranch = movement.BranchName; aPdfView.ToBranch = branchManager.GetById(movement.BranchId).Name; aPdfView.MovedBy = movement.MoveBy; aPdfView.Date = movement.RegistrationDate; pdfList.Add(aPdfView); } } } GeneratePdf(pdfList, DateTime.Now.Date.ToString(), Session["username"].ToString()); Session["Printed"] = "YES"; } return(RedirectToAction("Entry")); }
public DefaultLinkHandler(PdfView pdfView) { this.pdfView = pdfView; }
public void Initialize(int cIsso) { PdfView.Initialize(cIsso); }
public void Initialize(PdfView pdfView) { PDFView = pdfView; PDFView.ShowMessage("Password is 'pspdfkit'."); }
public override void Dispose() { PdfView.Dispose(); }
// Once the Document is initialized we tell it we want to know when the user clicks the print button private void PDFView_InitializationCompletedHandler(PdfView sender, Document document) => sender.Controller.OnPrint += API_OnPrint;
private async void PDFView_InitializationCompletedHandlerAsync(PdfView sender, PSPDFKit.Pdf.Document args) { await PDFView.Controller.ShowDocumentWithViewStateAsync(DocumentSource.CreateFromStorageFile(_fileToOpen), _viewStateCache); _pdfViewInitialised = true; }
public void Initialize(PdfView pdfView) => PDFView = pdfView;
private void btnSave_as_PDF_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) { PdfView pdfview = new PdfView(); }
void ExecuteOpenManualCommand() { var win = new PdfView(); }