private static void CreateLaunchActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); font.Size = 12; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++) { document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Launch actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 360); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 380, 200, 20); slo.X = 500; slo.Y = 390; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Launch samples explorer", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 380, 200, 20); // Create a launch action and attach it to the link. PdfLaunchAction launchAction = new PdfLaunchAction(); launchAction.FileName = "Xfinium.Pdf.SamplesExplorer.Win.exe"; link.Action = launchAction; } }
/// <summary> /// Extracts text fragments from the 3rd page and highlights the glyphs in the fragment. /// </summary> /// <param name="document"></param> private static void ExtractImagesAndHighlight(PdfFixedDocument document) { PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(255, 0, 192), 0.5); PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0)); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 8); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = helvetica; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.Width = 1000; PdfContentExtractor ce = new PdfContentExtractor(document.Pages[2]); PdfVisualImageCollection eic = ce.ExtractImages(false); for (int i = 0; i < eic.Count; i++) { string imageProperties = string.Format("Image ID: {0}\nPixel width: {1} pixels\nPixel height: {2} pixels\n" + "Display width: {3} points\nDisplay height: {4} points\nHorizonal Resolution: {5} dpi\nVertical Resolution: {6} dpi", eic[i].ImageID, eic[i].Width, eic[i].Height, eic[i].DisplayWidth, eic[i].DisplayHeight, eic[i].DpiX, eic[i].DpiY); PdfPath boundingPath = new PdfPath(); boundingPath.StartSubpath(eic[i].ImageCorners[0].X, eic[i].ImageCorners[0].Y); boundingPath.AddLineTo(eic[i].ImageCorners[1].X, eic[i].ImageCorners[1].Y); boundingPath.AddLineTo(eic[i].ImageCorners[2].X, eic[i].ImageCorners[2].Y); boundingPath.AddLineTo(eic[i].ImageCorners[3].X, eic[i].ImageCorners[3].Y); boundingPath.CloseSubpath(); document.Pages[2].Graphics.DrawPath(pen, boundingPath); slo.X = eic[i].ImageCorners[3].X + 1; slo.Y = eic[i].ImageCorners[3].Y + 1; document.Pages[2].Graphics.DrawString(imageProperties, sao, slo); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> private static void DrawWatermarkWithTransparency(PdfPage page) { PdfBrush redBrush = new PdfBrush(new PdfRgbColor(192, 0, 0)); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 36); // The page graphics is located by default on top of existing page content. //page.SetGraphicsPosition(PdfPageGraphicsPosition.OverExistingPageContent); page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = redBrush; sao.Font = helvetica; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.X = 130; slo.Y = 670; slo.Rotation = 60; // Draw the watermark over page content but setting the transparency to a value lower than 1. // The page content will be partially visible through the watermark. PdfExtendedGraphicState gs1 = new PdfExtendedGraphicState(); gs1.FillAlpha = 0.3; page.Graphics.SetExtendedGraphicState(gs1); page.Graphics.DrawString("Sample watermark over page content", sao, slo); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); }
void CreateNewPage(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font, PdfBrush brush) { var page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Height = 1024; page.Width = 840; font.Size = FONTSIZE_PAGE_TITLE; PdfStringAppearanceOptions appearance = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions { Brush = brush, Font = font, }; PdfStringLayoutOptions layout = new PdfStringLayoutOptions() { HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom, X = page.Width - PagePadding.Right, Y = page.Height - PagePadding.Bottom }; font.Size = FONTSIZE_DEFAULT; page.Graphics.DrawString(document.Pages.Count.ToString(), appearance, layout); CurrentPage = page; AvailableSize = new Size( page.Width - PagePadding.Left - PagePadding.Right, page.Height - PagePadding.Top - PagePadding.Bottom); }
private static void CreateJavaScriptActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); font.Size = 12; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++) { document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("JavaScript actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 480); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 500, 200, 20); slo.X = 500; slo.Y = 510; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Click me", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 500, 200, 20); // Create a Javascript action and attach it to the link. PdfJavaScriptAction jsAction = new PdfJavaScriptAction(); jsAction.Script = "app.alert({cMsg: \"JavaScript action: you are now on page " + (i + 1) + "\", cTitle: \"Xfinium.Pdf Actions Sample\"});"; link.Action = jsAction; } }
private static void CreateUriActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); font.Size = 12; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++) { document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Uri actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 420); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 440, 200, 20); slo.X = 500; slo.Y = 450; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go to", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 440, 200, 20); // Create an uri action and attach it to the link. PdfUriAction uriAction = new PdfUriAction(); uriAction.URI = ""; link.Action = uriAction; } }
private static void CreateTextMarkupAnnotations(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Graphics.DrawString("Text markup annotations", font, blackBrush, 50, 50); PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType[] tmat = new PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType[] { PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType.Highlight, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType.Squiggly, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType.StrikeOut, PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType.Underline }; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; for (int i = 0; i < tmat.Length; i++) { PdfTextMarkupAnnotation tma = new PdfTextMarkupAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(tma); tma.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(50, 100 + 50 * i, 200, font.Size + 2); tma.TextMarkupType = tmat[i]; slo.X = 150; slo.Y = 100 + 50 * i + font.Size; page.Graphics.DrawString(tmat[i].ToString() + " annotation.", sao, slo); } }
/// <summary> /// Utility method that will create a new string appearance options. /// </summary> /// <returns>The appearence options.</returns> /// <param name="font">Font.</param> /// <param name="color">Color.</param> private static PdfStringAppearanceOptions NewAppearance(PdfStandardFont font, PdfColor color) { var ret = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); ret.Font = font; ret.Brush = new PdfBrush(color); return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Main method for running the sample. /// </summary> public static SampleOutputInfo[] Run(Stream iccInput, Stream ttfInput) { PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument(); // Setup the document by creating a PDF/A output intent, based on a RGB ICC profile, // and document information and metadata PdfIccColorSpace icc = new PdfIccColorSpace(); byte[] profilePayload = new byte[iccInput.Length]; iccInput.Read(profilePayload, 0, profilePayload.Length); icc.IccProfile = profilePayload; PdfOutputIntent oi = new PdfOutputIntent(); oi.Type = PdfOutputIntentType.PdfA1; oi.Info = "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"; oi.OutputConditionIdentifier = "Custom"; oi.DestinationOutputProfile = icc; document.OutputIntents = new PdfOutputIntentCollection(); document.OutputIntents.Add(oi); document.DocumentInformation = new PdfDocumentInformation(); document.DocumentInformation.Author = "XFINIUM Software"; document.DocumentInformation.Title = "XFINIUM.PDF PDF/A-1B Demo"; document.DocumentInformation.Creator = "XFINIUM.PDF PDF/A-1B Demo"; document.DocumentInformation.Producer = "XFINIUM.PDF"; document.DocumentInformation.Keywords = "pdf/a"; document.DocumentInformation.Subject = "PDF/A-1B Sample produced by XFINIUM.PDF"; document.XmpMetadata = new PdfXmpMetadata(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Rotation = 90; // All fonts must be embedded in a PDF/A document. PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Font = new PdfAnsiTrueTypeFont(ttfInput, 24, true); sao.Brush = new PdfBrush(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 128)); PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = page.Width / 2; slo.Y = page.Height / 2 - 10; page.Graphics.DrawString("XFINIUM.PDF", sao, slo); slo.Y = page.Height / 2 + 10; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; sao.Font.Size = 16; page.Graphics.DrawString("This is a sample PDF/A document that shows the PDF/A capabilities in XFINIUM.PDF library", sao, slo); // The document is formatted as PDF/A using the PdfAFormatter class: // PdfAFormatter.Save(document, outputStream, PdfAFormat.PdfA1b); SampleOutputInfo[] output = new SampleOutputInfo[] { new SampleOutputInfo(document, "xfinium.pdf.sample.pdfa.pdf") }; return(output); }
private PdfFixedDocument GenerateCertificatePdf(string userFullName, string title, DateTime quizTime) { PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument(); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 16); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; helvetica.Size = 30; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = helvetica; PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Rotation = 90; // Add border PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 48); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 0, 0, page.Width, page.Height); var verticalSpacing = 45; // Add Text slo.X = 395; slo.Y = 70; page.Graphics.DrawString("This document certifies that", sao, slo); slo.Y += verticalSpacing; page.Graphics.DrawString(userFullName, sao, slo); slo.Y += verticalSpacing; page.Graphics.DrawString("has completed requirements for", sao, slo); slo.Y += verticalSpacing; page.Graphics.DrawString(title, sao, slo); slo.Y += verticalSpacing; page.Graphics.DrawString("on", sao, slo); slo.Y += verticalSpacing; page.Graphics.DrawString(quizTime.ToShortDateString(), sao, slo); DrawImages(page); return(document); }
/// <summary> /// Main method for running the sample. /// </summary> public static SampleOutputInfo[] Run(Stream iccInput, Stream ttfInput) { PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument(); // Setup the document by creating a PDF/A output intent, based on a RGB ICC profile, // and document information and metadata PdfIccColorSpace icc = new PdfIccColorSpace(); byte[] profilePayload = new byte[iccInput.Length]; iccInput.Read(profilePayload, 0, profilePayload.Length); icc.IccProfile = profilePayload; PdfOutputIntent oi = new PdfOutputIntent(); oi.Type = PdfOutputIntentType.PdfA1; oi.Info = "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"; oi.OutputConditionIdentifier = "Custom"; oi.DestinationOutputProfile = icc; document.OutputIntents = new PdfOutputIntentCollection(); document.OutputIntents.Add(oi); document.DocumentInformation = new PdfDocumentInformation(); document.DocumentInformation.Author = "XFINIUM Software"; document.DocumentInformation.Title = "XFINIUM.PDF PDF/A-1B Demo"; document.DocumentInformation.Creator = "XFINIUM.PDF PDF/A-1B Demo"; document.DocumentInformation.Producer = "XFINIUM.PDF"; document.DocumentInformation.Keywords = "pdf/a"; document.DocumentInformation.Subject = "PDF/A-1B Sample produced by XFINIUM.PDF"; document.XmpMetadata = new PdfXmpMetadata(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Rotation = 90; // All fonts must be embedded in a PDF/A document. PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Font = new PdfAnsiTrueTypeFont(ttfInput, 24, true); sao.Brush = new PdfBrush(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 128)); PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = page.Width / 2; slo.Y = page.Height / 2 - 10; page.Graphics.DrawString("XFINIUM.PDF", sao, slo); slo.Y = page.Height / 2 + 10; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; sao.Font.Size = 16; page.Graphics.DrawString("This is a sample PDF/A document that shows the PDF/A capabilities in XFINIUM.PDF library", sao, slo); // The document is formatted as PDF/A using the PdfAFormatter class: // PdfAFormatter.Save(document, outputStream, PdfAFormat.PdfA1b); SampleOutputInfo[] output = new SampleOutputInfo[] { new SampleOutputInfo(document, "xfinium.pdf.sample.pdfa.pdf") }; return output; }
private static void CreateRemoteGoToActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); font.Size = 12; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++) { int destinationPage = rnd.Next(document.Pages.Count); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Remote actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 300); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 320, 200, 20); slo.X = 500; slo.Y = 330; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To page " + (destinationPage + 1).ToString() + " in sample.pdf", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 320, 200, 20); // Create a GoToR action and attach it to the link. PdfPageNumberDestination pageDestination = new PdfPageNumberDestination(); pageDestination.PageNumber = destinationPage; pageDestination.Left = 0; pageDestination.Top = 792; pageDestination.Zoom = 0; // Keep current zoom PdfRemoteGoToAction remoteGoToAction = new PdfRemoteGoToAction(); remoteGoToAction.FileName = "sample.pdf"; remoteGoToAction.Destination = pageDestination; link.Action = remoteGoToAction; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> private static void DrawWatermarkUnderPageContent(PdfPage page) { PdfBrush redBrush = new PdfBrush(new PdfRgbColor(192, 0, 0)); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 36); // Set the page graphics to be located under existing page content. page.SetGraphicsPosition(PdfPageGraphicsPosition.UnderExistingPageContent); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = redBrush; sao.Font = helvetica; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.X = 130; slo.Y = 670; slo.Rotation = 60; page.Graphics.DrawString("Sample watermark under page content", sao, slo); }
public TextColumn(string[] data, PdfStringAppearanceOptions appearance) { = data; this.appearance = appearance; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { var size = PdfTextEngine.MeasureString(data[i], appearance.Font); if (size.Height > rowHeight) { rowHeight = size.Height; } if (size.Width > columnWidth) { columnWidth = size.Width; } } }
private static void CreateRedactionAnnotations(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font, Stream flashStream) { PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Graphics.DrawString("Redaction annotations", font, blackBrush, 50, 50); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 10); page.Graphics.DrawString( "Open the file with Adobe Acrobat, right click on the annotation and select \"Apply redactions\". The text under the annotation will be redacted.", helvetica, blackBrush, 50, 110); PdfFormXObject redactionAppearance = new PdfFormXObject(250, 150); redactionAppearance.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new PdfBrush(PdfRgbColor.LightGreen), 0, 0, redactionAppearance.Width, redactionAppearance.Height); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = new PdfBrush(PdfRgbColor.DarkRed); sao.Font = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 32); PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.Width = redactionAppearance.Width; slo.Height = redactionAppearance.Height; slo.X = 0; slo.Y = 0; slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; redactionAppearance.Graphics.DrawString("This content has been redacted", sao, slo); PdfRedactionAnnotation redactionAnnotation = new PdfRedactionAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(redactionAnnotation); redactionAnnotation.Author = "XFINIUM.PDF"; redactionAnnotation.BorderColor = new PdfRgbColor(192, 0, 0); redactionAnnotation.BorderWidth = 1; redactionAnnotation.OverlayAppearance = redactionAppearance; redactionAnnotation.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(50, 100, 250, 150); }
private static void DrawTextRenderingModes(PdfPage page, PdfStandardFont titleFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen redPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Red, 0.5); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12); PdfStandardFont helveticaBold = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 80); page.Graphics.DrawString("Text rendering modes", titleFont, brush, 20, 50); page.Graphics.DrawString("Fill text", helvetica, brush, 20, 90); page.Graphics.DrawString("Stroke text", helvetica, brush, 20, 160); page.Graphics.DrawString("Fill and stroke text", helvetica, brush, 20, 230); page.Graphics.DrawString("Invisible text", helvetica, brush, 20, 300); page.Graphics.DrawString("Fill and clip text", helvetica, brush, 20, 370); page.Graphics.DrawString("Stroke and clip text", helvetica, brush, 20, 440); page.Graphics.DrawString("Fill, stroke and clip text", helvetica, brush, 20, 510); page.Graphics.DrawString("Clip text", helvetica, brush, 20, 580); // Fill text - text interior is filled because only the brush is available for drawing. page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", helveticaBold, brush, 300, 90); // Stroke text - text outline is stroked becuase only the pen is available for drawing. PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.X = 300; slo.Y = 160; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Font = helveticaBold; sao.Pen = redPen; sao.Brush = null; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); // Fill and stroke text - text interior is filled and text outline is stroked // because both pen and brush are available. slo.Y = 230; sao.Pen = redPen; sao.Brush = brush; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); // Invisible text - text is not displayed because both pen and brush are not available. slo.Y = 300; sao.Pen = null; sao.Brush = null; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); // Fill and clip text - text interior is filled and then text outline is added to current clipping path. page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); helveticaBold.TextRenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.FillAndClipText; slo.Y = 370; sao.Pen = null; sao.Brush = brush; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); DrawHorizontalLines(page.Graphics, redPen, slo.X, slo.Y, 250, 70); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); // Stroke and clip text - text outline is stroked and then text outline is added to current clipping path. page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); helveticaBold.TextRenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.StrokeAndClipText; slo.Y = 440; sao.Pen = redPen; sao.Brush = null; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); DrawHorizontalLines(page.Graphics, redPen, slo.X, slo.Y, 250, 70); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); // Fill, Stroke and clip text - text interior is filled, text outline is stroked and then text outline is added to current clipping path. page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); helveticaBold.TextRenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.FillStrokeAndClipText; slo.Y = 510; sao.Pen = redPen; sao.Brush = brush; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); DrawHorizontalLines(page.Graphics, redPen, slo.X, slo.Y, 250, 70); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); // Clip text - text outline is added to current clipping path. page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); helveticaBold.TextRenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.ClipText; slo.Y = 580; sao.Pen = redPen; sao.Brush = brush; page.Graphics.DrawString("A B C", sao, slo); DrawHorizontalLines(page.Graphics, redPen, slo.X, slo.Y, 250, 70); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); }
public void DrawPdf(BATModel model) { try { PdfFixedDocument document = Load(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\UserPDF\PdfTemplateLong.pdf")); PdfPage page1 = document.Pages[0]; PdfPage page2 = document.Pages[1]; DrawFirmFinancialsPage(page2, model); //VMI pages PdfPage page3 = document.Pages[2]; DrawVMIPage(page3, 1, 0, model.Vmi_Man_Written_Plan, model.Vmi_Man_Track, model.Vmi_Man_Phase, model.Vmi_Man_Revenue, model.Vmi_Man_Practice, null); double width = page3.Width; PdfPage page4 = document.Pages[3]; DrawVMIPage(page4, 4, 63, model.Vmi_Mar_Value_Proposition, model.Vmi_Mar_Materials, model.Vmi_Mar_Plan, model.Vmi_Mar_Prospects, model.Vmi_Mar_New_Business, null); PdfPage page5 = document.Pages[4]; //DrawVMIPage(page5, 5, 63, model.Vmi_Opt_Automate, model.Vmi_Opt_Model, model.Vmi_Opt_Procedures, model.Vmi_Opt_Schedule, model.Vmi_Opt_Segment, null); DrawVMIPage(page5, 5, 63, model.Vmi_Opt_Automate, model.Vmi_Opt_Procedures, model.Vmi_Opt_Segment, model.Vmi_Opt_Model, model.Vmi_Opt_Schedule, null); PdfPage page6 = document.Pages[5]; DrawVMIPage(page6, 6, 63, model.Vmi_Emp_Human, model.Vmi_Emp_Compensation, model.Vmi_Emp_Responsibilities, model.Vmi_Emp_Staff, model.Vmi_Emp_Emp_Retention, model); string timeRange = "Previous Year"; if (!model.Year.ToLower().Contains("previous")) { timeRange = "YTD " + DateTime.Now.Year; } page1.Graphics.DrawString(model.firstName + " " + model.lastName, new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 16), textBlueBrush, 21, 20); page1.Graphics.DrawString(timeRange + ", " + "Created on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("d"), new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 12.5), textBlueBrush, 370, 70); model.BenchmarksValuationModel = new BenchmarksValuationModel(); BenchmarkGroup peerGroup = model.BenchmarksValuationModel.PeerGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => _Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_TotalRevenueAnnualized) > p.GroupRangeMin && _Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_TotalRevenueAnnualized) < p.GroupRangeMax); if (peerGroup == null && _Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_TotalRevenueAnnualized) > 0) { peerGroup = model.BenchmarksValuationModel.PeerGroups.Last(); } else if (peerGroup == null && _Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_TotalRevenueAnnualized) == 0) { peerGroup = model.BenchmarksValuationModel.PeerGroups.First(); } if (peerGroup == null) { peerGroup = model.BenchmarksValuationModel.PeerGroups.Last(); } int groupNumber = model.BenchmarksValuationModel.PeerGroups.IndexOf(peerGroup); string group = "$0 - $250K"; if (groupNumber == 1) { group = "$250K - $499K"; } else if (groupNumber == 2) { group = "$500K - $749K"; } else if (groupNumber == 3) { group = "$750K - $999K"; } else if (groupNumber == 4) { group = "$1M - $3M"; } page1.Graphics.DrawString(group, helvetica, blackBrush, 500, 94); //============================================================== Firm Financials Table ============================================================= page1.Graphics.DrawString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_TotalFirmAsset) ? (_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_TotalFirmAsset)).ToString("C0") : "N/A", helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 128); page1.Graphics.DrawString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_ClientRelationships) ? model.Ff_ClientRelationships : "N/A", helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 147); page1.Graphics.DrawString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_RecurringRevenue) ? (Convert.ToInt32(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_RecurringRevenueAnnualized))).ToString("C0") : "N/A", helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 165); page1.Graphics.DrawString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_TotalRevenue) ? (Convert.ToInt32(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_TotalRevenueAnnualized))).ToString("C0") : "N/A", helvetica, textBrush, 170, 183); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_DirectExpensesAnnualized) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_IndirecteExpensesAnnualized)) { page1.Graphics.DrawString(Convert.ToInt32((_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_DirectExpensesAnnualized) + _Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_IndirecteExpensesAnnualized))).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 201); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_DirectExpensesAnnualized)) { page1.Graphics.DrawString((Convert.ToInt32(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_IndirecteExpensesAnnualized)).ToString("C0")), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 201); } else { page1.Graphics.DrawString((Convert.ToInt32(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_DirectExpensesAnnualized)).ToString("C0")), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 201); } page1.Graphics.DrawString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_OperatingProfitAnnualized) ? Convert.ToInt32(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.Ff_OperatingProfitAnnualized)).ToString("C0") : "N/A", helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 218); page1.Graphics.DrawString(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Ff_ProjectedGrowthRate) ? model.Ff_ProjectedGrowthRate + "%" : "N/A", helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 236); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.AUM.ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 128); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ClientRelationships.ToString(), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 147); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.RecurringRevenue.ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 165); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.TotalRevenue.ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 183); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.TotalExpenses.ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 201); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.OperatingProfit.ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 218); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ProjectedAnnualGrowthRate.ToString("0") + "%", helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 236); //============================================================== KPI's Table ============================================================= page1.Graphics.DrawString(GetTimeRange(model), helveticaBold, blackBrush, 165, 539); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.RecurringRevenuePerClient).ToString("c0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 557); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.RecurringRevenuePerAdvisor).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 576); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.TotalRevenuePerClient).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 595); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.TotalAUMperClient).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 611); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.TotalAUMperAdvisor).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 627); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.ProfitPerClient).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 644); page1.Graphics.DrawString(_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.ProfitAsPercentOfRevenue).ToString("0") + " %", helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 661); page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.ClientsPerAdvisor)).ToString(), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 680); page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)_Helpers.ConvertToDouble(model.ClientValuationModel.RevenueAsBPSOnAssets)).ToString(), helvetica, blackBrush, 170, 699); page1.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Ceiling(peerGroup.RecRevPerClient).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 557); page1.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Ceiling(peerGroup.RecRevPerAdvisor).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 576); page1.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Ceiling(peerGroup.TotalRevPerClient).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 595); page1.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Ceiling(peerGroup.TotalAUMPerClient).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 611); page1.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Ceiling(peerGroup.TotalAUMPerAdvisor).ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 627); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ProfitPerClient.ToString("C0"), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 644); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ProfitAsPercentOfRevenue.ToString("0") + " %", helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 661); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ClientsPerAdvisor.ToString(), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 680); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.RevenueAsPBSOnAssets.ToString(), helvetica, blackBrush, 290, 699); //Graph brushes PdfBrush graphBrush1 = new PdfBrush((new PdfRgbColor(0, 74, 129))); //#004b81 Darkest PdfBrush graphBrush2 = new PdfBrush((new PdfRgbColor(0, 126, 187))); // #007ebb PdfBrush graphBrush3 = new PdfBrush((new PdfRgbColor(109, 198, 233))); //#6dc6e7; PdfBrush graphBrush4 = new PdfBrush((new PdfRgbColor(176, 216, 235))); //#b0d8eb; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// VMI GRAPH ///////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(35, 300), new PdfPoint(35, 415)); //vertical page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(35, 300), new PdfPoint(255, 300)); page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(35, 327), new PdfPoint(255, 327)); page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(35, 349), new PdfPoint(255, 349)); page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(35, 371), new PdfPoint(255, 371)); page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(35, 393), new PdfPoint(255, 393)); page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Black, 1), new PdfPoint(35, 415), new PdfPoint(255, 415)); //horizontal page1.Graphics.DrawString("1000", helvetica, textBrush, 15, 298); page1.Graphics.DrawString("800", helvetica, textBrush, 19, 321); page1.Graphics.DrawString("600", helvetica, textBrush, 19, 343); page1.Graphics.DrawString("400", helvetica, textBrush, 19, 365); page1.Graphics.DrawString("200", helvetica, textBrush, 19, 387); page1.Graphics.DrawString("0", helvetica, textBrush, 27, 409); page1.Graphics.DrawString("Your Firm", helvetica, textBlueBrush, 70, 419); page1.Graphics.DrawString("Benchmark Index", helvetica, textBlueBrush, 160, 419); //Calculate blocks height for Your Firm model.ClientValuationModel.ManagingYourPracticeScore = (Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Man_Written_Plan) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Man_Track) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Man_Phase) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Man_Revenue) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Man_Practice)) * 5; model.ClientValuationModel.MarketingYourBusinessScore = (Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Mar_Value_Proposition) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Mar_Materials) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Mar_Plan) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Mar_Prospects) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Mar_New_Business)) * 5; model.ClientValuationModel.EmpoweringYourTeamScore = (Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Emp_Human) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Emp_Compensation) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Emp_Responsibilities) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Emp_Staff) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Emp_Emp_Retention)) * 5; model.ClientValuationModel.OptimizingYourOperationsScore = (Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Opt_Automate) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Opt_Procedures) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Opt_Segment) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Opt_Model) + Convert.ToInt32(model.Vmi_Opt_Schedule)) * 5; double pixel = 0.115; double firstBlock = model.ClientValuationModel.EmpoweringYourTeamScore * pixel; double secondBlock = model.ClientValuationModel.OptimizingYourOperationsScore * pixel; double thirdBlock = model.ClientValuationModel.MarketingYourBusinessScore * pixel; double fourthBlock = model.ClientValuationModel.ManagingYourPracticeScore * pixel; double x = 70; double y = 415 - (firstBlock + secondBlock + thirdBlock + fourthBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(model.Vmi_Index, helvetica, grayBrush, x + 20, y - 15); //VMI Index page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush4, x, y, 55, fourthBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(model.ClientValuationModel.ManagingYourPracticeScore.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((fourthBlock / 2) - 2)); //score y = y + fourthBlock; page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush3, x, y, 55, thirdBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(model.ClientValuationModel.MarketingYourBusinessScore.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((thirdBlock / 2) - 2)); //score y = y + thirdBlock; page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush2, x, y, 55, secondBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(model.ClientValuationModel.OptimizingYourOperationsScore.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((secondBlock / 2) - 2)); //score y = y + secondBlock; page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush1, x, y, 55, firstBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(model.ClientValuationModel.EmpoweringYourTeamScore.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((firstBlock / 2) - 2)); //score //Calculate blocks height for Benchmarks firstBlock = peerGroup.EYT * pixel; secondBlock = peerGroup.OYO * pixel; thirdBlock = peerGroup.MYB * pixel; fourthBlock = peerGroup.MYP * pixel; x = 160; y = 415 - (firstBlock + secondBlock + thirdBlock + fourthBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString((peerGroup.MYB + peerGroup.MYP + peerGroup.EYT + peerGroup.OYO).ToString(), helvetica, grayBrush, x + 20, y - 15); //VMI Index page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush4, x, y, 55, fourthBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.MYP.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((fourthBlock / 2) - 2)); //score y = y + fourthBlock; page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush3, x, y, 55, thirdBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.MYB.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((thirdBlock / 2) - 2)); //score y = y + thirdBlock; page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush2, x, y, 55, secondBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.OYO.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((secondBlock / 2) - 2)); //score y = y + secondBlock; page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush1, x, y, 55, firstBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.EYT.ToString(), helvetica, whiteBrush, x + 20, y + ((firstBlock / 2) - 2)); //score ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// VALUATION RANGE GRAPH ///////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double axisMax = peerGroup.ValuationMax + (peerGroup.ValuationMax / 4); pixel = axisMax / 135; page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(353, 300), new PdfPoint(353, 435)); //vertical page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Black, 1), new PdfPoint(353, 435), new PdfPoint(550, 435)); //horizontal //Gray lines y = 300; page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(353, y), new PdfPoint(550, y)); //horizontal y = y + 34; page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(353, y), new PdfPoint(550, y)); //horizontal y = y + 34; page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(353, y), new PdfPoint(550, y)); //horizontal y = y + 34; page1.Graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5), new PdfPoint(353, y), new PdfPoint(550, y)); //horizontal page1.Graphics.DrawString("Your Firm", helvetica, textBlueBrush, 390, 440); page1.Graphics.DrawString("Benchmark Index", helvetica, textBlueBrush, 470, 440); //Client Valuation Range if (model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax != 0 && model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMin != 0) { if (model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax > peerGroup.ValuationMax) { axisMax = model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax + (model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax / 4); pixel = axisMax / 135; } firstBlock = (model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax - model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMin) / pixel; x = 390; y = 435 - (model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax / pixel); page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush2, x, y, 55, firstBlock); page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)Math.Round(model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMax / 1000) * 1000).ToString("C0"), helvetica, textBrush, x, (y - 9)); page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)Math.Round(model.ClientValuationModel.ValuationMin / 1000) * 1000).ToString("C0"), helvetica, textBrush, x, (y + firstBlock + 3)); } else { x = 400; page1.Graphics.DrawString("No Data", helvetica, textBrush, x, 350); } //Benchmark Valuation Range double dollarsInPixel = axisMax / 135; double range = peerGroup.ValuationMax - peerGroup.ValuationMin; double height = range / dollarsInPixel; //height in pixels x = 470; y = peerGroup.ValuationMax / dollarsInPixel; y = 435 - y; //bottom of range page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ValuationMax.ToString("C0"), helvetica, textBrush, x, (y - 9)); page1.Graphics.DrawRectangle(graphBrush3, x, y, 55, height); page1.Graphics.DrawString(peerGroup.ValuationMin.ToString("C0"), helvetica, textBrush, x, (y + height + 3)); //Axis values PdfStringLayoutOptions layout = new PdfStringLayoutOptions() { HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right, X = 351, Y = 300 }; PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Black, 0.007); PdfStringAppearanceOptions appearance = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(helvetica, pen, textBrush); page1.Graphics.DrawString("$0", helvetica, textBrush, 342, 430); page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)Math.Round(axisMax / 1000) * 1000).ToString("C0"), appearance, layout); double incrementHeight = 135 / 4; double incrementValue = axisMax / 4; layout.Y = layout.Y + incrementHeight; page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)Math.Round((axisMax - incrementValue) / 1000) * 1000).ToString("C0"), appearance, layout); layout.Y = layout.Y + incrementHeight; page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)Math.Round((axisMax / 2) / 1000) * 1000).ToString("C0"), appearance, layout); layout.Y = layout.Y + incrementHeight; page1.Graphics.DrawString(((int)Math.Round((axisMax - (incrementValue * 3)) / 1000) * 1000).ToString("C0"), appearance, layout); page1.Width = 612; //Upload the PDF to Azure storage MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); document.Save(stream); //document.Save("C:\\Olga\\PdfCustom.pdf"); byte[] docBytes = stream.ToArray(); CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"]); //connection string is copied from Azure storage account's Settings CloudBlobClient client = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer myContainer = client.GetContainerReference("assetmarkbat"); var permissions = myContainer.GetPermissions(); permissions.PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob; myContainer.SetPermissions(permissions); CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = myContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(model.UserId + ".pdf"); blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "application/pdf"; blockBlob.UploadFromByteArray(docBytes, 0, docBytes.Count()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error creating a PDF document", e.Message); } }
private static void DrawTextWrap(PdfPage page, PdfStandardFont titleFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen redPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Red, 0.5); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12); page.Graphics.DrawString("Text wrapping", titleFont, brush, 20, 50); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 70, 20, 150); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 300, 70, 300, 150); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 70, 300, 70); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = helvetica; // Height is not set, text has no vertical limit. PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Justified; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 70; slo.Width = 280; string text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. " + "Sed vel euismod risus. Fusce viverra, nisi auctor ullamcorper porttitor, " + "ipsum lacus lobortis metus, sit amet dictum lacus velit nec diam. " + "Morbi arcu diam, euismod a auctor nec, aliquam in lectus." + "Ut ultricies iaculis augue sit amet adipiscing. Aenean blandit tortor a nisi " + "dignissim fermentum id adipiscing mauris. Aenean libero turpis, varius nec ultricies " + "faucibus, pretium quis lectus. Morbi mollis lorem vel erat condimentum mattis mollis " + "nulla sollicitudin. Nunc ut massa id felis laoreet feugiat eget at eros."; page.Graphics.DrawString(text, sao, slo); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 310, 70, 310, 147); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 590, 70, 590, 147); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 310, 70, 590, 70); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 310, 147, 590, 147); // Height is set, text is limited on vertical. slo.X = 310; slo.Y = 70; slo.Width = 280; slo.Height = 77; page.Graphics.DrawString(text, sao, slo); PdfPath clipPath = new PdfPath(); clipPath.AddRectangle(310, 160, 280, 77); page.Graphics.DrawPath(redPen, clipPath); page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); page.Graphics.SetClip(clipPath); // Height is not set but text is cliped on vertical. slo.X = 310; slo.Y = 160; slo.Width = 280; slo.Height = 0; page.Graphics.DrawString(text, sao, slo); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 10, 400, 300, 400); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 300, 20, 500); // Wrapped text is always rotated around top left corner, no matter the text alignment page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(redPen, 20, 400, 280, 80, 30); slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 400; slo.Width = 280; slo.Height = 80; slo.Rotation = 30; page.Graphics.DrawString(text, sao, slo); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 310, 600, 590, 600); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 450, 450, 450, 750); // Rotation around the center of the box requires some affine transformations. page.Graphics.SaveGraphicsState(); page.Graphics.TranslateTransform(450, 600); page.Graphics.RotateTransform(30); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(redPen, -140, -40, 280, 80); slo.X = -140; slo.Y = -40; slo.Width = 280; slo.Height = 80; slo.Rotation = 0; page.Graphics.DrawString(text, sao, slo); page.Graphics.RestoreGraphicsState(); }
private static void DrawTextLines(PdfPage page, PdfStandardFont titleFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen redPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Red, 0.5); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12); page.Graphics.DrawString("Text lines", titleFont, brush, 20, 50); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 70, 150, 70); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 70, 20, 80); page.Graphics.DrawString("Simple text line with default top left text alignment and no rotation", helvetica, brush, 20, 70); page.Graphics.DrawString("Text align", helvetica, brush, 20, 110); redPen.DashPattern = new double[] { 1, 1 }; page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 125, 590, 125); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 165, 590, 165); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 205, 590, 205); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 125, 20, 205); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 305, 125, 305, 205); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 590, 125, 590, 205); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = helvetica; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); // Top left aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Left; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 125; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top Left", sao, slo); // Top center aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 305; slo.Y = 125; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top Center", sao, slo); // Top right aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 590; slo.Y = 125; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top Right", sao, slo); // Middle left aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Left; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 165; page.Graphics.DrawString("Middle Left", sao, slo); // Middle center aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; slo.X = 305; slo.Y = 165; page.Graphics.DrawString("Middle Center", sao, slo); // Middle right aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; slo.X = 590; slo.Y = 165; page.Graphics.DrawString("Middle Right", sao, slo); // Bottom left aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Left; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 205; page.Graphics.DrawString("Bottom Left", sao, slo); // Bottom center aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = 305; slo.Y = 205; page.Graphics.DrawString("Bottom Center", sao, slo); // Bottom right aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = 590; slo.Y = 205; page.Graphics.DrawString("Bottom Right", sao, slo); page.Graphics.DrawString("Text rotation", helvetica, brush, 20, 250); redPen.DashPattern = new double[] { 1, 1 }; page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 265, 590, 265); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 305, 590, 305); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 345, 590, 345); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 20, 265, 20, 345); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 305, 265, 305, 345); page.Graphics.DrawLine(redPen, 590, 265, 590, 345); slo.Rotation = 30; // Top left aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Left; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 265; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top Left", sao, slo); // Top center aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 305; slo.Y = 265; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top Center", sao, slo); // Top right aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 590; slo.Y = 265; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top Right", sao, slo); // Middle left aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Left; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 305; page.Graphics.DrawString("Middle Left", sao, slo); // Middle center aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; slo.X = 305; slo.Y = 305; page.Graphics.DrawString("Middle Center", sao, slo); // Middle right aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; slo.X = 590; slo.Y = 305; page.Graphics.DrawString("Middle Right", sao, slo); // Bottom left aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Left; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = 20; slo.Y = 345; page.Graphics.DrawString("Bottom Left", sao, slo); // Bottom center aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = 305; slo.Y = 345; page.Graphics.DrawString("Bottom Center", sao, slo); // Bottom right aligned text slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom; slo.X = 590; slo.Y = 345; page.Graphics.DrawString("Bottom Right", sao, slo); page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); }
private static void CreateNamedActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); font.Size = 12; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++) { document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Named actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 20); ///////////// // First page ///////////// document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 40, 200, 20); slo.X = 500; slo.Y = 50; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To First Page", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 40, 200, 20); // Create a named action and attach it to the link. PdfNamedAction namedAction = new PdfNamedAction(); namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.FirstPage; link.Action = namedAction; ///////////// // Prev page ///////////// document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 80, 200, 20); slo.Y = 90; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Previous Page", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 80, 200, 20); // Create a named action and attach it to the link. namedAction = new PdfNamedAction(); namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.PrevPage; link.Action = namedAction; ///////////// // Next page ///////////// document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 120, 200, 20); slo.Y = 130; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Next Page", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 120, 200, 20); // Create a named action and attach it to the link. namedAction = new PdfNamedAction(); namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.NextPage; link.Action = namedAction; ///////////// // Last page ///////////// document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 160, 200, 20); slo.Y = 170; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To Last Page", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 160, 200, 20); // Create a named action and attach it to the link. namedAction = new PdfNamedAction(); namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.LastPage; link.Action = namedAction; ///////////// // Print document ///////////// document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 200, 200, 20); slo.Y = 210; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Print Document", sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 200, 200, 20); // Create a named action and attach it to the link. namedAction = new PdfNamedAction(); namedAction.NamedAction = PdfActionName.Print; link.Action = namedAction; } }
private static void CreateGoToActions(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font) { PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); font.Size = 12; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = blackBrush; sao.Font = font; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < document.Pages.Count; i++) { int destinationPage = rnd.Next(document.Pages.Count); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To actions:", font, blackBrush, 400, 240); document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 400, 260, 200, 20); slo.X = 500; slo.Y = 270; document.Pages[i].Graphics.DrawString("Go To page: " + (destinationPage + 1).ToString(), sao, slo); // Create a link annotation on top of the widget. PdfLinkAnnotation link = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); document.Pages[i].Annotations.Add(link); link.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(400, 260, 200, 20); // Create a GoTo action and attach it to the link. PdfPageDirectDestination pageDestination = new PdfPageDirectDestination(); pageDestination.Page = document.Pages[destinationPage]; pageDestination.Left = 0; pageDestination.Top = 0; pageDestination.Zoom = 0; // Keep current zoom PdfGoToAction gotoPageAction = new PdfGoToAction(); gotoPageAction.Destination = pageDestination; link.Action = gotoPageAction; } }
private static void DrawPostAndTransportantionBarcodes(PdfPage page, PdfFont titleFont, PdfFont barcodeFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen lightGrayPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5); page.Graphics.DrawString("Post and transportation barcodes", titleFont, brush, 40, 20); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 40, 50 + 100 * i, 570, 50 + 100 * i); } page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 306, 50, 306, 750); string[] barcodes = new string[] { "FedEx Ground 96", "IATA 25", "Identcode", "Leitcode", "KIX", "Planet", "PostNet", "RM4SCC", "SCC-14", "SingaporePost", "SSCC-18", "USPS FIM", "USPS Horizontal", "USPS PIC" }; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = barcodeFont; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 173; int sign = 1; for (int i = 0; i < barcodes.Length; i++) { slo.Y = 55 + 100 * (i / 2); page.Graphics.DrawString(barcodes[i], sao, slo); slo.X = slo.X + sign * 266; sign = -sign; } // FedEx Ground 96 PdfFedExGround96Barcode fedexGround96Barcode = new PdfFedExGround96Barcode(); fedexGround96Barcode.Data = "962343237687543423123"; fedexGround96Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(fedexGround96Barcode, 173 - fedexGround96Barcode.Width / 2, 70); // IATA 25 PdfIata25Barcode iata25Barcode = new PdfIata25Barcode(); iata25Barcode.Data = "54366436563"; iata25Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(iata25Barcode, 173 + 266 - iata25Barcode.Width / 2, 70); // Identcode PdfIdentcodeBarcode identcodeBarcode = new PdfIdentcodeBarcode(); identcodeBarcode.Data = "12435678214"; identcodeBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(identcodeBarcode, 173 - identcodeBarcode.Width / 2, 170); // Leitcode PdfLeitcodeBarcode leitcodeBarcode = new PdfLeitcodeBarcode(); leitcodeBarcode.Data = "1243657687321"; leitcodeBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(leitcodeBarcode, 173 + 266 - leitcodeBarcode.Width / 2, 170); // KIX PdfKixBarcode kixBarcode = new PdfKixBarcode(); kixBarcode.Data = "XFINIUMPDF"; kixBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(kixBarcode, 173 - kixBarcode.Width / 2, 270); // Planet PdfPlanetBarcode planetBarcode = new PdfPlanetBarcode(); planetBarcode.Data = "645316643300"; planetBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(planetBarcode, 173 + 266 - planetBarcode.Width / 2, 270); // PostNet PdfPostNetBarcode postNetBarcode = new PdfPostNetBarcode(); postNetBarcode.Data = "04231454322"; postNetBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(postNetBarcode, 173 - postNetBarcode.Width / 2, 370); // RM4SCC PdfRm4sccBarcode rm4sccBarcode = new PdfRm4sccBarcode(); rm4sccBarcode.Data = "XFINIUMPDF"; rm4sccBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(rm4sccBarcode, 173 + 266 - rm4sccBarcode.Width / 2, 370); // SCC-14 PdfScc14Barcode scc14Barcode = new PdfScc14Barcode(); scc14Barcode.Data = "3255091205412"; scc14Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(scc14Barcode, 173 - scc14Barcode.Width / 2, 470); // Singapore Post PdfSingaporePostBarcode singaporePostBarcode = new PdfSingaporePostBarcode(); singaporePostBarcode.Data = "XFINIUMPDF"; singaporePostBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(singaporePostBarcode, 173 + 266 - singaporePostBarcode.Width / 2, 470); // SSCC-18 PdfSscc18Barcode sscc18Barcode = new PdfSscc18Barcode(); sscc18Barcode.Data = "09876543219832435"; sscc18Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(sscc18Barcode, 173 - sscc18Barcode.Width / 2, 570); // USPS FIM PdfUspsFimBarcode uspsFimBarcode = new PdfUspsFimBarcode(); uspsFimBarcode.Data = "A"; uspsFimBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(uspsFimBarcode, 173 + 266 - uspsFimBarcode.Width / 2, 570); // USPS Horizontal PdfUspsHorizontalBarcode uspsHorizontalBarcode = new PdfUspsHorizontalBarcode(); uspsHorizontalBarcode.Data = "1111"; uspsHorizontalBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.None; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(uspsHorizontalBarcode, 173 - uspsHorizontalBarcode.Width / 2, 670); // USPS PIC PdfUspsPicBarcode uspsPicBarcode = new PdfUspsPicBarcode(); uspsPicBarcode.Data = "914354657901234354019"; uspsPicBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(uspsPicBarcode, 173 + 266 - uspsPicBarcode.Width / 2, 670); page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); }
private static void Create3DAnnotations(PdfFixedDocument document, PdfFont font, Stream u3dStream) { PdfBrush blackBrush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); page.Rotation = 90; page.Graphics.DrawString("3D annotations", font, blackBrush, 50, 50); byte[] u3dContent = new byte[u3dStream.Length]; u3dStream.Read(u3dContent, 0, u3dContent.Length); Pdf3DView view0 = new Pdf3DView(); view0.CameraToWorldMatrix = new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -0.417542, -0.881257, -0.125705 }; view0.CenterOfOrbit = 0.123106; view0.ExternalName = "Default"; view0.InternalName = "Default"; view0.Projection = new Pdf3DProjection(); view0.Projection.FieldOfView = 30; Pdf3DView view1 = new Pdf3DView(); view1.CameraToWorldMatrix = new double[] { -0.999888, 0.014949, 0, 0.014949, 0.999887, 0.00157084, 0.0000234825, 0.00157066, -0.999999, -0.416654, -0.761122, -0.00184508 }; view1.CenterOfOrbit = 0.123106; view1.ExternalName = "Top"; view1.InternalName = "Top"; view1.Projection = new Pdf3DProjection(); view1.Projection.FieldOfView = 14.8096; Pdf3DView view2 = new Pdf3DView(); view2.CameraToWorldMatrix = new double[] { -1.0, -0.0000411671, 0.0000000000509201, -0.00000101387, 0.0246288, 0.999697, -0.0000411546, 0.999697, -0.0246288, -0.417072, -0.881787, -0.121915 }; view2.CenterOfOrbit = 0.123106; view2.ExternalName = "Side"; view2.InternalName = "Side"; view2.Projection = new Pdf3DProjection(); view2.Projection.FieldOfView = 12.3794; Pdf3DView view3 = new Pdf3DView(); view3.CameraToWorldMatrix = new double[] { -0.797002, -0.603977, -0.0000000438577, -0.294384, 0.388467, 0.873173, -0.527376, 0.695921, -0.48741, -0.3518, -0.844506, -0.0675629 }; view3.CenterOfOrbit = 0.123106; view3.ExternalName = "Isometric"; view3.InternalName = "Isometric"; view3.Projection = new Pdf3DProjection(); view3.Projection.FieldOfView = 15.1226; Pdf3DView view4 = new Pdf3DView(); view4.CameraToWorldMatrix = new double[] { 0.00737633, -0.999973, -0.0000000000147744, -0.0656414, -0.000484206, 0.997843, -0.997816, -0.00736042, -0.0656432, -0.293887, -0.757928, -0.119485 }; view4.CenterOfOrbit = 0.123106; view4.ExternalName = "Front"; view4.InternalName = "Front"; view4.Projection = new Pdf3DProjection(); view4.Projection.FieldOfView = 15.1226; Pdf3DView view5 = new Pdf3DView(); view5.CameraToWorldMatrix = new double[] { 0.0151008, 0.999886, 0.0000000000261366, 0.0492408, -0.000743662, 0.998787, 0.998673, -0.0150825, -0.0492464, -0.540019, -0.756862, -0.118884 }; view5.CenterOfOrbit = 0.123106; view5.ExternalName = "Back"; view5.InternalName = "Back"; view5.Projection = new Pdf3DProjection(); view5.Projection.FieldOfView = 12.3794; Pdf3DStream _3dStream = new Pdf3DStream(); _3dStream.Views.Add(view0); _3dStream.Views.Add(view1); _3dStream.Views.Add(view2); _3dStream.Views.Add(view3); _3dStream.Views.Add(view4); _3dStream.Views.Add(view5); _3dStream.Content = u3dContent; _3dStream.DefaultViewIndex = 0; Pdf3DAnnotation _3da = new Pdf3DAnnotation(); _3da.Stream = _3dStream; PdfAnnotationAppearance appearance = new PdfAnnotationAppearance(200, 200); appearance.Graphics.DrawString("Click to activate", font, blackBrush, 50, 50); _3da.NormalAppearance = appearance; page.Annotations.Add(_3da); _3da.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(36, 36, 720, 540); PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Font = font; sao.Brush = blackBrush; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.Y = 585 + 18 / 2; slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Middle; PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 0), 1); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 50, 585, 120, 18); slo.X = 50 + 120 / 2; page.Graphics.DrawString("Top", sao, slo); PdfGoTo3DViewAction gotoTopView = new PdfGoTo3DViewAction(); gotoTopView.ViewIndex = 1; gotoTopView.TargetAnnotation = _3da; PdfLinkAnnotation linkGotoTopView = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(linkGotoTopView); linkGotoTopView.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(50, 585, 120, 18); linkGotoTopView.Action = gotoTopView; page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 190, 585, 120, 18); slo.X = 190 + 120 / 2; page.Graphics.DrawString("Side", sao, slo); PdfGoTo3DViewAction gotoSideView = new PdfGoTo3DViewAction(); gotoSideView.ViewIndex = 2; gotoSideView.TargetAnnotation = _3da; PdfLinkAnnotation linkGotoSideView = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(linkGotoSideView); linkGotoSideView.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(190, 585, 120, 18); linkGotoSideView.Action = gotoSideView; page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 330, 585, 120, 18); slo.X = 330 + 120 / 2; page.Graphics.DrawString("Isometric", sao, slo); PdfGoTo3DViewAction gotoIsometricView = new PdfGoTo3DViewAction(); gotoIsometricView.ViewIndex = 3; gotoIsometricView.TargetAnnotation = _3da; PdfLinkAnnotation linkGotoIsometricView = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(linkGotoIsometricView); linkGotoIsometricView.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(330, 585, 120, 18); linkGotoIsometricView.Action = gotoIsometricView; page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 470, 585, 120, 18); slo.X = 470 + 120 / 2; page.Graphics.DrawString("Front", sao, slo); PdfGoTo3DViewAction gotoFrontView = new PdfGoTo3DViewAction(); gotoFrontView.ViewIndex = 4; gotoFrontView.TargetAnnotation = _3da; PdfLinkAnnotation linkGotoFrontView = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(linkGotoFrontView); linkGotoFrontView.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(470, 585, 120, 18); linkGotoFrontView.Action = gotoFrontView; page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 610, 585, 120, 18); slo.X = 610 + 120 / 2; page.Graphics.DrawString("Back", sao, slo); PdfGoTo3DViewAction gotoBackView = new PdfGoTo3DViewAction(); gotoBackView.ViewIndex = 5; gotoBackView.TargetAnnotation = _3da; PdfLinkAnnotation linkGotoBackView = new PdfLinkAnnotation(); page.Annotations.Add(linkGotoBackView); linkGotoBackView.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(610, 585, 120, 18); linkGotoBackView.Action = gotoBackView; }
public MemoryStream CreatePdfMemoryStream(CalculationInput input, CalculationOutput output) { //PdfFlowDocument document = new PdfFlowDocument(); //PdfFlowContent attendantsSection = BuildAttendantsList(); //document.AddContent(attendantsSection); // Create a font and a brush PdfStandardFont headerFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 24); PdfStandardFont subHeaderFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 16); PdfStandardFont labelFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 12); PdfStandardFont valueFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12); PdfStandardFont tableLabelFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 10); PdfStandardFont boxFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 8); PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfBrush greyBrush = new PdfBrush(); greyBrush.Color = PdfRgbColor.Gray; // Create a fixed document PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument(); // Add a new page PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); //draw line PdfPen blackPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.Black, 2); page.Graphics.DrawLine(blackPen, 0, 65, 600, 65); //rectangles page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 2, 182, 192, 180); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 202, 182, 192, 180); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 402, 182, 192, 180); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 2, 370, 392, 400); int rowCount = 4; //for dc if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { if (!input.HasTransformer.Value && !input.HasCable.Value) { rowCount = 10; } if (!input.HasTransformer.Value && input.HasCable.Value) { rowCount = 13; } if (input.HasTransformer.Value && !input.HasCable.Value) { rowCount = 13; } if (input.HasTransformer.Value && input.HasCable.Value) { rowCount = 16; } if (input.HasTransformer.Value && input.IsArcDurationCalculated) { rowCount += 8; } } //table int twenty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 2, 370 + twenty, 197, 20); page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 200, 370 + twenty, 194, 20); twenty += 20; switch (i) { case 0://row number if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Nominal_Working_Voltage, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.NominalVoltage.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } else { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Voltage_Type, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString("DC", tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 1://row number if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Arc_Flash_Boundary_Feet, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round((double)output.FPB, 2).ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } else { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Maximum_Available_Short_Circuit, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.MaximumShortCircuitAvailable.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 2://row number if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Bolted_Fault_Current_amps, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round((double)output.BoltedFaultCurrent.Value * 1000, 2).ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } else { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Battery_Enclosure, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.InCabinet.HasValue && input.InCabinet.Value ? AppResources.In_Box : AppResources.Open_Air, tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 3://row number if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Estimated_Arc_Fault_Current_amps, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round((double)output.EstimatedArcFaultCurrent.Value * 1000, 2).ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } else { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Battery_String_Voltage, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.VoltageOfBattery.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 4://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Incident_Energy_18, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round((double)output.IE18, 2).ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 5://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Incident_Energy_24, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round((double)output.IE24, 2).ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 6://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Incident_Energy_36, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round((double)output.IE36, 2).ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 7://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Arc_Duration_seconds, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ArcDurationValue.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 8://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Source_Fault_Current_amps, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.SourceFaultCurrent.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 9://row number string groundingString = AppResources.Solidly_Grounded; page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Grounding, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); if (!input.IsSolidGround.Value) { groundingString = AppResources.Ungrounded; } page.Graphics.DrawString(groundingString, tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 10://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Potential_Arc_Location, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); string arcLocation = AppResources.Open_Air; if (!input.IsOpenAir.Value) { arcLocation = AppResources.In_Box; } page.Graphics.DrawString(arcLocation, tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 11://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Conductor, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.HasCable.HasValue && input.HasCable.Value ? AppResources.Cable : AppResources.No_Cable, tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 12://row number if (input.HasCable.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Conductor_Size, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ConductorSize.Size, tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 13://row number if (input.HasCable.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Conductors_per_Phase, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ConductorPerPhase.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 14://row number if (input.HasCable.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Conductor_Length, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ConductorLength.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 15://row number page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Upstream_Transformer, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.HasTransformer.HasValue && input.HasTransformer.Value ? AppResources.Upstream_XFR : AppResources.No_Transformer, tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); break; case 16://row number if (input.HasTransformer.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Primary_Voltage, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.PrimaryVoltage.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 17://row number if (input.HasTransformer.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Transformer_Impedence, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.XfmrImpedance.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 18://row number if (input.HasTransformer.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Transformer_KVA, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.XfmrKVA.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 19://row number if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Sensor_Rating, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.SensorRating.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 20://row number if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Multiple_Of_Sensor_Rating, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(output.MultipleOfSensorRating.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; case 21://row number if (input.IsArcDurationCalculated) { page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Manufacturer, tableLabelFont, brush, 5, 356 + twenty); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ArcDuration.Manufacturer.Name.ToString(), tableLabelFont, brush, 204, 356 + twenty); } break; } } //diagram box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 402, 370, 192, 400); page.Graphics.DrawString("CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PREVIEW", labelFont, greyBrush, 410, 375); // Title page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.ARC_FLASH_ESTIMATE_REPORT, headerFont, brush, 50, 40); //job details page.Graphics.DrawString("Job Details", subHeaderFont, brush, 5, 75); page.Graphics.DrawString("Location:", labelFont, brush, 5, 100); if (input.Location != null) { page.Graphics.DrawString(input.Location, valueFont, brush, 69, 100); } page.Graphics.DrawString("Action:", labelFont, brush, 18, 120); if (input.Action != null) { page.Graphics.DrawString(input.Action, valueFont, brush, 68, 120); } if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString("Eqipment Type:", labelFont, brush, 5, 140); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.EquipmentType.Name, valueFont, brush, 98, 140); } page.Graphics.DrawString("Date:", labelFont, brush, 330, 100); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.CalculationDate.ToString("D"), valueFont, brush, 373, 100); page.Graphics.DrawString("Personnel:", labelFont, brush, 300, 120); if (input.Personnel != null) { page.Graphics.DrawString(input.Personnel, valueFont, brush, 375, 120); } //Arc Flash Estimate page.Graphics.DrawString("Arc Flash Estimate", subHeaderFont, brush, 10, 165); //incident energy page.Graphics.DrawString("INCIDENT ENERGY", labelFont, greyBrush, 35, 190); page.Graphics.DrawString(output.IncidentEnergy.ToString(), headerFont, brush, 70, 220); page.Graphics.DrawString("cal/cm²", labelFont, brush, 72, 250); //at working distance page.Graphics.DrawString("AT WORKING DISTANCE:", labelFont, greyBrush, 15, 280); page.Graphics.DrawString(Math.Round(input.WorkingDistance.Value, 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven).ToString(), headerFont, brush, 70, 310); page.Graphics.DrawString("inches", labelFont, brush, 100, 316); //PPE Level PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Justified; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = valueFont; page.Graphics.DrawString("PPE LEVEL REQUIRED", labelFont, greyBrush, 230, 190); page.Graphics.DrawString(output.HazardCat, headerFont, brush, 290, 220); slo.X = 210; slo.Width = 170; page.Graphics.DrawString("CLOTHING DESCRIPTION:", labelFont, greyBrush, 230, 280); if (output.IncidentEnergy <= 1.2m) { slo.Y = 250; page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Required_Minimum_Arc_Rating_Pdf, 1.2m), sao, slo); slo.Y = 300; page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.ClothingDescriptionDetailsOnePointTwo, sao, slo); } if (output.IncidentEnergy > 1.2m && output.IncidentEnergy <= 8) { slo.Y = 250; page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Required_Minimum_Arc_Rating_Pdf, 8), sao, slo); slo.Y = 300; page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.ClothingDescriptionDetails8PartB, sao, slo); } if (output.IncidentEnergy > 8 && output.IncidentEnergy <= 40) { slo.Y = 250; page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Required_Minimum_Arc_Rating_Pdf, 40), sao, slo); slo.Y = 300; page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.ClothingDescriptionDetails40PartB, sao, slo); } //glove class page.Graphics.DrawString("INSULATING GLOVE CLASS", labelFont, greyBrush, 410, 190); page.Graphics.DrawString(output.InsulatingGloveClass.ToString(), headerFont, brush, 490, 220); //shock hazard slo.X = 420; slo.Y = 280; slo.Width = 170; if (input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Voltage_Shock_Hazard_AC, input.NominalVoltage), sao, slo); } else { page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Voltage_Shock_Hazard_DC, input.VoltageOfBattery), sao, slo); } Stream explosionIconStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.pdf_explosion.png"); Stream logoStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.pdf_logo.png"); Stream warningStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.warning.png"); PdfPngImage explosion = new PdfPngImage(explosionIconStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(explosion, 10, 30, 32, 32); PdfPngImage logo = new PdfPngImage(logoStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(logo, 525, 30, 75, 30); PdfPngImage warning = new PdfPngImage(warningStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(warning, 472, 235, 50, 50); //dc if (!input.IsAlternatingCurrent.Value) { Stream dcStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.dc_source.png"); PdfPngImage dc = new PdfPngImage(dcStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(dc, 410, 400, 75, 75); //Max Available box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 490, 400, 100, 50); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Maximum_Available, boxFont, brush, 505, 405); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Short_Circuit_Amps, boxFont, brush, 505, 420); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.MaximumShortCircuitAvailable.Value + "A", tableLabelFont, brush, 525, 437); //Point of work page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 490, 460, 100, 16); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Point_Of_Work, tableLabelFont, brush, 505, 464); } else { Stream acSourceStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.ac_source.png"); PdfPngImage acSource = new PdfPngImage(acSourceStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(acSource, 430, 400, 25, 25); //source fault current box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 400, 130, 35); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Source_Fault_Current, tableLabelFont, brush, 480, 405); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.SourceFaultCurrent, input.SourceFaultCurrent), tableLabelFont, brush, 510, 420); //has xfmr and no cable if (input.HasTransformer.Value && !input.HasCable.Value) { Stream xfmrStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.xfmr.png"); PdfPngImage xfmr = new PdfPngImage(xfmrStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(xfmr, 430, 426, 25, 73); Stream breakerStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.breaker.png"); PdfPngImage breaker = new PdfPngImage(breakerStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(breaker, 438, 499, 16, 97); Stream workPointStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.work_point.png"); PdfPngImage workPoint = new PdfPngImage(workPointStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(workPoint, 434, 595, 16, 38); //transformer box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 460, 130, 65); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.TransformerKVA, input.XfmrKVA), tableLabelFont, brush, 485, 465); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.PrimaryVoltage, input.PrimaryVoltage), tableLabelFont, brush, 480, 480); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.SecondaryVoltage, input.NominalVoltage), tableLabelFont, brush, 480, 495); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.TransformerImpedence, input.XfmrImpedance), tableLabelFont, brush, 490, 510); //arc duration box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 560, 130, 40); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Arc_Duration, tableLabelFont, brush, 495, 565); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Arc_Duration_With_Unit, input.ArcDurationValue), tableLabelFont, brush, 510, 580); //point of work box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 620, 130, 16); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Point_Of_Work, tableLabelFont, brush, 500, 625); } //no xfmr and has cable if (!input.HasTransformer.Value && input.HasCable.Value) { Stream cableStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.cable.png"); PdfPngImage cable = new PdfPngImage(cableStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(cable, 437, 425, 10, 94); Stream breakerStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.breaker.png"); PdfPngImage breaker = new PdfPngImage(breakerStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(breaker, 438, 515, 16, 97); Stream workPointStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.work_point.png"); PdfPngImage workPoint = new PdfPngImage(workPointStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(workPoint, 434, 612, 16, 38); //Cable box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 480, 130, 50); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ConductorLength.Value + "ft.", tableLabelFont, brush, 505, 485); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.ConductorsPerPhase, input.ConductorPerPhase), tableLabelFont, brush, 465, 500); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.ConductorSize, input.ConductorSize.Size), tableLabelFont, brush, 470, 515); //arc duration box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 570, 130, 40); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Arc_Duration, tableLabelFont, brush, 495, 575); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Arc_Duration_With_Unit, input.ArcDurationValue), tableLabelFont, brush, 510, 595); //point of work box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 635, 130, 16); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Point_Of_Work, tableLabelFont, brush, 500, 640); } //has xfmr and cable if (input.HasTransformer.Value && input.HasCable.Value) { Stream xfmrStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.xfmr.png"); PdfPngImage xfmr = new PdfPngImage(xfmrStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(xfmr, 430, 426, 25, 73); Stream cableStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.cable.png"); PdfPngImage cable = new PdfPngImage(cableStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(cable, 437, 499, 10, 94); Stream breakerStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.breaker.png"); PdfPngImage breaker = new PdfPngImage(breakerStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(breaker, 438, 593, 16, 97); Stream workPointStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.work_point.png"); PdfPngImage workPoint = new PdfPngImage(workPointStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(workPoint, 434, 690, 16, 38); //transformer box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 460, 130, 65); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.TransformerKVA, input.XfmrKVA), tableLabelFont, brush, 485, 465); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.PrimaryVoltage, input.PrimaryVoltage), tableLabelFont, brush, 480, 480); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.SecondaryVoltage, input.NominalVoltage), tableLabelFont, brush, 480, 495); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.TransformerImpedence, input.XfmrImpedance), tableLabelFont, brush, 490, 510); //Cable box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 550, 130, 50); page.Graphics.DrawString(input.ConductorLength.Value + "ft.", tableLabelFont, brush, 505, 555); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.ConductorsPerPhase, input.ConductorPerPhase), tableLabelFont, brush, 465, 570); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.ConductorSize, input.ConductorSize.Size), tableLabelFont, brush, 470, 585); //arc duration box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 640, 130, 50); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Arc_Duration, tableLabelFont, brush, 495, 645); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Arc_Duration_With_Unit, input.ArcDurationValue), tableLabelFont, brush, 510, 665); //point of work box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 720, 130, 16); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Point_Of_Work, tableLabelFont, brush, 500, 725); } //no xfmr and no cable if (!input.HasTransformer.Value && !input.HasCable.Value) { Stream breakerStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.breaker.png"); PdfPngImage breaker = new PdfPngImage(breakerStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(breaker, 437, 425, 20, 121); Stream workPointStream = GetImageStreamByName("ArcFlashCalculator.Core.Images.work_point.png"); PdfPngImage workPoint = new PdfPngImage(workPointStream); page.Graphics.DrawImage(workPoint, 432, 545, 20, 48); //arc duration box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 500, 130, 50); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Arc_Duration, tableLabelFont, brush, 495, 505); page.Graphics.DrawString(String.Format(AppResources.Arc_Duration_With_Unit, input.ArcDurationValue), tableLabelFont, brush, 510, 525); //point of work box page.Graphics.DrawRectangle(blackPen, 460, 580, 130, 16); page.Graphics.DrawString(AppResources.Point_Of_Work, tableLabelFont, brush, 500, 585); } } //compress page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); //Creates a new Memory stream MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); // Saves the document as stream document.Save(memoryStream); return(memoryStream); }
public async Task <PdfFixedDocument> GenerateGamePDF(Game game, IEnumerable <Team> teams, IEnumerable <Player> players) { CultureInfo currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; PdfUnicodeTrueTypeFont verdanaBold = await CreateFontFromFile("verdanab.ttf", FONTSIZE_PAGE_TITLE); PdfUnicodeTrueTypeFont verdana = await CreateFontFromFile("verdana.ttf", FONTSIZE_DEFAULT); PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfFixedDocument pdf = new PdfFixedDocument(); CreateNewPage(pdf, verdanaBold, brush); /// Заголовок документа verdanaBold.Size = FONTSIZE_PAGE_TITLE; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString($"{game.Name.ToUpper()} {game.Date}", verdanaBold, brush, PagePadding.Left, PagePadding.Top); MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: FONTSIZE_PAGE_TITLE + OFFSET_Y_FROM_TITLE); /// Заголовки таблицы verdanaBold.Size = FONTSIZE_DEFAULT; double columnSize = AvailableSize.Width * 0.25; double tableHeaderYPos = GetAvailableTop(); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString("Игрок", verdanaBold, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 0, tableHeaderYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString("Рейтинг", verdanaBold, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 1, tableHeaderYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString("Точность", verdanaBold, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 2, tableHeaderYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString("Выстрелы", verdanaBold, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 3, tableHeaderYPos); MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: FONTSIZE_DEFAULT + OFFSET_Y_FROM_TABLE_HEADER); /// Заполнение данных групп PdfPen linePen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(213, 214, 216), 0.5); Dictionary <Team, IEnumerable <Player> > playersTeams = new Dictionary <Team, IEnumerable <Player> >(); int counter = 0; double teamHeaderDesiredHeight = FONTSIZE_GROUP_HEADER + OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP_HEADER_OR_ITEM; foreach (var team in teams) { if (counter != 0) { MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP); } if (AvailableSize.Height < teamHeaderDesiredHeight) { CreateNewPage(pdf, verdanaBold, brush); } verdanaBold.Size = FONTSIZE_GROUP_HEADER; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString(team.Name, verdanaBold, brush, PagePadding.Left, GetAvailableTop()); MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: teamHeaderDesiredHeight); var playersInTeam = playersTeams[team] = players.Where(x => x.TeamID == team.ID); double playerDesiredSize = FONTSIZE_DEFAULT + 5 + OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP_HEADER_OR_ITEM; foreach (var player in playersInTeam) { if (AvailableSize.Height < teamHeaderDesiredHeight) { CreateNewPage(pdf, verdanaBold, brush); } double rowYPos = GetAvailableTop(); double lineYpos = rowYPos + FONTSIZE_DEFAULT + 5; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString(player.Name, verdana, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 0, rowYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString($"{player.Rating}", verdana, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 1, rowYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString($"{player.AccuracyPercentage}%", verdana, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 2, rowYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString($"{player.Shots}", verdana, brush, PagePadding.Left + columnSize * 3, rowYPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, PagePadding.Left, lineYpos, CurrentPage.Width - PagePadding.Right, lineYpos); MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: playerDesiredSize); } counter++; } /// Блок сравнения команд по показателям PdfPen rectanglePen = new PdfPen(new PdfRgbColor(1, 90, 255), 0.5); PdfBrush rectangleBrush = new PdfBrush(new PdfRgbColor(1, 90, 255)); double teamMarkWidth = (AvailableSize.Width - OFFSET_Y_FROM_TABLE) * 0.5; double teamMarkDesiredHeight = FONTSIZE_GROUP_HEADER + OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP_HEADER_OR_ITEM + FONTSIZE_DEFAULT + 5 + 20 + OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP_HEADER_OR_ITEM + 5 + 20; counter = 0; MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: OFFSET_Y_FROM_TABLE); double maxRating = players.Max(x => x.Rating); foreach (var playersTeam in playersTeams) { int markXPosIndex = counter % 2; if (counter > 0 && markXPosIndex == 0) { MeasureAvailableSpace(offsetY: teamMarkDesiredHeight + OFFSET_Y_FROM_TABLE); } if (markXPosIndex == 0 && AvailableSize.Height < teamMarkDesiredHeight) { CreateNewPage(pdf, verdanaBold, brush); } double xPos = PagePadding.Left + (teamMarkWidth + OFFSET_Y_FROM_TABLE) * markXPosIndex; double yPos = GetAvailableTop(); Team team = playersTeam.Key; IEnumerable <Player> playersInTeam = playersTeam.Value; verdanaBold.Size = FONTSIZE_GROUP_HEADER; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString(team.Name, verdanaBold, brush, xPos, yPos); /// Рейтинг yPos += FONTSIZE_GROUP_HEADER + OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP_HEADER_OR_ITEM; double avgRating = playersInTeam.Average(x => x.Rating); PdfStringAppearanceOptions ratingValueAppearance = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions { Brush = brush, Font = verdanaBold, }; PdfStringLayoutOptions ratingValueLayout = new PdfStringLayoutOptions() { HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom, X = xPos + teamMarkWidth, Y = yPos }; verdanaBold.Size = FONTSIZE_DEFAULT; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString("Рейтинг", verdanaBold, brush, xPos, yPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString(avgRating.ToString("0.00", currentCulture), ratingValueAppearance, ratingValueLayout); yPos += FONTSIZE_DEFAULT + 5; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawRectangle(rectanglePen, xPos, yPos, teamMarkWidth, 10); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawRectangle(rectanglePen, rectangleBrush, xPos, yPos, avgRating * teamMarkWidth / maxRating, 10); /// Точность yPos += 10 + OFFSET_Y_FROM_GROUP_HEADER_OR_ITEM; double avgAccuracy = playersInTeam.Average(x => x.AccuracyPercentage); PdfStringAppearanceOptions accuracyValueAppearance = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions { Brush = brush, Font = verdanaBold, }; PdfStringLayoutOptions accuracyValueLayout = new PdfStringLayoutOptions() { HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Bottom, X = xPos + teamMarkWidth, Y = yPos }; verdanaBold.Size = FONTSIZE_DEFAULT; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString("Точность", verdanaBold, brush, xPos, yPos); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawString(avgAccuracy.ToString("0.0", currentCulture) + "%", accuracyValueAppearance, accuracyValueLayout); yPos += FONTSIZE_DEFAULT + 5; CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawRectangle(rectanglePen, xPos, yPos, teamMarkWidth, 10); CurrentPage.Graphics.DrawRectangle(rectanglePen, rectangleBrush, xPos, yPos, avgAccuracy * teamMarkWidth / 100, 10); counter++; } foreach (var page in pdf.Pages) { page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); } return(pdf); }
private static void DrawGenericBarcodes(PdfPage page, PdfFont titleFont, PdfFont barcodeFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen lightGrayPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5); page.Graphics.DrawString("Generic barcodes", titleFont, brush, 40, 20); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 40, 50 + 100 * i, 570, 50 + 100 * i); } page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 306, 50, 306, 750); string[] barcodes = new string[] { "Codabar", "Code 11", "Code 25", "Code 25 Interleaved", "Code 39", "Code 39 Extended", "Code 93", "Code 93 Extended", "Code 128 A", "Code 128 B", "Code 128 C", "COOP 25", "Matrix 25", "MSI/Plessey" }; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = barcodeFont; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 173; int sign = 1; for (int i = 0; i < barcodes.Length; i++) { slo.Y = 55 + 100 * (i / 2); page.Graphics.DrawString(barcodes[i], sao, slo); slo.X = slo.X + sign * 266; sign = -sign; } // Codabar PdfCodabarBarcode codabarBarcode = new PdfCodabarBarcode(); codabarBarcode.Data = "523408943724"; codabarBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(codabarBarcode, 173 - codabarBarcode.Width / 2, 70); // Code 11 PdfCode11Barcode code11Barcode = new PdfCode11Barcode(); code11Barcode.Data = "42376524534"; code11Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code11Barcode, 173 + 266 - code11Barcode.Width / 2, 70); // Code 25 PdfCode25Barcode code25Barcode = new PdfCode25Barcode(); code25Barcode.Data = "857621354312"; code25Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code25Barcode, 173 - code25Barcode.Width / 2, 170); // Code 25 Interleaved PdfCode25InterleavedBarcode code25InterleavedBarcode = new PdfCode25InterleavedBarcode(); code25InterleavedBarcode.Data = "42376524534"; code25InterleavedBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code25InterleavedBarcode, 173 + 266 - code25InterleavedBarcode.Width / 2, 170); // Code 39 PdfCode39Barcode code39Barcode = new PdfCode39Barcode(); code39Barcode.Data = "6430784327"; code39Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code39Barcode, 173 - code39Barcode.Width / 2, 270); // Code 39 Extended PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode code39ExtendedBarcode = new PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode(); code39ExtendedBarcode.Data = "8990436322"; code39ExtendedBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code39ExtendedBarcode, 173 + 266 - code39ExtendedBarcode.Width / 2, 270); // Code 93 PdfCode93Barcode code93Barcode = new PdfCode93Barcode(); code93Barcode.Data = "6345212344"; code93Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code93Barcode, 173 - code93Barcode.Width / 2, 370); // Code 39 Extended PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode code93ExtendedBarcode = new PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode(); code93ExtendedBarcode.Data = "125436732"; code93ExtendedBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code93ExtendedBarcode, 173 + 266 - code93ExtendedBarcode.Width / 2, 370); // Code 128 A PdfCode128ABarcode code128ABarcode = new PdfCode128ABarcode(); code128ABarcode.Data = "XFINIUM.PDF"; code128ABarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code128ABarcode, 173 - code128ABarcode.Width / 2, 470); // Code 128 B PdfCode128BBarcode code128BBarcode = new PdfCode128BBarcode(); code128BBarcode.Data = "xfinium.pdf"; code128BBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code128BBarcode, 173 + 266 - code128BBarcode.Width / 2, 470); // Code 128 C PdfCode128CBarcode code128CBarcode = new PdfCode128CBarcode(); code128CBarcode.Data = "423409865432"; code128CBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code128CBarcode, 173 - code128CBarcode.Width / 2, 570); // COOP 25 PdfCoop25Barcode coop25Barcode = new PdfCoop25Barcode(); coop25Barcode.Data = "43256565543"; coop25Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(coop25Barcode, 173 + 266 - coop25Barcode.Width / 2, 570); // Matrix 25 PdfMatrix25Barcode matrix25Barcode = new PdfMatrix25Barcode(); matrix25Barcode.Data = "500540024300"; matrix25Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(matrix25Barcode, 173 - matrix25Barcode.Width / 2, 670); // MSI/Plessey PdfMsiPlesseyBarcode msiPlesseyBarcode = new PdfMsiPlesseyBarcode(); msiPlesseyBarcode.Data = "1124332556"; msiPlesseyBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(msiPlesseyBarcode, 173 + 266 - msiPlesseyBarcode.Width / 2, 670); page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); }
private static void DrawEanUpcBarcodes(PdfPage page, PdfFont titleFont, PdfFont barcodeFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen lightGrayPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5); page.Graphics.DrawString("EAN/UPC barcodes", titleFont, brush, 40, 20); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 40, 50 + 100 * i, 570, 50 + 100 * i); } page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 306, 50, 306, 750); string[] barcodes = new string[] { "EAN 128", "EAN-13", "EAN-8", "ISBN", "ISMN", "ISSN", "JAN-13", "UPC-A", "UPC-E" }; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = barcodeFont; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 173; int sign = 1; for (int i = 0; i < barcodes.Length; i++) { slo.Y = 55 + 100 * (i / 2); page.Graphics.DrawString(barcodes[i], sao, slo); slo.X = slo.X + sign * 266; sign = -sign; } // EAN 128 PdfEan128Barcode ean128Barcode = new PdfEan128Barcode(); ean128Barcode.Data = "WWW.XFINIUMSOFT.COM"; ean128Barcode.QuietZones.Left = 0; ean128Barcode.QuietZones.Right = 0; ean128Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; ean128Barcode.ApplicationIdentifier = "URL"; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(ean128Barcode, 173 - ean128Barcode.Width / 2, 70); // EAN-13 PdfEan13Barcode ean13Barcode = new PdfEan13Barcode(); ean13Barcode.Data = "437612735617"; ean13Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(ean13Barcode, 173 + 266 - ean13Barcode.Width / 2, 70); // EAN-8 PdfEan8Barcode ean8Barcode = new PdfEan8Barcode(); ean8Barcode.Data = "5423731"; ean8Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(ean8Barcode, 173 - ean8Barcode.Width / 2, 170); // ISBN PdfIsbnBarcode isbnBarcode = new PdfIsbnBarcode(); isbnBarcode.Data = "436314378"; isbnBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(isbnBarcode, 173 + 266 - isbnBarcode.Width / 2, 170); // ISMN PdfIsmnBarcode ismnBarcode = new PdfIsmnBarcode(); ismnBarcode.Data = "437612489"; ismnBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(ismnBarcode, 173 - ismnBarcode.Width / 2, 270); // ISSN PdfIssnBarcode issnBarcode = new PdfIssnBarcode(); issnBarcode.Data = "546712341"; issnBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(issnBarcode, 173 + 266 - issnBarcode.Width / 2, 270); // JAN-13 PdfJan13Barcode jan13Barcode = new PdfJan13Barcode(); jan13Barcode.Data = "1256127634"; jan13Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(jan13Barcode, 173 - jan13Barcode.Width / 2, 370); // UPC-A PdfUpcaBarcode upcaBarcode = new PdfUpcaBarcode(); upcaBarcode.Data = "12543267841"; upcaBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(upcaBarcode, 173 + 266 - upcaBarcode.Width / 2, 370); // UPC-E PdfUpceBarcode upceBarcode = new PdfUpceBarcode(); upceBarcode.Data = "1234532"; upceBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(upceBarcode, 173 - upceBarcode.Width / 2, 470); page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); }
private static void DrawPharmaBarcodes(PdfPage page, PdfFont titleFont, PdfFont barcodeFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen lightGrayPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5); page.Graphics.DrawString("Pharma barcodes (barcodes used in the pharmaceutical industry)", titleFont, brush, 40, 20); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 40, 50 + 100 * i, 570, 50 + 100 * i); } page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 306, 50, 306, 250); string[] barcodes = new string[] { "Code 32", "Pharmacode", "PZN (Pharma-Zentral-Nummer)" }; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = barcodeFont; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 173; int sign = 1; for (int i = 0; i < barcodes.Length; i++) { slo.Y = 55 + 100 * (i / 2); page.Graphics.DrawString(barcodes[i], sao, slo); slo.X = slo.X + sign * 266; sign = -sign; } // Code 32 PdfCode32Barcode code32Barcode = new PdfCode32Barcode(); code32Barcode.Data = "54925174"; code32Barcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code32Barcode, 173 - code32Barcode.Width / 2, 70); // Pharmacode PdfPharmacodeBarcode pharmacodeBarcode = new PdfPharmacodeBarcode(); pharmacodeBarcode.Data = "128128"; pharmacodeBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(pharmacodeBarcode, 173 + 266 - pharmacodeBarcode.Width / 2, 70); // PZN PdfPznBarcode pznBarcode = new PdfPznBarcode(); pznBarcode.Data = "903271"; pznBarcode.BarcodeTextPosition = PdfBarcodeTextPosition.Bottom; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(pznBarcode, 173 - pznBarcode.Width / 2, 170); page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); }
private static void Draw2DBarcodes(PdfPage page, PdfFont titleFont, PdfFont barcodeFont) { PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPen lightGrayPen = new PdfPen(PdfRgbColor.LightGray, 0.5); page.Graphics.DrawString("2D barcodes", titleFont, brush, 40, 20); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 40, 50 + 150 * i, 570, 50 + 150 * i); } page.Graphics.DrawLine(lightGrayPen, 306, 50, 306, 500); string[] barcodes = new string[] { "Codablock F", "Code 16K", "PDF417", "Micro PDF417", "DataMatrix", "QR" }; PdfStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PdfStringAppearanceOptions(); sao.Brush = brush; sao.Font = barcodeFont; PdfStringLayoutOptions slo = new PdfStringLayoutOptions(); slo.HorizontalAlign = PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center; slo.VerticalAlign = PdfStringVerticalAlign.Top; slo.X = 173; int sign = 1; for (int i = 0; i < barcodes.Length; i++) { slo.Y = 55 + 150 * (i / 2); page.Graphics.DrawString(barcodes[i], sao, slo); slo.X = slo.X + sign * 266; sign = -sign; } // Codablock F PdfCodablockFBarcode codablockFBarcode = new PdfCodablockFBarcode(); codablockFBarcode.Data = "*** Xfinium.Pdf ***"; codablockFBarcode.Columns = 10; codablockFBarcode.Rows = 5; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(codablockFBarcode, 173 - codablockFBarcode.Width / 2, 70); // Code 16K PdfCode16KBarcode code16KBarcode = new PdfCode16KBarcode(); code16KBarcode.Data = "*** Xfinium.Pdf ***"; code16KBarcode.Rows = 6; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(code16KBarcode, 173 + 266 - code16KBarcode.Width / 2, 70); // PDF 417 Pdf417RegularBarcode pdf417Barcode = new Pdf417RegularBarcode(); pdf417Barcode.Data = "*** Xfinium.Pdf ***"; pdf417Barcode.Columns = 10; pdf417Barcode.Rows = 0; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(pdf417Barcode, 173 - pdf417Barcode.Width / 2, 220); // MicroPDF 417 Pdf417MicroBarcode microPdf417Barcode = new Pdf417MicroBarcode(); microPdf417Barcode.Data = "* Xfinium.Pdf *"; microPdf417Barcode.BarcodeSize = Pdf417MicroBarcodeSize.Rows6Columns4; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(microPdf417Barcode, 173 + 266 - microPdf417Barcode.Width / 2, 220); // DataMatrix PdfDataMatrixBarcode datamatrixBarcode = new PdfDataMatrixBarcode(); datamatrixBarcode.Data = "*** Xfinium.Pdf ***"; datamatrixBarcode.XDimension = 2; datamatrixBarcode.BarcodeSize = DataMatrixBarcodeSize.Auto; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(datamatrixBarcode, 173 - datamatrixBarcode.Width / 2, 370); // QR Barcode PdfQrBarcode qrBarcode = new PdfQrBarcode(); qrBarcode.XDimension = 2; qrBarcode.Data = "Xfinium.Pdf:"; qrBarcode.CharacterSet = PdfQrBarcodeCharacterSet.ISO88591; page.Graphics.DrawBarcode(qrBarcode, 173 + 266 - qrBarcode.Width / 2, 370); page.Graphics.CompressAndClose(); }