public static void Main() { // NOTE: // When used in trial mode, the library imposes some restrictions. // Please visit // for more information. string outputFileName = "SignSignatureField.pdf"; using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(@"..\Sample Data\SignatureFields.pdf")) { // IMPORTANT: // Replace "keystore.p12" and "password" with your own .p12 or .pfx path and password. // Without the change the sample will not work. PdfSignatureField field = pdf.GetControl("Signature2") as PdfSignatureField; PdfSigningOptions options = new PdfSigningOptions("keystore.p12", "password") { DigestAlgorithm = PdfDigestAlgorithm.Sha256, Format = PdfSignatureFormat.Pkcs7Detached, Field = field, Reason = "Testing field signing", Location = "My workplace", ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**" }; pdf.SignAndSave(options, outputFileName); } Console.WriteLine($"The output is located in {Environment.CurrentDirectory}"); }
public static byte[] AddPdfSignatureField(byte[] filePdf, PdfSignatureField signatureField) { var thumbprint = signatureField.thumbprint; var page =; var x = signatureField.x; var y = signatureField.y; var location = signatureField.location; var width = signatureField.width; var height = signatureField.height; var reason = signatureField.reason; var signatureFieldName =; IList <Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate> chain; X509Certificate2 pk; IOcspClient ocspClient; ITSAClient tsaClient; IList <ICrlClient> crlList; CertificateUtility.GetCertificateProperties(thumbprint, out chain, out pk, out ocspClient, out tsaClient, out crlList); var result = AddPdfSignatureField(filePdf, chain, pk, DigestAlgorithms.SHA1, CryptoStandard.CMS, reason, location, crlList, ocspClient, tsaClient, 0, page, new Rectangle(x, y, width + x, height + y), signatureFieldName); return(result); }
public static void AssinarDocumento() { var arquivoEnt = $"d:\\temp\\modelo.pdf"; var pdf = DSHelper.ReadContent(arquivoEnt); var arquivo = $"d:\\temp\\modeloOut.pdf"; float x; float y; Stream pfxStream = File.OpenRead("MRV ENGENHARIA E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A..pfx"); //Creates a certificate instance from PFX file with private key. PdfCertificate pdfCert = new PdfCertificate(pfxStream, "zzzzz"); PdfLoadedDocument loadedDocument = new PdfLoadedDocument(pdf); var lista = new Dictionary <int, List <Syncfusion.Drawing.RectangleF> >(); loadedDocument.FindText("Assinado:", out lista); foreach (var item in lista) { x = item.Value[0].X + 100; y = item.Value[0].Y; var page = loadedDocument.Pages[item.Key] as PdfLoadedPage; //aplica logo da assinatura em todas as paginas if (page != null) { Stream seloStream = File.OpenRead("SeloMrv.jpg"); PdfBitmap signatureImage = new PdfBitmap(seloStream); PdfGraphics gfx = page.Graphics; gfx.DrawImage(signatureImage, x, y, 90, 80); } //Applica o certificado somente na ultima pagina if (item.Value == lista[lista.Keys.Count - 1]) { //Creates a signature field. PdfSignatureField signatureField = new PdfSignatureField(page, "AssinaturaMRV"); signatureField.Bounds = new Syncfusion.Drawing.RectangleF(x, item.Value[0].Y, 50, 50); signatureField.Signature = new PdfSignature(page, "MRV Engenharia"); //Adds certificate to the signature field. signatureField.Signature.Certificate = pdfCert; signatureField.Signature.Reason = "Assinado pela MRV Engenharia"; //Adds the field. loadedDocument.Form.Fields.Add(signatureField); } } //Saves the certified PDF document. using (FileStream fileOut = new FileStream(arquivo, FileMode.Create)) { loadedDocument.Save(fileOut); loadedDocument.Close(true); } //return arquivo; }
public static void Main() { // NOTE: // When used in trial mode, the library imposes some restrictions. // Please visit // for more information. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(@"..\Sample Data\signed.pdf")) { PdfControl control = pdf.GetControls().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == PdfWidgetType.Signature); if (control == null) { Console.WriteLine("Document does not contain signature fields"); return; } PdfSignatureField field = (PdfSignatureField)control; sb.AppendFormat("Signature field is invisible: {0}\n", isInvisible(field)); PdfSignature signature = field.Signature; sb.AppendFormat("Signed by: {0}\n", signature.Name); sb.AppendFormat("Signing time: {0}\n", signature.SigningTime); sb.AppendFormat("Signed at: {0}\n", signature.Location); sb.AppendFormat("Reason for signing: {0}\n", signature.Reason); sb.AppendFormat("Signer's contact: {0}\n", signature.ContactInfo); PdfSignatureContents contents = signature.Contents; sb.AppendFormat("Has OCSP embedded: {0}\n", contents.CheckHasEmbeddedOcsp()); sb.AppendFormat("Has CRL embedded: {0}\n", contents.CheckHasEmbeddedCrl()); PdfSignatureCertificate certificate = contents.GetSigningCertificate(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("== Signing certificate:"); sb.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\n", certificate.Name); sb.AppendFormat("Algorithm: {0}\n", certificate.AlgorithmName); sb.AppendFormat("Subject DN: {0}\n", certificate.Subject.Name); sb.AppendFormat("Issuer DN: {0}\n", certificate.Issuer.Name); sb.AppendFormat("Serial number: {0}\n", certificate.SerialNumber); sb.AppendFormat("Valid from {0} up to {1}\n", certificate.ValidFrom, certificate.ValidUpto); sb.AppendFormat("Timestamp Authority URL: {0}\n", certificate.GetTimestampAuthorityUrl()); PdfSignatureCertificate issuer = contents.GetIssuerCertificateFor(certificate); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("== Issuer certificate:"); sb.AppendFormat("Subject DN: {0}\n", issuer.Subject.Name); sb.AppendFormat("Issuer DN: {0}\n", issuer.Issuer.Name); sb.AppendFormat("Serial number: {0}\n", issuer.SerialNumber); } Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); }
public static void Main() { // NOTE: // When used in trial mode, the library imposes some restrictions. // Please visit // for more information. string outputFileName = "SignSignatureFieldUsingCustomStyle.pdf"; using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(@"..\Sample Data\SignatureFields.pdf")) { // IMPORTANT: // Replace "keystore.p12" and "password" with your own .p12 or .pfx path and password. // Without the change the sample will not work. PdfSignatureField field = pdf.GetControl("Control") as PdfSignatureField; field.BackgroundColor = new PdfGrayColor(80); PdfSigningOptions options = new PdfSigningOptions("keystore.p12", "password") { DigestAlgorithm = PdfDigestAlgorithm.Sha256, Format = PdfSignatureFormat.Pkcs7Detached, Field = field, Reason = "Testing field styles", Location = "My workplace", ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**" }; PdfSignatureAppearanceOptions appearance = options.Appearance; appearance.IncludeDate = false; appearance.IncludeDistinguishedName = false; appearance.Image = pdf.AddImage(@"..\Sample Data\ammerland.jpg"); appearance.Font = pdf.AddFont(PdfBuiltInFont.Courier); appearance.FontSize = 0; // calculate font size automatically appearance.FontColor = new PdfRgbColor(0, 0, 255); appearance.TextAlignment = PdfSignatureTextAlignment.Right; appearance.NameLabel = "Digital signiert von"; appearance.ReasonLabel = "Grund:"; appearance.LocationLabel = "Ort:"; pdf.SignAndSave(options, outputFileName); } Console.WriteLine($"The output is located in {Environment.CurrentDirectory}"); }
private void AddSignatureComponents(object sender, EventArgs e) { var catalog = Document.Catalog; if (catalog.AcroForm == null) { catalog.AcroForm = new PdfAcroForm(Document); } catalog.AcroForm.Elements.Add(PdfAcroForm.Keys.SigFlags, new PdfInteger(3)); var signature = new PdfSignatureField(Document); var paddedContents = new PdfString("", PdfStringFlags.HexLiteral, maximumSignatureLength.Value); var paddedRange = new PdfArray(Document, byteRangePaddingLength, new PdfInteger(0), new PdfInteger(0), new PdfInteger(0), new PdfInteger(0)); signature.Contents = paddedContents; signature.ByteRange = paddedRange; signature.Reason = Options.Reason; signature.Location = Options.Location; signature.Rectangle = new PdfRectangle(Options.Rectangle); signature.AppearanceHandler = Options.AppearanceHandler ?? new DefaultAppearanceHandler() { Location = Options.Location, Reason = Options.Reason, Signer = signer.GetName() }; signature.PrepareForSave(); this.contentsTraker = new PositionTracker(paddedContents); this.rangeTracker = new PositionTracker(paddedRange); var annotations = Document.Pages[0].Elements.GetArray(PdfPage.Keys.Annots); if (annotations == null) { Document.Pages[0].Elements.Add(PdfPage.Keys.Annots, new PdfArray(Document, signature)); } else { annotations.Elements.Add(signature); } catalog.AcroForm.Fields.Elements.Add(signature); }
public static void Main() { // NOTE: // When used in trial mode, the library imposes some restrictions. // Please visit // for more information. string outputFileName = "SignSignatureFieldUsingCustomStyle.pdf"; using (PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument("Sample data/SignatureFields.pdf")) { // IMPORTANT: // Replace "keystore.p12" and "password" with your own .p12 or .pfx path and password. // Without the change the sample will not work. PdfSignatureField field = pdf.GetControl("Control") as PdfSignatureField; PdfSigningOptions options = new PdfSigningOptions("keystore.p12", "password") { DigestAlgorithm = PdfDigestAlgorithm.Sha256, Format = PdfSignatureFormat.Pkcs7Detached, Field = field, Reason = "Testing field styles", Location = "My workplace", ContactInfo = "*****@*****.**" }; options.Appearance.IncludeDate = false; options.Appearance.IncludeDistinguishedName = false; options.Appearance.NameLabel = "Digital signiert von"; options.Appearance.ReasonLabel = "Grund:"; options.Appearance.LocationLabel = "Ort:"; pdf.SignAndSave(options, outputFileName); } Process.Start(outputFileName); }
public void TestSignTest() { var src = @"D:\temp\testSignatureService\BG.PDF"; var dest = @"D:\temp\testSignatureService\BG_Signed.PDF"; var field = new PdfSignatureField() { name = "signature1", x = 100, y = 100, width = 100, height = 100, reason = "testJaaa", location = "current location", page = 1, thumbprint = "76 61 4a 24 85 76 46 4a 5b 13 75 3a e4 f3 31 4b 7b aa 79 62".Replace("", "").Replace(" ", "").ToUpper() }; var result = PDFUtility.AddPdfSignatureField(File.ReadAllBytes(src), field); File.WriteAllBytes(dest, result); field = new PdfSignatureField() { name = "signature2", x = 200, y = 200, width = 100, height = 100, reason = "testJaaa2", location = "location", page = 1, thumbprint = "bc 97 b6 69 77 48 9c fb ca a0 78 58 38 19 c5 d6 1f 65 0c b8".Replace("", "").Replace(" ", "").ToUpper() }; result = PDFUtility.AddPdfSignatureField(File.ReadAllBytes(dest), field); File.WriteAllBytes(dest, result); }
private static void FillPDF(Dictionary <string, string> submittedFields, PdfDocument PDFDocument) { if (PDFDocument == null || PDFDocument.AcroForm == null) { throw new Exception("No PDF with fillable form submitted"); } PdfAcroForm af = PDFDocument.AcroForm; //make sure fields are enabled if (af.Elements.ContainsKey(PdfAcroForm.Keys.NeedAppearances)) { af.Elements[PdfAcroForm.Keys.NeedAppearances] = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfBoolean(true); } else { af.Elements.Add(PdfAcroForm.Keys.NeedAppearances, new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfBoolean(true)); } //Turn on unicode support XPdfFontOptions options = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEncoding.Unicode); //foreach (PDFField sField in submittedFields) foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> sField in submittedFields) { try { var field = af.Fields[sField.Key]; if (field is PdfTextField && (!sField.Key.EndsWith("_QRFill") && !sField.Key.EndsWith("_Code39Fill") && !sField.Key.EndsWith("_PDF417Fill"))) { // filling in a text field PdfTextField tf = (PdfTextField)field; tf.ReadOnly = false; if (Helper.IsChinese(sField.Value)) //override font if chinese is detected. { if (true) // remove evenatully - was used for switching different rendering methods { //Note: This will work for text Fields.. but make sure they are not linked (ie. multiple fileds with same name) // If you want to make this more generic for all form fields you need to account for the possilbility // that a form field could have several phyical outputs across multiple pages. You can find the same // properties but you need to check the KIDS collection for the field. When there is only one display // for a form field then the properties are rolled up to the form field itself - so the below works. PdfRectangle rect = field.Elements.GetRectangle("/Rect"); if (tf.HasKids) { throw new Exception("Multiple render locations found for text field" + sField.Key + ". This can be supported, or just create separate fields for now."); } tf.Value = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfString(sField.Value, PdfStringEncoding.Unicode); //also a bit of pain to locate the acutaly page the field is on... but OK. XGraphics gfx = null; foreach (var page in PDFDocument.Pages) { if (page.Reference == field.Elements["/P"]) { if (gfx != null) //dispose of object before getting a new one. Should actually never happen... but better safe than sorry.... { gfx.Dispose(); } gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page); break; } } XFont targetFont = new XFont("MicrosoftJhengHei", tf.Font.Size, XFontStyle.Regular, options); //It's "KaigenSansSC" behind the scenes, but this may help with some rendering.... // Draw the text over the field gfx.DrawString(sField.Value, targetFont, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(Math.Min(rect.X1, rect.X2), gfx.PageSize.Height - Math.Min(rect.Y1, rect.Y2) - Math.Abs(rect.Height), Math.Abs(rect.Width), Math.Abs(rect.Height)), XStringFormats.TopLeft); gfx.Dispose(); //Theb hide the field if (tf.Elements.ContainsKey("/F") == true) { tf.Elements.SetInteger("/F", 6); } //original filling routine.. still kept here for refernce ... and since it will allow extracting form values from the PDF later. tf.Font = targetFont; // this is and the below is necessary to set both the view and edit font of the field. if (tf.Elements.ContainsKey("/DA") == false) { tf.Elements.Add(PdfTextField.Keys.DA, new PdfString($"/{targetFont.Name} {targetFont.Size} Tf 0 g")); } else { tf.Elements[PdfTextField.Keys.DA] = new PdfString($"/{targetFont.Name} {targetFont.Size} Tf 0 g"); } } } tf.Value = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfString(sField.Value, PdfStringEncoding.Unicode); } else if (field is PdfCheckBoxField) { if (sField.Value != null && sField.Value.Equals("TRUE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { ((PdfCheckBoxField)field).Checked = true; } else { ((PdfCheckBoxField)field).Checked = false; } } else if (field is PdfComboBoxField) { ((PdfComboBoxField)field).Value = new PdfString(sField.Value); } else if (field is PdfRadioButtonField) { ((PdfRadioButtonField)field).Value = new PdfName(sField.Value); } else if (field is PdfListBoxField) { string[] items = sField.Value.Split(","); //PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfArray paNew = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfArray(); PdfArray pas = (PdfArray)(((PdfListBoxField)field).Value); //PdfItem[] pis = pas.Elements.Items; pas.Elements.Clear(); foreach (string sitem in items) { pas.Elements.Add(new PdfString(sitem)); } //PdfListBoxField pl = (PdfListBoxField)field; //PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfArray pa = (PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfArray)pl.Value; //string values = ""; //foreach (PdfString pi in pa.Elements.Items) //{ // if (values.Length > 0) values += ", "; // values += pi.Value; //} //dictPDFFields.Add(key, values); } else if (field is PdfSignatureField) { if (sField.Value == "") { continue; } //Note: The below wroks because a named singature fields only appear once in a document. // If you want to make this more generic for all form fields you need to account for the possilbility // that a form field could have several phyical outputs across multiple pages. You can find the same // properties but you need to check the KIDS collection for the field. When there is only one display // for a form field then the properties are rolled up to the form field itself - so the below works. PdfSignatureField sig = (PdfSignatureField)field; OverlayImageOnField(PDFDocument, sField.Value, sig.Elements.GetRectangle("/Rect"), sig.Elements["/P"]); } else if (field is PdfTextField && (sField.Key.EndsWith("_QRFill") || sField.Key.EndsWith("_Code39Fill") || sField.Key.EndsWith("_PDF417Fill"))) { if (sField.Value == "") { continue; } //Note: This will work for text Fields.. but make sure they are not linked (ie. multiple fileds with same name) // If you want to make this more generic for all form fields you need to account for the possilbility // that a form field could have several phyical outputs across multiple pages. You can find the same // properties but you need to check the KIDS collection for the field. When there is only one display // for a form field then the properties are rolled up to the form field itself - so the below works. PdfRectangle rect = field.Elements.GetRectangle("/Rect"); PdfTextField tf = (PdfTextField)field; if (tf.HasKids) { throw new Exception("Multiple render locations found on barcode fill. This can be supported, or just create separate fields for now."); } tf.Value = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfString(sField.Value, PdfStringEncoding.Unicode); //This hides the field if (tf.Elements.ContainsKey("/F") == true) { tf.Elements.SetInteger("/F", 6); } MessagingToolkit.Barcode.BarcodeEncoder benc = new BarcodeEncoder(); benc.Width = Convert.ToInt32((rect.X2 - rect.X1) * 5); //I just made up that rule - but seems to work well for laser printers. benc.Height = Convert.ToInt32((rect.Y2 - rect.Y1) * 5); if (sField.Key.EndsWith("_Code39Fill")) { benc.Encode(BarcodeFormat.Code39, sField.Value); } else if (sField.Key.EndsWith("_PDF417Fill")) { benc.Encode(BarcodeFormat.PDF417, sField.Value); } else //_QRFill { benc.ErrorCorrectionLevel = MessagingToolkit.Barcode.QRCode.Decoder.ErrorCorrectionLevel.M; //M=15% H=25% L=7% (default) benc.Encode(BarcodeFormat.QRCode, sField.Value); } byte[] qrCodeAsPngByteArr = benc.GetImageData(SaveOptions.Png); OverlayImageOnField(PDFDocument, qrCodeAsPngByteArr, rect, field.Elements["/P"]); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Fill of Field '" + sField.Key + "' ('" + sField.Value + "') failed. " + e.Message); } } }
private static bool isInvisible(PdfSignatureField field) { return((field.Width == 0 && field.Height == 0) || field.Flags.HasFlag(PdfWidgetFlags.Hidden) || field.Flags.HasFlag(PdfWidgetFlags.NoView)); }
/// <summary> /// Main method for running the sample. /// </summary> public static SampleOutputInfo[] Run() { PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument(); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12); PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); // First name page.Graphics.DrawString("First name:", helvetica, brush, 50, 50); PdfTextBoxField firstNameTextBox = new PdfTextBoxField("firstname"); page.Fields.Add(firstNameTextBox); firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 45, 200, 20); firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Last name page.Graphics.DrawString("Last name:", helvetica, brush, 50, 80); PdfTextBoxField lastNameTextBox = new PdfTextBoxField("lastname"); page.Fields.Add(lastNameTextBox); lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 75, 200, 20); lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Sex page.Graphics.DrawString("Sex:", helvetica, brush, 50, 110); PdfRadioButtonField sexRadioButton = new PdfRadioButtonField("sex"); PdfRadioButtonWidget maleRadioItem = new PdfRadioButtonWidget(); sexRadioButton.Widgets.Add(maleRadioItem); PdfRadioButtonWidget femaleRadioItem = new PdfRadioButtonWidget(); sexRadioButton.Widgets.Add(femaleRadioItem); page.Fields.Add(sexRadioButton); page.Graphics.DrawString("Male", helvetica, brush, 180, 110); maleRadioItem.ExportValue = "M"; maleRadioItem.CheckStyle = PdfCheckStyle.Circle; maleRadioItem.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 105, 20, 20); maleRadioItem.BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; maleRadioItem.BorderWidth = 1; page.Graphics.DrawString("Female", helvetica, brush, 280, 110); femaleRadioItem.ExportValue = "F"; femaleRadioItem.CheckStyle = PdfCheckStyle.Circle; femaleRadioItem.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(250, 105, 20, 20); femaleRadioItem.BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; femaleRadioItem.BorderWidth = 1; // First car page.Graphics.DrawString("First car:", helvetica, brush, 50, 140); PdfComboBoxField firstCarList = new PdfComboBoxField("firstcar"); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Mercedes", "Mercedes")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("BMW", "BMW")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Audi", "Audi")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Volkswagen", "Volkswagen")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Porsche", "Porsche")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Honda", "Honda")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Toyota", "Toyota")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Lexus", "Lexus")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Infiniti", "Infiniti")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Acura", "Acura")); page.Fields.Add(firstCarList); firstCarList.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; firstCarList.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 135, 200, 20); firstCarList.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; firstCarList.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Second car page.Graphics.DrawString("Second car:", helvetica, brush, 50, 170); PdfListBoxField secondCarList = new PdfListBoxField("secondcar"); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Mercedes", "Mercedes")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("BMW", "BMW")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Audi", "Audi")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Volkswagen", "Volkswagen")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Porsche", "Porsche")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Honda", "Honda")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Toyota", "Toyota")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Lexus", "Lexus")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Infiniti", "Infiniti")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Acura", "Acura")); page.Fields.Add(secondCarList); secondCarList.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; secondCarList.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 165, 200, 60); secondCarList.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; secondCarList.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // I agree page.Graphics.DrawString("I agree:", helvetica, brush, 50, 240); PdfCheckBoxField agreeCheckBox = new PdfCheckBoxField("agree"); page.Fields.Add(agreeCheckBox); agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; (agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0] as PdfCheckWidget).ExportValue = "YES"; (agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0] as PdfCheckWidget).CheckStyle = PdfCheckStyle.Check; agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 235, 20, 20); agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Sign here page.Graphics.DrawString("Sign here:", helvetica, brush, 50, 270); PdfSignatureField signHereField = new PdfSignatureField("signhere"); page.Fields.Add(signHereField); signHereField.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; signHereField.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 265, 200, 60); // Submit form PdfPushButtonField submitBtn = new PdfPushButtonField("submit"); page.Fields.Add(submitBtn); submitBtn.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(450, 45, 150, 30); (submitBtn.Widgets[0] as PdfPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Submit form"; submitBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PdfRgbColor.LightGray; PdfSubmitFormAction submitFormAction = new PdfSubmitFormAction(); submitFormAction.DataFormat = PdfSubmitDataFormat.FDF; submitFormAction.Fields.Add("firstname"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("lastname"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("sex"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("firstcar"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("secondcar"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("agree"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("signhere"); submitFormAction.SubmitFields = true; submitFormAction.Url = ""; submitBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = submitFormAction; // Reset form PdfPushButtonField resetBtn = new PdfPushButtonField("reset"); page.Fields.Add(resetBtn); resetBtn.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(450, 85, 150, 30); (resetBtn.Widgets[0] as PdfPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Reset form"; resetBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PdfRgbColor.LightGray; PdfResetFormAction resetFormAction = new PdfResetFormAction(); resetBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = resetFormAction; // Print form PdfPushButtonField printBtn = new PdfPushButtonField("print"); page.Fields.Add(printBtn); printBtn.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(450, 125, 150, 30); (printBtn.Widgets[0] as PdfPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Print form"; printBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PdfRgbColor.LightGray; PdfJavaScriptAction printAction = new PdfJavaScriptAction(); printAction.Script = "this.print(true);\n"; printBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = printAction; SampleOutputInfo[] output = new SampleOutputInfo[] { new SampleOutputInfo(document, "xfinium.pdf.sample.formgenerator.pdf") }; return output; }
protected void btnSaveAsPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string inputUsername = Context.User.Identity.Name; //string inputUsername = Session["AccountUsername"].ToString(); string rStatus = "accepted"; dbCaseNumber = Session["caseNumberOfThisSelectedReport"].ToString(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FileDatabaseConnectionString2"].ConnectionString); connection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT CaseNumber, Username, Date, Subject, Description, Remarks, CreatedDateTime FROM Report WHERE ReportStatus = @reportStatus AND CaseNumber = @cNum", connection); //myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AccountUsername", inputUsername); //Taking the latest report of that user only. //Should be click on a particular report number - thats the report that we should take myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reportStatus", rStatus); myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cNum", dbCaseNumber); SqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { //dbCaseNumber = (myReader["CaseNumber"].ToString()); dbUsername = (myReader["Username"].ToString()); dbDate = (myReader["Date"].ToString()); dbSubject = (myReader["Subject"].ToString()); dbDescription = (myReader["Description"].ToString()); dbRemarks = (myReader["Remarks"].ToString()); dbCreatedDateTime = (myReader["CreatedDateTime"].ToString()); } connection.Close(); //Creating a pdf document PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //Create a page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(); //Draw the contents of page AlignText(page); // + Encryption (Joanne) doc.Security.KeySize = PdfEncryptionKeySize.Key128Bit; doc.Security.OwnerPassword = "******"; doc.Security.UserPassword = PasswordTxt.Text; doc.Security.Permissions = PdfPermissionsFlags.Print | PdfPermissionsFlags.FillFields; //// + DigitalSignature Method 1 (KaiTat) //String pfxPath = @"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\e-iceblue\\Spire.pdf\\Demos\\Data\\Demo.pfx"; //PdfCertificate digi = new PdfCertificate(pfxPath, "e-iceblue"); //PdfSignature signature = new PdfSignature(doc, page, digi, "demo"); //signature.ContactInfo = "Harry Hu"; //signature.Certificated = true; //signature.DocumentPermissions = PdfCertificationFlags.AllowFormFill; //KT Digital Signature Method 2 PdfSignatureField signaturefield = new PdfSignatureField(page, "Signature"); signaturefield.BorderWidth = 1.0f; signaturefield.BorderStyle = PdfBorderStyle.Solid; signaturefield.BorderColor = new PdfRGBColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black); signaturefield.HighlightMode = PdfHighlightMode.Outline; signaturefield.Bounds = new RectangleF(350, 600, 100, 100); doc.Form.Fields.Add(signaturefield); // + Watermark - Text (Joanne) string wmText = "Report #" + dbCaseNumber + " by " + Context.User.Identity.Name; PdfTilingBrush brush = new PdfTilingBrush(new SizeF(page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height / 3)); brush.Graphics.SetTransparency(0.3f); brush.Graphics.Save(); brush.Graphics.TranslateTransform(brush.Size.Width / 2, brush.Size.Height / 2); brush.Graphics.RotateTransform(-45); brush.Graphics.DrawString(wmText, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 20), PdfBrushes.Black, 0, 0, new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center)); brush.Graphics.Restore(); brush.Graphics.SetTransparency(1); page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(brush, new RectangleF(new PointF(1, 1), page.Canvas.ClientSize)); //Save pdf to a location //doc.SaveToFile("C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\CreatePDFTest" + dbCaseNumber + ".pdf"); doc.SaveToFile("C:\\Saved PDF\\" + dbCaseNumber + ".pdf"); //Kt testing //doc.SaveToFile("C:\\Users\\Kai Tat\\Desktop\\CreatePDFTest" + dbCaseNumber + ".pdf"); //Launching the PDF File System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\\Saved PDF\\" + dbCaseNumber + ".pdf"); //Kt testing //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\\Users\\Kai Tat\\Desktop\\CreatePDFTest" + dbCaseNumber + ".pdf"); //Add to logs ActionLogs.Action action = ActionLogs.Action.ReportSavedToPdf; ActionLogs.Log(Context.User.Identity.Name, action); }
/// <summary> /// Main method for running the sample. /// </summary> public static SampleOutputInfo[] Run() { PdfFixedDocument document = new PdfFixedDocument(); PdfStandardFont helvetica = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12); PdfBrush brush = new PdfBrush(); PdfPage page = document.Pages.Add(); // First name page.Graphics.DrawString("First name:", helvetica, brush, 50, 50); PdfTextBoxField firstNameTextBox = new PdfTextBoxField("firstname"); page.Fields.Add(firstNameTextBox); firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 45, 200, 20); firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; firstNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Last name page.Graphics.DrawString("Last name:", helvetica, brush, 50, 80); PdfTextBoxField lastNameTextBox = new PdfTextBoxField("lastname"); page.Fields.Add(lastNameTextBox); lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 75, 200, 20); lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; lastNameTextBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Sex page.Graphics.DrawString("Sex:", helvetica, brush, 50, 110); PdfRadioButtonField sexRadioButton = new PdfRadioButtonField("sex"); PdfRadioButtonWidget maleRadioItem = new PdfRadioButtonWidget(); sexRadioButton.Widgets.Add(maleRadioItem); PdfRadioButtonWidget femaleRadioItem = new PdfRadioButtonWidget(); sexRadioButton.Widgets.Add(femaleRadioItem); page.Fields.Add(sexRadioButton); page.Graphics.DrawString("Male", helvetica, brush, 180, 110); maleRadioItem.ExportValue = "M"; maleRadioItem.CheckStyle = PdfCheckStyle.Circle; maleRadioItem.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 105, 20, 20); maleRadioItem.BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; maleRadioItem.BorderWidth = 1; page.Graphics.DrawString("Female", helvetica, brush, 280, 110); femaleRadioItem.ExportValue = "F"; femaleRadioItem.CheckStyle = PdfCheckStyle.Circle; femaleRadioItem.VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(250, 105, 20, 20); femaleRadioItem.BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; femaleRadioItem.BorderWidth = 1; // First car page.Graphics.DrawString("First car:", helvetica, brush, 50, 140); PdfComboBoxField firstCarList = new PdfComboBoxField("firstcar"); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Mercedes", "Mercedes")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("BMW", "BMW")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Audi", "Audi")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Volkswagen", "Volkswagen")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Porsche", "Porsche")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Honda", "Honda")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Toyota", "Toyota")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Lexus", "Lexus")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Infiniti", "Infiniti")); firstCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Acura", "Acura")); page.Fields.Add(firstCarList); firstCarList.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; firstCarList.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 135, 200, 20); firstCarList.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; firstCarList.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Second car page.Graphics.DrawString("Second car:", helvetica, brush, 50, 170); PdfListBoxField secondCarList = new PdfListBoxField("secondcar"); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Mercedes", "Mercedes")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("BMW", "BMW")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Audi", "Audi")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Volkswagen", "Volkswagen")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Porsche", "Porsche")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Honda", "Honda")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Toyota", "Toyota")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Lexus", "Lexus")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Infiniti", "Infiniti")); secondCarList.Items.Add(new PdfListItem("Acura", "Acura")); page.Fields.Add(secondCarList); secondCarList.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; secondCarList.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 165, 200, 60); secondCarList.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; secondCarList.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // I agree page.Graphics.DrawString("I agree:", helvetica, brush, 50, 240); PdfCheckBoxField agreeCheckBox = new PdfCheckBoxField("agree"); page.Fields.Add(agreeCheckBox); agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; (agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0] as PdfCheckWidget).ExportValue = "YES"; (agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0] as PdfCheckWidget).CheckStyle = PdfCheckStyle.Check; agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 235, 20, 20); agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].BorderColor = PdfRgbColor.Black; agreeCheckBox.Widgets[0].BorderWidth = 1; // Sign here page.Graphics.DrawString("Sign here:", helvetica, brush, 50, 270); PdfSignatureField signHereField = new PdfSignatureField("signhere"); page.Fields.Add(signHereField); signHereField.Widgets[0].Font = helvetica; signHereField.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(150, 265, 200, 60); // Submit form PdfPushButtonField submitBtn = new PdfPushButtonField("submit"); page.Fields.Add(submitBtn); submitBtn.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(450, 45, 150, 30); (submitBtn.Widgets[0] as PdfPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Submit form"; submitBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PdfRgbColor.LightGray; PdfSubmitFormAction submitFormAction = new PdfSubmitFormAction(); submitFormAction.DataFormat = PdfSubmitDataFormat.FDF; submitFormAction.Fields.Add("firstname"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("lastname"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("sex"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("firstcar"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("secondcar"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("agree"); submitFormAction.Fields.Add("signhere"); submitFormAction.SubmitFields = true; submitFormAction.Url = ""; submitBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = submitFormAction; // Reset form PdfPushButtonField resetBtn = new PdfPushButtonField("reset"); page.Fields.Add(resetBtn); resetBtn.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(450, 85, 150, 30); (resetBtn.Widgets[0] as PdfPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Reset form"; resetBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PdfRgbColor.LightGray; PdfResetFormAction resetFormAction = new PdfResetFormAction(); resetBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = resetFormAction; // Print form PdfPushButtonField printBtn = new PdfPushButtonField("print"); page.Fields.Add(printBtn); printBtn.Widgets[0].VisualRectangle = new PdfVisualRectangle(450, 125, 150, 30); (printBtn.Widgets[0] as PdfPushButtonWidget).Caption = "Print form"; printBtn.Widgets[0].BackgroundColor = PdfRgbColor.LightGray; PdfJavaScriptAction printAction = new PdfJavaScriptAction(); printAction.Script = "this.print(true);\n"; printBtn.Widgets[0].MouseUp = printAction; SampleOutputInfo[] output = new SampleOutputInfo[] { new SampleOutputInfo(document, "xfinium.pdf.sample.formgenerator.pdf") }; return(output); }
private static CompositeProperty asCompositeProperty(PdfSignatureField o) { return(new CompositeProperty(o.Name, typeof(byte[]))); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //Create one page. PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(); //Draw the page. DrawPage(page); String pfxPath = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Demo.pfx"; PdfCertificate cert = new PdfCertificate(pfxPath, "e-iceblue"); //signature fully. PdfSignature signature = new PdfSignature(doc, page, cert, "signature0"); //invisible signature. //signature.Bounds = new RectangleF(new PointF(20, 350), new SizeF(200, 100)); //display signature picture. //signature.ConfiguerGraphicPath = @"\signature.jpg"; //signature.ConfigGraphicType = ConfiguerGraphicType.Picture; //display signature text. signature.IsTag = true; signature.DigitalSignerLable = "Firmado Por:"; signature.DigitalSigner = "Alex Alvarado"; signature.ContactInfo = "Harry"; signature.Date = DateTime.Now; signature.Certificated = true; signature.DocumentPermissions = PdfCertificationFlags.AllowFormFill | PdfCertificationFlags.ForbidChanges; //create empty signature field. PdfSignatureField signature1Field = new PdfSignatureField(page, "signature1"); signature1Field.Bounds = new RectangleF(new PointF(300, 350), new SizeF(200, 100)); signature1Field.BorderWidth = 1.0f; signature1Field.BorderStyle = PdfBorderStyle.Solid; signature1Field.BorderColor = new PdfRGBColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black); signature1Field.HighlightMode = PdfHighlightMode.Outline; // display picture. //signature1Field.DrawImage(new PdfBitmap(m_DataDirectory + @"\SpirePdf-815.jpg"), 0, 0); doc.Form.Fields.Add(signature1Field); doc.SaveToFile("DigitalSignature.pdf"); doc.Close(); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ doc = new PdfDocument("DigitalSignature.pdf"); //signature empty signature field. PdfSignatureFieldWidget signature1FieldWidget = (doc.Form as PdfFormWidget).FieldsWidget["signature1"] as PdfSignatureFieldWidget; PdfSignature signature1 = new PdfSignature(doc, signature1FieldWidget.Page, cert, signature1FieldWidget.Name, signature1FieldWidget); signature1.IsTag = true; signature1.DigitalSignerLable = "Firmado Por:"; signature1.DigitalSigner = "Alex Alvarado"; signature1.ContactInfo = "Harry"; signature1.Date = DateTime.Now; //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("DigitalSignature.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("DigitalSignature.pdf"); }