예제 #1
        protected void HandleTextBlock(TextBlock item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var physicalBox         = ToPhysicalBox(item, context);
            var x                   = physicalBox[0];
            var y                   = physicalBox[1];
            var width               = physicalBox[2] - physicalBox[0];
            var height              = physicalBox[3] - physicalBox[1];
            var to                  = (PdfTextOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.TextOptionsRef ?? context.TextOptionsRef) ?? new PdfTextOptions();
            var leftRotationDegrees = GetAngleValue(item.Rotation);
            var alignment           = Int32.Parse(item.Alignment.CaseTranslate(StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, "", "-1", "left", "-1", "center", "0", "middle", "0", "right", "1", item.Alignment) ?? "-1");

            // Correct y value to reflect top of textblock:
            y = y - to.FontSize;

            var content = item.Content;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.ContentKey))
                if (this.ContentSource == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to render TextBlock content using ContentKey as ContentSource of PdfModelWriter is not set.");
                content = this.ContentSource[item.ContentKey] ?? item.Content ?? String.Empty;

            writer.DrawTextblock(x, y, content ?? String.Empty, width, to, leftRotationDegrees, alignment);
예제 #2
        protected void HandleLine(Line item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var physicalBox = ToPhysicalBox(item, context);
            var go          = (PdfGraphicsOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.GraphicsOptionsRef ?? context.GraphicsOptionsRef) ?? new PdfGraphicsOptions();

            writer.DrawLine(physicalBox[0], physicalBox[1], physicalBox[2], physicalBox[3], go);
예제 #3
 protected void Dispatch(IPageItem pageItem, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
     if (!pageItem.Hidden)
         this.GetType().GetMethod("Handle" + pageItem.GetType().Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(this, new object[] { pageItem, writer, context });
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a page item to the given PDF page writer.
        /// </summary>
        public void Write(IPageItem pageItem, PdfPageWriter writer)
            var context = new Context();

            context.Coordinates = GetCoordinates(writer);
            this.Dispatch(pageItem, writer, context);
예제 #5
 protected void HandleScript(Script item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.ScriptRef))
         var so = new PdfScriptObject();
예제 #6
        protected void HandleImage(Image item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var physicalBox = ToPhysicalBox(item, context);
            //var x = physicalBox[0];
            //var y = physicalBox[1];
            var x             = Math.Min(physicalBox[0], physicalBox[2]);
            var y             = Math.Min(physicalBox[1], physicalBox[3]);
            var width         = Math.Abs(physicalBox[2] - physicalBox[0]);
            var height        = Math.Abs(physicalBox[3] - physicalBox[1]);
            var placement     = (PdfImagePlacement)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfImagePlacement), item.Placement ?? "Stretch");
            var rotation      = GetAngleValue(item.Rotation);
            var imageRotation = (PdfImageRotation)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfImageRotation), item.ImageRotation ?? "None");

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.ImageRef))
                item.ImageRef = item.FileName ?? item.Url ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                if (!this.referables.ContainsKey(item.ImageRef))
                    var img    = LoadImage(item.FileName, item.Url);
                    var pdfRef = writer.DocumentWriter.AddImage(img);
                    SetReferenceObject(item.ImageRef, pdfRef);

            if (rotation != 0.0)
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.ImageRef))
                    var imgRef = (PdfObjectRef)GetReferenceObject(item.ImageRef);
                    writer.DrawImageRef(x, y, imgRef, width, rotation);
                    var img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(item.FileName ?? item.Url);
                    writer.DrawImage(x, y, img, width, rotation);
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.ImageRef))
                    var imgRef = (PdfObjectRef)GetReferenceObject(item.ImageRef);
                    writer.DrawImageRef(x, y, imgRef, width, height, placement, imageRotation);
                    var img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(item.FileName ?? item.Url);
                    writer.DrawImage(x, y, img, width, height, placement, imageRotation);
예제 #7
        private static double WriteSampleLines(int[] sizes, PdfPageWriter page, double cursor, PdfFont font, string fontName)
            page.DrawText(40, cursor, String.Format("{0} in sizes {1}:", fontName, String.Join(", ", sizes.Select(s => s.ToString()))), CaptionText);
            cursor -= CaptionText.FontSize;
            cursor -= 32;
            foreach (var size in sizes)
                page.DrawText(40, cursor, "01234-9 THE Quick BROWN FOX walks in tbe woods - " + font.Name + " " + size, new PdfTextOptions(font, size, PdfColor.Black));
                cursor -= size;

            cursor -= 32;
예제 #8
        protected void HandleRectangle(Rectangle item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var physicalBox = ToPhysicalBox(item, context);
            var rotation    = GetAngleValue(item.Rotation);
            var radius      = Double.Parse(item.Radius ?? "0.0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var go = (PdfGraphicsOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.GraphicsOptionsRef ?? context.GraphicsOptionsRef) ?? new PdfGraphicsOptions();

            if (radius > 0.0 && rotation == 0.0)
                writer.DrawRoundedRectangle2(Math.Min(physicalBox[0], physicalBox[2]), Math.Min(physicalBox[1], physicalBox[3]), Math.Max(physicalBox[2], physicalBox[0]), Math.Max(physicalBox[3], physicalBox[1]), radius, go);
                writer.DrawRectangle2(physicalBox[0], physicalBox[1], physicalBox[2], physicalBox[3], go, rotation);
예제 #9
        protected void HandleArea(Area item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var logicalBox  = ToLogicalBox(item, context);
            var physicalBox = ToPhysicalBox(logicalBox, context);

            context = new Context(context);
            context.GraphicsOptionsRef = item.GraphicsOptionsRef ?? context.GraphicsOptionsRef;
            context.TextOptionsRef     = item.TextOptionsRef ?? context.TextOptionsRef;
            if (item.CoordinateSpace == null)
                context.Coordinates = new Coordinates(physicalBox, logicalBox);
                context.Coordinates = new Coordinates(physicalBox, 0.0, 0.0, item.CoordinateSpace.Width, item.CoordinateSpace.Height);

            foreach (var subitem in item.Items)
                this.Dispatch(subitem, writer, context);
예제 #10
        protected void HandleText(Text item, PdfPageWriter writer, Context context)
            var physicalBox         = ToPhysicalPoint(item, context);
            var x                   = physicalBox[0];
            var y                   = physicalBox[1];
            var to                  = (PdfTextOptions)GetReferenceObject(item.TextOptionsRef ?? context.TextOptionsRef) ?? new PdfTextOptions();
            var leftRotationDegrees = GetAngleValue(item.Rotation);

            // Correct y value to reflect top of text:
            y = y - to.FontSize;

            var content = item.Content;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.ContentKey))
                if (this.ContentSource == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to render Text content using ContentKey as ContentSource of PdfModelWriter is not set.");
                content = this.ContentSource[item.ContentKey] ?? item.Content ?? String.Empty;

            writer.DrawText(x, y, content ?? String.Empty, to, leftRotationDegrees);
예제 #11
 private Coordinates GetCoordinates(PdfPageWriter pageWriter)
     return(new Coordinates(0.0, pageWriter.Height, pageWriter.Width, 0.0));