예제 #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            //Add a new page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //Create a rectangle
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(300, 100));

            //Create a brush with gradient
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Red, Color.Blue, PdfLinearGradientMode.Horizontal);

            //Create a true type font with size 20f, underline style
            PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 20, FontStyle.Underline));

            //Draw text
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Welcome to E-iceblue!", font, brush, new Point(0, 100));

            String result = "DrawWithGradient-result.pdf";

            //Save to file

            //Launch the Pdf file
예제 #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins       margin   = new PdfMargins();

            margin.Top    = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left   = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right  = margin.Left;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin);

            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush        brush1  = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1   = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true);
            PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Categories List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1);
            y = y + font1.MeasureString("Categories List", format1).Height;
            y = y + 5;

            RectangleF             rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            PdfFont font = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12f, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
            String  formatted
                = "Beverages\nCondiments\nConfections\nDairy Products\nGrains/Cereals\nMeat/Poultry\nProduce\nSeafood";

            PdfList list = new PdfList(formatted);

            list.Font       = font;
            list.Indent     = 8;
            list.TextIndent = 5;
            list.Brush      = brush;
            PdfLayoutResult result = list.Draw(page, 0, y);

            y = result.Bounds.Bottom;

            PdfSortedList sortedList = new PdfSortedList(formatted);

            sortedList.Font       = font;
            sortedList.Indent     = 8;
            sortedList.TextIndent = 5;
            sortedList.Brush      = brush;
            sortedList.Draw(page, 0, y);

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.
예제 #3
        private void DrawPath(PdfPageBase page)
            PointF[] points = new PointF[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                float x = (float)Math.Cos(i * 2 * Math.PI / 5);
                float y = (float)Math.Sin(i * 2 * Math.PI / 5);
                points[i] = new PointF(x, y);
            PdfPath path = new PdfPath();

            path.AddLine(points[2], points[0]);
            path.AddLine(points[0], points[3]);
            path.AddLine(points[3], points[1]);
            path.AddLine(points[1], points[4]);
            path.AddLine(points[4], points[2]);

            //save graphics state
            PdfGraphicsState state  = page.Canvas.Save();
            PdfPen           pen    = new PdfPen(Color.DeepSkyBlue, 0.02f);
            PdfBrush         brush1 = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.CadetBlue);

            page.Canvas.ScaleTransform(50f, 50f);
            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(5f, 1.2f);
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, path);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Alternate;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush1, path);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Winding;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush1, path);

            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2 = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(new PointF(-2, 0), new PointF(2, 0), Color.Red, Color.Blue);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(-4f, 2f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Alternate;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush2, path);

            PdfRadialGradientBrush brush3 = new PdfRadialGradientBrush(new PointF(0f, 0f), 0f, new PointF(0f, 0f), 1f, Color.Red, Color.Blue);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Winding;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush3, path);

            PdfTilingBrush brush4 = new PdfTilingBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, 4f, 4f));

            brush4.Graphics.DrawRectangle(brush2, 0, 0, 4f, 4f);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Winding;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush4, path);

            //restor graphics
예제 #4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins();
            margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right = margin.Left;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin);
            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true);
            PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Categories List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1);
            y = y + font1.MeasureString("Categories List", format1).Height;
            y = y + 5;

            RectangleF rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            PdfFont font = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12f, PdfFontStyle.Bold);
            String formatted
                = "Beverages\nCondiments\nConfections\nDairy Products\nGrains/Cereals\nMeat/Poultry\nProduce\nSeafood";

            PdfList list = new PdfList(formatted);
            list.Font = font;
            list.Indent = 8;
            list.TextIndent = 5;
            list.Brush = brush;
            PdfLayoutResult result = list.Draw(page, 0, y);
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom;

            PdfSortedList sortedList = new PdfSortedList(formatted);
            sortedList.Font = font;
            sortedList.Indent = 8;
            sortedList.TextIndent = 5;
            sortedList.Brush = brush;
            sortedList.Draw(page, 0, y);

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.
        private void DrawPath(PdfPageBase page)
            PointF[] points = new PointF[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                float x = (float)Math.Cos(i * 2 * Math.PI / 5);
                float y = (float)Math.Sin(i * 2 * Math.PI / 5);
                points[i] = new PointF(x, y);
            PdfPath path = new PdfPath();
            path.AddLine(points[2], points[0]);
            path.AddLine(points[0], points[3]);
            path.AddLine(points[3], points[1]);
            path.AddLine(points[1], points[4]);
            path.AddLine(points[4], points[2]);

            //save graphics state
            PdfGraphicsState state = page.Canvas.Save();
            PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(Color.DeepSkyBlue, 0.02f);
            PdfBrush brush1 = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.CadetBlue);

            page.Canvas.ScaleTransform(50f, 50f);
            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(5f, 1.2f);
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, path);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Alternate;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush1, path);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Winding;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush1, path);

            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2 = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(new PointF(-2, 0), new PointF(2, 0), Color.Red, Color.Blue);
            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(-4f, 2f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Alternate;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush2, path);

            PdfRadialGradientBrush brush3 = new PdfRadialGradientBrush(new PointF(0f, 0f), 0f, new PointF(0f, 0f), 1f, Color.Red, Color.Blue);
            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Winding;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush3, path);

            PdfTilingBrush brush4 = new PdfTilingBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, 4f, 4f));
            brush4.Graphics.DrawRectangle(brush2, 0, 0, 4f, 4f);

            page.Canvas.TranslateTransform(2f, 0f);
            path.FillMode = PdfFillMode.Winding;
            page.Canvas.DrawPath(pen, brush4, path);

            //restor graphics
        public ActionResult DrawingShapes(string InsideBrowser)
            // Create a new PDF document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
            int         i;
            // Create a new page.
            PdfPage page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Obtain PdfGraphics object.
            PdfGraphics g    = page.Graphics;
            PdfFont     font = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 14, PdfFontStyle.Bold);

            #region Polygon
            PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            pen.Width = 3;
            PointF p1 = new PointF(05, 10);
            PointF p2 = new PointF(05, 10);
            PointF p3 = new PointF(60, 70);
            PointF p4 = new PointF(40, 70);

            PointF[] points = { p1, p2, p3, p4 };

            int pointNum = 16;
            points = new PointF[pointNum];
            double       f      = 360.0 / pointNum * Math.PI / 180.0;
            const double r      = 100;
            PointF       center = new PointF(140, 140);

            for (i = 0; i < pointNum; ++i)
                PointF p     = new PointF();
                double theta = i * f;

                p.Y = (float)(Math.Sin(theta) * r + center.Y);
                p.X = (float)(Math.Cos(theta) * r + center.X);

                points[i] = p;

            PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Green);
            pen.Color    = Color.Brown;
            pen.Width    = 10;
            pen.LineJoin = PdfLineJoin.Round;
            g.DrawString("Polygon", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 0));
            g.DrawPolygon(pen, brush, points);


            #region  Pie

            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(200, 50, 200, 200);
            brush.Color = Color.Green;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            pen.Width   = 10;

            rect.Location = new PointF(20, 280);
            pen.LineJoin  = PdfLineJoin.Round;
            g.DrawString("Pie shape", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 250));
            g.DrawPie(pen, brush, rect, 180, 60);
            g.DrawPie(pen, brush, rect, 360 - 60, 60);
            g.DrawPie(pen, brush, rect, 60, 60);


            #region Arc

            g.DrawString("Arcs", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(330, 0));
            pen         = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            pen.Width   = 11;
            pen.LineCap = PdfLineCap.Round;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            rect        = new RectangleF(310, 40, 200, 200);
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 0, 90);

            pen.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            rect.X   -= 10;
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 90, 90);

            pen.Color = Color.Brown;
            rect.Y   -= 10;
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 180, 90);

            pen.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            rect.X   += 10;
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 270, 90);


            #region Rectangle
            rect        = new RectangleF(310, 280, 200, 100);
            brush.Color = Color.Green;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            g.DrawString("Simple Rectangle", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(310, 255));
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, brush, rect);

            #region ellipse
            pen  = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            rect = new RectangleF(270, 400, 160, 1000);
            g.DrawString("Shape with pagination", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(300, 390));
            PdfEllipse      ellipse = new PdfEllipse(rect);
            PdfLayoutFormat format  = new PdfLayoutFormat();
            format.Break  = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage;
            format.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate;
            ellipse.Brush = PdfBrushes.Brown;
            ellipse.Draw(page, 20, 20, format);

            brush         = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black);
            ellipse.Brush = PdfBrushes.DarkGreen;
            ellipse.Draw(page, 40, 40, format);


            #region Transaparency

            page = doc.Pages[1];
            g    = page.Graphics;
            g.DrawString("Transparent Rectangles", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 80));
            PdfBrush gBrush;
            rect = new RectangleF(10, 150, 100, 100);

            pen    = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            gBrush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.DarkGreen);

            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);
            gBrush  = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Brown);
            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            pen     = new PdfPen(Color.Brown);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);

            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            gBrush  = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.DarkGreen, Color.Brown, PdfLinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);

            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            pen     = new PdfPen(Color.Blue);
            gBrush  = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Gray);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);

            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            pen     = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            gBrush  = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Green);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);


            #region Rectangle with Color space

            PointF location = new PointF(10, 50);
            page = doc.Pages.Add();
            g    = page.Graphics;

            doc.ColorSpace = (PdfColorSpace)i;

            // SolidBrush
            gBrush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Red);
            DrawRectangles(location, g, font, gBrush, pen, doc);

            // LinearGradient
            location = new PointF(180, 50);

            PointF point2 = location;

            point2.X += 180;
            gBrush    = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(location, point2, Color.Blue, Color.Red);
            DrawRectangles(location, g, font, gBrush, pen, doc);

            // Raidal Gradient
            location = new PointF(360, 50);
            point2   = location;

            point2 = new PointF(location.X + 50, location.Y + 50);
            //point2.Y += 250;
            //point2.X = 150;
            gBrush = new PdfRadialGradientBrush(point2, 0, point2, 100, Color.Blue, Color.Red);
            (gBrush as PdfRadialGradientBrush).Extend = PdfExtend.Both;
            DrawRectangles(location, g, font, gBrush, pen, doc);

            g.DrawString("Rectangle with color spaces", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(150, 0));

            //Save the PDF to the MemoryStream
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();


            //If the position is not set to '0' then the PDF will be empty.
            ms.Position = 0;

            //Close the PDF document.

            //Download the PDF document in the browser.
            FileStreamResult fileStreamResult = new FileStreamResult(ms, "application/pdf");
            fileStreamResult.FileDownloadName = "Shapes.pdf";
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins       margin   = new PdfMargins();

            margin.Top    = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left   = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right  = margin.Left;

            PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add();

            section.PageSettings.Margins = margin;
            section.PageSettings.Size    = PdfPageSize.A4;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add();
            float       y    = 10;

            PdfBrush               brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont        font1  = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold), true);
            RectangleF             rctg   = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);

            //draw Codabar
            PdfTextWidget text = new PdfTextWidget();

            text.Font = font1;
            text.Text = "Codabar:";
            PdfLayoutResult result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);

            page = result.Page;
            y    = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCodabarBarcode barcode1 = new PdfCodabarBarcode("00:12-3456/7890");

            barcode1.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode1.EnableCheckDigit       = true;
            barcode1.ShowCheckDigit         = true;
            barcode1.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode1.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode1.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode1.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code11Barcode
            text.Text = "Code11:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode11Barcode barcode2 = new PdfCode11Barcode("123-4567890");

            barcode2.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode2.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode2.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode2.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode2.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code128-A
            text.Text = "Code128-A:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode128ABarcode barcode3 = new PdfCode128ABarcode("HELLO 00-123");

            barcode3.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode3.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode3.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode3.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode3.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code128-B
            text.Text = "Code128-B:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode128BBarcode barcode4 = new PdfCode128BBarcode("Hello 00-123");

            barcode4.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode4.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode4.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode4.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode4.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code32
            text.Text = "Code32:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode32Barcode barcode5 = new PdfCode32Barcode("16273849");

            barcode5.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode5.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode5.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode5.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode5.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            page = section.Pages.Add();
            y    = 10;

            //draw Code39
            text.Text = "Code39:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode39Barcode barcode6 = new PdfCode39Barcode("16-273849");

            barcode6.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode6.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode6.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode6.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode6.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code39-E
            text.Text = "Code39-E:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode barcode7 = new PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode("16-273849");

            barcode7.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode7.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode7.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode7.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode7.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code93
            text.Text = "Code93:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode93Barcode barcode8 = new PdfCode93Barcode("16-273849");

            barcode8.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode8.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode8.TextColor        = Color.Blue;
            barcode8.QuietZone.Bottom = 5;
            barcode8.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode8.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code93-E
            text.Text = "Code93-E:";
            result    = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page      = result.Page;
            y         = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode barcode9 = new PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode("16-273849");

            barcode9.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode9.TextDisplayLocation    = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode9.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode9.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode9.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.
        public ActionResult DrawingShapes(string InsideBrowser)
            // Create a new PDF document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
            int         i;
            // Create a new page.
            PdfPage page = doc.Pages.Add();
            // Obtain PdfGraphics object.
            PdfGraphics g    = page.Graphics;
            PdfFont     font = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 14, PdfFontStyle.Bold);

            #region Polygon
            PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            pen.Width = 3;
            PointF p1 = new PointF(05, 10);
            PointF p2 = new PointF(05, 10);
            PointF p3 = new PointF(60, 70);
            PointF p4 = new PointF(40, 70);

            PointF[] points = { p1, p2, p3, p4 };

            int pointNum = 16;
            points = new PointF[pointNum];
            double       f      = 360.0 / pointNum * Math.PI / 180.0;
            const double r      = 100;
            PointF       center = new PointF(140, 140);

            for (i = 0; i < pointNum; ++i)
                PointF p     = new PointF();
                double theta = i * f;

                p.Y = (float)(Math.Sin(theta) * r + center.Y);
                p.X = (float)(Math.Cos(theta) * r + center.X);

                points[i] = p;

            PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Green);
            pen.Color    = Color.Brown;
            pen.Width    = 10;
            pen.LineJoin = PdfLineJoin.Round;
            g.DrawString("Polygon", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 0));
            g.DrawPolygon(pen, brush, points);


            #region  Pie

            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(200, 50, 200, 200);
            brush.Color = Color.Green;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            pen.Width   = 10;

            rect.Location = new PointF(20, 280);
            pen.LineJoin  = PdfLineJoin.Round;
            g.DrawString("Pie shape", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 250));
            g.DrawPie(pen, brush, rect, 180, 60);
            g.DrawPie(pen, brush, rect, 360 - 60, 60);
            g.DrawPie(pen, brush, rect, 60, 60);


            #region Arc

            g.DrawString("Arcs", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(330, 0));
            pen         = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            pen.Width   = 11;
            pen.LineCap = PdfLineCap.Round;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            rect        = new RectangleF(310, 40, 200, 200);
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 0, 90);

            pen.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            rect.X   -= 10;
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 90, 90);

            pen.Color = Color.Brown;
            rect.Y   -= 10;
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 180, 90);

            pen.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            rect.X   += 10;
            g.DrawArc(pen, rect, 270, 90);


            #region Rectangle
            rect        = new RectangleF(310, 280, 200, 100);
            brush.Color = Color.Green;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            g.DrawString("Simple Rectangle", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(310, 255));
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, brush, rect);

            #region ellipse

            // Draw a simple ellipse.
            pen  = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            rect = new RectangleF(80, 520, 100, 200);
            //page = doc.Pages[0];
            //g = page.Graphics;
            PdfLinearGradientBrush lgBrush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.DarkGreen, Color.White, 90);

            brush       = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black);
            brush.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
            pen.Color   = Color.Brown;
            pen.Width   = 10.0f;
            g.DrawString("Ellipse with Gradient", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 490));
            g.DrawEllipse(pen, lgBrush, rect);

            rect = new RectangleF(270, 400, 160, 1000);
            g.DrawString("Shape with pagination", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(300, 390));
            PdfEllipse      ellipse = new PdfEllipse(rect);
            PdfLayoutFormat format  = new PdfLayoutFormat();
            format.Break  = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage;
            format.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate;
            ellipse.Brush = PdfBrushes.Brown;
            ellipse.Draw(page, 20, 20, format);

            brush         = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black);
            ellipse.Brush = PdfBrushes.DarkGreen;
            ellipse.Draw(page, 40, 40, format);


            #region Transaparency

            page = doc.Pages[1];
            g    = page.Graphics;
            g.DrawString("Transparent Rectangles", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(50, 80));
            PdfBrush gBrush;
            rect = new RectangleF(10, 150, 100, 100);

            pen    = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            gBrush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.DarkGreen);

            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);
            gBrush  = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Brown);
            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            pen     = new PdfPen(Color.Brown);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);

            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            gBrush  = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.DarkGreen, Color.Brown, PdfLinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);

            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            pen     = new PdfPen(Color.Blue);
            gBrush  = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Gray);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);

            rect.X += 20;
            rect.Y += 20;
            pen     = new PdfPen(Color.Black);
            gBrush  = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Green);
            g.DrawRectangle(pen, gBrush, rect);


            #region Rectangle with Color space

            PointF location = new PointF(10, 50);
            page = doc.Pages.Add();
            g    = page.Graphics;

            doc.ColorSpace = (PdfColorSpace)i;

            // SolidBrush
            gBrush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Red);
            DrawRectangles(location, g, font, gBrush, pen, doc);

            // LinearGradient
            location = new PointF(180, 50);

            PointF point2 = location;

            point2.X += 100;
            gBrush    = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(location, point2, Color.Blue, Color.Red);
            DrawRectangles(location, g, font, gBrush, pen, doc);

            // Raidal Gradient
            location  = new PointF(360, 50);
            point2    = location;
            point2.Y += 250;
            point2.X  = 150;
            gBrush    = new PdfRadialGradientBrush(point2, 210, point2, 400, Color.Blue, Color.Red);
            (gBrush as PdfRadialGradientBrush).Extend = PdfExtend.End;
            DrawRectangles(location, g, font, gBrush, pen, doc);

            g.DrawString("Rectangle with color spaces", font, PdfBrushes.DarkBlue, new PointF(150, 0));
            //Stream the output to the browser.
            if (InsideBrowser == "Browser")
                return(doc.ExportAsActionResult("sample.pdf", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, HttpReadType.Open));
                return(doc.ExportAsActionResult("sample.pdf", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, HttpReadType.Save));
예제 #9
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins();
            margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right = margin.Left;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin);

            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true);
            PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Categories List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1);
            y = y + font1.MeasureString("Categories List", format1).Height;
            y = y + 5;

            RectangleF rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush3
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.OrangeRed, Color.Navy, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true);
            PdfTrueTypeFont font3 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f), true);

            PdfOrderedMarker marker1
                = new PdfOrderedMarker(PdfNumberStyle.LowerRoman, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 10f));
            PdfOrderedMarker marker2
                = new PdfOrderedMarker(PdfNumberStyle.Numeric, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 8f));

            PdfSortedList vendorList = new PdfSortedList(font2);
            vendorList.Indent = 0;
            vendorList.TextIndent = 5;
            vendorList.Brush = brush2;
            vendorList.Marker = marker1;
            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection())
                conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb";
                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
                    = " select VendorNo, VendorName from vendors ";
                command.Connection = conn;

                OleDbCommand command2 = new OleDbCommand();
                    = " select Description from parts where VendorNo = @VendorNo";
                command2.Connection = conn;
                OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("@VendorNo", OleDbType.Double);


                OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    double id = reader.GetDouble(0);
                    PdfListItem item = vendorList.Items.Add(reader.GetString(1));
                    PdfSortedList subList = new PdfSortedList(font3);
                    subList.Marker = marker2;
                    subList.Brush = brush3;
                    item.SubList = subList;
                    subList.TextIndent = 20;
                    command2.Parameters[0].Value = id;
                    using (OleDbDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader2.Read())
                    String maxNumberLabel = Convert.ToString(subList.Items.Count);
                    subList.Indent = 30 - font3.MeasureString(maxNumberLabel).Width;

            PdfTextLayout textLayout = new PdfTextLayout();
            textLayout.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage;
            textLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate;
            vendorList.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), textLayout);

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.
예제 #10
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins       margin   = new PdfMargins();

            margin.Top    = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left   = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right  = margin.Left;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin);

            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush        brush1  = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1   = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true);
            PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Categories List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1);
            y = y + font1.MeasureString("Categories List", format1).Height;
            y = y + 5;

            RectangleF             rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush3
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.OrangeRed, Color.Navy, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true);
            PdfTrueTypeFont font3 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f), true);

            PdfOrderedMarker marker1
                = new PdfOrderedMarker(PdfNumberStyle.LowerRoman, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 10f));
            PdfOrderedMarker marker2
                = new PdfOrderedMarker(PdfNumberStyle.Numeric, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 8f));

            PdfSortedList vendorList = new PdfSortedList(font2);

            vendorList.Indent     = 0;
            vendorList.TextIndent = 5;
            vendorList.Brush      = brush2;
            vendorList.Marker     = marker1;
            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection())
                conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb";
                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
                    = " select VendorNo, VendorName from vendors ";
                command.Connection = conn;

                OleDbCommand command2 = new OleDbCommand();
                    = " select Description from parts where VendorNo = @VendorNo";
                command2.Connection = conn;
                OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("@VendorNo", OleDbType.Double);


                OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    double        id      = reader.GetDouble(0);
                    PdfListItem   item    = vendorList.Items.Add(reader.GetString(1));
                    PdfSortedList subList = new PdfSortedList(font3);
                    subList.Marker               = marker2;
                    subList.Brush                = brush3;
                    item.SubList                 = subList;
                    subList.TextIndent           = 20;
                    command2.Parameters[0].Value = id;
                    using (OleDbDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader2.Read())
                    String maxNumberLabel = Convert.ToString(subList.Items.Count);
                    subList.Indent = 30 - font3.MeasureString(maxNumberLabel).Width;

            PdfTextLayout textLayout = new PdfTextLayout();

            textLayout.Break  = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage;
            textLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate;
            vendorList.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), textLayout);

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.
예제 #11
        private void TekenHelePyramideOpPapier(PdfPageBase page, int[,] pyramide, int basislengte, int papierhoogte)
            PdfSolidBrush blackBrush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black);
            PdfFont helv = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 15f);
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int xOffset = 50;
            // draw the rectangles
            for (int rij = 0; rij <= basislengte - 1; rij++)
                for (int aantal = 0; aantal <= (basislengte - 1 - rij); aantal++)
                    int x = aantal * 50 + 25 * rij+xOffset;
                    int y = papierhoogte - rij * 25;
                    int rechthook = 50;

                    RectangleF rectangleFLine = new RectangleF(x - 6, y - 6, rechthook + 3, 25);
                    page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(blackBrush, rectangleFLine);

                    RectangleF rectangleF = new RectangleF(x - 4, y - 4, rechthook - 1, 22);
                    PdfLinearGradientBrush gradBrush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rectangleF, new PdfRGBColor(200, 200, 200), new PdfRGBColor(200, 200, 200), PdfLinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
                    page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(gradBrush, rectangleF);


            // draw all the numbers on the paper
            for (int rij = 0; rij <= basislengte - 1; rij++)
                for (int aantal = 0; aantal <= (basislengte - rij - 1); aantal++)
                    Console.Write(pyramide[rij, aantal].ToString() + " ");
                    int x = aantal * 50 + 25 * rij + 5 +xOffset;
                    int y = papierhoogte - rij * 25;

                    if (DezeCelTekenen(basislengte, rnd, rij, aantal))
                        page.Canvas.DrawString(pyramide[rij, aantal].ToString(),
                            blackBrush, x,


예제 #12
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document.
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();

            PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor();
            PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins();
            margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Bottom = margin.Top;
            margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point);
            margin.Right = margin.Left;

            PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add();
            section.PageSettings.Margins = margin;
            section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4;

            // Create one page
            PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add();
            float y = 10;

            PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black;
            PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold), true);
            RectangleF rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize);
            PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2
                = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical);

            //draw Codabar
            PdfTextWidget text = new PdfTextWidget();
            text.Font = font1;
            text.Text = "Codabar:";
            PdfLayoutResult result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCodabarBarcode barcode1 = new PdfCodabarBarcode("00:12-3456/7890");
            barcode1.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode1.EnableCheckDigit = true;
            barcode1.ShowCheckDigit = true;
            barcode1.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode1.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode1.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode1.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code11Barcode
            text.Text = "Code11:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode11Barcode barcode2 = new PdfCode11Barcode("123-4567890");
            barcode2.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode2.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode2.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode2.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode2.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code128-A
            text.Text = "Code128-A:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode128ABarcode barcode3 = new PdfCode128ABarcode("HELLO 00-123");
            barcode3.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode3.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode3.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode3.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode3.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code128-B
            text.Text = "Code128-B:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode128BBarcode barcode4 = new PdfCode128BBarcode("Hello 00-123");
            barcode4.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode4.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode4.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode4.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode4.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code32
            text.Text = "Code32:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode32Barcode barcode5 = new PdfCode32Barcode("16273849");
            barcode5.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode5.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode5.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode5.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode5.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            page = section.Pages.Add();
            y = 10;

            //draw Code39
            text.Text = "Code39:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode39Barcode barcode6 = new PdfCode39Barcode("16-273849");
            barcode6.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode6.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode6.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode6.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode6.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code39-E
            text.Text = "Code39-E:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode barcode7 = new PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode("16-273849");
            barcode7.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode7.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode7.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode7.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode7.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code93
            text.Text = "Code93:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode93Barcode barcode8 = new PdfCode93Barcode("16-273849");
            barcode8.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode8.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode8.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode8.QuietZone.Bottom = 5;
            barcode8.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode8.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //draw Code93-E
            text.Text = "Code93-E:";
            result = text.Draw(page, 0, y);
            page = result.Page;
            y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2;

            PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode barcode9 = new PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode("16-273849");
            barcode9.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f;
            barcode9.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom;
            barcode9.TextColor = Color.Blue;
            barcode9.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y));
            y = barcode9.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

            //Save pdf file.

            //Launching the Pdf file.