예제 #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Load a pdf document
            string      input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\DeleteFormField.pdf";
            PdfDocument doc   = new PdfDocument();


            //Get pdf forms
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //Find the particular form field and delete it
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;

                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textbox = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;
                    if (textbox.Name == "password2")
            string output = "DeleteFormField.pdf";

            //Save the pdf document

            //Launch the file
예제 #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //pdf file
            string input = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Data\\FormField.pdf";

            //open pdf document
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(input);

            //get pdf form
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //find the particular form field and delete it
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;

                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textbox = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;
                    if (textbox.Name == "password2")
            string output = "DeleteFormField.pdf";

            //save pdf document

            //Launching the Pdf file
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Load a pdf document
            string      input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\RadioButton.pdf";
            PdfDocument pdf   = new PdfDocument();


            //Get pdf forms
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //Find the radio button field and select the second item
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;

                if (field is PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget)
                    PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget radioButton = field as PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget;
                    if (radioButton.Name == "RadioButton")
                        radioButton.SelectedIndex = 1;

            String result = "SelectRadioButtonItem_out.pdf";

            //Save the document
            //Launch the Pdf file
예제 #4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Pdf file path
            string input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\FormField.pdf";
            //Open pdf document
            PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();


            PdfFormWidget form = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            for (int i = 0; i < form.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = form.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textbox = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;

                    //Find the textbox named total
                    if (textbox.Name == "TextBox1")
                        textbox.Text = "New value";

            String result = "ModifyFormFieldValue_out.pdf";

            //Save the document
            //Launch the Pdf file
예제 #5
        public void deleteAllFieldsFromPdf()
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            for (int i = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
예제 #6
        // FelderOperationen

        public void getFieldsFromPdf()
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field     = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
                string   fieldName = field.Name;
예제 #7
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Load a pdf document
            string      input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\RadioButton.pdf";
            PdfDocument pdf   = new PdfDocument();


            //Get pdf forms
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //Find the radio button field and add capture
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;

                if (field is PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget)
                    PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget radioButton = field as PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget;
                    if (radioButton.Name == "RadioButton")
                        //Get the page
                        PdfPageBase page = radioButton.Page;

                        //Set capture name
                        string text = "Radio button caption";
                        //Set font, pen and brush
                        PdfFont       font  = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12f);
                        PdfPen        pen   = new PdfPen(Color.Red, 0.02f);
                        PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Red);
                        //Set the capture location
                        float x = radioButton.Location.X;
                        float y = radioButton.Location.Y - font.MeasureString(text).Height - 10;;
                        //Draw capture
                        page.Canvas.DrawString(text, font, pen, brush, x, y);

            String result = "AddRadioButtonCaption_out.pdf";

            //Save the document
            //Launch the Pdf file
예제 #8
        private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument("sample.pdf");

            PdfField field = doc.Fields["PatientName"];

            field.Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUserFullName.Text.Trim())?"(No name)":txtUserFullName.Text.Trim();

            PdfField field2 = doc.Fields["Age"];

            field2.Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAge.Text.Trim()) ? "--" : txtAge.Text.Trim();;

            var fileName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".pdf";


예제 #9
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Load a pdf document
            string      input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\RecognizeRequiredField.pdf";
            PdfDocument doc   = new PdfDocument();

            //Get pdf forms
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
                //Judge if the field is required
                if (field.Required)
                    MessageBox.Show("The field named: " + field.Name + " is required");
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Create a pdf document
            PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();

            //Load a pdf document

            string js = null;

            PdfFormWidget form = pdf.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            for (int i = 0; i < form.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = form.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textbox = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;

                    //Find the textbox named total
                    if (textbox.Name == "total")
                        //Get the action
                        PdfJavaScriptAction jsa = textbox.Actions.Calculate;

                        if (jsa != null)
                            //Get JavaScript
                            js = jsa.Script;

            //Save and launch the result file
            File.WriteAllText("ExtractJavaScript.txt", js);
예제 #11
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //pdf file
            string input = "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Data\\FormField.pdf";

            //open pdf document
            PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(input);

            //get pdf form
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //find the particular form field and determine if it marks as required or not
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;

                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textbox = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;
                    if (textbox.Name == "username")
                        textbox.Required = true;
                    if (textbox.Name == "password2")
                        textbox.Required = false;
            string output = "result.pdf";

            //save pdf document

            //Launching the Pdf file
예제 #12
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Load a pdf document
            string      input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\FillFormField.pdf";
            PdfDocument doc   = new PdfDocument();

            //Get pdf forms
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //Fill pdf form fields
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textBoxField = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;
                    switch (textBoxField.Name)
                    case "email":
                        textBoxField.Text = "*****@*****.**";

                    case "username":
                        textBoxField.Text = "E-iceblue";

                    case "password":
                        textBoxField.Password = true;
                        textBoxField.Text     = "e-iceblue";

                    case "password2":
                        textBoxField.Password = true;
                        textBoxField.Text     = "e-iceblue";

                    case "company_name ":
                        textBoxField.Text = "E-iceblue";

                    case "first_name":
                        textBoxField.Text = "James";

                    case "last_name":
                        textBoxField.Text = "Chen";

                    case "middle_name":
                        textBoxField.Text = "J";

                    case "address1":
                        textBoxField.Text = "Chengdu";

                    case "address2":
                        textBoxField.Text = "Beijing";

                    case "city":
                        textBoxField.Text = "Shanghai";

                    case "postal_code":
                        textBoxField.Text = "11111";

                    case "state":
                        textBoxField.Text = "Shanghai";

                    case "phone":
                        textBoxField.Text = "1234567901";

                    case "mobile_phone":
                        textBoxField.Text = "123456789";

                    case "fax":
                        textBoxField.Text = "12121212";

                if (field is PdfListBoxWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfListBoxWidgetFieldWidget listBoxField = field as PdfListBoxWidgetFieldWidget;
                    switch (listBoxField.Name)
                    case "email_format":
                        int[] index = { 1 };
                        listBoxField.SelectedIndex = index;

                if (field is PdfComboBoxWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfComboBoxWidgetFieldWidget comBoxField = field as PdfComboBoxWidgetFieldWidget;
                    switch (comBoxField.Name)
                    case "title":
                        int[] items = { 0 };
                        comBoxField.SelectedIndex = items;

                if (field is PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget)
                    PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget radioBtnField = field as PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget;
                    switch (radioBtnField.Name)
                    case "country":
                        radioBtnField.SelectedIndex = 1;

                if (field is PdfCheckBoxWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfCheckBoxWidgetFieldWidget checkBoxField = field as PdfCheckBoxWidgetFieldWidget;
                    switch (checkBoxField.Name)
                    case "agreement_of_terms":
                        checkBoxField.Checked = true;

                if (field is PdfButtonWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfButtonWidgetFieldWidget btnField = field as PdfButtonWidgetFieldWidget;
                    switch (btnField.Name)
                    case "submit":
                        btnField.Text = "Submit";

            string output = "FillFormField.pdf";

            //Save pdf document

            //Launch the file
        public void CreateQuoteIllustrationReport(int stlmtBrokerID, string annuitantName, string genderAndAgeLabel, string genderAndAge, DateTime quoteDate
                                                  , DateTime purchaseDate, string rateVersion, DataGrid dgBenefits)
            PdfDocument reportDoc;

            BusinessLogicLayer.Broker brk = new Broker();

            //string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
            //string tmpForm = System.IO.Path.Combine(path + @"\Reports", "QuoteTemplate.pdf");

            //tmpForm = @"C:\Users\bbopp\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\StlmtQuote\StlmQuoteWPF\Reports\QuoteTemplate.pdf";
            //tmpForm = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Independent Insurance Group\Independent Quoting System\Reports\QuoteTemplate.pdf";

            reportDoc = new PdfDocument(_templateIllustrationReport);

            // Page 1 *************************************************************************************
            PdfField BrokerageName = reportDoc.Fields["BrokerageName"];

            BrokerageName.Value = brk.EntityName;

            PdfField BrokerAddress1 = reportDoc.Fields["BrokerAddress1"];

            BrokerAddress1.Value = brk.AddrLine1;

            PdfField BrokerAddress2 = reportDoc.Fields["BrokerAddress2"];

            BrokerAddress2.Value = brk.City + ", " + brk.StateCode + ", " + brk.ZipCode5;

            PdfField PreparedBy = reportDoc.Fields["PreparedBy"];

            PreparedBy.Value = brk.FirstName + " " + brk.LastName;

            PdfField PreparedFor = reportDoc.Fields["PreparedFor"];

            PreparedFor.Value = annuitantName;

            PdfField GenderAgeLabel = reportDoc.Fields["GenderAgeLabel"];

            GenderAgeLabel.Value = genderAndAgeLabel;

            PdfField GenderAge = reportDoc.Fields["GenderAge"];

            GenderAge.Value = genderAndAge;

            PdfField QuoteDate = reportDoc.Fields["QuoteDate"];

            QuoteDate.Value = quoteDate.ToShortDateString();

            PdfField PurchaseDate = reportDoc.Fields["PurchaseDate"];

            PurchaseDate.Value = purchaseDate.ToShortDateString();

            PdfField RateVersion = reportDoc.Fields["RateVersion"];

            RateVersion.Value = rateVersion;

            PdfField BenefitType1   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitType1"];
            PdfField BenefitPeriod1 = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitPeriod1"];
            PdfField Amount1        = reportDoc.Fields["Amount1"];
            PdfField Mode1          = reportDoc.Fields["Mode1"];
            PdfField Premium1       = reportDoc.Fields["Premium1"];
            PdfField BenefitType2   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitType2"];
            PdfField BenefitPeriod2 = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitPeriod2"];
            PdfField Amount2        = reportDoc.Fields["Amount2"];
            PdfField Mode2          = reportDoc.Fields["Mode2"];
            PdfField Premium2       = reportDoc.Fields["Premium2"];
            PdfField BenefitType3   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitType3"];
            PdfField BenefitPeriod3 = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitPeriod3"];
            PdfField Amount3        = reportDoc.Fields["Amount3"];
            PdfField Mode3          = reportDoc.Fields["Mode3"];
            PdfField Premium3       = reportDoc.Fields["Premium3"];
            PdfField BenefitType4   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitType4"];
            PdfField BenefitPeriod4 = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitPeriod4"];
            PdfField Amount4        = reportDoc.Fields["Amount4"];
            PdfField Mode4          = reportDoc.Fields["Mode4"];
            PdfField Premium4       = reportDoc.Fields["Premium4"];
            PdfField BenefitType5   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitType5"];
            PdfField BenefitPeriod5 = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitPeriod5"];
            PdfField Amount5        = reportDoc.Fields["Amount5"];
            PdfField Mode5          = reportDoc.Fields["Mode5"];
            PdfField Premium5       = reportDoc.Fields["Premium5"];

            PdfField Footer = reportDoc.Fields["Footer"];
            string   tmpFooter;

            tmpFooter    = "Expected values are calculated using the annuitant’s actual age and life expectancy based on the 1983(a) IAM table.\n";
            tmpFooter    = tmpFooter + "This illustration will expire on " + DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " or the last day of \n";
            tmpFooter    = tmpFooter + "This is an illustration only and is subject to approval by Independent Life, inclusive of the submission of all required documents and adherence to quoting restrictions as described in the IL Broker Manual & Underwriting Guidelines.";
            Footer.Value = tmpFooter;
            //Footer.Font = new EO.Pdf.Drawing.PdfFont("Adobe Arabic Italic", 10);
            Footer.Font.Italic = true;

            int      benefitNum       = 1;
            decimal  totalPremium     = 0.0m;
            string   tmpBenefitPeriod = "";
            DateTime endDate;

            foreach (System.Data.DataRowView dr in dgBenefits.ItemsSource)
                switch (dr[3].ToString())
                case "Life":
                    tmpBenefitPeriod = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " - for Life";

                case "Period Certain":
                    endDate          = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString());
                    endDate          = endDate.AddYears(Convert.ToInt16(dr[7].ToString()));
                    endDate          = endDate.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt16(dr[8].ToString()));
                    tmpBenefitPeriod = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " - " + endDate.ToShortDateString();

                case "Temporary Life":
                    endDate          = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString());
                    endDate          = endDate.AddYears(Convert.ToInt16(dr[7].ToString()));
                    endDate          = endDate.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt16(dr[8].ToString()));
                    tmpBenefitPeriod = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " - " + endDate.ToShortDateString();

                case "Lump Sum":
                    tmpBenefitPeriod = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");


                switch (benefitNum)
                case 1:
                    BenefitType1.Value   = dr[3].ToString();
                    BenefitPeriod1.Value = tmpBenefitPeriod;
                    Amount1.Value        = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[4].ToString()));
                    Mode1.Value          = dr[5].ToString();
                    Premium1.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString()));

                case 2:
                    BenefitType2.Value   = dr[3].ToString();
                    BenefitPeriod2.Value = tmpBenefitPeriod;
                    Amount2.Value        = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[4].ToString()));
                    Mode2.Value          = dr[5].ToString();
                    Premium2.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString()));

                case 3:
                    BenefitType3.Value   = dr[3].ToString();
                    BenefitPeriod3.Value = tmpBenefitPeriod;
                    Amount3.Value        = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[4].ToString()));
                    Mode3.Value          = dr[5].ToString();
                    Premium3.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString()));

                case 4:
                    BenefitType4.Value   = dr[3].ToString();
                    BenefitPeriod4.Value = tmpBenefitPeriod;
                    Amount4.Value        = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[4].ToString()));
                    Mode4.Value          = dr[5].ToString();
                    Premium4.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString()));

                case 5:
                    BenefitType5.Value   = dr[3].ToString();
                    BenefitPeriod5.Value = tmpBenefitPeriod;
                    Amount5.Value        = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[4].ToString()));
                    Mode5.Value          = dr[5].ToString();
                    Premium5.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString()));

                totalPremium     = totalPremium + Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString());
                tmpBenefitPeriod = "Not Assigned";

            PdfField TotalPremium = reportDoc.Fields["TotalPremium"];

            TotalPremium.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", totalPremium);

            PdfField AssignmentFee = reportDoc.Fields["AssignmentFee"];

            AssignmentFee.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", 750.0);

            PdfField TotalCost = reportDoc.Fields["TotalCost"];

            TotalCost.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", totalPremium + 750.0m);

            PdfDocument finalDoc = new PdfDocument();

            finalDoc = reportDoc.Clone();
            //finalDoc = proposalDoc;

            //finalDoc.Security.Permissions = PdfDocumentPermissions.Printing;
            //finalDoc.Security.Permissions = PdfDocumentPermissions.All | PdfDocumentPermissions.HighQualityPrinting;
            finalDoc.Security.Permissions = PdfDocumentPermissions.Printing | PdfDocumentPermissions.HighQualityPrinting;
            //finalDoc.Security.Permissions = PdfDocumentPermissions.CopyingContents| PdfDocumentPermissions.CopyingContentsForAccessibility;

            //string thisFileName;

            //thisFileName = "~/App_Data/SPDA_Proposal_" + thisProposal.DateCreated.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_hh-mm-ss") + ".pdf";
            //thisFileName = @"C:\Users\bbopp\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\StlmtQuote\StlmQuoteWPF\Reports\test_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss") + ".pdf";
            //thisFileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Independent Insurance Group\Independent Quoting System\Reports\test_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss") + ".pdf";

//        public void CreateSettlementReport(int stlmtBrokerID, string annuitantName, string genderAndAge, DateTime quoteDate
//            , DateTime purchaseDate, string rateVersion, DataGrid dgBenefits)

        public void CreateSettlementReport(int stlmtBrokerID, string annuitantName, string genderAndAgeLabel, string genderAndAge, DateTime quoteDate
                                           , DateTime purchaseDate, string rateVersion, DataGrid dgBenefits, int quoteID)
            decimal irr               = 0.0m;
            decimal equivalentCash    = 0.0m;
            decimal equivalentCashPct = 0.04m;

            DataAccessLayer.Report rpt = new DataAccessLayer.Report();
            rpt.CreateSettlementReportData(quoteID, ref irr, ref equivalentCash);

            PdfDocument reportDoc;

            BusinessLogicLayer.Broker brk = new Broker();

            reportDoc = new PdfDocument(_templateSettlementReport);

            // Page 1 *************************************************************************************
            PdfField BrokerageName = reportDoc.Fields["BrokerageName"];

            BrokerageName.Value = brk.EntityName;

            PdfField BrokerAddress1 = reportDoc.Fields["BrokerAddress1"];

            BrokerAddress1.Value = brk.AddrLine1;

            PdfField BrokerAddress2 = reportDoc.Fields["BrokerAddress2"];

            BrokerAddress2.Value = brk.City + ", " + brk.StateCode + ", " + brk.ZipCode5;

            PdfField PreparedBy = reportDoc.Fields["PreparedBy"];

            PreparedBy.Value = brk.FirstName + " " + brk.LastName;

            PdfField PreparedFor = reportDoc.Fields["PreparedFor"];

            PreparedFor.Value = annuitantName;

            PdfField GenderAgeLabel = reportDoc.Fields["GenderAgeLabel"];

            GenderAgeLabel.Value = genderAndAgeLabel;

            PdfField GenderAge = reportDoc.Fields["GenderAge"];

            GenderAge.Value = genderAndAge;

            PdfField QuoteDate = reportDoc.Fields["QuoteDate"];

            QuoteDate.Value = quoteDate.ToShortDateString();

            PdfField PurchaseDate = reportDoc.Fields["PurchaseDate"];

            PurchaseDate.Value = purchaseDate.ToShortDateString();

            PdfField RateVersion = reportDoc.Fields["RateVersion"];

            RateVersion.Value = rateVersion;

            PdfField BenefitDesc1   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitDesc1"];
            PdfField GuaranteedAmt1 = reportDoc.Fields["GuaranteedAmt1"];
            PdfField ExpectedAmt1   = reportDoc.Fields["ExpectedAmt1"];
            PdfField CostAmt1       = reportDoc.Fields["CostAmt1"];

            PdfField BenefitDesc2   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitDesc2"];
            PdfField GuaranteedAmt2 = reportDoc.Fields["GuaranteedAmt2"];
            PdfField ExpectedAmt2   = reportDoc.Fields["ExpectedAmt2"];
            PdfField CostAmt2       = reportDoc.Fields["CostAmt2"];

            PdfField BenefitDesc3   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitDesc3"];
            PdfField GuaranteedAmt3 = reportDoc.Fields["GuaranteedAmt3"];
            PdfField ExpectedAmt3   = reportDoc.Fields["ExpectedAmt3"];
            PdfField CostAmt3       = reportDoc.Fields["CostAmt3"];

            PdfField BenefitDesc4   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitDesc4"];
            PdfField GuaranteedAmt4 = reportDoc.Fields["GuaranteedAmt4"];
            PdfField ExpectedAmt4   = reportDoc.Fields["ExpectedAmt4"];
            PdfField CostAmt4       = reportDoc.Fields["CostAmt4"];

            PdfField BenefitDesc5   = reportDoc.Fields["BenefitDesc5"];
            PdfField GuaranteedAmt5 = reportDoc.Fields["GuaranteedAmt5"];
            PdfField ExpectedAmt5   = reportDoc.Fields["ExpectedAmt5"];
            PdfField CostAmt5       = reportDoc.Fields["CostAmt5"];

            int      benefitNum                 = 1;
            decimal  subTotalGuranteedAmt       = 0.0m;
            decimal  subTotalExpectedBenefitAmt = 0.0m;
            decimal  subTotalCostAmt            = 0.0m;
            string   tmpBenefitDesc             = "";
            DateTime endDate;

            foreach (System.Data.DataRowView dr in dgBenefits.ItemsSource)
                decimal benefitAmt   = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[4].ToString());
                string  paymentMode  = dr[5].ToString();
                int     certainYears = Convert.ToInt16(dr[7].ToString());

                endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString());
                //endDate = endDate.AddYears(Convert.ToInt16(dr[7].ToString()));
                //endDate = endDate.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt16(dr[8].ToString()));
                endDate = endDate.AddMonths((Convert.ToInt16(dr[7].ToString()) * 12) + (Convert.ToInt16(dr[8].ToString())) - 1);

                switch (dr[3].ToString())
                case "Life":
                    tmpBenefitDesc = "Life with Certain Period Annuity - " + String.Format("{0:C}", benefitAmt) + " for life, payable " + paymentMode + ", "
                                     + " guaranteed for " + certainYears.ToString() + " year(s), "
                                     + "beginning on " + Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + ", "
                                     + "with the last guaranteed payment on " + endDate.ToShortDateString();

                case "Period Certain":
                    tmpBenefitDesc = "Period Certain Annuity - " + String.Format("{0:C}", benefitAmt) + " payable " + paymentMode + ", "
                                     + " guaranteed for " + certainYears.ToString() + " year(s), "
                                     + "beginning on " + Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + ", "
                                     + "with the last guaranteed payment on " + endDate.ToShortDateString();

                case "Temporary Life":
                    tmpBenefitDesc = "Temporary Life Annuity - " + String.Format("{0:C}", benefitAmt) + " paid if living, payable " + paymentMode + ", "
                                     + "beginning on " + Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToShortDateString()
                                     + " for a maximum of " + certainYears.ToString() + " year(s).";

                case "Lump Sum":
                    tmpBenefitDesc = "Guaranteed Lump Sum - " + String.Format("{0:C}", benefitAmt)
                                     + " paid on " + Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6].ToString()).ToShortDateString();


                decimal guaranteedAmt = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[13].ToString()) * benefitAmt;
                decimal expectedAmt   = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[12].ToString()) * benefitAmt;
                decimal costAmt       = Convert.ToDecimal(dr[10].ToString());

                switch (benefitNum)
                case 1:
                    BenefitDesc1.Value   = tmpBenefitDesc;
                    GuaranteedAmt1.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", guaranteedAmt);
                    ExpectedAmt1.Value   = String.Format("{0:C}", expectedAmt);
                    CostAmt1.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", costAmt);

                case 2:
                    BenefitDesc2.Value   = tmpBenefitDesc;
                    GuaranteedAmt2.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", guaranteedAmt);
                    ExpectedAmt2.Value   = String.Format("{0:C}", expectedAmt);
                    CostAmt2.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", costAmt);

                case 3:
                    BenefitDesc3.Value   = tmpBenefitDesc;
                    GuaranteedAmt3.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", guaranteedAmt);
                    ExpectedAmt3.Value   = String.Format("{0:C}", expectedAmt);
                    CostAmt3.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", costAmt);

                case 4:
                    BenefitDesc4.Value   = tmpBenefitDesc;
                    GuaranteedAmt4.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", guaranteedAmt);
                    ExpectedAmt4.Value   = String.Format("{0:C}", expectedAmt);
                    CostAmt4.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", costAmt);

                case 5:
                    BenefitDesc5.Value   = tmpBenefitDesc;
                    GuaranteedAmt5.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", guaranteedAmt);
                    ExpectedAmt5.Value   = String.Format("{0:C}", expectedAmt);
                    CostAmt5.Value       = String.Format("{0:C}", costAmt);

                subTotalGuranteedAmt       = subTotalGuranteedAmt + guaranteedAmt;
                subTotalExpectedBenefitAmt = subTotalExpectedBenefitAmt + expectedAmt;
                subTotalCostAmt            = subTotalCostAmt + costAmt;
                tmpBenefitDesc             = "Not Assigned";

            //PdfField SubTotalGuaranteedAmt = reportDoc.Fields["SubTotalGuaranteedAmt"];
            //SubTotalGuaranteedAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalGuranteedAmt);

            //PdfField SubTotalExpectedAmt = reportDoc.Fields["SubTotalExpectedAmt"];
            //SubTotalExpectedAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalExpectedBenefitAmt);

            //PdfField SubTotalCostAmt = reportDoc.Fields["SubTotalCostAmt"];
            //SubTotalCostAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalCostAmt);

            PdfField AnnuityCostAmt = reportDoc.Fields["AnnuityCostAmt"];

            AnnuityCostAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalCostAmt);

            PdfField AssignmentFeeAmt = reportDoc.Fields["AssignmentFeeAmt"];

            AssignmentFeeAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", 750.0m);

            PdfField TotalGuaranteedAmt = reportDoc.Fields["TotalGuaranteedAmt"];

            TotalGuaranteedAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalGuranteedAmt);

            PdfField TotalExpectedAmt = reportDoc.Fields["TotalExpectedAmt"];

            TotalExpectedAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalExpectedBenefitAmt);

            PdfField TotalCostAmt = reportDoc.Fields["TotalCostAmt"];

            TotalCostAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", subTotalCostAmt + 750.0m);

            PdfField EquivalentCashAmt = reportDoc.Fields["EquivalentCashAmt"];

            EquivalentCashAmt.Value = String.Format("{0:C}", equivalentCash);

            PdfField EquivalentCashPct = reportDoc.Fields["EquivalentCashPct"];

            EquivalentCashPct.Value = "@ " + equivalentCashPct.ToString("P");

            PdfField IRR = reportDoc.Fields["IRR"];

            IRR.Value = irr.ToString("P");

            PdfField Footer1 = reportDoc.Fields["Footer1"];
            PdfField Footer2 = reportDoc.Fields["Footer2"];
            PdfField Footer3 = reportDoc.Fields["Footer3"];

            Footer1.Value = "Expected values are calculated using the annuitant’s actual age and life expectancy based on the 1983(a) IAM table.";
            Footer2.Value = "This illustration will expire on " + DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " Rate Series: " + rateVersion;
            Footer3.Value = "This is an illustration only and is subject to approval by Independent Life, inclusive of the submission of all required documents and adherence to quoting restrictions as described in the IL Broker Manual & Underwriting Guidelines.";
            //Footer1.Font = new EO.Pdf.Drawing.PdfFont("Adobe Arabic Italic", 10);
            Footer1.Font.Italic = true;
            Footer2.Font.Italic = true;
            Footer3.Font.Italic = true;

            PdfDocument finalDoc = new PdfDocument();

            finalDoc = reportDoc.Clone();

            finalDoc.Security.Permissions = PdfDocumentPermissions.Printing | PdfDocumentPermissions.HighQualityPrinting;

예제 #15
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            //Load a pdf document
            string      input = @"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\AllFields.pdf";
            PdfDocument doc   = new PdfDocument();


            //Get pdf forms
            PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;

            //Find pdf form fields
            for (int i = 0; i < formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count; i++)
                PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField;
                if (field is PdfTextBoxFieldWidget)
                    PdfTextBoxFieldWidget textBoxField = field as PdfTextBoxFieldWidget;
                    //Get text of textbox
                    string text = textBoxField.Text;
                    sb.Append("The text in textbox is " + text + "\r\n");

                if (field is PdfListBoxWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfListBoxWidgetFieldWidget listBoxField = field as PdfListBoxWidgetFieldWidget;
                    sb.Append("Listbox items are \r\n");
                    //Get values of listbox
                    PdfListWidgetItemCollection items = listBoxField.Values;

                    foreach (PdfListWidgetItem item in items)
                        sb.Append(item.Value + "\r\n");
                    //Get selected value
                    string selectedValue = listBoxField.SelectedValue;
                    sb.Append("The selected value in the listbox is " + selectedValue + "\r\n");

                if (field is PdfComboBoxWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfComboBoxWidgetFieldWidget comBoxField = field as PdfComboBoxWidgetFieldWidget;
                    sb.Append("comBoxField items are \r\n");
                    //Get values of comboBox
                    PdfListWidgetItemCollection items = comBoxField.Values;

                    foreach (PdfListWidgetItem item in items)
                        sb.Append(item.Value + "\r\n");
                    //Get selected value
                    string selectedValue = comBoxField.SelectedValue;
                    sb.Append("The selected value in the comBoxField is " + selectedValue + "\r\n");

                if (field is PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget)
                    PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget radioBtnField = field as PdfRadioButtonListFieldWidget;
                    //Get value of radio button
                    string value = radioBtnField.Value;

                    sb.Append("The text in radioButtonField is " + value + "\r\n");

                if (field is PdfCheckBoxWidgetFieldWidget)
                    PdfCheckBoxWidgetFieldWidget checkBoxField = field as PdfCheckBoxWidgetFieldWidget;
                    //Get the checked state of the checkbox
                    bool state = checkBoxField.Checked;
                    sb.Append("If the checkBox is checked: " + state + "\r\n");
            string result = "GetAllValues.txt";

            File.WriteAllText(result, sb.ToString());

            //Launch file