private void NewRowManual(ref PcDiscountRow ARow)
            string DiscountCriteriaCode = "CHILD";
            string CostType = "CONFERENCE";
            string Validity = "ALWAYS";
            int NewAge = 0;  // starts at 0 years
            int i = 0;

            // if PK already exists, find the next available
            while (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, DiscountCriteriaCode, CostType, Validity, NewAge + i }) != null)
                if (CostType == "CONFERENCE")
                    CostType = "ACCOMMODATION";
                    CostType = "CONFERENCE";

            NewAge += i;

            // set default values for new row
            ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode = DiscountCriteriaCode;
            ARow.CostTypeCode = CostType;
            ARow.Validity = Validity;
            ARow.UpToAge = NewAge;
            ARow.Percentage = true;
            ARow.Discount = 0;

            // set the conference key
            ARow.ConferenceKey = FPartnerKey;
        private void NewRowManual(ref PcDiscountRow ARow)
            string DiscountCriteriaCode = "CHILD";
            string CostType             = "CONFERENCE";
            string Validity             = "ALWAYS";
            int    NewAge = 0; // starts at 0 years
            int    i      = 0;

            // if PK already exists, find the next available
            while (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, DiscountCriteriaCode, CostType, Validity, NewAge + i }) != null)
                if (CostType == "CONFERENCE")
                    CostType = "ACCOMMODATION";
                    CostType = "CONFERENCE";

            NewAge += i;

            // set default values for new row
            ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode = DiscountCriteriaCode;
            ARow.CostTypeCode         = CostType;
            ARow.Validity             = Validity;
            ARow.UpToAge    = NewAge;
            ARow.Percentage = true;
            ARow.Discount   = 0;

            // set the conference key
            ARow.ConferenceKey = FPartnerKey;
 // enables or disables the combo box depending on the availability of the two Cost Type Codes for selected UpToAge
 private void EnableOrDisableCmb(PcDiscountRow ARow)
     if (ARow.CostTypeCode == "CONFERENCE")
         if (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode, "ACCOMMODATION", ARow.Validity,
                                                         ARow.UpToAge }) != null)
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = false;
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = true;
     else if (ARow.CostTypeCode == "ACCOMMODATION")
         if (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode, "CONFERENCE", ARow.Validity,
                                                         ARow.UpToAge }) != null)
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = false;
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = true;
        private void UpdateCostTypeCode(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PcDiscountRow ARow = GetSelectedDetailRow();

            // if txtDetailUpToDate has just been changed for a row, select available Cost Type Code (if any)
            // and enable or diable cmb as appropriate
            if (sender.Equals(txtDetailUpToAge) && (txtDetailUpToAge.NumberValueInt != ARow.UpToAge))
                if (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode, "ACCOMMODATION", ARow.Validity,
                                                                txtDetailUpToAge.NumberValueInt })
                    != null)
                    cmbDetailCostTypeCode.SelectedItem = "CONFERENCE";
                    cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled      = false;
                else if (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode, "CONFERENCE", ARow.Validity,
                                                                     txtDetailUpToAge.NumberValueInt })
                         != null)
                    cmbDetailCostTypeCode.SelectedItem = "ACCOMMODATION";
                    cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled      = false;
                    cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = true;
        private void ShowDetailsManual(PcDiscountRow ARow)
            // converts the numeric value in table to int
            if (ARow != null)
                if (ARow.IsDiscountNull())
                    txtDetailDiscount.NumberValueInt = null;
                    txtDetailDiscount.NumberValueInt = Convert.ToInt32(ARow.Discount);

        private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(PcDiscountRow ARow)
            if (txtDetailDiscount.Text == "")
                ARow.Discount = 0;

            // check that default data exists in database
            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;

            TValidationControlsData   ValidationControlsData;
            TScreenVerificationResult VerificationResult = null;
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;

            if (ARow.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                if (!TRemote.MConference.Conference.WebConnectors.CheckDiscountCriteriaCodeExists(new string[] { ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode }))
                    ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PcDiscountTable.ColumnDiscountCriteriaCodeId];

                    // displays a warning message
                    VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(this, ErrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(
                                                                       ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                    VerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

                if (!TRemote.MConference.Conference.WebConnectors.CheckCostTypeExists(ARow.CostTypeCode))
                    ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PcDiscountTable.ColumnCostTypeCodeId];

                    // displays a warning message
                    VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(this, ErrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(
                                                                       ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                    VerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the child discount for
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AAge">age of the person</param>
        /// <param name="AConferenceKey">conference key</param>
        /// <param name="ACostType">Defines the type of discount (e.g. ACCOMMODATION or CONFERENCE)</param>
        /// <param name="ADiscount">discount the person gets</param>
        /// <param name="AInPercent">Type of discaount: True - discount is in percent. False - discount is the amount</param>
        /// <param name="ASituation">The current report situation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetChildDiscount(int AAge, long AConferenceKey, String ACostType,
                                            out decimal ADiscount, out bool AInPercent, ref TRptSituation ASituation)
            ADiscount  = 0.0M;
            AInPercent = false;

            PcDiscountTable DiscountTable;

            PcDiscountTable TmpTable    = new PcDiscountTable();
            PcDiscountRow   TemplateRow = TmpTable.NewRowTyped(false);

            TemplateRow.ConferenceKey        = AConferenceKey;
            TemplateRow.CostTypeCode         = ACostType;
            TemplateRow.DiscountCriteriaCode = "CHILD";
            TemplateRow.Validity             = "ALWAYS";

            StringCollection OrderList = new StringCollection();

            OrderList.Add(" ORDER BY " + PcDiscountTable.GetUpToAgeDBName() + " ASC");

            DiscountTable = PcDiscountAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(TemplateRow, null, null,
                                                               ASituation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction, OrderList, 0, 0);

            foreach (PcDiscountRow DiscountRow in DiscountTable.Rows)
                if ((!DiscountRow.IsUpToAgeNull()) &&
                    (DiscountRow.UpToAge >= AAge))
                    ADiscount  = DiscountRow.Discount;
                    AInPercent = DiscountRow.Percentage;


        // get data from screen and ammend/add to dataset
        private void GetDataFromControlsManual(PcConferenceRow ARow)
            PcConferenceRow     ConferenceData      = (PcConferenceRow)FMainDS.PcConference.Rows[0];
            PPartnerLocationRow PartnerLocationData = (PPartnerLocationRow)FMainDS.PPartnerLocation.Rows[0];
            PUnitRow            UnitData            = (PUnitRow)FMainDS.PUnit.Rows[0];

            // do not save currency if it is blank but instead change the combo box to display original value
            if (cmbCurrency.GetSelectedString() != "")
                ConferenceData.CurrencyCode       = cmbCurrency.GetSelectedString();
                UnitData.OutreachCostCurrencyCode = cmbCurrency.GetSelectedString();

            ConferenceData.Start = dtpStartDate.Date;
            ConferenceData.End   = dtpEndDate.Date;
            PartnerLocationData.DateEffective = dtpStartDate.Date;
            PartnerLocationData.DateGoodUntil = dtpEndDate.Date;

            // get data from radio buttons and check button for PcConferenceOption
            string[] OptionTypeCodes =
            Boolean[] OptionSet =
                rbtNight.Checked, rbtDay.Checked, chkAddAccommodationCosts.Checked

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                DataRow RowExists = FMainDS.PcConferenceOption.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, OptionTypeCodes[i] });

                // create new row if needed
                if ((RowExists == null) && OptionSet[i])
                    PcConferenceOptionRow RowToAdd = FMainDS.PcConferenceOption.NewRowTyped(true);
                    RowToAdd.ConferenceKey  = FPartnerKey;
                    RowToAdd.OptionTypeCode = OptionTypeCodes[i];
                    RowToAdd.OptionSet      = true;
                // update existing record
                else if ((RowExists != null) && OptionSet[i])
                    ((PcConferenceOptionRow)RowExists).OptionSet = true;
                // delete existing record if discount is 0
                else if ((RowExists != null) && !OptionSet[i])

            // reset the Accommodation text boxs to 0 if no longer needed
            if (!chkAddAccommodationCosts.Checked)
                txtSpecialRolePreAccommodation.NumberValueInt      = 0;
                txtVolunteerPreAccommodation.NumberValueInt        = 0;
                txtParticipantPreAccommodation.NumberValueInt      = 0;
                txtSpecialRoleAccommodation.NumberValueInt         = 0;
                txtVolunteerAccommodation.NumberValueInt           = 0;
                txtSpecialRoleCampaignAccommodation.NumberValueInt = 0;

            // get data from discount text boxes for PcDiscount
            string[, ] Discounts =
                { "ROLE",  "CONFERENCE",    "PRE",  txtSpecialRolePreAttendance.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]         { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "VOL",   "CONFERENCE",    "PRE",  txtVolunteerPreAttendance.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]           { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "OTHER", "CONFERENCE",    "PRE",  txtParticipantPreAttendance.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]         { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "ROLE",  "CONFERENCE",    "CONF", txtSpecialRoleAttendance.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]            { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "VOL",   "CONFERENCE",    "CONF", txtVolunteerAttendance.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]              { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "ROLE",  "CONFERENCE",    "POST", txtSpecialRoleCampaignAttendance.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]    { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "ROLE",  "ACCOMMODATION", "PRE",  txtSpecialRolePreAccommodation.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]      { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "VOL",   "ACCOMMODATION", "PRE",  txtVolunteerPreAccommodation.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]        { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "OTHER", "ACCOMMODATION", "PRE",  txtParticipantPreAccommodation.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]      { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "ROLE",  "ACCOMMODATION", "CONF", txtSpecialRoleAccommodation.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]         { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "VOL",   "ACCOMMODATION", "CONF", txtVolunteerAccommodation.Text.TrimEnd(new char[]           { ' ', '%' }) },
                { "ROLE",  "ACCOMMODATION", "POST", txtSpecialRoleCampaignAccommodation.Text.TrimEnd(new char[] { ' ', '%' }) }

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                DataRow RowExists = FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, Discounts[i, 0], Discounts[i, 1], Discounts[i, 2], -1 });

                if (Discounts[i, 3] == "")
                    Discounts[i, 3] = "0";

                // create new row if needed
                if ((RowExists == null) && (Convert.ToInt32(Discounts[i, 3]) != 0))
                    PcDiscountRow RowToAdd = FMainDS.PcDiscount.NewRowTyped(true);
                    RowToAdd.ConferenceKey        = FPartnerKey;
                    RowToAdd.DiscountCriteriaCode = Discounts[i, 0];
                    RowToAdd.CostTypeCode         = Discounts[i, 1];
                    RowToAdd.Validity             = Discounts[i, 2];
                    RowToAdd.UpToAge    = -1;
                    RowToAdd.Percentage = true;
                    RowToAdd.Discount   = Convert.ToInt32(Discounts[i, 3]);
                // update existing record
                else if ((RowExists != null) && (Convert.ToInt32(Discounts[i, 3]) != 0))
                    ((PcDiscountRow)RowExists).Discount = Convert.ToInt32(Discounts[i, 3]);
                // delete existing record if discount is 0
                else if ((RowExists != null) && (Convert.ToInt32(Discounts[i, 3]) == 0))
        private void ValidateDataDetailsManual(PcDiscountRow ARow)
            if (txtDetailDiscount.Text == "")
                ARow.Discount = 0;

            // check that default data exists in database
            TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection;

            TValidationControlsData ValidationControlsData;
            TScreenVerificationResult VerificationResult = null;
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;

            if (ARow.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                if (!TRemote.MConference.Conference.WebConnectors.CheckDiscountCriteriaCodeExists(new string[] { ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode }))
                    ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PcDiscountTable.ColumnDiscountCriteriaCodeId];

                    // displays a warning message
                    VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(this, ErrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(
                        ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                    VerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

                if (!TRemote.MConference.Conference.WebConnectors.CheckCostTypeExists(ARow.CostTypeCode))
                    ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PcDiscountTable.ColumnCostTypeCodeId];

                    // displays a warning message
                    VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(this, ErrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(
                        ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                    VerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(this, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

 // enables or disables the combo box depending on the availability of the two Cost Type Codes for selected UpToAge
 private void EnableOrDisableCmb(PcDiscountRow ARow)
     if (ARow.CostTypeCode == "CONFERENCE")
         if (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode, "ACCOMMODATION", ARow.Validity,
                                                         ARow.UpToAge }) != null)
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = false;
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = true;
     else if (ARow.CostTypeCode == "ACCOMMODATION")
         if (FMainDS.PcDiscount.Rows.Find(new object[] { FPartnerKey, ARow.DiscountCriteriaCode, "CONFERENCE", ARow.Validity,
                                                         ARow.UpToAge }) != null)
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = false;
             cmbDetailCostTypeCode.Enabled = true;
        private void ShowDetailsManual(PcDiscountRow ARow)
            // converts the numeric value in table to int
            if (ARow != null)
                if (ARow.IsDiscountNull())
                    txtDetailDiscount.NumberValueInt = null;
                    txtDetailDiscount.NumberValueInt = Convert.ToInt32(ARow.Discount);
