예제 #1
        public async void Example()
#pragma warning disable 0168
            using (Client client = GetClient())
                PayoutResponse response = await client.Merchant("merchantId").Payouts().Get("payoutId");
#pragma warning restore 0168
예제 #2
        public void PayoutSuccessTest()
            Client         client  = CreateMockTestClientNullRequiredFieldsRequest("Mocks/payout/payout-success.json");
            Payout         payout  = new Payout(client);
            PayoutRequest  request = new PayoutRequest();
            PayoutResponse result  = payout.PayoutSubmit(request);

            Assert.AreEqual("8814689190961342", result.PspReference);
            Assert.AreEqual("12345", result.AuthCode);
예제 #3
        public async void Example()
#pragma warning disable 0168
            using (Client client = GetClient())
                ApprovePayoutRequest body = new ApprovePayoutRequest();
                body.DatePayout = "20150102";

                PayoutResponse response = await client.Merchant("merchantId").Payouts().Approve("payoutId", body);
#pragma warning restore 0168
예제 #4
        private async Task ShouldRequestPayout_IdempotencyKey()
            var payoutRequest  = new PayoutRequest();
            var payoutResponse = new PayoutResponse();

            _apiClient.Setup(apiClient =>
                             apiClient.Post <PayoutResponse>(PaymentsPath, _authorization, payoutRequest,
                                                             CancellationToken.None, "test"))
            .ReturnsAsync(() => payoutResponse);

            IPaymentsClient paymentsClient = new PaymentsClient(_apiClient.Object, _configuration.Object);

            var response = await paymentsClient.RequestPayout(payoutRequest, "test", CancellationToken.None);

        //Transfer an amount to an existing Bank Account Set up with Stripe
        public PayoutResponse TransferToBankAccount(decimal amount, string currency)
            //Stripe requires amount in cents
            var         transferAmount = ((int)amount * 100);
            HttpContent content        = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("amount", transferAmount.ToString()),
                new KeyValuePair <string, string>("currency", currency)

            content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            HttpResponseMessage response = (_client.PostAsync($"https://api.stripe.com/v1/payouts", content))

            var payoutResponse = new PayoutResponse();

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                payoutResponse =
                    JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PayoutResponse>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

예제 #6
        private async Task ShouldRequestPayout()
            var payoutRequest = new PayoutRequest
                Destination = new PaymentRequestBankAccountDestination
                    AccountType   = AccountType.Cash,
                    AccountNumber = "13654567455",
                    BankCode      = "bank_code",
                    BranchCode    = "6443",
                    Bban          = "3704 0044 0532 0130 00",
                    Iban          = "HU93116000060000000012345676",
                    SwiftBic      = "37040044",
                    Country       = CountryCode.HU,
                    AccountHolder = new AccountHolder {
                        FirstName = "First Name", LastName = "Last Name",
                    Bank = new BankDetails {
                        Name = "Bank Name", Address = new Address(), Branch = "branch"
            var payoutResponse = new PayoutResponse();

            _apiClient.Setup(apiClient =>
                             apiClient.Post <PayoutResponse>(PaymentsPath, _authorization, payoutRequest,
                                                             CancellationToken.None, null))
            .ReturnsAsync(() => payoutResponse);

            IPaymentsClient paymentsClient = new PaymentsClient(_apiClient.Object, _configuration.Object);

            var response = await paymentsClient.RequestPayout(payoutRequest, null, CancellationToken.None);

        public async void Example()
#pragma warning disable 0168
            using (Client client = GetClient())
                AmountOfMoney amountOfMoney = new AmountOfMoney();
                amountOfMoney.Amount       = 2345L;
                amountOfMoney.CurrencyCode = "EUR";

                BankAccountIban bankAccountIban = new BankAccountIban();
                bankAccountIban.AccountHolderName = "Wile E. Coyote";
                bankAccountIban.Iban = "IT60X0542811101000000123456";

                Address address = new Address();
                address.City        = "Burbank";
                address.CountryCode = "US";
                address.HouseNumber = "411";
                address.State       = "California";
                address.Street      = "N Hollywood Way";
                address.Zip         = "91505";

                CompanyInformation companyInformation = new CompanyInformation();
                companyInformation.Name = "Acme Labs";

                ContactDetailsBase contactDetails = new ContactDetailsBase();
                contactDetails.EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";

                PersonalName name = new PersonalName();
                name.FirstName     = "Wile";
                name.Surname       = "Coyote";
                name.SurnamePrefix = "E.";
                name.Title         = "Mr.";

                PayoutCustomer customer = new PayoutCustomer();
                customer.Address            = address;
                customer.CompanyInformation = companyInformation;
                customer.ContactDetails     = contactDetails;
                customer.Name = name;

                BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput = new BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput();
                bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput.BankAccountIban = bankAccountIban;
                bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput.Customer        = customer;
                bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput.PayoutDate      = "20150102";
                bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput.PayoutText      = "Payout Acme";
                bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput.SwiftCode       = "swift";

                PayoutReferences references = new PayoutReferences();
                references.MerchantReference = "AcmeOrder001";

                CreatePayoutRequest body = new CreatePayoutRequest();
                body.AmountOfMoney = amountOfMoney;
                body.BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput = bankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput;
                body.References = references;

                    PayoutResponse response = await client.Merchant("merchantId").Payouts().Create(body);
                catch (DeclinedPayoutException e)
                catch (ApiException e)
#pragma warning restore 0168
예제 #8
        private async Task ShouldMakeCardPayoutPayments()
            PayoutRequest request = new PayoutRequest
                Source = new PayoutRequestCurrencyAccountSource {
                    Id = "ca_qcc7x4nxxk6efeogm7yczdnsxu"
                Destination =
                    new PaymentRequestCardDestination
                    Number        = "5219565036325411",
                    ExpiryMonth   = 12,
                    ExpiryYear    = 2024,
                    AccountHolder = new AccountHolder
                        Type           = AccountHolderType.Individual,
                        FirstName      = "Jhon",
                        LastName       = "Smith",
                        DateOfBirth    = "1939-05-05",
                        CountryOfBirth = CountryCode.FR,
                        BillingAddress =
                            new Address
                            AddressLine1 = "Checkout",
                            AddressLine2 = "Shepherdless Walk",
                            City         = "London",
                            Zip          = "N17BQ",
                            Country      = CountryCode.GB
                        Phone = new Phone {
                            CountryCode = "44", Number = "09876512412"
                        Identification = new AccountHolderIdentification
                            Type           = AccountHolderIdentificationType.Passport,
                            Number         = "E2341",
                            IssuingCountry = CountryCode.FR,
                            DateOfExpiry   = "2024-05-05"
                        Email = "*****@*****.**"
                Amount            = 10,
                Currency          = Currency.EUR,
                Reference         = "Pay-out to Card - Money Transfer",
                BillingDescriptor = new PayoutBillingDescriptor {
                    Reference = "Pay-out to Card - Money Transfer"
                Sender = new PaymentIndividualSender
                    FirstName = "Hayley",
                    LastName  = "Jones",
                    Address   = new Address
                        AddressLine1 = "Checkout",
                        AddressLine2 = "Shepherdless Walk",
                        City         = "London",
                        Zip          = "N17BQ",
                        Country      = CountryCode.GB
                    Reference     = "1234567ABCDEFG",
                    ReferenceType = "other",
                    DateOfBirth   = "1939-05-05",
                    SourceOfFunds = SourceOfFunds.Credit,
                Instruction = new PaymentInstruction
                    Purpose = "pension", FundsTransferType = "C07", Mvv = "0123456789"
                ProcessingChannelId = "pc_q727c4x6vtwujbiys3bb7wjpaa"

            PayoutResponse response = await DefaultApi.PaymentsClient().RequestPayout(request);
