예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the onpaymentgateway event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The <see cref="Rendition.PaymentGatewayEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 internal void raiseOnPaymentGateway( PaymentGatewayEventArgs args )
     if( OpeningPaymentGateway != null ) { OpeningPaymentGateway( this, args ); };
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Defaults gateway processor.  Used when there is no onpaymentgateway event handler specified
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="args">The <see cref="Rendition.PaymentGatewayEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
            private static void DefaultPaymentGatewayProcessor( ref PaymentGatewayEventArgs args )
                try {
                    StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder( "" );
                    string responseMessage = "";
                    string strResult = "";

                    /* build up the URL to send to the payment gateway URL defined in site_configuration */
                    url.Append( Main.Site.merchant_auth_url );
                    url.Replace( "{merchant_auth_name}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( Main.Site.merchant_auth_name ) );
                    url.Replace( "{merchant_auth_password}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( Main.Site.merchant_auth_password ) );
                    url.Replace( "{merchant_auth_type}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( Main.Site.merchant_auth_type ) );

                    url.Replace( "{shipToFirstName}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.FirstName.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToLastName}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.LastName.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToAddress}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.Address1.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToAddress2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.Address2.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToCity}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.City.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToState}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.State.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToZip}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.Zip.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToCountry}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.Country.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{shipToCompany}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.ShipToAddress.Company.Trim() ) );

                    url.Replace( "{billToFirstName}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.FirstName.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToLastName}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.LastName.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToAddress}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.Address1.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToAddress2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.Address2.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToCity}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.City.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToState}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.State.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToZip}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.Zip.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToCountry}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.Country.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{billToCompany}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.BillToAddress.Company.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{amount}", args.Amount.ToString() );
                    url.Replace( "{cardNumber}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.Card.CardNumber.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{experationMonth}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.Card.ExpMonth.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{experationYear}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.Card.ExpYear.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{securityCode}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.Card.SecCode.Trim() ) );
                    url.Replace( "{nameOnCard}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode( args.Card.NameOnCard.Trim() ) );

                    string[] auth_array = url.ToString().Split( '?' );
                    string auth_url = auth_array[ 0 ];
                    string auth_data = auth_array[ 1 ];
                    /* create stream */
                    ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
                    byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes( auth_data );
                    /* create request */
                    WebResponse objResponse;
                    WebRequest objRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create( auth_url );
                    objRequest.Method = "POST";
                    objRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                    objRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
                    ( "gateway processor" ).Debug( 5 );
                    ( "send request>" ).Debug( 5 );
                    Stream stream = objRequest.GetRequestStream();
                    /* send data */
                    stream.Write( data, 0, data.Length );
                    objResponse = objRequest.GetResponse();
                    ( "<get response" ).Debug( 5 );
                    using( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( objResponse.GetResponseStream() ) ) {
                        strResult = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        string[] matchIndexes = Main.Site.merchant_message_match_index.Split( ',' );
                        int msgMatch1 = Convert.ToInt32( matchIndexes[ 0 ] );
                        /* isolate the message to be displayed to the user in case of auth failure */
                        Regex i = new Regex( Main.Site.merchant_message_match, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline );
                        MatchCollection m;
                        GroupCollection b;
                        m = i.Matches( strResult );
                        if( matchIndexes.GetUpperBound( 0 ) > 0 ) {
                            int msgMatch2 = Convert.ToInt32( matchIndexes[ 1 ] );
                            b = m[ msgMatch1 ].Groups;
                            responseMessage = b[ msgMatch2 ].Value;
                        } else {
                            responseMessage = m[ msgMatch1 ].Value;
                        /* figure out if the auth was a failure */
                        args.Success = Regex.IsMatch( strResult, Main.Site.merchant_sucsess_match );
                        args.Message = responseMessage;
                } catch( Exception e ) {
                    ( "gateway transaction error > " + e.Message ).Debug( 5 );
                    args.Success = false;
                    args.Message = e.Message;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// internal method to insert virtual terminal history into the database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The <see cref="Rendition.PaymentGatewayEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private static void InsertPaymentHistory( PaymentGatewayEventArgs args )
     ( "FUNCTION insertPaymentHistory /w SP dbo.insertVTTransaction > Write transaction details" ).Debug( 10 );
     string cmdString = @"dbo.insertVTTransaction @amount,@cardNumber,@secNumber,@authResponseCode,@authResponse,@addedby,@provider,
     /* write the results of the transaction to the database, for postarity */
     SqlCommand cmd = null;
     if( args.SqlConnection != null ) {
         cmd = new SqlCommand( cmdString, args.SqlConnection, args.SqlTransaction );
     } else {
         cmd = new SqlCommand( cmdString, Site.SqlConnection );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@amount", SqlDbType.Money ).Value = args.Amount.ToString();
     /* never record any credit card data in full */
     string safeCardNumber = "";
     safeCardNumber = args.Card.CardNumber.MaxLength( 25, true );
     if( safeCardNumber.Length > 5 ) {
         safeCardNumber = safeCardNumber.Substring( args.Card.CardNumber.Length - 4 );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@cardNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = "xxx-" + safeCardNumber;
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@secNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = "xxxx";
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@authResponseCode", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.Success.ToString();
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@authResponse", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.Message;
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@addedby", SqlDbType.Int ).Value = Main.GetCurrentSession().UserId;
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@provider", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = "";
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@request", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = "";
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToCompany", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.Company.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToFirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.FirstName.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToLastName", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.LastName.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToAddress1", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.Address1.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToAddress2", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.Address2.MaxLength( 25, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToCity", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.City.MaxLength( 50, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToState", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.State.MaxLength( 25, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToZIP", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.Zip.MaxLength( 20, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@billToCountry", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.BillToAddress.Country.MaxLength( 50, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToCompany", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.Company.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToFirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.FirstName.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToLastName", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.LastName.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToAddress1", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.Address1.MaxLength( 100, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToAddress2", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.Address2.MaxLength( 25, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToCity", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.City.MaxLength( 50, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToState", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.State.MaxLength( 25, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToZIP", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.Zip.MaxLength( 20, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@shipToCountry", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = args.ShipToAddress.Country.MaxLength( 20, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@expDate", SqlDbType.VarChar ).Value = ( args.Card.ExpMonth.MaxLength( 2, true ) +
     Convert.ToString( args.Card.ExpYear ).MaxLength( 2, true ) ).MaxLength( 10, true );
     cmd.Parameters.Add( "@sessionId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ).Value = new Guid( args.OrderSession.ToString() );
예제 #4
            /// <summary>
            /// Charges the credit card using the internal CC processor function or the onpaymentgateway even handler.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="billToAddress">The bill to Address.</param>
            /// <param name="shipToAddress">The ship to Address.</param>
            /// <param name="card">The card.</param>
            /// <param name="amount">The amount.</param>
            /// <param name="orderSession">The order session.</param>
            /// <param name="orderNumber">The order number.</param>
            /// <param name="purchaseOrder">The purchase order.</param>
            /// <param name="cn">The sql connection (or null).</param>
            /// <param name="trans">The sql transaction (or null).</param>
            /// <returns>{error:0,desc:"error description"}.</returns>
            public static Dictionary<string, object> ChargeCreditCard(
			Address billToAddress, Address shipToAddress, CreditCard card,
			 decimal amount, Guid orderSession, string orderNumber, string purchaseOrder,
			 SqlConnection cn, SqlTransaction trans )
                ( "FUNCTION /w SP,HTTPWebRequest chargeCreditCard" ).Debug( 10 );
                Dictionary<string, object> j = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                if( card.CardNumber.Length == 0 ) {
                    j.Add( "error", -6 );
                    j.Add( "description", "No card number provided" );
                    return j;
                if( card.NameOnCard.Length == 0 ) {
                    j.Add( "error", -7 );
                    j.Add( "description", "No card name provided" );
                    return j;
                if( card.ExpMonth.Length == 0 || card.ExpYear.Length == 0 ) {
                    j.Add( "error", -8 );
                    j.Add( "description", "No experation date provided." );
                    return j;
                /* everything seems ok as far as I can tell, pass it to the REAL judge.*/
                PaymentGatewayEventArgs args = new PaymentGatewayEventArgs( billToAddress, shipToAddress, card, amount, orderSession, orderNumber, purchaseOrder, cn, trans );
                /* try and use an event handler */
                Main.Site.raiseOnPaymentGateway( args );
                /* if preventDefault is not set in the arguments then try and use the internal payment gateway.*/
                if( !args.PreventDefault ) {
                    DefaultPaymentGatewayProcessor( ref args );
                /* record that this occured */
                InsertPaymentHistory( args );
                /* send the results back to the caller */
                if( args.Success ) {
                    j.Add( "error", 0 );
                    j.Add( "description", "" );
                    return j;
                } else {
                    j.Add( "error", -1 );
                    j.Add( "description", args.Message );
                    return j;