예제 #1
        public static void _PayPal(BuyingVM buynow)
            PayPalConfig config = PayPalConfig.GetConfiguration(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/paypalconfig/paypal.config"));

            config.guid = buynow.GuId;
            List <PaymentLibrary.PayPal.Item> items = new List <PaymentLibrary.PayPal.Item>();

            //foreach (OrderSummary orderSummary in buynow.OrderSummary)
            //    //if price is not set or null then do not add to order summary
            //    if (orderSummary.Price == null)
            //        continue;

            //    PaymentLibrary.PayPal.Item itm = new PaymentLibrary.PayPal.Item();
            //    itm.Name = orderSummary.ReportTitle.ZSubstring(0, 20);
            //    itm.Quantity = orderSummary.Quantity;
            //    itm.Price = orderSummary.Price;
            //    items.Add(itm);

            items.Add(new Item
                Name     = buynow.ReportTitle.Length > 20 ? buynow.ReportTitle.Substring(0, 20) : buynow.ReportTitle,
                Quantity = 1,
                Price    = buynow.Price

            // PaymentLibrary.PayPal.Token tkn = PaymentLibrary.PayPal.PayPal.GetToken(config, items, true);
            PaymentLibrary.PayPal.Token tkn = GetToken(config, items, true);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tkn.L_ERRORCODE0))
                log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Error").Error("Error at SaveBuynowDetails. PayPal \nErrorCode - " + tkn.L_ERRORCODE0 + "\nError Message - " + tkn.L_SHORTMESSAGE0 + "\n" + tkn.L_LONGMESSAGE0 + "\nFull Data - " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(buynow));
                //return new Utility.Message { MessageText = tkn.L_LONGMESSAGE0 };


            // return new Utility.Message { MessageText = "Payment Initiated" };
예제 #2
        public static bool PayPalProcess(PaymentLibrary.PayPal.PayPalResponse paypalResponse)
            ExcellentMarketResearchEntities db = new ExcellentMarketResearchEntities();

            if (paypalResponse != null && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paypalResponse.PAYERID) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(paypalResponse.guid)))
                BuyingInfo b = new BuyingInfo();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paypalResponse.PAYERID))
                    log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Error").Error("PayerID not found OR Response is null OR guid is not found.\nData - " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paypalResponse));

                //TODO: Get buyer from table using guid

                var buyer = GetBuyerByGuId(paypalResponse.guid);

                //bool IsBuyerExist= buyer.Count(x=>x.GuId==paypalResponse.guid)>0?true:false;
                bool IsBuyerExist = buyer != null ? true : false;

                //TODO: Check buyer if exist or not
                if (IsBuyerExist == null)
                    // log4net.logmanager.getlogger("error").error("buyer not found.\ndata - " + newtonsoft.json.jsonconvert.serializeobject(paypalresponse));

                ValidResponse vResponse = PaymentLibrary.PayPal.PayPal.IsPaymentValid(paypalResponse,
                                                                                      PayPalConfig.GetConfiguration(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/paypalconfig/paypal.config"), false), false);

                if (vResponse.IsValid)
                    //TODO: update status of payment transaction to success

                    var updatestatus = db.BuyingInfoes.Where(x => x.GuId == paypalResponse.guid).FirstOrDefault();
                    b.PaymentTransaction            = true;
                    updatestatus.PaymentTransaction = b.PaymentTransaction;
                    db.Entry(updatestatus).State    = EntityState.Modified;
                Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer serializer = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();
                Stream     s = new MemoryStream();
                TextWriter t = new StreamWriter(s);

                serializer.Serialize(t, paypalResponse);
                TextReader r = new StreamReader(s);

                //TODO: Save error to db

                //_saveStatus(, 'f', vResponse.Reason + "|ErrorCode - " + vResponse.ErrorCode + "|PaypalResponse - " + r.ReadToEnd());

                var saveError = db.BuyingInfoes.Where(x => x.GuId == paypalResponse.guid).FirstOrDefault();
                b.PaymentTransaction         = false;
                saveError.PaymentTransaction = b.PaymentTransaction;
                saveError.ErrorReason        = vResponse.Reason;
                saveError.ErrorCode          = vResponse.ErrorCode;
                db.Entry(saveError).State    = EntityState.Modified;
