예제 #1
        public ActionResult paypal_confirmation(Int32 id = 0)
            // Get the payer id
            string payerId = "";
            if (Request.Params["PayerID"] != null)
                payerId = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Params["PayerID"]);

            // Get the order
            Order order = Order.GetOneById(id);

            // Make sure that the order not is null
            if(order == null)
                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "home");

            // Get the webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Get credentials
            string paypalClientId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-ID");
            string paypalClientSecret = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-SECRET");
            string paypalMode = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-MODE");
            Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mode", paypalMode } };

            // Create a error message
            string error_message = "";

            // Create a payment variable
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdPayment = null;

                // Create the credential token
                PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential tokenCredential = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(paypalClientId, paypalClientSecret, config);

                // Create the api context
                PayPal.APIContext paypalContext = new PayPal.APIContext(tokenCredential.GetAccessToken());
                paypalContext.Config = config;

                // Get the payment
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment payment = PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment.Get(paypalContext, order.payment_token);

                // Create the payment excecution
                PayPal.Api.Payments.PaymentExecution paymentExecution = new PayPal.Api.Payments.PaymentExecution();
                paymentExecution.payer_id = payerId;
                paypalContext.HTTPHeaders = null;

                // Excecute the payment
                createdPayment = payment.Execute(paypalContext, paymentExecution);

            catch (Exception ex)
                error_message = ex.Message;

            // Check if the created payment is different from null
            if (createdPayment != null && createdPayment.state == "approved")
                // Get the sale id
                List<PayPal.Api.Payments.RelatedResources> resources = createdPayment.transactions[0].related_resources;

                // Save the paypal sale id
                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, resources[0].sale.id);

                // Update the order status
                Order.UpdatePaymentStatus(order.id, "payment_status_paid");

                // Add customer files

            // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
            return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = id });

        } // End of the paypal_confirmation method
예제 #2
        } // End of the payex_confirmation method


        #region PayPal payment

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a paypal payment
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult CreatePayPalPayment(Order order, List<OrderRow> orderRows, Domain domain, KeyStringList tt)
            // Create the string to return
            string error_message = "";

            // Get the currency
            Currency currency = Currency.GetOneById(order.currency_code);

            // Get the webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Get credentials
            string paypalClientId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-ID");
            string paypalClientSecret = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-SECRET");
            string paypalMode = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-MODE");
            Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mode", paypalMode } };

            // Create a payment variable
            PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment createdPayment = null;

                // Create the credential token
                PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential tokenCredential = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(paypalClientId, paypalClientSecret, config);

                // Create the api context
                PayPal.APIContext paypalContext = new PayPal.APIContext(tokenCredential.GetAccessToken());
                paypalContext.Config = config;

                // Create the amount details
                decimal subTotal = order.net_sum + order.rounding_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Details amountDetails = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Details();
                amountDetails.subtotal = subTotal.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                amountDetails.tax = order.vat_sum.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Create the amount
                decimal totalAmount = order.total_sum - order.gift_cards_amount;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount amount = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Amount();
                amount.total = totalAmount.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                amount.currency = order.currency_code;
                amount.details = amountDetails;

                // Create a transaction
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction transaction = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction();
                transaction.item_list = new PayPal.Api.Payments.ItemList();
                transaction.item_list.items = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Item>(10);

                // Add order rows to the transaction
                for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                    // Create a new item
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item item = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    item.sku = orderRows[i].product_code.Length > 50 ? orderRows[i].product_code.Substring(0, 50) : orderRows[i].product_code;
                    item.name = orderRows[i].product_name.Length > 100 ? orderRows[i].product_name.Substring(0, 50) : orderRows[i].product_name;
                    item.price = orderRows[i].unit_price.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    item.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(orderRows[i].quantity).ToString();
                    item.currency = order.currency_code;

                    // Add the item to the list

                // Add the rounding
                if(order.rounding_sum != 0)
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item roundingItem = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    roundingItem.sku = "rd";
                    roundingItem.name = tt.Get("rounding");
                    roundingItem.price = order.rounding_sum.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    roundingItem.quantity = "1";
                    roundingItem.currency = order.currency_code;

                // Add the gift cards amount
                if (order.gift_cards_amount > 0)
                    decimal giftCardAmount = order.gift_cards_amount * -1;
                    PayPal.Api.Payments.Item giftCardsItem = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Item();
                    giftCardsItem.sku = "gc";
                    giftCardsItem.name = tt.Get("gift_cards");
                    giftCardsItem.price = giftCardAmount.ToString("F2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    giftCardsItem.quantity = "1";
                    giftCardsItem.currency = order.currency_code;
                // Set the transaction amount
                transaction.amount = amount;
                List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction> transactions = new List<PayPal.Api.Payments.Transaction>();

                // Create the payer
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer payer = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payer();
                payer.payment_method = "paypal";

                // Create redirect urls
                string hostUrl = Request.Url.Host;
                PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls redirectUrls = new PayPal.Api.Payments.RedirectUrls();
                redirectUrls.return_url = domain.web_address + "/order/paypal_confirmation/" + order.id;
                redirectUrls.cancel_url = domain.web_address + "/order/confirmation/" + order.id;

                // Create the payment
                PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment payment = new PayPal.Api.Payments.Payment();
                payment.intent = "sale";
                payment.payer = payer;
                payment.redirect_urls = redirectUrls;
                payment.transactions = transactions;

                // Create the payment
                createdPayment = payment.Create(paypalContext);

            catch (Exception ex)
                error_message = ex.Message;

            // Check if there is any errors in the payment
            if (createdPayment != null)
                // Save the paypal payment id
                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, createdPayment.id);

                // Get the link
                string link = "";
                foreach(PayPal.Api.Payments.Links url in createdPayment.links)
                    if (url.rel == "approval_url")
                        link = url.href;

                // Redirect the user to the paypal page
                return Redirect(link);
                // Redirect the user to the order confirmation page
                return RedirectToAction("confirmation", "order", new { id = order.id });

        } // End of the CreatePayPalPayment method
예제 #3
        } // End of the UpdatePaymentStatus method

        /// <summary>
        /// Respond to an updated order status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <param name="paymentOption"></param>
        /// <param name="orderStatus"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string UpdateOrderStatus(Order order, PaymentOption paymentOption, string orderStatus)
            // Create the string to return
            string error_message = "";

            // Get the current domain
            Domain domain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();

            // Get webshop settings
            KeyStringList webshopSettings = WebshopSetting.GetAllFromCache();

            // Check the order status
            if (orderStatus == "order_status_delivered")
                if(paymentOption.connection == 102) // Payson invoice
                    // Get credentials
                    string paysonEmail = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-EMAIL");
                    string userId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-AGENT-ID");
                    string md5Key = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-MD5-KEY");
                    bool paysonTest = false;
                    bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-TEST"), out paysonTest);

                    // Create the api
                    PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi paysonApi = new PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi(userId, md5Key, null, paysonTest);

                    // Update the order
                    PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.ShipOrder);
                    PaysonIntegration.Response.PaymentUpdateResponse paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);

                    // Check if the response is successful
                    if (paymentUpdateResponse != null && paymentUpdateResponse.Success == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        foreach (string key in paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages)
                            error_message += "&#149; " + "Payson: " + paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages[key] + "<br/>";
                else if(paymentOption.connection == 301) // Svea invoice
                    // Get the order rows
                    List<OrderRow> orderRows = OrderRow.GetByOrderId(order.id);

                    // Create the payment configuration
                    SveaSettings sveaConfiguration = new SveaSettings();

                    // Create the order builder
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Handle.DeliverOrderBuilder inoviceBuilder = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.DeliverOrder(sveaConfiguration);

                    // Add order rows
                    for (int i = 0; i < orderRows.Count; i++)
                        // Get the unit
                        Unit unit = Unit.GetOneById(orderRows[i].unit_id, domain.back_end_language);

                        // Create an order item
                        Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder orderItem = new Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Row.OrderRowBuilder();
                        orderItem.SetVatPercent(orderRows[i].vat_percent * 100);

                        // Add the order item

                    // Get the order id
                    Int64 sveaOrderId = 0;
                    Int64.TryParse(order.payment_token, out sveaOrderId);

                    // Set invoice values

                    // Make the request to send the invoice
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.DeliverOrderEuResponse deliverOrderResponse = inoviceBuilder.DeliverInvoiceOrder().DoRequest();
                    // Check if the response is successful
                    if (deliverOrderResponse.Accepted == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea code: " + deliverOrderResponse.ResultCode.ToString() + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea message: " + deliverOrderResponse.ErrorMessage + "<br/>";
                else if (paymentOption.connection >= 400 && paymentOption.connection <= 499) // Payex
                    // Check the transaction
                    Dictionary<string, string> payexResponse = PayExManager.CheckTransaction(order, webshopSettings);

                    // Get response variables
                    string error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                    string description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                    string parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                    string transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                    string transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                    // Check if the response was successful
                    if (error_code.ToUpper() == "OK")
                        if(transaction_status == "3") // Authorize
                            // Capture the transaction
                            payexResponse = PayExManager.CaptureTransaction(order);

                            // Get response variables
                            error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                            description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                            parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                            transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                            transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";
                            string transaction_number_original = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number_original") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number_original"] : "";

                            if(error_code.ToUpper() != "OK" || transaction_status != "6")
                                // Set error messages
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number (original): " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
                                // Update the transaction number for the order
                                Order.SetPaymentToken(order.id, transaction_number);
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
            else if (orderStatus == "order_status_cancelled")
                if(paymentOption.connection >= 100 && paymentOption.connection <= 199) // Payson
                    // Get credentials
                    string paysonEmail = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-EMAIL");
                    string userId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-AGENT-ID");
                    string md5Key = webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-MD5-KEY");
                    bool paysonTest = false;
                    bool.TryParse(webshopSettings.Get("PAYSON-TEST"), out paysonTest);

                    // Create the api
                    PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi paysonApi = new PaysonIntegration.PaysonApi(userId, md5Key, null, paysonTest);

                    // Get details about the payment status
                    PaysonIntegration.Response.PaymentDetailsResponse paysonResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentDetailsRequest(new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentDetailsData(order.payment_token));

                    // Get the type and status of the payment
                    PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType? paymentType = paysonResponse.PaymentDetails.PaymentType;
                    PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentStatus? paymentStatus = paysonResponse.PaymentDetails.PaymentStatus;
                    PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus? invoiceStatus = paysonResponse.PaymentDetails.InvoiceStatus;

                    // Payment update
                    PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData paymentUpdateData = null;
                    PaysonIntegration.Response.PaymentUpdateResponse paymentUpdateResponse = null;

                    if (paymentType == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType.Direct && paymentStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentStatus.Completed)
                        // Refund the payment
                        paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.Refund);
                        paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);
                    else if (paymentType == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType.Invoice && invoiceStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus.OrderCreated)
                        // Cancel the order
                        paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.CancelOrder);
                        paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);
                    else if (paymentType == PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentType.Invoice && (invoiceStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus.Shipped 
                        || invoiceStatus == PaysonIntegration.Utils.InvoiceStatus.Done))
                        // Credit the order
                        paymentUpdateData = new PaysonIntegration.Data.PaymentUpdateData(order.payment_token, PaysonIntegration.Utils.PaymentUpdateAction.CreditOrder);
                        paymentUpdateResponse = paysonApi.MakePaymentUpdateRequest(paymentUpdateData);

                    // Check if there was any errors
                    if (paymentUpdateResponse != null && paymentUpdateResponse.Success == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        foreach (string key in paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages)
                            error_message += "&#149; " + "Payson: " + paymentUpdateResponse.ErrorMessages[key] + "<br/>";
                else if(paymentOption.connection == 201) // PayPal
                    // Get credentials
                    string paypalClientId = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-ID");
                    string paypalClientSecret = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-CLIENT-SECRET");
                    string paypalMode = webshopSettings.Get("PAYPAL-MODE");
                    Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "mode", paypalMode } };

                        // Create the credential token
                        PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential tokenCredential = new PayPal.OAuthTokenCredential(paypalClientId, paypalClientSecret, config);

                        // Create the api context
                        PayPal.APIContext paypalContext = new PayPal.APIContext(tokenCredential.GetAccessToken());
                        paypalContext.Config = config;

                        // Look up the sale
                        PayPal.Api.Payments.Sale sale = PayPal.Api.Payments.Sale.Get(paypalContext, order.payment_token);

                        if (sale.state == "completed")
                            // Refund the payment
                            paypalContext.HTTPHeaders = null;
                            PayPal.Api.Payments.Refund refund = sale.Refund(paypalContext, new PayPal.Api.Payments.Refund());

                            if(refund.state != "completed")
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "PayPal: " + refund.state;
                            error_message += "&#149; " + "PayPal: " + sale.state;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        error_message += "&#149; PayPal: " + ex.Message;
                else if(paymentOption.connection == 301) // Svea invoice
                    // Create the payment configuration
                    SveaSettings sveaConfiguration = new SveaSettings();

                    // Get the order id
                    Int64 sveaOrderId = 0;
                    Int64.TryParse(order.payment_token, out sveaOrderId);

                    // Cancel the order
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.Order.Handle.CloseOrderBuilder closeOrder = Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayConnection.CloseOrder(sveaConfiguration);
                    Webpay.Integration.CSharp.WebpayWS.CloseOrderEuResponse closeOrderResponse = closeOrder.CloseInvoiceOrder().DoRequest();

                    // Check if the response is successful
                    if (closeOrderResponse.Accepted == false)
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea code: " + closeOrderResponse.ResultCode.ToString() + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Svea message: " + closeOrderResponse.ErrorMessage + "<br/>";
                else if(paymentOption.connection >= 400 && paymentOption.connection <= 499) // Payex
                    // Check the transaction
                    Dictionary<string, string> payexResponse = PayExManager.CheckTransaction(order, webshopSettings);

                    // Get response variables
                    string error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                    string description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                    string parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                    string transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                    string transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                    // Check if the response was successful
                    if(error_code.ToUpper() == "OK")
                        // Check if we should cancel or credit the order
                        if(transaction_status == "3") // Authorize
                            // Cancel the transaction
                            payexResponse = PayExManager.CancelTransaction(order, webshopSettings);

                            // Get response variables
                            error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                            description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                            parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                            transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                            transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                            if(error_code.ToUpper() != "OK" || transaction_status != "4")
                                // Set error messages
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
                        else if(transaction_status == "0" || transaction_status == "6") // Sale or capture
                            // Get the order rows
                            List<OrderRow> orderRows = OrderRow.GetByOrderId(order.id);

                            // Credit the transaction
                            payexResponse = PayExManager.CreditTransaction(order, orderRows, webshopSettings);

                            // Get response variables
                            error_code = payexResponse.ContainsKey("error_code") == true ? payexResponse["error_code"] : "";
                            description = payexResponse.ContainsKey("description") == true ? payexResponse["description"] : "";
                            parameter_name = payexResponse.ContainsKey("parameter_name") == true ? payexResponse["parameter_name"] : "";
                            transaction_status = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_status") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_status"] : "";
                            transaction_number = payexResponse.ContainsKey("transaction_number") == true ? payexResponse["transaction_number"] : "";

                            if (error_code.ToUpper() != "OK" || transaction_status != "2")
                                // Set error messages
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                                error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";
                        // Set error messages
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex code: " + error_code + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex message: " + description + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex parameter: " + parameter_name + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex status: " + transaction_status + "<br/>";
                        error_message += "&#149; " + "Payex number: " + transaction_number + "<br/>";

            // Return the error message
            return error_message;

        } // End of the UpdateOrderStatus method