public async Task <IActionResult> EditServer(int serverId, int sshServerId, bool create = false, bool remove = false) { if (!await RightsHandler.HasRightsToThisPavlovServer(HttpContext.User, await _userservice.getUserFromCp(HttpContext.User), serverId, _service, _pavlovServerService)) { return(Forbid()); } var server = new PavlovServer(); if (serverId != 0) { server = await _pavlovServerService.FindOne(serverId); } if (server.SshServer == null) { server.SshServer = await _sshServerSerivce.FindOne(sshServerId); } var viewModel = new PavlovServerViewModel(); viewModel = viewModel.fromPavlovServer(server, sshServerId); viewModel.LiteDbUsers = (await _userservice.FindAll()).ToList(); viewModel.create = create; viewModel.remove = remove; return(View("Server", viewModel)); }
public bool SaveBlackListEntry(PavlovServer server, List <ServerBans> NewBlackListContent) { var blacklistArray = NewBlackListContent.Select(x => x.SteamId).ToArray(); RconStatic.WriteFile(server.SshServer, server.ServerFolderPath + FilePaths.BanList, blacklistArray, _notifyService); return(true); }
public async Task <ServerSelectedMods[]> FindAllFrom(PavlovServer pavlovServer) { return((await _liteDb.LiteDatabaseAsync.GetCollection <ServerSelectedMods>("ServerSelectedMods") .Include(x => x.LiteDbUser) .Include(x => x.PavlovServer) .FindAsync(x => x.PavlovServer.Id == pavlovServer.Id)).ToArray()); }
private async Task <bool> SaveToFile(PavlovServer pavlovServer, List <string> steamIds) { var lines = steamIds.Select(steamIdentity => steamIdentity).ToList(); RconStatic.WriteFile(pavlovServer.SshServer, pavlovServer.ServerFolderPath + FilePaths.ModList, lines.ToArray(), _notifyService); return(true); }
private async Task <PavlovServer> HasToStop(PavlovServer pavlovServer, bool hasToStop, bool root) { if (hasToStop) { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("stop server again!", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); await RconStatic.SystemDStop(pavlovServer, this); pavlovServer = await GetServerServiceState(pavlovServer); } return(pavlovServer); }
public async Task <PavlovServer> Upsert(PavlovServer pavlovServer, bool withCheck = true) { if (withCheck) { pavlovServer = await ValidatePavlovServer(pavlovServer, false); } var result = await _liteDb.LiteDatabaseAsync.GetCollection <PavlovServer>("PavlovServer") .UpsertAsync(pavlovServer); if (result) { await _liteDb.LiteDatabaseAsync.GetCollection <PavlovServer>("PavlovServer") .FindOneAsync(x => x.Id == pavlovServer.Id); } return(pavlovServer); }
public async Task <bool> SaveWhiteListToFileAndDb(List <string> steamIds, PavlovServer server) { //delete old stuff foreach (var old in await FindAllFrom(server)) { await Delete(old.Id); } //only save SteamIdsList to DB foreach (var newId in steamIds) { var entry = new ServerSelectedWhiteList { PavlovServer = server, SteamIdentityId = newId }; await Insert(entry); } SaveToFile(server, steamIds); return(true); }
public async Task <bool> SaveModListToFileAndDb(List <string> userIds, PavlovServer server) { var steamIdentities = (await _steamIdentityService.FindAll()).ToList(); //delete old stuff foreach (var old in await FindAllFrom(server)) { await Delete(old.Id); } //only save SteamIdsList to DB var steamIdentitiesToReturn = await SteamIdentitiesToReturn(userIds, server, steamIdentities); //Find all mods and add it to the list steamIdentitiesToReturn var additionalUsers = new List <LiteDbUser>(); if (server.Owner == null || server.SshServer.Owner == null) { additionalUsers = (await _userService.FindAllInRole("Admin")).ToList(); // admins additionalUsers.AddRange(await _userService.FindAllInRole("Mod")); // mods } if (server.Shack) { steamIdentitiesToReturn.AddRange(await SteamIdentitiesToReturn( additionalUsers.Select(x => x.Id.ToString()).ToList(), server, steamIdentities, false)); } else { steamIdentitiesToReturn.AddRange(await SteamIdentitiesToReturn( additionalUsers.Select(x => x.Id.ToString()).ToList(), server, steamIdentities, false)); } await SaveToFile(server, steamIdentitiesToReturn); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="pavlovServer"></param> /// <param name="rconService"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PavlovServer> GetServerServiceState(PavlovServer pavlovServer) { var state = await RconStatic.SystemDCheckState(pavlovServer, _notifyService); // state can be: active, inactive,disabled if (state == "active") { pavlovServer.ServerServiceState =; } else if (state == "inactive") { pavlovServer.ServerServiceState = ServerServiceState.inactive; } else if (state == "disabled") { pavlovServer.ServerServiceState = ServerServiceState.disabled; } else { pavlovServer.ServerServiceState = ServerServiceState.none; } return(pavlovServer); }
public async Task IsValidOnly(PavlovServer pavlovServer, bool parseMd5 = true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pavlovServer.TelnetPassword) && pavlovServer.Id != 0) { pavlovServer.TelnetPassword = (await FindOne(pavlovServer.Id)).TelnetPassword; } if (!RconHelper.IsMD5(pavlovServer.TelnetPassword)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pavlovServer.TelnetPassword)) { throw new ValidateException("Password", "The telnet password is required!"); } if (parseMd5) { pavlovServer.TelnetPassword = RconHelper.CreateMD5(pavlovServer.TelnetPassword); } } if (pavlovServer.SshServer.SshPort <= 0) { throw new ValidateException("SshPort", "You need a SSH port!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pavlovServer.SshServer.SshUsername)) { throw new ValidateException("SshUsername", "You need a username!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pavlovServer.SshServer.SshPassword) && (pavlovServer.SshServer.SshKeyFileName == null || !pavlovServer.SshServer.SshKeyFileName.Any())) { throw new ValidateException("SshPassword", "You need at least a password or a key file!"); } }
public async Task <ConnectionResult> StartMatchWithAuth(RconService.AuthType authType, PavlovServer server, Match match) { var connectionInfo = RconStatic.ConnectionInfoInternal(server.SshServer, authType, out var result); using var clientSsh = new SshClient(connectionInfo); using var clientSftp = new SftpClient(connectionInfo); try { var listOfSteamIdentietiesWhichCanPlay = match.MatchTeam0SelectedSteamIdentities; listOfSteamIdentietiesWhichCanPlay.AddRange(match.MatchTeam1SelectedSteamIdentities); var list = new List <string>(); if (listOfSteamIdentietiesWhichCanPlay.Count <= 0 && match.MatchSelectedSteamIdentities.Count <= 0) { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("There are no team members so no match will start!", LogEventLevel.Fatal, _notifyService, result); return(result); } if (match.MatchSelectedSteamIdentities.Count > 0) { list = match.MatchSelectedSteamIdentities .Select(x => Strings.Trim(x.SteamIdentityId)).ToList(); } else if (listOfSteamIdentietiesWhichCanPlay.Count > 0) { list = listOfSteamIdentietiesWhichCanPlay.Select(x => Strings.Trim(x.SteamIdentityId)).ToList(); } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); //GetAllAdminsForTheMatch var mods = new List <string>(); //Todo what if the match is not team based? there are no mods or admins? mods = listOfSteamIdentietiesWhichCanPlay.Where(x => x.OverWriteRole == "Mod" || x.OverWriteRole == "Admin").Select(x => x.SteamIdentityId).ToList(); //Write whitelist and set server settings RconStatic.WriteFile(server.SshServer, server.ServerFolderPath + FilePaths.WhiteList, list.ToArray(), _notifyService); RconStatic.WriteFile(server.SshServer, server.ServerFolderPath + FilePaths.ModList, mods.ToArray(), _notifyService); RconStatic.WriteFile(server.SshServer, server.ServerFolderPath + FilePaths.BanList, Array.Empty <string>(), _notifyService); var oldSettings = new PavlovServerGameIni(); oldSettings.ReadFromFile(server, _notifyService); var serverSettings = new PavlovServerGameIni { bEnabled = true, ServerName = match.Name, MaxPlayers = match.PlayerSlots, bSecured = true, bCustomServer = true, bWhitelist = true, RefreshListTime = 120, LimitedAmmoType = 0, TickRate = 90, TimeLimit = match.TimeLimit, Password = "", BalanceTableURL = "", bVerboseLogging = true, bCompetitive = true, MapRotation = new List <PavlovServerGameIniMap> { new() { MapLabel = match.MapId, GameMode = match.GameMode } }, ApiKey = oldSettings.ApiKey }; var map = await _mapsService.FindOne(match.MapId.Replace("UGC", "")); serverSettings.SaveToFile(server, new[] { new ServerSelectedMap() { Map = map, GameMode = match.GameMode } }, _notifyService); await RconStatic.SystemDStart(server, _pavlovServerService); //StartWatchServiceForThisMatch match.Status = Status.StartetWaitingForPlayer; await Upsert(match); DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("Start backgroundjob", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); BackgroundJob.Enqueue( () => MatchInspector(match.Id)); // ChecjServerState }
/// <summary> /// Return back if the server should forceStop /// </summary> /// <param name="server"></param> /// <param name="match"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="CommandException"></exception> public async Task <bool> SShTunnelGetAllInfoFromPavlovServer(PavlovServer server, Match match = null) { var result = RconStatic.StartClient(server, out var client); var costumesToSet = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { client.Connect(); if (client.IsConnected) { var nextFreePort = RconStatic.GetAvailablePort(); var portToForward = nextFreePort; var portForwarded = new ForwardedPortLocal("", (uint)portToForward, "", (uint)server.TelnetPort); client.AddForwardedPort(portForwarded); portForwarded.Start(); using (var client2 = new Client("", portToForward, new CancellationToken())) { if (client2.IsConnected) { var password = await client2.ReadAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("Answer: " + password, LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); if (password.ToLower().Contains("password")) { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("start sending password!", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); await client2.WriteLine(server.TelnetPassword); DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("did send password and wait for auth", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); var auth = await client2.ReadAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("waited for auth get : " + auth, LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); if (auth.ToLower().Contains("authenticated=1")) { // it is authetificated var commandOne = "RefreshList"; var singleCommandResult1 = await RconStatic.SingleCommandResult(client2, commandOne); var playersList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlayerListClass>(singleCommandResult1); var steamIds = playersList?.PlayerList.Select(x => x.UniqueId); //Inspect PlayerList var commands = new List <string>(); if (steamIds != null) { foreach (var steamId in steamIds) { commands.Add("InspectPlayer " + steamId); } } var playerListRaw = new List <string>(); foreach (var command in commands) { var commandResult = await RconStatic.SingleCommandResult(client2, command); playerListRaw.Add(commandResult); } var playerListJson = string.Join(",", playerListRaw); playerListJson = "[" + playerListJson + "]"; var finsihedPlayerList = new List <PlayerModelExtended>(); var tmpPlayers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <PlayerModelExtendedRconModel> >( playerListJson, new JsonSerializerSettings { CheckAdditionalContent = false }); var steamIdentities = (await _steamIdentityService.FindAll()).ToList(); if (tmpPlayers != null) { foreach (var player in tmpPlayers) { player.PlayerInfo.Username = player.PlayerInfo.PlayerName; var identity = steamIdentities?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == player.PlayerInfo.UniqueId); if (identity != null && (identity.Costume != "None" || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(identity.Costume))) { if (server.Shack) { costumesToSet.Add(identity.OculusId, identity.Costume); } else { costumesToSet.Add(identity.Id, identity.Costume); } } } finsihedPlayerList = tmpPlayers.Select(x => x.PlayerInfo).ToList(); } var pavlovServerPlayerList = finsihedPlayerList.Select(x => { var player = new PavlovServerPlayer(); player.Username = x.Username; player.UniqueId = x.UniqueId; player.KDA = x.KDA; player.Cash = x.Cash; player.TeamId = x.TeamId; player.Score = x.Score; player.ServerId = server.Id; return(player); }).ToList(); var oldServerInfo = await _pavlovServerInfoService.FindServer(server.Id); //Todo maybe check if we lost a player its possible that we need that if allstats after the end of a match doesent give back all the player if some had a disconnect await _pavlovServerPlayerService.Upsert(pavlovServerPlayerList, server.Id); await _pavlovServerPlayerHistoryService.Upsert(pavlovServerPlayerList.Select(x => { var history = new PavlovServerPlayerHistory(); history.Username = x.Username; history.UniqueId = x.UniqueId; history.PlayerName = x.PlayerName; history.KDA = x.KDA; history.Cash = x.Cash; history.TeamId = x.TeamId; history.Score = x.Score; history.ServerId = x.ServerId; = DateTime.Now; return(history); }).ToList(), server.Id, 1); var singleCommandResultTwo = await RconStatic.SingleCommandResult(client2, "ServerInfo"); var tmp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerInfoViewModel>( singleCommandResultTwo.Replace("\"\"", "\"ServerInfo\"")); if (tmp == null || tmp.ServerInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp.ServerInfo.GameMode)) { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify( "Got the server info for the server: " + server.Name + "\n " + singleCommandResultTwo, LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); } tmp.ServerId = server.Id; var map = await _mapsService.FindOne(tmp.ServerInfo.MapLabel.Replace("UGC", "")); if (map != null) { tmp.ServerInfo.MapPictureLink = map.ImageUrl; } //Check of next round bool nextRound = oldServerInfo != null && oldServerInfo.MapLabel != tmp.ServerInfo.MapLabel; if (!nextRound && oldServerInfo != null && match is { Status : Status.OnGoing }) // more checks cause in a match the map is only one and will not trigger the first try { var gotResult1 = int.TryParse(oldServerInfo.Team0Score, out var oldTeam0Score); var gotResult2 = int.TryParse(oldServerInfo.Team1Score, out var oldTeam1Score); var gotResult3 = int.TryParse(tmp.ServerInfo.Team0Score, out var newTeam0Score); var gotResult4 = int.TryParse(tmp.ServerInfo.Team1Score, out var newTeam1Score); if (gotResult1 && gotResult2 && gotResult3 && gotResult4 && ( oldTeam0Score > newTeam0Score || oldTeam1Score > newTeam1Score) ) { nextRound = true; } } var round = oldServerInfo?.Round ?? 0; if (nextRound) { if (round == 999) { round = 0; // reset value that's why you have to use the nextRound bool down from here to know if its the next round } round++; } if (match is { Status : Status.OnGoing } && nextRound)
private async Task UpdateServerState(PavlovServer signleServer, bool withCheck) { var serverWithState = await GetServerServiceState(signleServer); await Upsert(serverWithState, withCheck); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SaveServer(PavlovServerViewModel server) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("Server", server)); } if (!await RightsHandler.HasRightsToThisPavlovServer(HttpContext.User, await _userservice.getUserFromCp(HttpContext.User), server.Id, _service, _pavlovServerService)) { return(Forbid()); } server.LiteDbUsers = (await _userservice.FindAll()).ToList(); server.Owner = (await _userservice.FindAll()) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == new ObjectId(server.LiteDbUserId)); var resultServer = new PavlovServer(); server.SshServer = await _service.FindOne(server.sshServerId); if (server.create) { // Duplicate Database entries check try { await _pavlovServerService.IsValidOnly(server, false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.SshServer.SshPassword)) { throw new ValidateException("Id", "Please add a sshPassword to the ssh user (Not root user). Sometimes the systems asks for the password even if the keyfile and passphrase is used."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.ServerFolderPath)) { throw new ValidateException("ServerFolderPath", "The server ServerFolderPath is needed!"); } if (!server.ServerFolderPath.EndsWith("/")) { throw new ValidateException("ServerFolderPath", "The server ServerFolderPath needs a / at the end!"); } if (!server.ServerFolderPath.StartsWith("/")) { throw new ValidateException("ServerFolderPath", "The server ServerFolderPath needs a / at the start!"); } if (server.ServerPort <= 0) { throw new ValidateException("ServerPort", "The server port is needed!"); } if (server.TelnetPort <= 0) { throw new ValidateException("TelnetPort", "The rcon port is needed!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.ServerSystemdServiceName)) { throw new ValidateException("ServerSystemdServiceName", "The server service name is needed!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.Name)) { throw new ValidateException("Name", "The Gui name is needed!"); } } catch (ValidateException e) { ModelState.AddModelError(e.FieldName, e.Message); return(await GoBackEditServer(server, "Field is not set: " + e.Message)); } if (server.SshKeyFileNameForm != null) { await using var ms = new MemoryStream(); await server.SshKeyFileNameForm.CopyToAsync(ms); var fileBytes = ms.ToArray(); server.SshKeyFileNameRoot = fileBytes; // act on the Base64 data } try { await _pavlovServerService.CreatePavlovServer(server); } catch (Exception e) { return(await GoBackEditServer(server, e.Message, true)); } } try { //save and validate server a last time resultServer = await _pavlovServerService.Upsert(server.toPavlovServer(server)); } catch (ValidateException e) { ModelState.AddModelError(e.FieldName, e.Message); return(await GoBackEditServer(server, "Could not validate server -> " + e.Message, server.create)); } if (ModelState.ErrorCount > 0) { return(await EditServer(server)); } if (server.create) { return(Redirect("/PavlovServer/EditServerSelectedMaps/" + resultServer.Id)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SshServer")); }
public static ServerBans CreatePavlovServerBans(ServerBansService serverBansService, PavlovServer pavlovServer) { serverBansService.Upsert( new ServerBans { SteamId = "test", SteamName = "test", BannedDateTime = DateTime.Now, BanSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1), Comment = "test", PavlovServer = pavlovServer }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return(serverBansService.FindOne(pavlovServer.Id).GetAwaiter().GetResult()); }
public async Task <List <string> > SteamIdentitiesToReturn(List <string> userdIds, PavlovServer server, List <SteamIdentity> steamIdentities, bool withInsert = true) { var steamIdentitiesToReturn = new List <string>(); foreach (var newId in userdIds) { var steamIdentity = steamIdentities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LiteDbUser?.Id == new ObjectId(newId)); if (steamIdentity != null) { var entry = new ServerSelectedMods { PavlovServer = server, LiteDbUser = steamIdentity.LiteDbUser }; if (server.Shack) { steamIdentitiesToReturn.Add(steamIdentity.OculusId); } else { steamIdentitiesToReturn.Add(steamIdentity.Id); } if (withInsert) { await Insert(entry); } } } return(steamIdentitiesToReturn); }
public async Task <int> DeleteFromServer(PavlovServer server) { return(await _liteDb.LiteDatabaseAsync.GetCollection <ServerSelectedMods>("ServerSelectedMods") .DeleteManyAsync(x => x.PavlovServer == server)); }
public async Task <ServerSelectedWhiteList[]> FindAllFrom(PavlovServer sshServer) { return((await _liteDb.LiteDatabaseAsync.GetCollection <ServerSelectedWhiteList>("ServerSelectedWhiteList") .Include(x => x.PavlovServer) .FindAsync(x => x.PavlovServer.Id == sshServer.Id)).ToArray()); }
public static Match CreateMatch(MatchService matchService, PavlovServer pavlovServer, bool teamMatch, TeamService teamService, SteamIdentityService steamIdentityService, UserManager <LiteDbUser> userManager, MatchSelectedSteamIdentitiesService matchSelectedSteamIdentitiesService, MatchSelectedTeamSteamIdentitiesService matchSelectedTeamSteamIdentitiesService) { var user = ServerSelectedModServiceTests.InsertUserAndSteamIdentity(steamIdentityService, userManager, "test"); var user2 = ServerSelectedModServiceTests.InsertUserAndSteamIdentity(steamIdentityService, userManager, "test2", "2"); var steamIdentity1 = steamIdentityService.FindOne(user.Id).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var steamIdentity2 = steamIdentityService.FindOne(user2.Id).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var team1 = TeamSelectedSteamIdentityServiceTest.CreateTeam(teamService); var team2 = TeamSelectedSteamIdentityServiceTest.CreateTeam(teamService, "test2"); if (teamMatch) { matchService.Upsert(new Match { Name = "Test", MapId = "null", GameMode = "TDM", ForceStart = false, ForceSop = false, TimeLimit = 40, PlayerSlots = 10, Team0 = team1, Team1 = team2, PavlovServer = pavlovServer, Status = Status.Preparing }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } else { matchService.Upsert(new Match { Name = "Test", MapId = "null", GameMode = "GUN", ForceStart = false, ForceSop = false, TimeLimit = 40, PlayerSlots = 10, Team0 = team1, PavlovServer = pavlovServer, Status = Status.Preparing }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } var match = matchService.FindAll().GetAwaiter().GetResult().FirstOrDefault(); if (teamMatch) { match.MatchTeam0SelectedSteamIdentities = new List <MatchTeamSelectedSteamIdentity> { new() { SteamIdentityId = steamIdentity1.Id, SteamIdentity = steamIdentity1, matchId = match.Id, TeamId = 0 } }; match.MatchTeam1SelectedSteamIdentities = new List <MatchTeamSelectedSteamIdentity> { new() { SteamIdentityId = steamIdentity2.Id, SteamIdentity = steamIdentity2, matchId = match.Id, TeamId = 1 } }; matchSelectedTeamSteamIdentitiesService.Upsert(match.MatchTeam0SelectedSteamIdentities, match.Id, 0) .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); matchSelectedTeamSteamIdentitiesService.Upsert(match.MatchTeam1SelectedSteamIdentities, match.Id, 1) .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } else { match.MatchSelectedSteamIdentities = new List <MatchSelectedSteamIdentity> { new() { SteamIdentityId = steamIdentity1.Id, SteamIdentity = steamIdentity1, matchId = match.Id }, new() { SteamIdentityId = steamIdentity2.Id, SteamIdentity = steamIdentity2, matchId = match.Id } }; matchSelectedSteamIdentitiesService.Upsert(match.MatchSelectedSteamIdentities, match.Id).GetAwaiter() .GetResult(); } matchService.Upsert(match); return(match); }
public virtual async Task <PavlovServer> ValidatePavlovServer(PavlovServer pavlovServer, bool root) { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("start validate", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); var hasToStop = false; await IsValidOnly(pavlovServer); DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("try to start service", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); //try if the service realy exist try { pavlovServer = await GetServerServiceState(pavlovServer); if (pavlovServer.ServerServiceState != { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("has to start", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); hasToStop = true; //the problem is here for the validating part if it has to start the service first it has problems await RconStatic.SystemDStart(pavlovServer, this); pavlovServer = await GetServerServiceState(pavlovServer); DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("state = " + pavlovServer.ServerServiceState, LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); } } catch (CommandException e) { throw new ValidateException(e.Message); } DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("try to send serverinfo", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); //try to send Command ServerInfo try { await RconStatic.SendCommandSShTunnel(pavlovServer, "ServerInfo", _notifyService); } catch (CommandException e) { await HasToStop(pavlovServer, hasToStop, root); throw new ValidateException(e.Message); } //try if the user have rights to delete maps cache try { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("delete unused maps", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); RconStatic.DeleteUnusedMaps(pavlovServer, (await _serverSelectedMapService.FindAllFrom(pavlovServer)).ToList()); } catch (CommandException e) { await HasToStop(pavlovServer, hasToStop, root); throw new ValidateException(e.Message); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pavlovServer.SshServer.ShackMapsPath)) { try { DataBaseLogger.LogToDatabaseAndResultPlusNotify("check if ShackMapsPath exist!", LogEventLevel.Verbose, _notifyService); RconStatic.DoesPathExist(pavlovServer, pavlovServer.SshServer.ShackMapsPath, _notifyService); } catch (CommandException e) { await HasToStop(pavlovServer, hasToStop, root); throw new ValidateException("ShackMapsPath does not exist: " + pavlovServer.SshServer.ShackMapsPath + "additional info:" + e.Message); } } await HasToStop(pavlovServer, hasToStop, root); return(pavlovServer); }