protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // set dataset message if (!hasInstitutionDataset) { NewPatientInstitution.Visible = true; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int protocolId = int.Parse(BaseProtocolId); // Get an auto-generate screening id ScreeningID.Value = PatientProtocolController.GenerateScreeningId().ToString(); // study id string autoStudyId = PatientProtocolController.GenerateStudyId(protocolId); StudyID.Value = autoStudyId; bool calculateStudyIdBySite = ProtocolMgmtUtil.GenerateStudyIdByOrganization(); // custom auto-generation if (calculateStudyIdBySite) { OrganizationStudyIds.Visible = true; StudyIdTooltip.Attributes["title"] = "An Id created to identify a patient on a study in the form: Site Id (2 digits) + Protocol Id (3 digits) + Incremental Patient Id (3 digits)"; // get associated Project (to select organizations) Protocol protocol = new Protocol(); protocol.Get(protocolId); string protocolNum = protocol[Protocol.ProtocolNum].ToString(); // get a list of associated organizations if (!protocol.IsNull(Protocol.ProjectId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocolNum)) { ProjectManagementDa da = new ProjectManagementDa(); int projectId = (int)protocol[Protocol.ProjectId]; // get a list of organizations associated with project var projectOrganizations = BusinessObject.GetByFields <Project_ProjectOrganization>(new Dictionary <string, object> { { Project_ProjectOrganization.ProjectId, projectId } }); // get a list of user's organizations int userId = new UserController().GetUserId(); DataTable userOrganizations = new UserDa().GetUserOrganizations(userId); var userOrganizationIds = userOrganizations.AsEnumerable().Select(r => (int)r["OrganizationId"]); // get the intersect of user's sites and lead sites var userLeadSites = from po in projectOrganizations let organizationType = po["OrganizationType"].ToString() let organizationId = (int)po[Project_ProjectOrganization.OrganizationId] where organizationType.Contains("Lead Site") join userOrgId in userOrganizationIds on organizationId equals userOrgId select userOrgId; // if user is part of a lead site, allow to select organization if (userLeadSites.Count() > 0) { // TODO: centralize call to get project organizations var organizations = da.GetAllOrganizationsByProjectId(projectId); // get a list of organizations and calculate study id per organization var organizationToStudyId = from row in organizations.AsEnumerable() let orgName = row["Name"].ToString() let orgId = (int)row["OrganizationId"] let isAssociated = userOrganizationIds.Contains(orgId) ? 0 : 1 orderby //isAssociated ascending, orgName ascending select new { OrganizationName = orgName, OrganizationId = orgId, OrganizationStudyId = GenerateStudyIdByOrganization(protocolId, protocolNum, orgId) }; OrganizationStudyIds.DataSource = organizationToStudyId; OrganizationStudyIds.DataBind(); // a list of insitutions where institution = organization in project var allInstitutions = from inst in BOL.BusinessObject.GetAll <Institution>() let institutionId = (int)inst[BOL.Institution.InstitutionId] let institutionName = inst[BOL.Institution.Institution_Field].ToString() select new { InstitutionId = institutionId, Institution = institutionName }; var orgs = from org in userOrganizations.AsEnumerable() select new { Name = org["Name"].ToString(), ShortName = org["ShortName"].ToString() }; // get institution where name matches an organization's name or short name var institutions = from inst in allInstitutions let institutionName = inst.Institution let organization = orgs.Where(org => org.Name == institutionName || org.ShortName == institutionName).FirstOrDefault() where organization != null select new { Text = organization.Name, Value = inst.InstitutionId }; // build institutions NewPatientInstitutionSelect.DataSource = institutions; NewPatientInstitutionSelect.DataBind(); // set default study id: user's organization // get user's site int userLeadSiteId = userLeadSites.First(); // get study id for user's site var userSites = organizationToStudyId.Where(o => o.OrganizationId == userLeadSiteId); autoStudyId = userSites.Count() == 1 ? userSites.First().OrganizationStudyId : ""; // update field and select OrganizationStudyIds.Value = autoStudyId; StudyID.Value = autoStudyId; } // show a list of all user's organizations else { if (userOrganizations.Rows.Count > 0) { string organizationName = userOrganizations.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); int organizationId = (int)userOrganizations.Rows[0]["OrganizationId"]; // a list of orgaizations associated with the project var organizations = from o in userOrganizations.AsEnumerable() let orgId = (int)o["OrganizationId"] select new { OrganizationName = o["Name"].ToString(), OrganizationId = orgId, OrganizationStudyId = GenerateStudyIdByOrganization(protocolId, protocolNum, orgId) }; // a list of insitutions where institution = organization in project var allInstitutions = from inst in BOL.BusinessObject.GetAll <Institution>() let institutionId = (int)inst[BOL.Institution.InstitutionId] let institutionName = inst[BOL.Institution.Institution_Field].ToString() select new { InstitutionId = institutionId, Institution = institutionName }; var orgs = from org in userOrganizations.AsEnumerable() select new { Name = org["Name"].ToString(), ShortName = org["ShortName"].ToString() }; // get institution where name matches an organization's name or short name var institutions = from inst in allInstitutions let institutionName = inst.Institution let organization = orgs.Where(org => org.Name == institutionName || org.ShortName == institutionName).FirstOrDefault() where organization != null select new { Text = organization.Name, Value = inst.InstitutionId }; // build organizations OrganizationStudyIds.DataSource = organizations; OrganizationStudyIds.DataBind(); // build institutions NewPatientInstitutionSelect.DataSource = institutions; NewPatientInstitutionSelect.DataBind(); autoStudyId = organizations.Count() == 1? organizations.First().OrganizationStudyId : ""; OrganizationStudyIds.Value = autoStudyId; //OrganizationStudyIds.Enabled = false; StudyID.Value = autoStudyId; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(autoStudyId)) { StudyIdError.Visible = true; } } // default screeing date //ScreeningDate.Value = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); PopulatePhysicians(); // set search by particpant id type SeachTypeParticipantID.Text = PROTOCOL_PARTICIPANT_ID_CODE; // default participant id field ParticipantIdField.Text = GetNextParticipantId(); // default radios and panel which can be seen by user DetermineUserSearchAccess(); } }