override protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        base.Page_Load(sender, e);

        valMsg.Text       = "";
        groupMessage.Text = "";
        AddBtn.ImageUrl   = "../Images/AdminImages/submit.gif";
        AddBtn.Width      = 65;
        AddBtn.Height     = 21;

        SelectPatientName.Attributes.Add("onchange", "this.form." + SelectSubmitted.ClientID + ".value = 'true'; this.form.submit();");

        if (Page.IsPostBack)
            //check if form is submitted from select box or to update password
            if (!Request.Form["SelectPatientName"].Equals("") && Request.Form["SelectSubmitted"] != null && Request.Form["SelectSubmitted"].Equals("true"))
            // Put user code to initialize the page here
            //don't use AdminUtil function because need username here
            if (Request.QueryString["firstLetter"] != null && Request.QueryString["firstLetter"].ToString().Length > 0)
                PatientDa das        = new PatientDa();
                string    searchTerm = Request.QueryString["firstLetter"].ToString() + "%";
                DataTable dt         = das.GetPatientsByLastName(searchTerm);

                DataView view = dt.DefaultView;
                view.Sort = "PatientName ASC";
                SelectPatientName.DataSource     = view;
                SelectPatientName.DataValueField = "PatientId";
                SelectPatientName.DataTextField  = "PatientName";
                SelectPatientName.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(""));

                SelectedLetter.Value = Request.QueryString["firstLetter"].ToString();
                SelectedLetter.Value = "";
            SelectInstitutionTable.Visible = false;
    }//end page_load