public void TestAbsoluteToRelativePath() { string rpath; rpath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative("/Users/user/source/Project", "/Users/user/Source/Project/Info.plist"); Assert.AreEqual("Info.plist", rpath, "#1"); }
protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands() { var args = new CommandLineArgumentBuilder(); if (Recursive) { args.Add("-r"); } if (Symlinks) { args.Add("-y"); } args.AddQuoted(OutputFile.GetMetadata("FullPath")); var root = WorkingDirectory.GetMetadata("FullPath"); for (int i = 0; i < Sources.Length; i++) { var relative = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(root, Sources[i].GetMetadata("FullPath")); args.AddQuoted(relative); } return(args.ToString()); }
public override bool Execute() { var pwd = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks(Environment.CurrentDirectory); if (WatchAppReferences.Length > 0) { WatchOS2AppBundle = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(pwd, PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks(WatchAppReferences[0].ItemSpec)); return(true); } return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); }
IEnumerable <ITaskItem> GetCompiledBundleResources(PDictionary output, string intermediateBundleDir) { var pwd = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks(Environment.CurrentDirectory); PDictionary dict; PArray array; if (output.TryGetValue(string.Format("{0}.compilation-results", ToolName), out dict) && dict.TryGetValue("output-files", out array)) { foreach (var path in array.OfType <PString> ().Select(x => x.Value)) { // don't include the generated plist files as BundleResources if (path.EndsWith("partial-info.plist", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { continue; } var vpath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(pwd, PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks(path)); var item = new TaskItem(vpath); // Note: the intermediate bundle dir functions as a top-level bundle dir var logicalName = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(intermediateBundleDir, path); if (logicalName.StartsWith("../OnDemandResources/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { logicalName = logicalName.Substring(3); var outputPath = Path.Combine(OutputPath, logicalName); item.SetMetadata("OutputPath", outputPath); } item.SetMetadata("LogicalName", logicalName); item.SetMetadata("Optimize", "false"); yield return(item); } } yield break; }
IEnumerable <ITaskItem> GetBundleResources(ITaskItem compiledItem) { var baseLogicalName = compiledItem.GetMetadata("LogicalName"); var baseDir = compiledItem.ItemSpec; // Note: Watch App storyboards will be compiled to something like Interface.storyboardc/Interface.plist, but // Interface.plist needs to be moved up 1 level (e.g. drop the "Interface.storyboardc"). // See for details if (IsWatchApp && baseLogicalName.EndsWith(".storyboardc", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { baseLogicalName = Path.GetDirectoryName(baseLogicalName); } foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(baseDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var rpath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(baseDir, Path.GetFullPath(path)); var bundleResource = new TaskItem(path); string logicalName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseLogicalName)) { logicalName = Path.Combine(baseLogicalName, rpath); } else { logicalName = rpath; } compiledItem.CopyMetadataTo(bundleResource); bundleResource.SetMetadata("LogicalName", logicalName); yield return(bundleResource); } yield break; }
public override bool Execute() { var intermediate = Path.Combine(IntermediateOutputPath, ToolName); var intermediateBundleDir = Path.Combine(intermediate, "bundle"); var intermediateCloneDir = Path.Combine(intermediate, "cloned-assets"); var manifest = new TaskItem(Path.Combine(intermediate, "asset-manifest.plist")); var bundleResources = new List <ITaskItem> (); var outputManifests = new List <ITaskItem> (); var catalogs = new List <ITaskItem> (); var unique = new HashSet <string> (); string bundleIdentifier = null; var knownSpecs = new HashSet <string> (); var clones = new HashSet <string> (); var items = new List <ITaskItem> (); var specs = new PArray(); Log.LogTaskName("ACTool"); Log.LogTaskProperty("AppManifest", AppManifest); Log.LogTaskProperty("DeviceModel", DeviceModel); Log.LogTaskProperty("DeviceOSVersion", DeviceOSVersion); Log.LogTaskProperty("EnableOnDemandResources", EnableOnDemandResources); Log.LogTaskProperty("ImageAssets", ImageAssets); Log.LogTaskProperty("IntermediateOutputPath", IntermediateOutputPath); Log.LogTaskProperty("IsWatchApp", IsWatchApp); Log.LogTaskProperty("OptimizePNGs", OptimizePNGs); Log.LogTaskProperty("OutputPath", OutputPath); Log.LogTaskProperty("ProjectDir", ProjectDir); Log.LogTaskProperty("ResourcePrefix", ResourcePrefix); Log.LogTaskProperty("SdkBinPath", SdkBinPath); Log.LogTaskProperty("SdkPlatform", SdkPlatform); Log.LogTaskProperty("SdkVersion", SdkVersion); switch (SdkPlatform) { case "iPhoneSimulator": case "iPhoneOS": case "MacOSX": case "WatchSimulator": case "WatchOS": case "AppleTVSimulator": case "AppleTVOS": break; default: Log.LogError("Unrecognized platform: {0}", SdkPlatform); return(false); } if (AppManifest != null) { try { plist = PDictionary.FromFile(AppManifest.ItemSpec); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, AppManifest.ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "{0}", ex.Message); return(false); } bundleIdentifier = plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier(); } for (int i = 0; i < ImageAssets.Length; i++) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, ImageAssets[i], !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionId)); // Ignore MacOS .DS_Store files... if (Path.GetFileName(vpath).Equals(".DS_Store", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } // get the parent (which will typically be .appiconset, .launchimage, .imageset, .iconset, etc) var catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath); // keep walking up the directory structure until we get to the .xcassets directory while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog) && Path.GetExtension(catalog) != ".xcassets") { catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(catalog); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog)) { Log.LogWarning(null, null, null, ImageAssets[i].ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Asset not part of an asset catalog: {0}", ImageAssets[i].ItemSpec); continue; } if (ImageAssets[i].GetMetadata("Link") != null) { // Note: if any of the files within a catalog are linked, we'll have to clone the *entire* catalog clones.Add(catalog); continue; } // filter out everything except paths containing a Contents.json file since our main processing loop only cares about these if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } items.Add(ImageAssets[i]); } // clone any *.xcassets dirs that need cloning if (clones.Count > 0) { if (Directory.Exists(intermediateCloneDir)) { Directory.Delete(intermediateCloneDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(intermediateCloneDir); items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ImageAssets.Length; i++) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, ImageAssets[i], !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionId)); var clone = false; ITaskItem item; // Ignore MacOS .DS_Store files... if (Path.GetFileName(vpath).Equals(".DS_Store", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } foreach (var catalog in clones) { if (vpath.Length > catalog.Length && vpath[catalog.Length] == '/' && vpath.StartsWith(catalog, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { clone = true; break; } } if (clone) { var src = ImageAssets[i].GetMetadata("FullPath"); if (!File.Exists(src)) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, src, 0, 0, 0, 0, "File not found: {0}", src); return(false); } var dest = Path.Combine(intermediateCloneDir, vpath); var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dest); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); File.Copy(src, dest, true); // filter out everything except paths containing a Contents.json file since our main processing loop only cares about these if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } item = new TaskItem(dest); ImageAssets[i].CopyMetadataTo(item); item.SetMetadata("Link", vpath); } else { // filter out everything except paths containing a Contents.json file since our main processing loop only cares about these if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } item = ImageAssets[i]; } items.Add(item); } } // Note: `items` contains only the Contents.json files at this point for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, items[i], !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionId)); var path = items[i].GetMetadata("FullPath"); // get the parent (which will typically be .appiconset, .launchimage, .imageset, .iconset, etc) var catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath); path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); // keep walking up the directory structure until we get to the .xcassets directory while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog) && Path.GetExtension(catalog) != ".xcassets") { catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(catalog); path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } if (unique.Add(catalog)) { var item = new TaskItem(path); item.SetMetadata("Link", catalog); catalogs.Add(item); } if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 7 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleIdentifier) && SdkPlatform != "WatchSimulator") { var text = File.ReadAllText(items[i].ItemSpec); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { continue; } var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(text) as JObject; if (json == null) { continue; } var properties = json.Property("properties"); if (properties == null) { continue; } var resourceTags = properties.Value.ToObject <JObject> ().Property("on-demand-resource-tags"); if (resourceTags == null || resourceTags.Value.Type != JTokenType.Array) { continue; } var tagArray = resourceTags.Value.ToObject <JArray> (); var tags = new HashSet <string> (); string hash; foreach (var tag in tagArray.Select(token => token.ToObject <string> ())) { tags.Add(tag); } var tagList = tags.ToList(); tagList.Sort(); var assetDir = AssetPackUtils.GetAssetPackDirectory(intermediate, bundleIdentifier, tagList, out hash); if (knownSpecs.Add(hash)) { var assetpack = new PDictionary(); var ptags = new PArray(); Directory.CreateDirectory(assetDir); for (int j = 0; j < tagList.Count; j++) { ptags.Add(new PString(tagList[j])); } assetpack.Add("bundle-id", new PString(string.Format("{0}.asset-pack-{1}", bundleIdentifier, hash))); assetpack.Add("bundle-path", new PString(Path.GetFullPath(assetDir))); assetpack.Add("tags", ptags); specs.Add(assetpack); } } } if (catalogs.Count == 0) { // There are no (supported?) asset catalogs return(true); } partialAppManifest = new TaskItem(Path.Combine(intermediate, "partial-info.plist")); if (specs.Count > 0) { outputSpecs = Path.Combine(intermediate, "output-specifications.plist"); specs.Save(outputSpecs, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(intermediateBundleDir); // Note: Compile() will set the PartialAppManifest property if it is used... if ((Compile(catalogs.ToArray(), intermediateBundleDir, manifest)) != 0) { return(false); } if (PartialAppManifest != null && !File.Exists(PartialAppManifest.GetMetadata("FullPath"))) { Log.LogError("Partial Info.plist file was not generated: {0}", PartialAppManifest.GetMetadata("FullPath")); } try { var manifestOutput = PDictionary.FromFile(manifest.ItemSpec); LogWarningsAndErrors(manifestOutput, catalogs[0]); bundleResources.AddRange(GetCompiledBundleResources(manifestOutput, intermediateBundleDir)); outputManifests.Add(manifest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError("Failed to load output manifest for {0} for the file {2}: {1}", ToolName, ex.Message, manifest.ItemSpec); } foreach (var assetpack in specs.OfType <PDictionary> ()) { var path = Path.Combine(assetpack.GetString("bundle-path").Value, "Info.plist"); var bundlePath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(intermediate, path); var outputPath = Path.Combine(OutputPath, bundlePath); var rpath = Path.Combine(intermediate, bundlePath); var dict = new PDictionary(); dict.SetCFBundleIdentifier(assetpack.GetString("bundle-id").Value); dict.Add("Tags", assetpack.GetArray("tags").Clone()); dict.Save(path, true, true); var item = new TaskItem(rpath); item.SetMetadata("LogicalName", bundlePath); item.SetMetadata("OutputPath", outputPath); item.SetMetadata("Optimize", "false"); bundleResources.Add(item); } BundleResources = bundleResources.ToArray(); OutputManifests = outputManifests.ToArray(); return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); }
public override bool Execute() { var intermediate = Path.Combine(IntermediateOutputPath, ToolName); var intermediateBundleDir = Path.Combine(intermediate, "bundle"); var intermediateCloneDir = Path.Combine(intermediate, "cloned-assets"); var manifest = new TaskItem(Path.Combine(intermediate, "asset-manifest.plist")); var bundleResources = new List <ITaskItem> (); var outputManifests = new List <ITaskItem> (); var catalogs = new List <ITaskItem> (); var unique = new HashSet <string> (); var knownSpecs = new HashSet <string> (); var clones = new HashSet <string> (); var items = new List <ITaskItem> (); var specs = new PArray(); if (AppManifest != null) { try { plist = PDictionary.FromFile(AppManifest.ItemSpec); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, AppManifest.ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "{0}", ex.Message); return(false); } } for (int i = 0; i < ImageAssets.Length; i++) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, ImageAssets[i], !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionId)); // Ignore MacOS .DS_Store files... if (Path.GetFileName(vpath).Equals(".DS_Store", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } // get the parent (which will typically be .appiconset, .launchimage, .imageset, .iconset, etc) var catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath); // keep walking up the directory structure until we get to the .xcassets directory while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog) && Path.GetExtension(catalog) != ".xcassets") { catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(catalog); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog)) { Log.LogWarning(null, null, null, ImageAssets[i].ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.W0090, ImageAssets[i].ItemSpec); continue; } if (ImageAssets[i].GetMetadata("Link") != null) { // Note: if any of the files within a catalog are linked, we'll have to clone the *entire* catalog clones.Add(catalog); continue; } // filter out everything except paths containing a Contents.json file since our main processing loop only cares about these if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } items.Add(ImageAssets[i]); } // clone any *.xcassets dirs that need cloning if (clones.Count > 0) { if (Directory.Exists(intermediateCloneDir)) { Directory.Delete(intermediateCloneDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(intermediateCloneDir); items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ImageAssets.Length; i++) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, ImageAssets[i], !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionId)); var clone = false; ITaskItem item; // Ignore MacOS .DS_Store files... if (Path.GetFileName(vpath).Equals(".DS_Store", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } foreach (var catalog in clones) { if (vpath.Length > catalog.Length && vpath[catalog.Length] == '/' && vpath.StartsWith(catalog, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { clone = true; break; } } if (clone) { var src = ImageAssets[i].GetMetadata("FullPath"); if (!File.Exists(src)) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, src, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.E0091, src); return(false); } var dest = Path.Combine(intermediateCloneDir, vpath); var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dest); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); File.Copy(src, dest, true); // filter out everything except paths containing a Contents.json file since our main processing loop only cares about these if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } item = new TaskItem(dest); ImageAssets[i].CopyMetadataTo(item); item.SetMetadata("Link", vpath); } else { // filter out everything except paths containing a Contents.json file since our main processing loop only cares about these if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } item = ImageAssets[i]; } items.Add(item); } } // Note: `items` contains only the Contents.json files at this point for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, items[i], !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionId)); var path = items[i].GetMetadata("FullPath"); // get the parent (which will typically be .appiconset, .launchimage, .imageset, .iconset, etc) var catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath); path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); // keep walking up the directory structure until we get to the .xcassets directory while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog) && Path.GetExtension(catalog) != ".xcassets") { catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(catalog); path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } if (unique.Add(catalog)) { var item = new TaskItem(path); item.SetMetadata("Link", catalog); catalogs.Add(item); } if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 7 && SdkPlatform != "WatchSimulator") { var text = File.ReadAllText(items[i].ItemSpec); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { continue; } JsonDocument json; JsonElement value; try { var options = new JsonDocumentOptions() { AllowTrailingCommas = true, }; json = JsonDocument.Parse(text, options); } catch (JsonException je) { var line = (int)(je.LineNumber + 1 ?? 0); var col = (int)(je.BytePositionInLine + 1 ?? 0); Log.LogError(null, null, null, items [i].ItemSpec, line, col, line, col, "{0}", je.Message); return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, items[i].ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.E0092, e.Message); return(false); } if (!json.RootElement.TryGetProperty("properties", out value) || value.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Object) { continue; } var properties = value; if (!properties.TryGetProperty("on-demand-resource-tags", out value) || value.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Array) { continue; } var resourceTags = value; var tags = new HashSet <string> (); string hash; foreach (var tag in resourceTags.EnumerateArray()) { if (tag.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.String) { tags.Add(tag.GetString()); } } var tagList = tags.ToList(); tagList.Sort(); var assetDir = AssetPackUtils.GetAssetPackDirectory(intermediate, BundleIdentifier, tagList, out hash); if (knownSpecs.Add(hash)) { var assetpack = new PDictionary(); var ptags = new PArray(); Directory.CreateDirectory(assetDir); for (int j = 0; j < tagList.Count; j++) { ptags.Add(new PString(tagList[j])); } assetpack.Add("bundle-id", new PString(string.Format("{0}.asset-pack-{1}", BundleIdentifier, hash))); assetpack.Add("bundle-path", new PString(Path.GetFullPath(assetDir))); assetpack.Add("tags", ptags); specs.Add(assetpack); } } } if (catalogs.Count == 0) { // There are no (supported?) asset catalogs return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); } partialAppManifest = new TaskItem(Path.Combine(intermediate, "partial-info.plist")); if (specs.Count > 0) { outputSpecs = Path.Combine(intermediate, "output-specifications.plist"); specs.Save(outputSpecs, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(intermediateBundleDir); // Note: Compile() will set the PartialAppManifest property if it is used... if ((Compile(catalogs.ToArray(), intermediateBundleDir, manifest)) != 0) { return(false); } if (PartialAppManifest != null && !File.Exists(PartialAppManifest.GetMetadata("FullPath"))) { Log.LogError(MSBStrings.E0093, PartialAppManifest.GetMetadata("FullPath")); } try { var manifestOutput = PDictionary.FromFile(manifest.ItemSpec); LogWarningsAndErrors(manifestOutput, catalogs[0]); bundleResources.AddRange(GetCompiledBundleResources(manifestOutput, intermediateBundleDir)); outputManifests.Add(manifest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError(MSBStrings.E0094, ToolName, manifest.ItemSpec, ex.Message); } foreach (var assetpack in specs.OfType <PDictionary> ()) { var path = Path.Combine(assetpack.GetString("bundle-path").Value, "Info.plist"); var bundlePath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(intermediate, path); var outputPath = Path.Combine(OutputPath, bundlePath); var rpath = Path.Combine(intermediate, bundlePath); var dict = new PDictionary(); dict.SetCFBundleIdentifier(assetpack.GetString("bundle-id").Value); dict.Add("Tags", assetpack.GetArray("tags").Clone()); dict.Save(path, true, true); var item = new TaskItem(rpath); item.SetMetadata("LogicalName", bundlePath); item.SetMetadata("OutputPath", outputPath); item.SetMetadata("Optimize", "false"); bundleResources.Add(item); } BundleResources = bundleResources.ToArray(); OutputManifests = outputManifests.ToArray(); return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); }
public override bool Execute() { var pwd = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks(Environment.CurrentDirectory); for (int i = 0; i < AppExtensionReferences.Length; i++) { var plist = PDictionary.FromFile(Path.Combine(AppExtensionReferences[i].ItemSpec, "Info.plist")); PString expectedBundleIdentifier, bundleIdentifier, extensionPoint; PDictionary extension, attributes; if (!plist.TryGetValue("NSExtension", out extension)) { continue; } if (!extension.TryGetValue("NSExtensionPointIdentifier", out extensionPoint)) { continue; } if (extensionPoint.Value != "") { continue; } // Okay, we've found the WatchKit App Extension... if (!extension.TryGetValue("NSExtensionAttributes", out attributes)) { continue; } if (!attributes.TryGetValue("WKAppBundleIdentifier", out expectedBundleIdentifier)) { continue; } // Scan the *.app subdirectories to find the WatchApp bundle... foreach (var bundle in Directory.GetDirectories(AppExtensionReferences[i].ItemSpec, "*.app")) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(bundle, "Info.plist"))) { continue; } plist = PDictionary.FromFile(Path.Combine(bundle, "Info.plist")); if (!plist.TryGetValue("CFBundleIdentifier", out bundleIdentifier)) { continue; } if (bundleIdentifier.Value != expectedBundleIdentifier.Value) { continue; } WatchOS1AppExtensionBundle = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(pwd, PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLinks(bundle)); return(true); } } return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); }
static bool IsWatchAppExtension(ITaskItem appex, PDictionary plist, out string watchAppBundleDir) { PString expectedBundleIdentifier, bundleIdentifier, extensionPoint; PDictionary extension, attributes; watchAppBundleDir = null; if (!plist.TryGetValue("NSExtension", out extension)) { return(false); } if (!extension.TryGetValue("NSExtensionPointIdentifier", out extensionPoint)) { return(false); } if (extensionPoint.Value != "") { return(false); } // Okay, we've found the WatchKit App Extension... if (!extension.TryGetValue("NSExtensionAttributes", out attributes)) { return(false); } if (!attributes.TryGetValue("WKAppBundleIdentifier", out expectedBundleIdentifier)) { return(false); } var pwd = PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLink(Environment.CurrentDirectory); // Scan the *.app subdirectories to find the WatchApp bundle... foreach (var bundle in Directory.GetDirectories(appex.ItemSpec, "*.app")) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(bundle, "Info.plist"))) { continue; } plist = PDictionary.FromFile(Path.Combine(bundle, "Info.plist")); if (!plist.TryGetValue("CFBundleIdentifier", out bundleIdentifier)) { continue; } if (bundleIdentifier.Value != expectedBundleIdentifier.Value) { continue; } watchAppBundleDir = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(pwd, PathUtils.ResolveSymbolicLink(bundle)); return(true); } return(false); }
string GetOutputPath(string path) { var rpath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(AppBundleDir, path); return(Path.Combine(IntermediateOutputPath, rpath)); }
public override bool Execute() { var intermediate = Path.Combine(IntermediateOutputPath, ToolName); var intermediateBundleDir = Path.Combine(intermediate, "bundle"); var manifest = new TaskItem(Path.Combine(intermediate, "asset-manifest.plist")); var bundleResources = new List <ITaskItem> (); var outputManifests = new List <ITaskItem> (); var catalogs = new List <ITaskItem> (); var unique = new HashSet <string> (); string bundleIdentifier = null; var knownSpecs = new HashSet <string> (); var specs = new PArray(); int rc; Log.LogTaskName("ACTool"); Log.LogTaskProperty("AppManifest", AppManifest); Log.LogTaskProperty("DeviceModel", DeviceModel); Log.LogTaskProperty("DeviceOSVersion", DeviceOSVersion); Log.LogTaskProperty("ImageAssets", ImageAssets); Log.LogTaskProperty("IntermediateOutputPath", IntermediateOutputPath); Log.LogTaskProperty("IsWatchApp", IsWatchApp); Log.LogTaskProperty("OptimizePNGs", OptimizePNGs); Log.LogTaskProperty("OutputPath", OutputPath); Log.LogTaskProperty("ProjectDir", ProjectDir); Log.LogTaskProperty("ResourcePrefix", ResourcePrefix); Log.LogTaskProperty("SdkBinPath", SdkBinPath); Log.LogTaskProperty("SdkPlatform", SdkPlatform); Log.LogTaskProperty("SdkVersion", SdkVersion); switch (SdkPlatform) { case "iPhoneSimulator": case "iPhoneOS": case "MacOSX": case "WatchSimulator": case "WatchOS": case "AppleTVSimulator": case "AppleTVOS": break; default: Log.LogError("Unrecognized platform: {0}", SdkPlatform); return(false); } if (AppManifest != null) { try { plist = PDictionary.FromFile(AppManifest.ItemSpec); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError(null, null, null, AppManifest.ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "{0}", ex.Message); return(false); } bundleIdentifier = plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier(); } foreach (var asset in ImageAssets) { var vpath = BundleResource.GetVirtualProjectPath(ProjectDir, asset); if (Path.GetFileName(vpath) != "Contents.json") { continue; } // get the parent (which will typically be .appiconset, .launchimage, .imageset, .iconset, etc) var catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(vpath); // keep walking up the directory structure until we get to the .xcassets directory while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog) && Path.GetExtension(catalog) != ".xcassets") { catalog = Path.GetDirectoryName(catalog); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog)) { Log.LogWarning(null, null, null, asset.ItemSpec, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Asset not part of an asset catalog: {0}", asset.ItemSpec); continue; } if (unique.Add(catalog)) { catalogs.Add(new TaskItem(catalog)); } if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion.Major >= 7 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bundleIdentifier) && SdkPlatform != "WatchSimulator") { var text = File.ReadAllText(asset.ItemSpec); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { continue; } var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(text) as JObject; if (json == null) { continue; } var properties = json.Property("properties"); if (properties == null) { continue; } var resourceTags = properties.Value.ToObject <JObject> ().Property("on-demand-resource-tags"); if (resourceTags == null || resourceTags.Value.Type != JTokenType.Array) { continue; } var tagArray = resourceTags.Value.ToObject <JArray> (); var tags = new HashSet <string> (); string hash; foreach (var tag in tagArray.Select(token => token.ToObject <string> ())) { tags.Add(tag); } var tagList = tags.ToList(); tagList.Sort(); var path = AssetPackUtils.GetAssetPackDirectory(intermediate, bundleIdentifier, tagList, out hash); if (knownSpecs.Add(hash)) { var assetpack = new PDictionary(); var ptags = new PArray(); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); for (int i = 0; i < tags.Count; i++) { ptags.Add(new PString(tagList[i])); } assetpack.Add("bundle-id", new PString(string.Format("{0}.asset-pack-{1}", bundleIdentifier, hash))); assetpack.Add("bundle-path", new PString(Path.GetFullPath(path))); assetpack.Add("tags", ptags); specs.Add(assetpack); } } } if (catalogs.Count == 0) { // There are no (supported?) asset catalogs return(true); } partialAppManifest = new TaskItem(Path.Combine(intermediate, "partial-info.plist")); if (specs.Count > 0) { outputSpecs = Path.Combine(intermediate, "output-specifications.plist"); specs.Save(outputSpecs, true); } var output = new TaskItem(intermediateBundleDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(intermediateBundleDir); // Note: Compile() will set the PartialAppManifest property if it is used... if ((rc = Compile(catalogs.ToArray(), output, manifest)) != 0) { if (File.Exists(manifest.ItemSpec)) { try { var log = PDictionary.FromFile(manifest.ItemSpec); LogWarningsAndErrors(log, catalogs[0]); } catch (FormatException) { Log.LogError("actool exited with code {0}", rc); } File.Delete(manifest.ItemSpec); } return(false); } if (PartialAppManifest != null && !File.Exists(PartialAppManifest.GetMetadata("FullPath"))) { Log.LogError("Partial Info.plist file was not generated: {0}", PartialAppManifest.GetMetadata("FullPath")); } try { var manifestOutput = PDictionary.FromFile(manifest.ItemSpec); LogWarningsAndErrors(manifestOutput, catalogs[0]); bundleResources.AddRange(GetCompiledBundleResources(manifestOutput, intermediateBundleDir)); outputManifests.Add(manifest); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError("Failed to load output manifest for {0} for the file {2}: {1}", ToolName, ex.Message, manifest.ItemSpec); } foreach (var assetpack in specs.OfType <PDictionary> ()) { var path = Path.Combine(assetpack.GetString("bundle-path").Value, "Info.plist"); var bundlePath = PathUtils.AbsoluteToRelative(intermediate, path); var outputPath = Path.Combine(OutputPath, bundlePath); var rpath = Path.Combine(intermediate, bundlePath); var dict = new PDictionary(); dict.SetCFBundleIdentifier(assetpack.GetString("bundle-id").Value); dict.Add("Tags", assetpack.GetArray("tags").Clone()); dict.Save(path, true, true); var item = new TaskItem(rpath); item.SetMetadata("LogicalName", bundlePath); item.SetMetadata("OutputPath", outputPath); item.SetMetadata("Optimize", "false"); bundleResources.Add(item); } BundleResources = bundleResources.ToArray(); OutputManifests = outputManifests.ToArray(); return(!Log.HasLoggedErrors); }