public void Wander(float deltaTime) { if (character.IsClimbing) { return; } //steer away from edges of the hull var currentHull = character.CurrentHull; if (currentHull != null) { float roomWidth = currentHull.Rect.Width; if (roomWidth < WallAvoidDistance * 4) { PathSteering.Reset(); } else { float leftDist = character.Position.X - currentHull.Rect.X; float rightDist = currentHull.Rect.Right - character.Position.X; if (leftDist < WallAvoidDistance && rightDist < WallAvoidDistance) { if (Math.Abs(rightDist - leftDist) > WallAvoidDistance / 2) { PathSteering.SteeringManual(deltaTime, Vector2.UnitX * Math.Sign(rightDist - leftDist)); } else { PathSteering.Reset(); } } else if (leftDist < WallAvoidDistance) { float speed = (WallAvoidDistance - leftDist) / WallAvoidDistance; PathSteering.SteeringManual(deltaTime, Vector2.UnitX * MathHelper.Clamp(speed, 0.25f, 1)); PathSteering.WanderAngle = 0.0f; } else if (rightDist < WallAvoidDistance) { float speed = (WallAvoidDistance - rightDist) / WallAvoidDistance; PathSteering.SteeringManual(deltaTime, -Vector2.UnitX * MathHelper.Clamp(speed, 0.25f, 1)); PathSteering.WanderAngle = MathHelper.Pi; } else { SteeringManager.SteeringWander(); } } } else { SteeringManager.SteeringWander(); } if (!character.AnimController.InWater) { //reset vertical steering to prevent dropping down from platforms etc character.AIController.SteeringManager.ResetY(); } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (PathSteering == null) { return; } //don't keep dragging others when idling if (character.SelectedCharacter != null) { character.DeselectCharacter(); } if (!character.IsClimbing) { character.SelectedConstruction = null; } bool currentTargetIsInvalid = currentTarget == null || IsForbidden(currentTarget) || (PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath.Nodes.Any(n => HumanAIController.UnsafeHulls.Contains(n.CurrentHull))); if (currentTargetIsInvalid || (currentTarget == null && IsForbidden(character.CurrentHull))) { newTargetTimer = 0; standStillTimer = 0; } if (character.AnimController.InWater || character.IsClimbing) { standStillTimer = 0; } if (newTargetTimer <= 0.0f) { currentTarget = FindRandomHull(); if (currentTarget != null) { string errorMsg = null; #if DEBUG bool isRoomNameFound = currentTarget.RoomName != null; errorMsg = "(Character " + character.Name + " idling, target " + (isRoomNameFound ? currentTarget.RoomName : currentTarget.ToString()) + ")"; #endif var path = PathSteering.PathFinder.FindPath(character.SimPosition, currentTarget.SimPosition, errorMsg); PathSteering.SetPath(path); } newTargetTimer = currentTarget != null && character.AnimController.InWater ? newTargetIntervalMin : Rand.Range(newTargetIntervalMin, newTargetIntervalMax); } newTargetTimer -= deltaTime; //wander randomly // - if reached the end of the path // - if the target is unreachable // - if the path requires going outside if (SteeringManager != PathSteering || (PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && (PathSteering.CurrentPath.NextNode == null || PathSteering.CurrentPath.Unreachable || PathSteering.CurrentPath.HasOutdoorsNodes))) { standStillTimer -= deltaTime; if (standStillTimer > 0.0f) { walkDuration = Rand.Range(walkDurationMin, walkDurationMax); PathSteering.Reset(); return; } if (standStillTimer < -walkDuration) { standStillTimer = Rand.Range(standStillMin, standStillMax); } Wander(deltaTime); return; } if (currentTarget != null) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringSeek(currentTarget.SimPosition); } }
protected override void Act(float deltaTime) { if (PathSteering == null) { return; } //don't keep dragging others when idling if (character.SelectedCharacter != null) { character.DeselectCharacter(); } if (!character.IsClimbing) { character.SelectedConstruction = null; } bool currentHullForbidden = IsForbidden(character.CurrentHull); if (!currentHullForbidden && !character.AnimController.InWater && !character.IsClimbing && HumanAIController.ObjectiveManager.WaitTimer > 0) { SteeringManager.Reset(); return; } bool currentTargetIsInvalid = currentTarget == null || IsForbidden(currentTarget) || (PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && PathSteering.CurrentPath.Nodes.Any(n => HumanAIController.UnsafeHulls.Contains(n.CurrentHull))); if (currentTargetIsInvalid || (currentTarget == null && currentHullForbidden)) { newTargetTimer = 0; standStillTimer = 0; } else if (character.IsClimbing) { if (currentTarget == null) { newTargetTimer = 0; } else { // Don't allow new targets when climbing. newTargetTimer = Math.Max(newTargetIntervalMin, newTargetTimer); } } else if (character.AnimController.InWater) { if (currentTarget == null) { newTargetTimer = 0; } } if (newTargetTimer <= 0.0f) { if (!searchingNewHull) { //find all available hulls first FindTargetHulls(); searchingNewHull = true; return; } else if (targetHulls.Count > 0) { //choose a random available hull var randomHull = ToolBox.SelectWeightedRandom(targetHulls, hullWeights, Rand.RandSync.Unsynced); bool isCurrentHullOK = !HumanAIController.UnsafeHulls.Contains(character.CurrentHull) && !IsForbidden(character.CurrentHull); if (isCurrentHullOK) { // Check that there is no unsafe or forbidden hulls on the way to the target // Only do this when the current hull is ok, because otherwise the would block all paths from the current hull to the target hull. var path = PathSteering.PathFinder.FindPath(character.SimPosition, randomHull.SimPosition); if (path.Unreachable || path.Nodes.Any(n => HumanAIController.UnsafeHulls.Contains(n.CurrentHull) || IsForbidden(n.CurrentHull))) { //can't go to this room, remove it from the list and try another room next frame int index = targetHulls.IndexOf(randomHull); targetHulls.RemoveAt(index); hullWeights.RemoveAt(index); PathSteering.Reset(); return; } } currentTarget = randomHull; searchingNewHull = false; } if (currentTarget != null) { character.AIController.SelectTarget(currentTarget.AiTarget); string errorMsg = null; #if DEBUG bool isRoomNameFound = currentTarget.RoomName != null; errorMsg = "(Character " + character.Name + " idling, target " + (isRoomNameFound ? currentTarget.RoomName : currentTarget.ToString()) + ")"; #endif var path = PathSteering.PathFinder.FindPath(character.SimPosition, currentTarget.SimPosition, errorMsg); PathSteering.SetPath(path); } newTargetTimer = currentTarget != null && character.AnimController.InWater ? newTargetIntervalMin : Rand.Range(newTargetIntervalMin, newTargetIntervalMax); } newTargetTimer -= deltaTime; //wander randomly // - if reached the end of the path // - if the target is unreachable // - if the path requires going outside if (!character.IsClimbing) { if (SteeringManager != PathSteering || (PathSteering.CurrentPath != null && (PathSteering.CurrentPath.NextNode == null || PathSteering.CurrentPath.Unreachable || PathSteering.CurrentPath.HasOutdoorsNodes))) { if (!character.AnimController.InWater) { standStillTimer -= deltaTime; if (standStillTimer > 0.0f) { walkDuration = Rand.Range(walkDurationMin, walkDurationMax); PathSteering.Reset(); return; } if (standStillTimer < -walkDuration) { standStillTimer = Rand.Range(standStillMin, standStillMax); } } Wander(deltaTime); return; } } if (currentTarget != null) { character.AIController.SteeringManager.SteeringSeek(currentTarget.SimPosition); } }