public void should_ignore_empty_or_null_string()
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title       = null;

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(""));
        public void should_ignore_empty_or_null_string()
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title = null;

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(""));
        public void should_remove_multiple_dashes()
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title       = "one-two-three--four--five and a six--seven--eight-nine------ten";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "onetwothreefourfive-and-a-sixseveneightnineten";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_replace_reserved_characters_combined_with_spaces()
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title       = "this is my title?!! /r/science/ and #firstworldproblems :* :sadface=true";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "this-is-my-title-rscience-and-firstworldproblems-sadfacetrue";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_replace_whitespace_with_dashes_and_clean_dashes_and_punctuation()
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title       = "this is my title - and some \t\t\t\t\n   clever; (piece) of text here: [ok].";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "this-is-my-title-and-some-clever-piece-of-text-here-ok";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_not_remove_non_ascii_characters()
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title       = "विकी";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "Děkujemeविकीвики-движка";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(title));
        public void should_remove_non_letters_and_digits()
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title       = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_remove_multiple_dashes()
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title = "one-two-three--four--five and a six--seven--eight-nine------ten";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "onetwothreefourfive-and-a-sixseveneightnineten";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_not_remove_non_ascii_characters()
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title = "विकी";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "Děkujemeविकीвики-движка";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(title));
        public void should_remove_dashes(string character)
            // Arrange
            var    urlSqueezer       = new PathSqueezer();
            string manyCharactersWow = new String(character[0], 10);
            string title             = string.Format("testing {0} some of {0} these {0}", manyCharactersWow);

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "testing-some-of-these-";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_remove_dashes(string character)
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string manyCharactersWow = new String(character[0], 10);
            string title = string.Format("testing {0} some of {0} these {0}", manyCharactersWow);

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "testing-some-of-these-";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_remove_non_letters_and_digits()
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_replace_whitespace_with_dashes_and_clean_dashes_and_punctuation()
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title = "this is my title - and some \t\t\t\t\n   clever; (piece) of text here: [ok].";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "this-is-my-title-and-some-clever-piece-of-text-here-ok";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));
        public void should_replace_reserved_characters_combined_with_spaces()
            // Arrange
            var urlSqueezer = new PathSqueezer();
            string title = "this is my title?!! /r/science/ and #firstworldproblems :* :sadface=true";

            // Act
            string actualPath = urlSqueezer.Squeeze(title);

            // Assert
            string expectedPath = "this-is-my-title-rscience-and-firstworldproblems-sadfacetrue";

            Assert.That(actualPath, Is.EqualTo(expectedPath));