예제 #1
        //modified pathfinding... assume that agent can path through destructible walls
        //and simply calc path
        public Coords calcWallToDestroy(Coords from, Coords destination)
            //path to destination, counting destructible walls as pathable
            PathPlan pathPlan = new PathPlan (this.gs);
            Graph g = pathPlan.mapQuantization (this.isBombPassable, true);
            List<Coords> path = pathPlan.calculateMovementPlan (g, from, destination);

            if ((path.Count == 0) && isBombPassable) {
                Console.WriteLine("MAP FAIL!"); //TODO JDP ????
                this.cannotExecuteStrategy = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) {
            //foreach (Coords coord in path) {
                Coords coord = path[i];
                //first destructible wall encountered on path is the target
                LocationData datum = this.gs.GetLocationData (coord);
                if (datum.HasDestructibleWall ()) {
                    Console.WriteLine("BlowUpWall found wall to blow up: " + coord);
                    //find previous coord
                    if (i-1 < 0) { //case where we can't move anywhere but we can blow up ourselves and a wall!
                        return from;
                    } else {
                        Coords bombDropCoord = path[i-1];
                        return bombDropCoord;


            return null;
예제 #2
        public Action[] GetMoves()
            getMovesCalled = true;

            this.allAICanPath = true;

            Coords player = this.gs.GetAgentCoords (0);
            Action[] moves = new Action[this.gs.NumberAIBombermen];

            PathPlan pathPlan = new PathPlan (this.gs);
            //Graph g = pathPlan.mapQuantization (true, false); //always use true here... otherwise AI can get stuck repeatedly dropping bombs (and won't move due to bombs)
            Graph g = pathPlan.mapQuantization (this.isBombPassable, false); //always use true here... otherwise AI can get stuck repeatedly dropping bombs (and won't move due to bombs)

            for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) {

                Coords aiBotCoords = this.gs.GetAgentCoords (i + 1);

                //1. Check if we have open path to player... if so, we're done for this bot
                List<Coords> path = pathPlan.calculateMovementPlan (g, aiBotCoords, player);
                if (path.Count > 0) {
                    continue; //go to next bot...

                this.allAICanPath = false;
                //2. If not done, check if we have path through destructible walls (should always have this given valid map)
                Coords wallCoords = calcWallToDestroy (aiBotCoords, player);

                //3. Path to the first destructible wall using regular pathing
                if (wallCoords != null) {
                    Console.WriteLine("BlowUpWall pathing to wall " + wallCoords);
                    path = pathPlan.calculateMovementPlan (g, aiBotCoords, wallCoords);
                    if (path.Count > 0) {
                        //4. Add first move on that path
                        moves [i] = MovementUtil.getMovementActionType(aiBotCoords, path[0]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Found move " + moves[i] + " for ai bot " + i+1 + " to blow up wall " + wallCoords);
                    } else {
                        moves[i] = new Action(Action.ActionType.BOMB);


            return moves;
예제 #3
            public Coords findChokePoint(bool isBombPassable, BomberAgent owner)
                //calc path from player to AI agent
                //walk the path, looking for any "choke point" tiles, defined as
                //a tile with exactly 2 adjacent accessible points, and those two are the previous
                //and next coords on the path
                PathPlan pathPlan = new PathPlan (this.gs);
                Graph g = pathPlan.mapQuantization (this.isBombPassable, false);
                Coords playerCoord = this.gs.GetAgentCoords (0); //player

                Coords aiCoord = this.gs.GetAgentCoords (owner.AgentId + 1);
                List<Coords> path = pathPlan.calculateMovementPlan (g, playerCoord, aiCoord);
                if (path.Count > 2) { //need path of length 3 to identify choke points

                    //found a path, so test for choke point
                    for (int i = 1; i < path.Count-1; i++) {
                        Coords coord = path [i];
                        List<Coords> adj = this.gs.GetAdjacentAccessibleTiles (coord.getTileNum (), this.isBombPassable, false);
                        if (adj.Count != 2) {

                        Console.WriteLine("found candidate..." + coord);

                        bool found = true;
                        if ((!adj [0].Equals (path [i - 1]) && (!adj [0].Equals (path [i + 1])))) {
                            found = false;
                        if ((!adj [1].Equals (path [i - 1]) && (!adj [1].Equals (path [i + 1])))) {
                            found = false;
                        if (found) {
                            Console.WriteLine("found choke point!!");
                            return coord;



                return null;
예제 #4
        public Action[] GetMoves()
            getMovesCalled = true;
            this.allSafe = true;

            Action[] moves = new Action[this.gs.NumberAIBombermen];

            for (int i = 0; i < moves.Length; i++) {
                Coords botCoords = this.gs.GetAgentCoords (i + 1);
                bool shouldMove = this.gs.isOnExplosionPath (botCoords);
                if (shouldMove) {
                    this.allSafe = false;
                    //find a safe spot to move to...
                    List<Coords> visited = new List<Coords> ();
                    visited.Add (botCoords);
                    Func<Coords, Coords, bool> isSafe = delegate(Coords coords, Coords from) {
                        return (!this.gs.isOnExplosionPath (coords));
                    Coords safeCoords = Searches.greedyCoordsSearch (this.gs, botCoords, isSafe, true, visited); //isBombPassable true in case we're surrounded... search for a safe location nearby!
                    if (safeCoords != null) {
                        //move there...
                        PathPlan pathPlan = new PathPlan (this.gs);
                        Graph g = pathPlan.mapQuantization (true, false);
                        List<Coords> path = pathPlan.calculateMovementPlan (g, botCoords, safeCoords);
                        if (path.Count > 0) {
                            Coords[] pathCoords = path.ToArray ();
                            Action move = MovementUtil.getMovementActionType (botCoords, pathCoords [0]);
                            moves [i] = move;
                        } else {
                            //C'est la vie!

            return moves;
예제 #5
 void GetPath(Message message)
     path        = (PathPlan)message;
     check_topic = true;