public ActionResult ChangePassword(ChangeOldPasswordViewModel suvm) { var PwdHashing = new PasswordHashing(); string emailAddress = Session["Username"].ToString(); var chkUser = (from l in db.Users where l.UserEmail == emailAddress select l).FirstOrDefault(); if (chkUser != null) { try { var decriptPwd = PwdHashing.Encrypt(suvm.UserPassword); chkUser.UserPassword = decriptPwd; chkUser.UserConfirmPassword = decriptPwd; db.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "success"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your password reset was successful!"); } catch (Exception) { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "password reset was not successful, please try again!"); } } else { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Email address does not exist!"); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult ForgetSecurityAnswer(string emailAddress) { var chkUser = (from l in db.Users where l.UserEmail == emailAddress select l).FirstOrDefault(); if (chkUser != null) { StringBuilder buffer; try { String pin = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); buffer = new StringBuilder(pin); buffer.Length = 8; var newSecurityAnswer = buffer.ToString().ToUpper(); var decriptPwd = PwdHashing.Encrypt(newSecurityAnswer); chkUser.SecurityAnswer = decriptPwd; //chkUser.UserConfirmPassword = decriptPwd; db.SaveChanges(); ProcessEmail(newSecurityAnswer, chkUser.UserEmail, chkUser.UserFirstName, chkUser.UserLastName); ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "success"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Security answer reset was successful, a new security answer has been sent to your email address!"); } catch (Exception) { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Security answer was not successful, please contact the admin!"); } } else { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Email address does not exist!"); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult SignUp([Bind(Include = "UserID,UserFirstName,UserLastName,UserAddress1,UserAddress2,CountryID,UserStateList,UserCity,UserEmail, " + " UserPassword,UserConfirmPassword,SecurityQuestionIDList,SecurityAnswer,UserPhone,CreatedOn,Gender,IsDeleted,UserRole")] SignUpViewModel suvm, string lga, string State, string terms, string txtState, string txtCity) { try { ViewBag.StateId = new SelectList(db.States, "StateID", "StateName"); string termsAndCondition = (terms == "yes") ? "Agreed" : "Not Agreed"; //var state = (txtState != "") ? txtState : State; string state = ""; var lga3 = (txtCity != "") ? txtCity : lga; if (txtState != "") { state = txtState; } else { int enteredStateID = Convert.ToInt32(State); var stateID = (from st in db.States where (st.StateID == enteredStateID) select st).FirstOrDefault(); state = stateID.StateName; } var activationID = Guid.NewGuid(); var encriptPwd = new PasswordHashing(); if (termsAndCondition == "Agreed") { // string sexGender = suvm.Gender; int sqs = suvm.SecurityQuestionIDList.Value; var itemCollections = new User { UserLastName = suvm.UserLastName, UserFirstName = suvm.UserFirstName, UserAddress1 = suvm.UserAddress1, UserAddress2 = suvm.UserAddress2, UserState = state.ToString(), UserCity = lga3, UserEmail = suvm.UserEmail, UserPassword = encriptPwd.Encrypt(suvm.UserPassword), UserConfirmPassword = encriptPwd.Encrypt(suvm.UserConfirmPassword), SecurityQuestionID = Convert.ToInt16(suvm.SecurityQuestionIDList), SecurityAnswer = encriptPwd.Encrypt(suvm.SecurityAnswer), UserPhone = suvm.UserPhone, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, GenderID = suvm.Gender.Value, IsDeleted = false, CountryID = suvm.CountryID, UserRole = suvm.UserRole, IsActivated = false, ActivationID = activationID, }; var uir = new UsersInRole { UserID = suvm.UserID, RoleID = Convert.ToInt32(suvm.UserRole) }; LoadDropDownList(); var chkExistingEmail = (from l in db.Users where l.UserEmail == suvm.UserEmail select l).FirstOrDefault(); if (chkExistingEmail == null) { try { string newActivationID = activationID.ToString(); itemCollections.UsersInRoles.Add(uir); db.Users.Add(itemCollections); db.SaveChanges(); EmailNotification.ProcessEmailForAccountActivation(suvm.UserEmail, suvm.UserFirstName, suvm.UserLastName, newActivationID, suvm.UserEmail); LoadDropDownList(); ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "success"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "Record Saved Successfully, an activation link has been sent to your inbox, kindly activate your account so you will be able to login!"); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); } } else { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "This email address has already been used, enter a different email address!"); LoadDropDownList(); return(View()); } } if (termsAndCondition == "Not Agreed") { ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info"; ModelState.AddModelError("", "You must agree to our terms and conditions before submitting the form"); LoadDropDownList(); return(View()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); return(View()); } return(View()); }