예제 #1
        public DispositionReport DiscardAuthToken(DiscardAuthToken dat)
            DispositionReport dr = new DispositionReport();

                if ((Config.GetInt("Security.AuthenticationMode") == (int)AuthenticationMode.Passport))
                    PassportAuthenticator authenticator = new PassportAuthenticator();
                    authenticator.Authenticate(dat.AuthInfo, Config.GetInt("Security.TimeOut"));

                    // Call to the database to update the user status to logged off.
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("ADM_setPublisherStatus", ConnectionManager.GetConnection());

                    cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction();
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@publisherStatus", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.PublisherStatus)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

                    SqlParameterAccessor paramacc = new SqlParameterAccessor(cmd.Parameters);
                    paramacc.SetString("@PUID", Context.User.ID);
                    paramacc.SetString("@publisherStatus", "loggedOut");
            catch (Exception e)

예제 #2
        // What follows is the logic for selection of the authentication algorithm
        // Enjoy boys and girls
        //	    Bit 3 - Anonymous User
        //	     Bit 2 - UDDI Authentication Mode
        //	      Bit 1 - Windows Authentication Mode
        //		   Bit 0 - Ticket Present
        //         |
        //		   |		Authentication Module Used
        //		0000		X
        //		0001		X
        //		0010		Windows
        //		0011		Exception ( UDDI authentication turned off )
        //		0100		UDDI ( will fail authentication due to invalid credentials )
        //		0101		UDDI
        //		0110		Windows
        //		0111		UDDI
        //		1000		X
        //		1001		X
        //		1010		Exception UDDI authentication turned off
        //		1011		Exception ""
        //		1100		UDDI ( will fail authentication due to invalid credentials )
        //		1101		UDDI
        //		1110		UDDI ( will fail authentication due to invalid credentials )
        //		1111		UDDI
        // Reduction Work
        // A - Anonymous User
        // B - UDDI Authentication Mode
        // C - Windows Authentication Mode
        // D - Ticket Present
        // Key
        //		e - throw exception invalid configuration
        //		x - invalid state
        //      w - windows authentication
        //		u - uddi authentication
        //		CD
        //	AB	00 01 11 10
        //	00  x  x  e  w
        //	01  u  u  u  w
        //	11  u  u  u  u
        //	10  x  x  e  e
        // if( !A && C && !D )
        //		w - windows authentication
        // else if( B )
        //		u - uddi authentication
        // else
        //		throw exception

        private void Authenticate(SoapMessage message)

            IAuthenticateable authenticate = (IAuthenticateable)message.GetInParameterValue(0);
            //WindowsIdentity identity = (WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
            IIdentity identity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
            int       mode     = Config.GetInt("Security.AuthenticationMode", (int)AuthenticationMode.Both);

            if (mode == (int)AuthenticationMode.Passport)
                if (identity is PassportIdentity)
                    string ticket = authenticate.AuthInfo.Trim();

                    // Authentication the user using the attached passport ticket
                    PassportAuthenticator pa = new PassportAuthenticator();
                    pa.Authenticate(ticket, Config.GetInt("Security.TimeOut", 60));
                    throw new UDDIException(ErrorType.E_fatalError,
                Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Authenticated user: using Passport based authentication Identity is " + identity.Name);
            else if (!((WindowsIdentity)identity).IsAnonymous &&
                     ((mode & (int)AuthenticationMode.Windows) != 0) &&
                /* 0X10 Case */
                // Authenticate the user using the currently impersonated credentials
                WindowsAuthenticator wa = new WindowsAuthenticator();
                wa.Authenticate(authenticate.AuthInfo, Config.GetInt("Security.TimeOut", 60));

                Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Authenticated user: using Windows based authentication Identity is " + identity.Name);
            else if ((mode & (int)AuthenticationMode.Uddi) != 0)
                /* X1XX Case for leftovers */
                // If windows authentication is turned off or the
                Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Anonymous user: using UDDI authentication");

                // Authenticate the user using the authToken
                UDDIAuthenticator ua = new UDDIAuthenticator();
                ua.Authenticate(authenticate.AuthInfo, Config.GetInt("Security.TimeOut", 60));
                // Throw exception for the rest
                throw new UDDIException(UDDI.ErrorType.E_unsupported,

            // Check to make sure the authenticated user has publisher credentials

            // The server can be configured for automatic registration of publishers with credentials
            if (!Context.User.IsRegistered)
                if (1 == Config.GetInt("Security.AutoRegister", 0))
                    // Mark the user as verified.
                    Context.User.TrackPassport = false;
                    Context.User.Verified      = true;

                    throw new UDDIException(UDDI.ErrorType.E_unknownUser,

            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Windows Identity is " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name);
            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Thread Identity is " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name);
            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "HttpContext Identity is " + identity.Name);
            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "IsAdministrator = " + Context.User.IsAdministrator);
            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "IsCoordinator = " + Context.User.IsCoordinator);
            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "IsPublisher = " + Context.User.IsPublisher);
            Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "IsUser = " + Context.User.IsUser);
예제 #3
        public AuthToken GetAuthToken(GetAuthToken gat)
            AuthToken at = new AuthToken();

                // XX-SECURITY: Review the value here in the case where we use
                // XX-this with a web.config with Authentication set to None or Passport
                // NOW:	We now Get a Generic Identity.  If the AuthenticationMode is AuthenticationMode.Passport (8),
                //		we make sure the Identity is a PassportIdentity, then we authenticate.  If AuthenticationMode
                //		is Not set to AuthenticationMode.Passport, then process it as a WindowsIdentity.

                IIdentity identity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;

                int mode = Config.GetInt("Security.AuthenticationMode", (int)AuthenticationMode.Both);
                if (((int)AuthenticationMode.Passport) == mode)
                    if (identity is PassportIdentity)
                        Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Generating credentials for Passport based authentication Identity is " + gat.UserID);

                        PassportAuthenticator pa = new PassportAuthenticator();

                        // Get a Passport ticket for this user.
                        if (!pa.GetAuthenticationInfo(gat.UserID, gat.Cred, out at.AuthInfo))
                            // throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_unknownUser, "User failed authentication." ) ;
                            throw new UDDIException(ErrorType.E_unknownUser, "USER_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION");

                        // We need to extract the PUID from the ticket and put it into our Context.UserInfo.ID; a
                        // successfull call to Authenticate will do all of this.
                        if (!pa.Authenticate(at.AuthInfo, UDDI.Constants.Passport.TimeWindow))
                            throw new UDDIException(ErrorType.E_unknownUser, "UDDI_ERROR_USER_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION");

                        // Make sure this Passport user has registered with our UDDI site as a publisher.
                        if (!Context.User.IsVerified)
                            // throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_unknownUser, "Not a valid publisher." ) ;
                            throw new UDDIException(ErrorType.E_unknownUser, "UDDI_ERROR_NOT_A_VALID_PUBLISHER");
#if never
                        throw new UDDIException(ErrorType.E_fatalError,
                                                "CONFIGURATION ERROR:  Passport Identity Expected.  \r\n" +
                                                "You are currently running in Passport Authentication Mode. \r\n" +
                                                "Check your web.config for the <authentication mode=\"Passport\" /> entry and try again.");

                        throw new UDDIException(ErrorType.E_fatalError, "UDDI_ERROR_PASSPORT_CONFIGURATION_ERROR");

                // SECURITY: Check to make sure the password is blank too
                else if (!((WindowsIdentity)identity).IsAnonymous &&
                         ((mode & (int)AuthenticationMode.Windows) != 0) &&
                    Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Generating credentials for Windows based authentication Identity is " + identity.Name);
                    WindowsAuthenticator wa = new WindowsAuthenticator();
                    wa.GetAuthenticationInfo(gat.UserID, gat.Cred, out at.AuthInfo);
                else if ((mode & (int)AuthenticationMode.Uddi) != 0)
                    Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Generating credentials for UDDI based authentication");
                    UDDIAuthenticator ua = new UDDIAuthenticator();
                    ua.GetAuthenticationInfo(gat.UserID, gat.Cred, out at.AuthInfo);
                    //	throw new UDDIException( UDDI.ErrorType.E_unsupported,
                    //"The UDDI server is not configured to support the requested form of authentication." );
                    throw new UDDIException(UDDI.ErrorType.E_unsupported, "UDDI_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_CONFIGURATION_ERROR");

                Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Windows Identity is " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name);
                Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "Thread Identity is " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name);
                Debug.Write(SeverityType.Info, CategoryType.Soap, "HttpContext Identity is " + identity.Name);

                // Check to make sure the authenticated user has publisher credentials
#if never
                             "The user account " + Context.User.ID + " does not have publisher credentials",


                    "Authenticated user (userid = " + gat.UserID + " )");
            catch (Exception e)
