public static bool PassesRule(this IPersistIfc Entity, MvdRule DataNode, MvdPropertyRuleValue requirement = null, PassMode PassMode = PassMode.Undefined) { // todo: add controls for schema cardinality // IfcType EntType = IfcMetaData.IfcType(Entity); #if SYSDEBUG Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("testing {0} for {1}", Entity.ToString(), DataNode.Type)); #endif string RuleId = ""; bool bEvaluateRule = false; if (DataNode.Properties.ContainsKey("RuleID") && requirement != null) { RuleId = DataNode.Properties["RuleID"]; bEvaluateRule = (requirement.Name == RuleId); // here the property is evaluated. if (bEvaluateRule) { #if SYSDEBUG Debug.Write("-- Evaluating"); #endif if (Entity is IPersistIfcEntity) { Debug.Write(string.Format("Req: {0} Ent: {1}{2}\r\n", requirement.Name, Math.Abs(((IPersistIfcEntity)Entity).EntityLabel), EntType)); } if (requirement.Prop == "Type") { string cmpVal = IfcMetaData.IfcType(Entity).Name; return(requirement.Val == cmpVal); } } } if (DataNode.Type == "AttributeRule") { string propName = DataNode.Properties["AttributeName"]; var prop = EntType.IfcProperties.Where(x => x.Value.PropertyInfo.Name == propName).FirstOrDefault().Value; if (prop == null) // otherwise test inverses { prop = EntType.IfcInverses.Where(x => x.PropertyInfo.Name == propName).FirstOrDefault(); } if (prop == null) { #if SYSDEBUG Debug.WriteLine("AttributeRule failed on null value"); #endif return(false); } object propVal = prop.PropertyInfo.GetValue(Entity, null); if (propVal == null) { return(false); } if (propVal != null) { if (bEvaluateRule) { if (requirement.Prop == "Value") { string cmpVal = propVal.ToString(); bool retVal = (requirement.Val == cmpVal); #if SYSDEBUG if (requirement.Val.StartsWith("")) { } if (!retVal) { Debug.WriteLine("AttributeRule failed on value"); } #endif return(retVal); } } else if (requirement == null && propVal is IPersistIfc) { var v = (IPersistIfc)propVal; bool AnyChildFail = false; foreach (var nestedRule in DataNode.NestedRules) { Debug.Indent(); if (!v.PassesRule(nestedRule)) { AnyChildFail = true; Debug.Unindent(); break; } Debug.Unindent(); } return(!AnyChildFail); } if (prop.IfcAttribute.IsEnumerable) { IEnumerable <object> propCollection = propVal as IEnumerable <object>; if (propCollection == null) { return(false); } foreach (var child in propCollection) { if (child is IPersistIfc) { // todo: this might actually have to return fail if any nested rule fail, not if the first passes. foreach (var nestedRule in DataNode.NestedRules) { Debug.Indent(); var loopret = ((IPersistIfc)child).PassesRule(nestedRule, requirement, PassMode); Debug.Unindent(); if (loopret) { return(true); } } } } } else { IPersistIfc pe = propVal as IPersistIfc; if (pe == null) { #if SYSDEBUG Debug.WriteLine("AttributeRule failed: not found"); #endif return(false); } foreach (var nestedRule in DataNode.NestedRules) { if (pe.PassesRule(nestedRule, requirement)) { return(true); } } } } } else if (DataNode.Type == "EntityRule") { string EName = DataNode.Properties["EntityName"]; IfcType ENameType = IfcMetaData.IfcType(EName.ToUpperInvariant()); if (ENameType != null) { // run type validation only if type matches if (!(ENameType == EntType || ENameType.NonAbstractSubTypes.Contains(EntType.Type))) { #if SYSDEBUG Debug.WriteLine("EntityRule failed: expected " + EName + " found: " + EntType.ToString()); #endif return(false); } // if test is passed and no sub rules then return true if (!DataNode.NestedRules.Any()) { return(true); } } else { Debug.WriteLine("Probably IFC4 Type specified:" + EName); } foreach (var subRule in DataNode.NestedRules) { var passed = Entity.PassesRule(subRule, requirement); if (passed) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if ( phase == Phase.Connecting ) { bool allConnected = true; for ( int i=0; i<players.Count; i++ ) { if ( players[i].controller == null ) { UniMoveController controller = players[i].gameObject.AddComponent<UniMoveController>(); if ( controller.Init(i) ) { controller.SetLED(Color.white); controller.InitOrientation(); controller.ResetOrientation(); players[i].Init(controller, controllerObjs[i]); } else { Destroy(controller); allConnected = false; } } } if ( allConnected ) { phase = Phase.Waiting; int team = 0; foreach ( Player player in players ) { player.SetTeam( team%2 + 1 ); team++; } } } else if ( phase == Phase.Waiting ) { // start game if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) ) { bool practice = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift); StartGame(practice); } // color switching foreach ( Player player in players ) { Color? setColor = null; string setName = null; if ( player.controller.GetButtonDown(PSMoveButton.Square) ) { setColor = new Color(1, 0, 0.5f); setName = "pink"; } else if ( player.controller.GetButtonDown(PSMoveButton.Triangle) ) { setColor = new Color(0, 1, 0); setName = "green"; } else if ( player.controller.GetButtonDown(PSMoveButton.Cross) ) { setColor = new Color(0, 0, 1); setName = "blue"; } else if ( player.controller.GetButtonDown(PSMoveButton.Circle) ) { setColor = new Color(1, 0.5f, 0); setName = "orange"; } if ( setColor != null ) { if ( == 1 && !TeamColor2.Equals(setColor) ) { TeamColor1 = (Color)setColor; TeamName1 = (string)setName; } if ( == 2 && !TeamColor1.Equals(setColor) ) { TeamColor2 = (Color)setColor; TeamName2 = (string)setName; } foreach ( Player p in players ) p.UpdateTeamColor(); board.color1 = TeamColor1; board.color2 = TeamColor2; } } } else if ( phase == Phase.Playing ) { // stop game if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) ) { StopGame(); } if ( !isPractice ) { gameTime -= Time.deltaTime; } // end game? if ( gameTime <= 0 ) { EndGame(); } //update board board.seconds = gameTime; board.score1 = scores[1]; board.score2 = scores[2]; // countdown if ( gameTime < 60 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(60) ) { PlayCountdown(sounds.OneMinute, 60); announcer.PlayOneMinute(scores[1] > scores[2] ? TeamName1 : TeamName2); } if ( gameTime < 30 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(30) ) { PlayCountdown(sounds.ThirtySeconds, 30); announcer.PlayThirtySeconds(scores[1] > scores[2] ? TeamName1 : TeamName2); } if ( gameTime < 10 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(10) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.TenSeconds, 10); if ( gameTime < 9 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(9) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.NineSeconds, 9); if ( gameTime < 8 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(8) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.EightSeconds, 8); if ( gameTime < 7 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(7) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.SevenSeconds, 7); if ( gameTime < 6 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(6) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.SixSeconds, 6); if ( gameTime < 5 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(5) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.FiveSeconds, 5); if ( gameTime < 4 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(4) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.FourSeconds, 4); if ( gameTime < 3 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(3) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.ThreeSeconds, 3); if ( gameTime < 2 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(2) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.TwoSeconds, 2); if ( gameTime < 1 && !playedCountdownSounds.Contains(1) ) PlayCountdown(sounds.OneSeconds, 1); } else if ( phase == Phase.Ended ) { // stop game if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) ) { StopGame(); } } if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D) ) { debugContainer.SetActive(!debugContainer.activeSelf); } if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) ) { foreach ( Player p in players ) { if ( p.controller != null ) { p.controller.ResetOrientation(); } } } if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) ) { passMode = passMode==PassMode.Imaginary ? PassMode.Button : PassMode.Imaginary; } if ( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) ) { enableAnnouncer = !enableAnnouncer; announcer.isEnabled = enableAnnouncer; } }