public void SetUnitPowerInfo(PartyUnit partyUnit) { // Get power text Text powerText = transform.Find("Panel/AbilityParameters/Power").GetComponent <Text>(); // Get party unit effective power value int effectivePower = partyUnit.GetUnitEffectivePower(); // Display effective power absolute value powerText.text = Math.Abs(effectivePower).ToString(); // get base power value int basePower = partyUnit.UnitAbilityEffectivePower - GetStatsPowerBonus(partyUnit); // verify if effective power does not equal to base power if (effectivePower != basePower) { // Display additional modifiers between brackets powerText.text += "("; // set default unit power without bonuses (without just upgraded stats power bonus) powerText.text += baseStatPreviewStyleStart + Math.Abs(basePower).ToString() + baseStatPreviewStyleEnd; // get and add stats power bonus if it is present AddBonusInfoToText(powerText, Math.Abs(GetStatsPowerBonus(partyUnit)), statsBonusPreviewStyleStart, statsBonusPreviewStyleEnd); // get and add offence skill bonus to text AddBonusInfoToText(powerText, Math.Abs(partyUnit.GetOffenceSkillPowerBonus()), skillBonusPreviewStyleStart, skillBonusPreviewStyleEnd); // get and add items bonus to the text AddBonusInfoToText(powerText, Math.Abs(partyUnit.GetItemsPowerBonus()), itemBonusPreviewStyleStart, itemBonusPreviewStyleEnd); // close brackets powerText.text += ")"; } }