public void FindsUpdatedCharacter()
            GameState     state     = Factory.DefaultGameState;
            Character     character = state.Party[0];
            PartyResolver resolver  = new PartyResolver(character, state);

            state = state.WithParty(state.Party.ReplaceWithID(character.WithCT(Time.ActionAmount)));

            Assert.Equal(Time.ActionAmount, resolver.Item.CT);
        public void ThrowsWhenStale()
            GameState  state  = Factory.DefaultGameState;
            GameEngine engine = Factory.CreateDefaultGameEngine(state);

            PartyResolver resolver = new PartyResolver(state.Party[0], state);


            Assert.Throws <StaleReferenceException> (() => resolver.Item);
        /// <summary>
        /// this function is used as the callback function for the EndOfStream delegate provided in PartyResolutionStream class
        /// This function gets called after the entire stream of the message has been read, guaranteeing that all promoted properties
        /// from the message have been populated to the message context.
        /// </summary>
        internal void EndOfStream()
            string       SourceDomain = null;
            BizTalkParty party;

            //obtain the SourceOrg string from the message
            SourceDomain = (string)mBaseMessage.Context.Read("SourceDomain", "http://CustomPartyResolution_Pipeline.RoutingPropertySchema");

            if (SourceDomain != null)
                PartyResolver pr = new PartyResolver();
                party = pr.GetPartyFromAlias("Domain", "DomainName", SourceDomain);

                mBaseMessage.Context.Write("SourcePartyID", "", party.SID);
                mBaseMessage.Context.Write("PartyName", "", party.Name);