예제 #1
        public FFXEditor(bool fileMode = false)

            if (fileMode)
                // Set up window for file mode
                // Set up window for process mode
                GameMemory.ProcessExited += Close;

                _generalPanel      = new GeneralPanel();
                _partyPanel        = new PartyPanel();
                _aeonsPanel        = new AeonsPanel();
                _itemsPanel        = new ItemsPanel();
                _sphereGridPanel   = new SphereGridPanel();
                _equipmentPanel    = new EquipmentPanel();
                _blitzballPanel    = new BlitzballPanel();
                _monsterArenaPanel = new MonsterArenaPanel();
                _debugPanel        = new DebugPanel();
                _battlePanel       = new BattlePanel();
                _boostersPanel     = new BoostersPanel();

            // Set up general window parameters
            _skillEditorPanel = new SkillEditorPanel();

            (EditorTree.Items[0] as TreeViewItem).IsSelected = true;
예제 #2
    void SetPartyPanelPosition(PartyPanel partyPanel, RectTransform newPosition)
        // get current position
        RectTransform currentPosition = partyPanel.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // set position has been changed flag
        positionHasBeenChanged = true;
        // Change to the new position
        SetRectTransform(newPosition, currentPosition);
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets references to components that will display information about a partyMember
 /// </summary>
 public void SetExternalDisplayComponents()
     eventDescription  = EventManager.instance.eventDescription;
     actionsPanel      = EventManager.instance.actionsPanel;
     partyPanel        = EventManager.instance.partyPanel;
     gearPanel         = EventManager.instance.gearPanel;
     candlesPanel      = EventManager.instance.candlesPanel;
     statusPanel       = EventManager.instance.statusPanel;
     skillsPanel       = EventManager.instance.skillsPanel;
     utilityTabManager = EventManager.instance.utilityTabManager;
예제 #4
  * Populates the initial display with the existing players
 private void generatePlayerPanels()
     foreach (Player player in Game.players)
         if (player.id > -1)
             PartyPanel currentPlayer = PartyPanel.create(player);
예제 #5
    public void DismissGenericUnit(UnitSlot unitSlot)
        // get PartyUnit UI
        PartyUnitUI unitUI = unitSlot.GetComponentInChildren <PartyUnitUI>();
        // get PartyUnit
        PartyUnit partyUnit = unitUI.LPartyUnit;
        // Get Unit size, because unit is going to be destroyed
        UnitSize unitSize = partyUnit.UnitSize;
        // Get Party Unit HeroParty
        //HeroParty heroParty = partyUnit.GetComponentInParent<HeroParty>();
        // 1 get all required variables, before removing unit
        Transform  unitCell   = unitSlot.transform.parent;
        PartyPanel partyPanel = GetUnitsParentPartyPanel(unitCell);

        // 2 and put it to recycle bin, because otherwise PartyPanel.GetNumberOfPresentUnits() will return wrong number of units, because object is actually destroyed after Update()
        // unitUI.transform.SetParent(transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<RecycleBin>().transform);
        // 3 destory unit canvas, where it is linked to
        // Destroy(unitUI.gameObject);
        // 4 and put it to recycle bin, because otherwise city.GetNumberOfPresentUnits() will return wrong number of units, because object is actually destroyed after Update()
        // partyUnit.transform.SetParent(transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<RecycleBin>().transform);
        // 5 and destory party unit itself
        // Destroy(partyUnit.gameObject);
        // Update party panel
        // act based on the unit size
        if (unitSize == UnitSize.Single)
            partyPanel.OnChange(PartyPanel.ChangeType.DismissSingleUnit, unitCell);
            partyPanel.OnChange(PartyPanel.ChangeType.DismissDoubleUnit, unitCell);
        // if parent Party panel is in Garnizon state, then update focus panel
        if (PartyMode.Garnizon == partyPanel.PartyMode)
            // Instruct focus panel linked to a city to update information
            // act based on the unit size
            if (unitSize == UnitSize.Single)
                GetComponentInParent <UIManager>().GetFocusPanelByCity(LCity).OnChange(FocusPanel.ChangeType.DismissSingleUnit);
                GetComponentInParent <UIManager>().GetFocusPanelByCity(LCity).OnChange(FocusPanel.ChangeType.DismissDoubleUnit);
            // Activate hire unit buttons again
예제 #6
    public void DestroyParty(PartyPanel partyPanel)
        Debug.Log("Destroy party");
        // set variables
        HeroParty      heroParty = partyPanel.GetHeroParty();
        MapHero        heroOnMapRepresentation = heroParty.LMapHero;
        MapObjectLabel heroOnMapLabel          = heroOnMapRepresentation.GetComponent <MapObject>().Label;

        // destroy label
        // destroy on map party representation
        // destroy party
예제 #7
    void LinkPartyUnitToUI(PartyUnit partyUnit)
        // Get PartyPanel
        PartyPanel partyPanel = GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>(true);
        // Get unit slot Transform by unit address
        Transform unitSlotTransform = partyPanel.transform.Find(partyUnit.UnitPPRow + "/" + partyUnit.UnitPPCell).GetComponentInChildren <UnitSlot>(true).transform;
        // Get unit canvas template
        GameObject unitCanvasTemplate = transform.root.Find("Templates/UI/UnitCanvas").gameObject;
        // Create new unit canvas in unit slot
        PartyUnitUI newUnitCanvas = Instantiate(unitCanvasTemplate, unitSlotTransform).GetComponent <PartyUnitUI>();

        // link party Unit to canvas
        newUnitCanvas.LPartyUnit = partyUnit;
        // enable new unit canvas
예제 #8
    void EnterBattleCommon(HeroParty playerHeroParty, HeroParty enemyHeroParty)
        // activate this battle sreen
        // get Left Hero Party UI
        HeroPartyUI playerHeroPartyUI = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftHeroParty").GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>();

        // link Player to the Left UI
        playerHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty = playerHeroParty;
        // get Right Hero Party UI
        HeroPartyUI enemyHeroPartyUI = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/RightHeroParty").GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>();

        // link Enemy to the Right UI
        enemyHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty = enemyHeroParty;
        // Record original poisitions
        playerHeroParty.PreBattleParentTr = playerHeroParty.transform.parent;
        enemyHeroParty.PreBattleParentTr  = enemyHeroParty.transform.parent;
        // set if party can escape based on its original position
        playerHeroParty.CanEscapeFromBattle = CanEscape(playerHeroParty.PreBattleParentTr);
        enemyHeroParty.CanEscapeFromBattle  = CanEscape(enemyHeroParty.PreBattleParentTr);
        // Activate Hero parties UIs upfront so that PartyLeaders UIs are created
        // init left focus panel
        InitFocusPanel("LeftFocus", playerHeroPartyUI);
        // init right focus panel
        InitFocusPanel("RightFocus", enemyHeroPartyUI);
        //// assign party leader to the left focus panel
        //transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftFocus").GetComponent<FocusPanel>().focusedObject = playerHeroPartyUI.GetPartyLeaderUI().gameObject;
        //// assign party leader to the right focus panel
        //transform.root.Find("MiscUI/RightFocus").GetComponent<FocusPanel>().focusedObject = enemyHeroPartyUI.GetPartyLeaderUI().gameObject;
        // trigger battle screen enable event
        // Activate all needed UI at once
        // Get parties panels
        playerPartyPanel = playerHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>();
        enemyPartyPanel  = enemyHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>();
        // Set if parties panels are AI or player controllable
        // .. do it automatically in future, based on ...
        playerPartyPanel.IsAIControlled = false;
        enemyPartyPanel.IsAIControlled  = false;
        // start turn based battle
예제 #9
    bool VerifyDoubleUnitHire(Transform callerCell, PartyUnit selectedUnit)
        bool       result     = false;
        PartyPanel partyPanel = transform.GetComponentInParent <UIManager>().GetHeroPartyUIByMode(PartyMode.Garnizon, false).GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>(true);
        // if all checks passed, then verify result is success
        // verify that we do not get more units, then city can keep
        bool cityCapacityOverflowCheckIsOK = partyPanel.VerifyCityCapacityOverflowOnDoubleUnitHire();
        // verify if player is highring double unit near occupied single unit cell
        // this is not possible and will cause double unit to be displayed on top of single unit
        // we should avoid this
        bool doubleUnintIsNotHiredNearOccupiedSingleCell = partyPanel.VerifyDoubleHireNearOccupiedSingleCell(callerCell);

        // if all conditions are met, then set result to true;
        if (cityCapacityOverflowCheckIsOK && doubleUnintIsNotHiredNearOccupiedSingleCell)
            result = true;
예제 #10
    public void ActivateAdvance(MapHero mapHero)
        Debug.Log("Show Party Info");
        //// clone hero panel and place it into the middle placeholder
        //SetPartyPanelPosition(mapHero.LHeroParty.Find("PartyPanel"), transform.Find("SinglePartyPlaceholder"));
        // Get Lefto Hero Party UI
        HeroPartyUI leftHeroPartyUI = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftHeroParty").GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>();

        // assign HeroParty to left hero party UI
        leftHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty = mapHero.LHeroParty;
        // Get Party Panel
        PartyPanel partyPanel = leftHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>(true);
        // Get new position
        RectTransform newPosition = transform.Find("SinglePartyPlaceholder").GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // Change Party Panel position to new
        SetPartyPanelPosition(partyPanel, newPosition);
        // activate left hero party UI
        // deactivate inventory
        leftHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyInventoryUI>(true).gameObject.SetActive(false);
        //// Activate placeholder to be used as background
예제 #11
    void OnDisable()
        // deactivate all child panels (placeholders)
        foreach (Transform childTransform in transform)
        // Deactivate what was activated
        // Deactivate left hero party UI
        // Deactivate right hero party UI
        // Get Party Panel
        PartyPanel partyPanel = transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftHeroParty").GetComponent <HeroPartyUI>().GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>(true);

        // verify if party panel position has changed
        if (positionHasBeenChanged)
            // Change PartyPanel Position back to original
            SetPartyPanelPosition(partyPanel, transform.Find("LeftPartyInfoPlaceHolder").GetComponent <RectTransform>());
            // Reset flag to false
            positionHasBeenChanged = false;