예제 #1
 public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     foreach (var particle in particles)
         particle.Lifetime -= frameTime;
 public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
         particles[i].Rotation += particles[i].RotationSpeed * frameTime;
예제 #3
        public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
                var time = 1 - (particles[i].Lifetime / particles[i].ConstantLifetime);

                // If fading in
                if (time >= startFadeInTime && time <= endFadeInTime)
                    var t = (time - startFadeInTime) / (endFadeInTime - startFadeInTime);

                    // Interpolate from startAlpha to constantAlpha
                    particles[i].Alpha = ((1 - t) * startAlpha) + (t * particles[i].ConstantAlpha);

                // If fading out
                if (time >= startFadeOutTime && time <= endFadeOutTime)
                    var t = (time - startFadeOutTime) / (endFadeOutTime - startFadeOutTime);

                    // Interpolate from constantAlpha to end alpha
                    particles[i].Alpha = ((1 - t) * particles[i].ConstantAlpha) + (t * endAlpha);

                particles[i].Lifetime -= frameTime;
예제 #4
 public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     foreach (var particle in particles)
         particle.Rotation += particle.RotationSpeed * frameTime;
예제 #5
 public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
         particles[i].Lifetime -= frameTime;
        public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            foreach (var particle in particles)
                var time = 1 - (particle.Lifetime / particle.ConstantLifetime);

                // If fading in
                if (time >= startFadeInTime && time <= endFadeInTime)
                    var t = (time - startFadeInTime) / (endFadeInTime - startFadeInTime);

                    // Interpolate from startAlpha to constantAlpha
                    particle.Alpha = ((1 - t) * startAlpha) + (t * particle.ConstantAlpha);

                // If fading out
                if (time >= startFadeOutTime && time <= endFadeOutTime)
                    var t = (time - startFadeOutTime) / (endFadeOutTime - startFadeOutTime);

                    // Interpolate from constantAlpha to end alpha
                    particle.Alpha = ((1 - t) * particle.ConstantAlpha) + (t * endAlpha);

                particle.Lifetime -= frameTime;
예제 #7
        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            particle.ConstantRadius = radiusMin + ((float)random.NextDouble() * (radiusMax - radiusMin));
            particle.Radius         = particle.ConstantRadius;

예제 #8
        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var distance = offsetMax - offsetMin;
            var offset   = offsetMin + (distance * new Vector3((float)random.NextDouble(), (float)random.NextDouble(), (float)random.NextDouble()));

            particle.Position = offset;

예제 #9
        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var t = (float)random.NextDouble();

            particle.ConstantColor = colorMin + (t * (colorMax - colorMin));
            particle.Color         = particle.ConstantColor;

예제 #10
        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var lifetime = lifetimeMin + ((lifetimeMax - lifetimeMin) * (float)random.NextDouble());

            particle.ConstantLifetime = lifetime;
            particle.Lifetime         = lifetime;

예제 #11
        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var alpha = random.Next(alphaMin, alphaMax) / 255f;

            particle.ConstantAlpha = alpha;
            particle.Alpha         = alpha;

예제 #12
        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var radius = initialRadius + ((float)random.NextDouble() * thickness);

            var angle = GetNextAngle();

            particle.Position += radius * new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle), 0);

 public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     foreach (var particle in particles)
         var time = 1 - (particle.Lifetime / particle.ConstantLifetime);
         if (time <= fadeInTime)
             particle.Alpha = (time / fadeInTime) * particle.ConstantAlpha;
예제 #14
        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var r = new Vector3(
                Simplex1D(particleSystemState.Lifetime * noiseScale),
                Simplex1D((particleSystemState.Lifetime * noiseScale) + 101723),
                Simplex1D((particleSystemState.Lifetime * noiseScale) + 555557));

            particle.Velocity = outputMin + (r * (outputMax - outputMin));

예제 #15
 public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
         var time = 1 - (particles[i].Lifetime / particles[i].ConstantLifetime);
         if (time <= fadeInTime)
             particles[i].Alpha = (time / fadeInTime) * particles[i].ConstantAlpha;
예제 #16
 public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
         var timeLeft = particles[i].Lifetime / particles[i].ConstantLifetime;
         if (timeLeft <= fadeOutTime)
             var t = timeLeft / fadeOutTime;
             particles[i].Alpha = t * particles[i].ConstantAlpha;
 public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
     foreach (var particle in particles)
         var timeLeft = particle.Lifetime / particle.ConstantLifetime;
         if (timeLeft <= fadeOutTime)
             var t = timeLeft / fadeOutTime;
             particle.Alpha = t * particle.ConstantAlpha;
예제 #18
        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            if (shuffle)
                particle.Sequence = random.Next(sequenceMin, sequenceMax + 1);
                particle.Sequence = sequenceMin + (sequenceMax > sequenceMin ? (counter++ % (sequenceMax - sequenceMin)) : 0);

예제 #19
        public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            foreach (var particle in particles)
                var time = 1 - (particle.Lifetime / particle.ConstantLifetime);

                if (time >= startTime && time <= endTime)
                    var t           = (time - startTime) / (endTime - startTime);
                    var radiusScale = (startScale * (1 - t)) + (endScale * t);

                    particle.Radius = particle.ConstantRadius * radiusScale;
        public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
                var time = 1 - (particles[i].Lifetime / particles[i].ConstantLifetime);

                if (time >= startTime && time <= endTime)
                    var t           = (time - startTime) / (endTime - startTime);
                    var radiusScale = (startScale * (1 - t)) + (endScale * t);

                    particles[i].Radius = particles[i].ConstantRadius * radiusScale;
예제 #21
        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var noiseScale = (float)this.noiseScale.NextNumber();
            var r          = new Vector3(
                Simplex1D(particleSystemState.Lifetime * noiseScale),
                Simplex1D((particleSystemState.Lifetime * noiseScale) + 101723),
                Simplex1D((particleSystemState.Lifetime * noiseScale) + 555557));

            var min = outputMin.NextVector();
            var max = outputMax.NextVector();

            particle.Velocity = min + (r * (max - min));

예제 #22
        public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            foreach (var particle in particles)
                var time = 1 - (particle.Lifetime / particle.ConstantLifetime);

                if (time >= fadeStartTime && time <= fadeEndTime)
                    var t = (time - fadeStartTime) / (fadeEndTime - fadeStartTime);

                    // Interpolate from constant color to fade color
                    particle.Color = ((1 - t) * particle.ConstantColor) + (t * colorFade);
예제 #23
        public void Update(IEnumerable <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var acceleration = gravity * frameTime;

            foreach (var particle in particles)
                // Apply acceleration
                particle.Velocity += acceleration;

                // Apply drag
                particle.Velocity *= 1 - (drag * 30f * frameTime);

                particle.Position += particle.Velocity * frameTime;
예제 #24
        public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var acceleration = gravity * frameTime;

            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
                // Apply acceleration
                particles[i].Velocity += acceleration;

                // Apply drag
                particles[i].Velocity *= 1 - (drag * 30f * frameTime);

                particles[i].Position += particles[i].Velocity * frameTime;
        public void Update(Span <Particle> particles, float frameTime, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; ++i)
                var time = 1 - (particles[i].Lifetime / particles[i].ConstantLifetime);

                if (time >= fadeStartTime && time <= fadeEndTime)
                    var t = (time - fadeStartTime) / (fadeEndTime - fadeStartTime);

                    // Interpolate from constant color to fade color
                    particles[i].Color = ((1 - t) * particles[i].ConstantColor) + (t * colorFade);
        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var particleCount = Math.Min(inputMax, Math.Max(inputMin, particle.ParticleCount));
            var t             = (particleCount - inputMin) / (float)(inputMax - inputMin);

            var output = outputMin + (t * (outputMax - outputMin));

            switch (fieldOutput)
            case 3:
                particle.Radius = scaleInitialRange
                        ? particle.Radius * output
                        : output;

        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var input = particle.GetVector(inputField);

            var offset = new Vector3(
                Lerp(offsetMin.X, offsetMax.X, (float)random.NextDouble()),
                Lerp(offsetMin.Y, offsetMax.Y, (float)random.NextDouble()),
                Lerp(offsetMin.Z, offsetMax.Z, (float)random.NextDouble()));

            if (outputField == ParticleField.Position)
                particle.Position += input + offset;
            else if (outputField == ParticleField.PositionPrevious)
                particle.PositionPrevious = input + offset;

        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemState)
            var value = PiOver180 * (degrees + degreesMin + ((float)random.NextDouble() * (degreesMax - degreesMin)));

            if (randomlyFlipDirection && random.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                value *= -1;

            if (fieldOutput == ParticleField.Yaw)
                particle.RotationSpeed = new Vector3(value, 0, 0);
            else if (fieldOutput == ParticleField.Roll)
                particle.RotationSpeed = new Vector3(0, 0, value);

예제 #29
        public Particle Initialize(Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var randomVector = new Vector3(
                ((float)random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1,
                ((float)random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1,
                ((float)random.NextDouble() * 2) - 1);

            // Normalize
            var direction = randomVector / randomVector.Length();

            var distance = radiusMin + ((float)random.NextDouble() * (radiusMax - radiusMin));
            var speed    = speedMin + ((float)random.NextDouble() * (speedMax - speedMin));

            var localCoordinateSystemSpeed = localCoordinateSystemSpeedMin
                                             + ((float)random.NextDouble() * (localCoordinateSystemSpeedMax - localCoordinateSystemSpeedMin));

            particle.Position = direction * distance;
            particle.Velocity = (direction * speed) + localCoordinateSystemSpeed;

예제 #30
        public Particle Initialize(ref Particle particle, ParticleSystemRenderState particleSystemRenderState)
            var degrees = degreesOffset + degreesMin + ((float)random.NextDouble() * (degreesMax - degreesMin));

            if (randomlyFlipDirection && random.NextDouble() > 0.5)
                degrees *= -1;

            if (fieldOutput == 4)
                // Roll
                particle.Rotation = new Vector3(particle.Rotation.X, particle.Rotation.Y, degrees * PiOver180);
            else if (fieldOutput == 12)
                // Yaw
                particle.Rotation = new Vector3(particle.Rotation.X, degrees * PiOver180, particle.Rotation.Z);
