예제 #1
        public override void PrepareFromPool(ParticlePool pool)
            if (pool == null)
                FieldAccessor = ParticleFieldAccessor <ParticleCollisionAttribute> .Invalid();


            FieldAccessor = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.CollisionControl);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a field accessor to the parent emitter's spawn control field, if it exists
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected ParticleFieldAccessor <ParticleChildrenAttribute> GetSpawnControlField()
            var groupIndex = (int)parentControlFlag;

            if (groupIndex >= ParticleFields.ChildrenFlags.Length)
                return(ParticleFieldAccessor <ParticleChildrenAttribute> .Invalid());

            return(Parent?.Pool?.GetField(ParticleFields.ChildrenFlags[groupIndex]) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <ParticleChildrenAttribute> .Invalid());
예제 #3
        public override void PrepareFromPool(ParticlePool pool)
            if (pool == null)
                FieldAccessor = ParticleFieldAccessor <float> .Invalid();


            FieldAccessor = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RemainingLife);
예제 #4
        public override void PrepareFromPool(ParticlePool pool)
            limitsAreInOrder = (LifetimeLowerLimit <= LifetimeUpperLimit);

            if (pool == null)
                FieldAccessor = ParticleFieldAccessor <float> .Invalid();


            FieldAccessor = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RemainingLife);
예제 #5
        public override void PrepareFromPool(ParticlePool pool)
            if (pool == null)
                FieldAccessor = ParticleFieldAccessor <Vector3> .Invalid();

                SecondFieldAccessor = ParticleFieldAccessor <Vector3> .Invalid();


            FieldAccessor       = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            SecondFieldAccessor = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.OldPosition);
예제 #6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ParticlePool pool, int startIdx, int endIdx, int maxCapacity)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Position) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.RandomSeed))

            // Collect the total number of living particles in the parent pool which have a Position field
            var parentPool           = Parent?.Pool;
            var parentParticlesCount = parentPool?.LivingParticles ?? 0;
            var posFieldParent       = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.Position) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <Vector3> .Invalid();

            if (!posFieldParent.IsValid())
                parentParticlesCount = 0;

            var oldPosFieldParent = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.OldPosition) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <Vector3> .Invalid();

            var spawnControlField = GetSpawnControlField();

            var posField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            var rndField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RandomSeed);
            var oldField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.OldPosition);

            var leftCorner = PositionMin * WorldScale;
            var xAxis      = new Vector3(PositionMax.X * WorldScale.X - leftCorner.X, 0, 0);
            var yAxis      = new Vector3(0, PositionMax.Y * WorldScale.Y - leftCorner.Y, 0);
            var zAxis      = new Vector3(0, 0, PositionMax.Z * WorldScale.Z - leftCorner.Z);

            if (!WorldRotation.IsIdentity)
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref leftCorner);
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref xAxis);
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref yAxis);
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref zAxis);

            // Already inheriting from parent
            if (parentParticlesCount == 0)
                leftCorner += WorldPosition;

            var sequentialParentIndex     = 0;
            var sequentialParentParticles = 0;
            var parentIndex = 0;

            // Interpolation - if parent particle has OldPosition field
            var stepF            = 0f;
            var stepTotal        = 0f;
            var positionDistance = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            var i = startIdx;

            while (i != endIdx)
                var particle = pool.FromIndex(i);
                var randSeed = particle.Get(rndField);

                var particleRandPos = leftCorner;

                particleRandPos += xAxis * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset3A + SeedOffset);
                particleRandPos += yAxis * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset3B + SeedOffset);
                particleRandPos += zAxis * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset3C + SeedOffset);

                if (parentParticlesCount > 0)
                    var parentParticlePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    // Spawn is fixed - parent particles have spawned a very specific number of children each
                    if (spawnControlField.IsValid())
                        // Interpolation - if parent particle has OldPosition field

                        while (sequentialParentParticles == 0)
                            // Early out - no more fixed number children. Rest of the particles (if any) are skipped intentionally
                            if (sequentialParentIndex >= parentParticlesCount)

                            parentIndex = sequentialParentIndex;
                            var tempParentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                            var childrenAttribute = (*((ParticleChildrenAttribute *)tempParentParticle[spawnControlField]));

                            sequentialParentParticles = (int)childrenAttribute.ParticlesToEmit;

                            if (oldPosFieldParent.IsValid())
                                stepF            = (sequentialParentParticles > 0) ? (1f / (float)sequentialParentParticles) : 1;
                                stepTotal        = 0f;
                                positionDistance = ((*((Vector3 *)tempParentParticle[oldPosFieldParent])) - (*((Vector3 *)tempParentParticle[posFieldParent])));


                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);
                        parentParticlePosition  = (*((Vector3 *)parentParticle[posFieldParent]));
                        parentParticlePosition += positionDistance * stepTotal;
                        stepTotal += stepF;

                    // Spawn is not fixed - pick a parent at random
                        parentIndex = (int)(parentParticlesCount * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + ParentSeedOffset));
                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                        parentParticlePosition = (*((Vector3 *)parentParticle[posFieldParent]));

                    // Convert from Local -> World space if needed
                    if (Parent.SimulationSpace == EmitterSimulationSpace.Local)
                        WorldRotation.Rotate(ref parentParticlePosition);
                        parentParticlePosition *= WorldScale.X;
                        parentParticlePosition += WorldPosition;

                    particleRandPos += parentParticlePosition;

                (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField])) = particleRandPos;

                if (oldField.IsValid())
                    (*((Vector3 *)particle[oldField])) = particleRandPos;

                i = (i + 1) % maxCapacity;
예제 #7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ParticlePool pool, int startIdx, int endIdx, int maxCapacity)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Size) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.RandomSeed))

            var parentPool           = Parent?.Pool;
            var parentParticlesCount = parentPool?.LivingParticles ?? 0;
            var sizeFieldParent      = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.Size) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <float> .Invalid();

            if (!sizeFieldParent.IsValid())
                parentParticlesCount = 0;

            var spawnControlField = GetSpawnControlField();

            var sizeField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Size);
            var rndField  = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RandomSeed);

            var minSize = WorldScale.X * RandomSize.X;
            var sizeGap = WorldScale.X * RandomSize.Y - minSize;

            var sequentialParentIndex     = 0;
            var sequentialParentParticles = 0;
            var parentIndex = 0;

            var i = startIdx;

            while (i != endIdx)
                var particle = pool.FromIndex(i);
                var randSeed = particle.Get(rndField);

                var particleRandomSize = minSize + sizeGap * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + SeedOffset);

                if (parentParticlesCount > 0)
                    var parentParticleSize = 1f;

                    // Spawn is fixed - parent particles have spawned a very specific number of children each
                    if (spawnControlField.IsValid())
                        while (sequentialParentParticles == 0)
                            // Early out - no more fixed number children. Rest of the particles (if any) are skipped intentionally
                            if (sequentialParentIndex >= parentParticlesCount)

                            parentIndex = sequentialParentIndex;
                            var tempParentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                            var childrenAttribute = (*((ParticleChildrenAttribute *)tempParentParticle[spawnControlField]));

                            sequentialParentParticles = (int)childrenAttribute.ParticlesToEmit;


                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);
                        parentParticleSize = (*((float *)parentParticle[sizeFieldParent]));

                    // Spawn is not fixed - pick a parent at random
                        parentIndex = (int)(parentParticlesCount * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + ParentSeedOffset));
                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                        parentParticleSize = (*((float *)parentParticle[sizeFieldParent]));

                    // Convert from Local -> World space if needed
                    if (Parent.SimulationSpace == EmitterSimulationSpace.Local)
                        parentParticleSize *= WorldScale.X;

                    particleRandomSize *= parentParticleSize;

                (*((float *)particle[sizeField])) = particleRandomSize;

                i = (i + 1) % maxCapacity;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ParticlePool pool, int startIdx, int endIdx, int maxCapacity)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Velocity) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.RandomSeed))

            // Collect the total number of living particles in the parent pool which have a Velocity field
            var parentPool           = Parent?.Pool;
            var parentParticlesCount = parentPool?.LivingParticles ?? 0;
            var velFieldParent       = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.Velocity) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <Vector3> .Invalid();

            if (!velFieldParent.IsValid())
                parentParticlesCount = 0;

            var spawnControlField = GetSpawnControlField();

            var velField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Velocity);
            var rndField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RandomSeed);

            var leftCorner = VelocityMin * WorldScale;
            var xAxis      = new Vector3(VelocityMax.X * WorldScale.X - leftCorner.X, 0, 0);
            var yAxis      = new Vector3(0, VelocityMax.Y * WorldScale.Y - leftCorner.Y, 0);
            var zAxis      = new Vector3(0, 0, VelocityMax.Z * WorldScale.Z - leftCorner.Z);

            if (!WorldRotation.IsIdentity)
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref leftCorner);
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref xAxis);
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref yAxis);
                WorldRotation.Rotate(ref zAxis);

            var sequentialParentIndex     = 0;
            var sequentialParentParticles = 0;
            var parentIndex = 0;

            var i = startIdx;

            while (i != endIdx)
                var particle = pool.FromIndex(i);
                var randSeed = particle.Get(rndField);

                var particleRandVel = leftCorner;

                particleRandVel += xAxis * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset3A + SeedOffset);
                particleRandVel += yAxis * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset3B + SeedOffset);
                particleRandVel += zAxis * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset3C + SeedOffset);

                if (parentParticlesCount > 0)
                    var parentParticleVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                    // Spawn is fixed - parent particles have spawned a very specific number of children each
                    if (spawnControlField.IsValid())
                        while (sequentialParentParticles == 0)
                            // Early out - no more fixed number children. Rest of the particles (if any) are skipped intentionally
                            if (sequentialParentIndex >= parentParticlesCount)

                            parentIndex = sequentialParentIndex;
                            var tempParentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                            var childrenAttribute = (*((ParticleChildrenAttribute *)tempParentParticle[spawnControlField]));

                            sequentialParentParticles = (int)childrenAttribute.ParticlesToEmit;


                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);
                        parentParticleVelocity = (*((Vector3 *)parentParticle[velFieldParent]));

                    // Spawn is not fixed - pick a parent at random
                        parentIndex = (int)(parentParticlesCount * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + ParentSeedOffset));
                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                        parentParticleVelocity = (*((Vector3 *)parentParticle[velFieldParent]));

                    // Convert from Local -> World space if needed
                    if (Parent.SimulationSpace == EmitterSimulationSpace.Local)
                        WorldRotation.Rotate(ref parentParticleVelocity);
                        parentParticleVelocity *= WorldScale.X;

                    particleRandVel += parentParticleVelocity * ParentVelocityFactor;

                (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField])) = particleRandVel;

                i = (i + 1) % maxCapacity;
예제 #9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ParticlePool pool, int startIdx, int endIdx, int maxCapacity)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Order))

            // Collect the total number of living particles in the parent pool which have a Order field
            var parentPool           = Parent?.Pool;
            var parentParticlesCount = parentPool?.LivingParticles ?? 0;
            var orderFieldParent     = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.Order) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <uint> .Invalid();

            var childOrderFieldParent = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.ChildOrder) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <uint> .Invalid();

            if (!orderFieldParent.IsValid())
                parentParticlesCount = 0;

            var spawnControlField = GetSpawnControlField();

            var orderField  = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Order);
            var randomField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RandomSeed);

            var sequentialParentIndex     = 0;
            var sequentialParentParticles = 0;
            var parentIndex = 0;

            var i = startIdx;

            while (i != endIdx)
                var particle = pool.FromIndex(i);

                // Will loop every so often, but the loop condition should be unreachable for normal games
                uint particleOrder = spawnOrder++;

                if (parentParticlesCount > 0)
                    uint parentParticleOrder = 0;

                    // Spawn is fixed - parent particles have spawned a very specific number of children each
                    if (spawnControlField.IsValid())
                        while (sequentialParentParticles == 0)
                            // Early out - no more fixed number children. Rest of the particles (if any) are skipped intentionally
                            if (sequentialParentIndex >= parentParticlesCount)

                            parentIndex = sequentialParentIndex;
                            var tempParentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                            var childrenAttribute = (*((ParticleChildrenAttribute *)tempParentParticle[spawnControlField]));

                            sequentialParentParticles = (int)childrenAttribute.ParticlesToEmit;


                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);
                        parentParticleOrder = (*((uint *)parentParticle[orderFieldParent]));

                        if (childOrderFieldParent.IsValid())
                            particleOrder = (*((uint *)parentParticle[childOrderFieldParent]));
                            (*((uint *)parentParticle[childOrderFieldParent])) = (particleOrder + 1);

                            particleOrder = (particleOrder & 0x0000FFFF) | ((parentParticleOrder << 16) & 0xFFFF0000);
                            particleOrder = (particleOrder & 0x000FFFFF) | ((parentParticleOrder << 20) & 0xFFF00000);

                    // Spawn is not fixed - pick a parent at random
                        var randSeed = particle.Get(randomField);

                        parentIndex = (int)(parentParticlesCount * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + ParentSeedOffset));

                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);
                        parentParticleOrder = (*((uint *)parentParticle[orderFieldParent]));

                        if (childOrderFieldParent.IsValid())
                            particleOrder = (*((uint *)parentParticle[childOrderFieldParent]));
                            (*((uint *)parentParticle[childOrderFieldParent])) = (particleOrder + 1);

                            particleOrder = (particleOrder & 0x0000FFFF) | ((parentParticleOrder << 16) & 0xFFFF0000);
                            particleOrder = (particleOrder & 0x000FFFFF) | ((parentParticleOrder << 20) & 0xFFF00000);

                (*((uint *)particle[orderField])) = particleOrder;

                i = (i + 1) % maxCapacity;
예제 #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ParticlePool pool, int startIdx, int endIdx, int maxCapacity)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Color) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.RandomSeed))

            // Collect the total number of living particles in the parent pool which have a Color field
            var parentPool           = Parent?.Pool;
            var parentParticlesCount = parentPool?.LivingParticles ?? 0;
            var colorFieldParent     = parentPool?.GetField(ParticleFields.Color) ?? ParticleFieldAccessor <Color4> .Invalid();

            if (!colorFieldParent.IsValid())
                parentParticlesCount = 0;

            var spawnControlField = GetSpawnControlField();

            var colorField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Color);
            var rndField   = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.RandomSeed);

            var sequentialParentIndex     = 0;
            var sequentialParentParticles = 0;
            var parentIndex = 0;

            var i = startIdx;

            while (i != endIdx)
                var particle = pool.FromIndex(i);
                var randSeed = particle.Get(rndField);

                var color = Color4.Lerp(ColorMin, ColorMax, randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + SeedOffset));

                // If there are living parent particles, the newly created particle will inherit Color from one of them
                if (parentParticlesCount > 0)
                    var parentParticleColor = new Color4(1, 1, 1, 1);

                    // Spawn is fixed - parent particles have spawned a very specific number of children each
                    if (spawnControlField.IsValid())
                        while (sequentialParentParticles == 0)
                            // Early out - no more fixed number children. Rest of the particles (if any) are skipped intentionally
                            if (sequentialParentIndex >= parentParticlesCount)

                            parentIndex = sequentialParentIndex;
                            var tempParentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                            var childrenAttribute = (*((ParticleChildrenAttribute *)tempParentParticle[spawnControlField]));

                            sequentialParentParticles = (int)childrenAttribute.ParticlesToEmit;


                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);
                        parentParticleColor = (*((Color4 *)parentParticle[colorFieldParent]));

                    // Spawn is not fixed - pick a parent at random
                        parentIndex = (int)(parentParticlesCount * randSeed.GetFloat(RandomOffset.Offset1A + ParentSeedOffset));
                        var parentParticle = parentPool.FromIndex(parentIndex);

                        parentParticleColor = (*((Color4 *)parentParticle[colorFieldParent]));

                    color *= parentParticleColor;

                // Premultiply alpha
                // This can't be done in advance for ColorMin and ColorMax because it will change the math
                color.R *= color.A;
                color.G *= color.A;
                color.B *= color.A;

                (*((Color4 *)particle[colorField])) = color;

                i = (i + 1) % maxCapacity;