예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a tax category to a product
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productJo"></param>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Tax categories have to be created in Nop's admin panel
        ///     Tax categories : Belgique 6, Belgique 12, Belgique 21
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool AddTVA(JObject productJo, STOCK stock)
            string resultTC = WebService.Get("TaxCategory");

            JToken[] tvaValues = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(resultTC);

            Dictionary <string, int> tcIds = tvaValues.ToDictionary(x => x["Name"].ToString().Split(' ').Last(), x => (int)x["Id"]);

            int taxId;

            tcIds.TryGetValue(stock.S_TAUX_TVA.ToString(), out taxId);
            if (taxId != 0)
                if ((int)productJo["TaxCategoryId"] == 0)
                    productJo["TaxCategoryId"] = taxId;
                    productJo.Add("TaxCategoryId", taxId);
                Program.log(String.Format("Le taux de TVA {0} n'existe pas dans NopCommerce. ID du produit concerné : {1}. \nVeuillez contacter l'administrateur pour régler le problème.", stock.S_TAUX_TVA, stock.S_ID.TrimEnd()));
예제 #2
        public override bool Sync()
            //Get Stock From Mercator where "Vente En Ligne" is set
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))
                    IDictionary <string, int> prodStockDico;


                    string whereClause = String.Format(StockSyncer.WHERE_CLAUSE, -1);

                    prodStockDico = GetMercatorProductListWithDispoDatas(connection, whereClause, StockSyncer.JOIN_CLAUSE).ToList().ToDictionary(y => y.S_ID, y => y.S_DISPO);

                    //Recupère les sku et leurs stocks respectifs
                    JToken[] skuStocks = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(urlBuilder.Select("Sku", "Id", "StockQuantity").BuildQuery()));
                    IDictionary <string, string> stocksToUpdateNop = skuStocks.ToDictionary(y => y["Sku"].ToString().TrimEnd(), y => (int)y["Id"] + "+" + (int)y["StockQuantity"]);

                    int stockUpdateCount = 0;
                    //Si stocks différents entre Mercator et site on update
                    if (stocksToUpdateNop.Count > 0 && prodStockDico.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var s in prodStockDico)
                            string stockValue = s.Value.ToString();

                            if (stocksToUpdateNop.ContainsKey(s.Key))
                                if (stockValue != stocksToUpdateNop[s.Key].Split('+').LastOrDefault())
                                    int pId = int.Parse(stocksToUpdateNop[s.Key].Split('+').FirstOrDefault());
                                    //Console.WriteLine(s.Key + " updated");
                                    JObject request = new JObject();
                                    request.Add("StockQuantity", stockValue);
                                    WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(pId).BuildQuery(), request.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Stocks de {0} produits mis à jour.", stockUpdateCount));

                catch (Exception e)
                    if (connection != null)
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate a Product to be synced
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <param name="qteStock"></param>
        /// <param name="categories"></param>
        /// <param name="specopts"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <returns>A Json object corresponding to a NopCommerce Product</returns>
        private JObject GetProduct(STOCK stock, IDictionary <string, int> categories, SqlConnection connection, IDictionary <String, int> specopts, int productId = 0)
            JObject p       = new JObject();
            Product product = new Product(stock.S_MODELE.TrimEnd(),
                                          stock.S_DISPO, stock.S_PRIX_HT, condit: stock.S_CONDIT_V,
                                          mercatorId: stock.S_ID.TrimEnd(),
                                          modiftag: stock.S_MODIFTAG);

            p = ParserJSon.ParseStockToNopProduct(product, productId);
            //p = ParserJSon.ParseStockToNopProduct(stock, additionalShippingCharge, false, qteStock, productId);
            if (!AddTVA(p, stock))
            p.Add(WebApiEntities.PRODUCT_CATEGORIES, MapCategory(stock, categories, productId));
            p.Add(WebApiEntities.PRODUCT_PICTURES, pic.Sync(stock, OptionsMercator, productId));
            try {
                p.Add(WebApiEntities.PRODUCT_SPEC_ATTS, MapSpecs(stock, specopts, productId));
            }catch (KeyNotFoundException knfe)
            //p.Add(WebServiceUrls.TIER_PRICES, MapTierPrices(stock, connection, productId));
            //p.Add(WebServiceUrls.PRODUCT_FILES, MapFiles(stock, connection, productId));
            //p.Add(WebServiceUrls.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS, syncTaxAndCondit(stock, productId));

예제 #4
        public override bool Sync()
            #region CAT_STCK types
            //Get all the cat stock types in app.config and sync them
            catStckTypes = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            bool keepGoing = false;
            int  i         = 1;
                string value = OptionsMercator.GetOptionValue(String.Format(formatCatStckType, i))?.ToString();
                keepGoing = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value);
                if (keepGoing)
                    catStckTypes.Add(i, value.TrimEnd());
            } while (keepGoing);


            //Get Stock From Mercator where "Vente En Ligne" is setted
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))
                //IEnumerable<CAT_STCK> catStckList = GetMercatorCATSTCK(connection);

                //Array of existing attSpecOp
                IDictionary <String, int> attSpecOp = GetAllNopSpecOpt();

                List <int> specsToKeep = new List <int>();

                //Sync options for every S_CAT{x}, x being the type id in catStckTypes
                foreach (var catStckTyp in catStckTypes)
                        int nopId     = 0;
                        var cstResult = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterEq("Name", catStckTyp.Value).BuildQuery()));
                        if (cstResult.Length > 0)
                            nopId = (int)cstResult.First()["Id"];
                            SyncSpecAttOps(attSpecOp, specsToKeep, catStckTyp.Key, nopId);
                    catch (Exception e)

                //Exclude scat that aren't in Mercator
                Delete(attSpecOp, specsToKeep);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Go through every Product Picture for product with id=productId
        /// If does not exist we add it otherwise we save the PP Id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <param name="found"></param>
        /// <param name="pps"></param>
        /// <param name="ppsIds"></param>
        private void SyncPic(string image, JArray pictureLinks, int productId = 0)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(image))

            JObject json = new JObject();

                Model.Picture pm = GetPicBase64(image);
                if (pm != null)
                    json = ParserJSon.GetPictureJson(pm.Base64, pm.ImageType, pm.Name);

                    string  result     = WebService.Post(ENTITY, json);
                    JObject newPicture = JObject.Parse(result);
                    int     picId      = (int)newPicture["Id"];
                    JObject jsonResult = ParserJSon.getProductPictureJson(picId, productId);


            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error parsing picture:" + json.ToString());
                Program.log("Error parsing picture:" + json.ToString());
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the products in Nop that are no longer suppose to be on it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="productsMIdMtag"></param>
        /// <param name="reappro"></param>
        private void DeleteProducts(SqlConnection connection, List <ProductDatas> productsMIdMtag)
            Console.WriteLine("Suppression produits...");
            //First gather products that were created on the website and have no MercatorId
            string jsonNoSkus = WebService.Get(urlBuilder
                                               .Select("Id", "Sku", "Published")
                                               .FilterEq("Sku", null)

            JToken[] productsNoSku = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(jsonNoSkus);

            //Then, get the mercator products that are supposed to be on the website
            List <STOCK> prodList = new List <STOCK>();

            prodList = GetMercatorProductsList(connection, JOIN_CLAUSE, ALL_STOCKS_WHERE_CLAUSE).ToList();

            List <string> all_stocks_ids = new List <string>();

            //get stocks (if "Vente en ligne" checked)
            all_stocks_ids = prodList.Select(x => x.S_ID.TrimEnd()).ToList();

            //Get the products that are on NopCommerce
            List <int> existsInNop = productsMIdMtag.Where(x => all_stocks_ids.Any(y => y == x.MercatorId)).Select(z => z.Id).ToList();

            //If some are on Nop but not in the prodList from Mercator, we mark them as deleted
            List <int> toEject = productsMIdMtag.Select(x => x.Id).Except(existsInNop).ToList();

            //We also add the product that were created on the website (Tournesols products don't have any sku)
            toEject.AddRange(productsNoSku.Select(x => (int)x["Id"]));

            if (toEject.Count() > 0)
                JObject unpublish = new JObject();
                unpublish.Add("Deleted", true);

                JObject urlDeactivate = new JObject();
                urlDeactivate.Add("IsActive", false);
                foreach (int id in toEject)
                    JObject urls = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord")
                                                                .FilterEq("EntityId", id)
                                                                .FilterEq("EntityName", ENTITY)

                    var urlsValues = urls["value"].ToArray();
                    if (urlsValues.Count() > 0)
                        WebService.Patch(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").Id((int)urlsValues[0]["Id"]).BuildQuery(), urlDeactivate.ToString());

                    WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(id).BuildQuery(), unpublish.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Produits supprimés");
예제 #7
        private void SyncCatStckTypes(Dictionary <int, string> catStckTypes)
            //1. Get existings specification attributes
            //2. Check existences
            //2b (opt) Check if names has changed
            //3. Add or udpates
            //4. Delete if necessary

            JToken[] specAtts = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(ENTITY));

            List <int> toKeep = new List <int>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> s in catStckTypes)
                JToken j = null;
                if (specAtts.Length > 0)
                    j = specAtts[s.Key - 1];
                if (j == null)
                    CAT_STCK cs = new CAT_STCK();
                    cs.NOM  = s.Value;
                    cs.TYPE = s.Key;
                    string result = WebService.Post(ENTITY, ParserJSon.ParseScatToSpecificationAttribute(cs).ToString());
                    //JToken[] resultJ = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(result);
                    JObject jsonResult = JObject.Parse(result);

                    string gaResult = WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE, ParserJSon.GetGenericAttributeJSon((int)jsonResult["Id"], ENTITY, KEY_TYPE, cs.TYPE.ToString()).ToString());

                    Console.WriteLine("Cat Stock:" + cs.NOM + " inserted");
                    if (j["Name"].ToString() != s.Value)
                        JObject jo = new JObject();
                        jo.Add("Name", s.Value);
                        //jo.Add("Type", s.Key);
                        WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id((int)j["Id"]).BuildQuery(), jo.ToString());

            IEnumerable <int> idsExisting = specAtts.Select(x => (int)x["Id"]);
            IEnumerable <int> toDelete    = idsExisting.Except(toKeep);

            toDelete.ToList().ForEach(x => WebService.Delete(urlBuilder.Id(x).BuildQuery()));
예제 #8
        private void AddSpec(JArray ja, IDictionary <String, int> specopts, string scat, int number, int productId)
            int value;

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scat))
                if (!specopts.TryGetValue(scat + number, out value))
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key: " + scat + number + " not found in the dictionary");
                ja.Add(ParserJSon.getProductSpecificationAttributeJson(value, true, productId));
예제 #9
        public void SyncSpecAttOps(IDictionary <String, int> attSpecOp, List <int> specsToKeep, int catStockTypeId, int specAttId)
            string sql            = String.Format("SELECT nom,id_web, id FROM CAT_STCK WHERE TYPE = {0}", catStockTypeId, StockSyncer.JOIN_CLAUSE, StockSyncer.ALL_STOCKS_WHERE_CLAUSE);
            string sqlUpdateIdWeb = "UPDATE CAT_STCK SET ID_WEB = {0} WHERE ID = '{1}'";

            List <string> catStocks = new List <string>();

            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql);

                DataTable dt = DBContextFactory.DBContext.Query(sqlCommand);

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string scatVal   = Convert.ToString(dr["nom"]).TrimEnd();
                    string scatId    = Convert.ToString(dr["id"]).TrimEnd();
                    int    scatIdWeb = Convert.ToInt32(dr["id_web"]);

                    //Format to JSON
                    JObject json   = ParserJSon.ParseSCATToSpecificationAttributeOption(specAttId, scatVal);
                    int     specId = 0;

                    if (!attSpecOp.Any(x => x.Value == scatIdWeb))
                        //Send via POST (new ones)
                        string  result   = WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.SPEC_ATT_OPT, json);
                        JObject newValue = JObject.Parse(result);
                        specId = (int)newValue["Id"];
                        sqlUpdateIdWeb = String.Format(sqlUpdateIdWeb, specId, scatId);
                        //Exists; we keep the id
                        specId = scatIdWeb;
                        JObject nameUpdate = new JObject();
                        nameUpdate.Add("Name", scatVal);
                        WebService.Patch(new UrlBuilder("SpecificationAttributeOption").Id(scatIdWeb).BuildQuery(), nameUpdate.ToString());
                    //Store cat to keep
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //private JArray MapFiles(STOCK stock, SqlConnection connection, int productId = 0)
        //    JArray ja = new JArray();

        //    string location = FileConverter.REP_FILES_LOCATION + stock.S_ID.TrimEnd();
        //    //string[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(location);
        //    DirectoryInfo directorySelected = new DirectoryInfo(location);

        //    foreach (FileInfo fileToCompress in directorySelected.GetFiles())
        //    {
        //        string path = location + "\\" + fileToCompress.Name;
        //        ja.Add(ParserJSon.GetProductFileJson(fileToCompress.Name, FileConverter.ConvertFileToB64(path), productId));
        //        //File.Delete(path);
        //    }

        //    return ja;

        /// <summary>
        /// ! Specifications have to be synchronized first (S_CAT) !
        /// Map the Mercator's Stock's S_CAT with Nop's Products's Specs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <param name="specopts"></param>
        private JArray MapSpecs(STOCK stock, IDictionary <String, int> specopts, int productId = 0)
            JArray ja = new JArray();

            string typesResult = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute")
                                                .FilterEq("KeyGroup", "SpecificationAttribute")
                                                .FilterEq("Key", "Type")

            JToken[] types = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(typesResult);
            int      type1 = types.Where(x => (int)x["Value"] == 1).Select(x => (int)x["EntityId"]).FirstOrDefault();
            int      type2 = types.Where(x => (int)x["Value"] == 2).Select(x => (int)x["EntityId"]).FirstOrDefault();
            int      type3 = types.Where(x => (int)x["Value"] == 3).Select(x => (int)x["EntityId"]).FirstOrDefault();

            if (type1 != 0)
                AddSpec(ja, specopts, stock.S_CAT1, type1, productId);
            if (type2 != 0)
                AddSpec(ja, specopts, stock.S_CAT2, type2, productId);
            if (type3 != 0)
                AddSpec(ja, specopts, stock.S_CAT3, type3, productId);

            //JToken[] prod = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.GET_PRODUCT_BY_MERCATOR_ID,stock.S_ID.TrimEnd())));
            JToken[] toDelete = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("ProductSpecificationAttribute")
                                                                                  .FilterEq("ProductId", productId)

            //TODO: revoir delete
            //foreach (JToken j in toDelete)
            //    if ((int)j["SpecificationAttributeOptionId"] != value)
            //    {
            //        WebService.Delete(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.PRODUCT_SPEC_ATT_BY_ID, (int)j["Id"]));
            //        WebService.Delete(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.SPEC_ATT_OPT_BY_ID, (int)j["SpecificationAttributeOptionId"]));
            //    }

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the Mercator client's email already exists in NopCommerce
        /// If so, it throws an Exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Mercator Client</param>
        private void checkEmailExistence(CLI c)
            string emailResult = WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterEq("Email", c.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd()).BuildQuery());

            JToken[] emails = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(emailResult);
            if (emails.Count() > 0)
                JToken user = emails.First();
                if (user["Deleted"].ToString() == "False")
                    string mercatorId = user["MercatorId"].ToString().TrimEnd();
                    if (mercatorId != c.C_ID.TrimEnd() && mercatorId != "")
                        throw new Exception("User with email : " + c.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd() + " already exists");
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get existing url records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rayons"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //private static IDictionary<String, int> GetExistingUrlRecords(IEnumerable<Category> categories)
        //    Dictionary<String, int> existingIds = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        //    string json = WebService.Get(WebServiceUrls.GET_URL_RECORDS_ACTIVE_CATEGORIES);
        //    JObject urls = JObject.Parse(json);
        //    var values = urls["value"].ToArray();

        //    foreach(Category c in categories)
        //    {
        //        foreach(JToken v in values)
        //        {
        //            if(c.MercatorId == v["Slug"].ToString())
        //            {
        //                //r.ID => urlRecordId
        //                existingIds.Add(c.MercatorId, (int)v["Id"]);
        //                //r.IDSlug =>catId
        //                existingIds.Add(c.MercatorId + SLUG, (int)v["EntityId"]);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return existingIds;


        /// <summary>
        /// Get a mapping of Mercator's RFS IDs and Nop's CatIds
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Dictionnary with RFS IDs as key and Nop Ids as values</returns>
        public static IDictionary <string, int> GetMapIdNopId()
            Dictionary <string, int> map = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            //Get the categories mercator Ids
            string json = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", "MercatorId").BuildQuery());

            JToken[] gaValues = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(json);

            //Get the categories mercator Ids of the active categories
            foreach (JToken v in gaValues)
                //if(catsValues.Any(x=>(int)x["Id"] == (int)v["EntityId"]))
                map.Add(v["Value"].ToString(), (int)v["EntityId"]);

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Update Nop's Customer datas from Mercator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cli"></param>
        /// <param name="cl"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void updateNopClient(CLI cli, Customer cl, JToken GenericAttributeModiftag)
            //Patch Customer
            JObject toPatch = new JObject();

            if (cli.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd() != cl.Email)
                toPatch.Add("Username", cli.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd());
                toPatch.Add("Email", cli.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd());

            WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(cl.Id).BuildQuery(), toPatch.ToString());

            //Tarif update
            //string crJson = WebService.Get(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.GET_CUSTOMER_AND_CR_BY_ID, cl.IdNop));
            //JToken[] customer = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(crJson);
            //var crs = customer.FirstOrDefault();
            //var customerRoles = crs != null ? crs["CustomerRoles"].ToArray() : null;

            //syncTarCli(cli, context);

            //Update Tag
            toPatch = new JObject();
            toPatch.Add("Value", cli.C_MODIFTAG.ToString());
            WebService.Patch(String.Format(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").Id((int)GenericAttributeModiftag["Id"]).BuildQuery()), toPatch.ToString());

            if (cli.C_ADRESSE.TrimEnd() != cl.Address1.Street.TrimEnd() || cli.C_ADRESSE2.TrimEnd() != cl.Address1.Street2.TrimEnd())
                string  addressJson   = ParserJSon.ParseAddressToJson(cli, OptionsMercator).ToString();
                string  addressResult = WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.ADDRESS, addressJson);
                JObject newAddress    = JObject.Parse(addressResult);
                int     addressId     = (int)newAddress["Id"];

                //link address
                JObject linkCliToAddress = new JObject();
                linkCliToAddress.Add("@odata.id", WebService.GetStoreAddress() + new UrlBuilder("Address").Id(addressId).BuildQuery());

                WebService.Put(urlBuilder.BuildQueryRef(cli.C_ID_WEB, "Addresses"), linkCliToAddress);
                //link address as billing address
                //WebService.Put(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.LINK_CUSTOMER_TO_BILLING_ADDRESS, cli.C_ID_WEB.ToString()), linkCliToAddress);
예제 #14
        //Used for products
        public static void addAclMapping(int entityId, string entityNameMapping, JArray ja)
            //ADD ACL RECORD
            var     allowedRoles = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CRRestrictedAccessAllowed"].Split(';');
            JObject jo           = new JObject();

            foreach (String s in allowedRoles)
                JObject ids      = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(wsCustomerRoleMapping + "?$filter=Name+eq+'" + s + "'&select=Id"));
                var     idsValue = ids["value"].ToArray();
                if (idsValue.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (JToken id in idsValue)
                        ja.Add(ParserJSon.parseNewAclToJson(entityId, entityNameMapping, int.Parse(id["Id"].ToString())));
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the Mercator client's username (PILE+id) already exists in NopCommerce
        /// If so, it throws an Exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Mercator Client</param>
        private void checkUsernameExistence(CLI c)
            string userNameResult = WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterEq("Username", c.C_ID.TrimEnd()).BuildQuery());

            JToken[] usernames = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(userNameResult);

            if (usernames.Count() > 0)
                JToken user = usernames.First();
                if (user["Deleted"].ToString() == "False")
                    string mercatorId = user["MercatorId"].ToString().TrimEnd();
                    if (mercatorId != c.C_ID.TrimEnd() && mercatorId != "")
                        throw new DuplicateNameException("User with username : "******" already exists");
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Add taxes to products (i.e product attributes) (e.g ecotaxe)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        //private static JArray syncTaxAndCondit(STOCK stock, int productId = 0)
        //    JArray ja = new JArray();
        //    JObject attributeMapping;
        //    JArray attributeValues;
        //    string productVAttributeId;
        //    //Attributes
        //    foreach (ARTLIENS a in stock.ARTLIENS)
        //    {
        //        if (a.VEN)
        //        {
        //            int attributeId = 0;
        //            productVAttributeId = "";

        //            //Create attribute if it doesn't exist yet
        //            JObject paO = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(WebServiceUrls.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE + "?$filter=Name+eq+'" + a.STOCK1.S_MODELE.TrimEnd() + "'"));
        //            var pa = paO["value"].ToArray();
        //            if (pa.Count() == 0)
        //            {
        //                string result = WebService.Post(WebServiceUrls.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE, ParserJSon.ParseTaxToProductAttribute(a.STOCK1.S_MODELE.TrimEnd()));
        //                JObject idO = JObject.Parse(result);
        //                attributeId = (int)idO["Id"];
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                attributeId = (int)pa[0]["Id"];
        //            }

        //            attributeMapping = ParserJSon.ParseArtLien1ToProductVariantAttribute(attributeId, productId);

        //            //Add value to attribute
        //            attributeValues = new JArray();
        //            //JObject pvavO = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(WebServiceUrls.PRODUCT_VARIANT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE + "?$filter=ProductAttributeMappingId+eq+" + productVAttributeId));
        //            //var pvav = pvavO["value"].ToArray();

        //            attributeValues.Add(ParserJSon.ParseArtLien1ToProductVariantAttributeValue(a.STOCK1.S_MODELE.TrimEnd(), a.STOCK1.S_PRIX_TI));

        //            attributeMapping.Add("ProductAttributeValues", attributeValues);
        //            ja.Add(attributeMapping);
        //        }

        //    }

        //    if (stock.S_CONDIT_V > 1)
        //    {
        //        attributeMapping = ParserJSon.ParseArtLien1ToProductVariantAttribute(1, productId);
        //        attributeValues = new JArray();
        //        attributeValues.Add(ParserJSon.ParseArtLien1ToProductVariantAttributeValue(stock.S_CONDIT_V.ToString() + " PC", 0));
        //        attributeMapping.Add("ProductAttributeValues", attributeValues);
        //        ja.Add(attributeMapping);
        //    }

        //    return ja;

        /// <summary>
        /// Map product to tier prices (Tarifs in Mercator)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <param name="productId"></param>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        //private static JArray MapTierPrices(STOCK stock, SqlConnection connection, int productId)
        //    JArray array = new JArray();
        //    string json = WebService.Get("TierPrice?$filter=ProductId+eq+" + productId);
        //    JToken[] valuesTP = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(json);

        //    List<String> tpToKeep = new List<String>();

        //    //Get existing customer roles
        //    string jsonCR = WebService.Get("CustomerRole?$filter=IsSystemRole+eq+false");
        //    JToken[] valuesCR = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(jsonCR);

        //    //CustomerRoleID => Price in Nop
        //    IDictionary<String, String> tpMap = new Dictionary<String, String>();
        //    foreach (JToken v in valuesTP)
        //    {
        //        tpMap.Add(v["CustomerRoleId"].ToString()+"KEY", v["Id"].ToString());
        //        tpMap.Add(v["CustomerRoleId"].ToString(), v["Price"].ToString());

        //    }

        //    foreach (JToken v in valuesCR)
        //    {
        //        string tarId = v["SystemName"].ToString().Split('_').Last();
        //        double tarti = (double)connection.Entry(stock).Property("S_PRIXHT" + tarId).CurrentValue;
        //        decimal remise = GetRemise(stock,connection,tarId);
        //        string concernedPrice;
        //        tpMap.TryGetValue(v["Id"].ToString(), out concernedPrice);
        //        //If TierPrice contains customer role's id => Check if it's the same price
        //        if (concernedPrice != null)
        //        {
        //            //Price have changed => Patch
        //            if (tarti.ToString() != concernedPrice)
        //            {
        //                array.Add(ParserJSon.GetTierPriceJson((int)v["Id"], tarti, remise, productId));
        //            }
        //        }
        //        //If it's not in it, we add it
        //        else
        //        {
        //            array.Add(ParserJSon.GetTierPriceJson((int)v["Id"], tarti, remise, productId));
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return array;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get remise by stock and tarif
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="tarId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //private static decimal GetRemise(STOCK stock, SqlConnection connection, string tarId)
        //    string scat2 = stock.S_CAT2;
        //    var cats = from c in context.CAT_STCK
        //                   where c.NOM.TrimEnd() == scat2.TrimEnd()
        //                   select c;

        //    if(cats.FirstOrDefault() != null)
        //    {
        //        CAT_STCK cs = cats.FirstOrDefault();
        //        object tarti = context.Entry(cs).Property("CAT" + tarId).CurrentValue;
        //        return (decimal)(double)tarti;
        //    }

        //    return 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new entry in Nop Product_Category_Mapping Table
        /// </summary>
        private JArray MapCategory(STOCK stock, IDictionary <string, int> categories, int productId = 0)
            string ray   = stock.S_ID_RAYON.TrimEnd();
            string fam   = stock.S_ID_FAMIL.TrimEnd();
            string ssfam = stock.S_ID_SSFAM.TrimEnd();
            //Get CatId
            string rfsId = (ssfam == "") ? ((fam == "") ? ray : fam) : ssfam;

            int  catId;
            bool catExists = categories.TryGetValue(rfsId, out catId);

            //If catID is empty, the rfs have not been syncrhonised. Sync it or do nothing ?
            if (catExists)
                JArray cats = new JArray();
                cats.Add(ParserJSon.getProductCategoryJson(catId, productId));
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the Mercator client's email already exists in NopCommerce
        /// If so, it throws an Exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Mercator Client</param>
        private void CheckEmailExistence(CLI c)
            string emailResult = WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterEq("Email", c.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd()).BuildQuery());

            JToken[] emails = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(emailResult);
            if (emails.Count() > 0)
                JToken user = emails.First();
                if (user["Deleted"].ToString() == "False")
                    string  mercatorIdResult  = WebService.Get(String.Format(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", KEY_MERCATORID).FilterEq("EntityId", (int)user["Id"]).BuildQuery()));
                    JObject mercatorIdJObject = JObject.Parse(mercatorIdResult);
                    string  mercatorId        = mercatorIdJObject["Value"]?.ToString();
                    if (mercatorId != c.C_ID.TrimEnd() && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mercatorId))
                        throw new Exception("User with email : " + c.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd() + " already exists");
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all SpecAttributeOptions
        /// <String, String> => <Name+Type, Id>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A Dictionnary of strings : Key = Name+TypeId, Value = specId</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, int> GetAllNopSpecOpt()
            Dictionary <string, int> nopSpecOpt = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            string json   = WebService.Get(WebApiEntities.SPEC_ATT_OPT);
            var    values = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(json);

            foreach (JToken v in values)
                //Name+typeID, cause 2 equal names can be in 2 differents cat
                    nopSpecOpt.Add(v["Name"].ToString() + v["SpecificationAttributeId"], (int)v["Id"]);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Program.log(String.Format("Valeur déjà présente : {0}{1}", v["Name"].ToString(), v["SpecificationAttributeId"].ToString()));

예제 #19
        //Récupère les id mercator, les modiftag et les id des produits Nop
        private List <ProductDatas> GetProductMercatorDatas()
            Dictionary <string, int> map = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            string jsonPublishedIds = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder(ENTITY).Select("Id", "Sku", "Published").BuildQuery());

            JToken[] products = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(jsonPublishedIds);

            string jsonModiftagIds = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute")
                                                    .FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY)
                                                    .FilterEq("Key", KEY_MODIFTAG)

            JToken[] gaModiftagIdsValues = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(jsonModiftagIds);

            if (gaModiftagIdsValues.Length == 0)
                return(new List <ProductDatas>());
            var productsMIds = from p in products
                               join merc in gaModiftagIdsValues on p["Id"] equals merc["EntityId"]
                               into z
                               from q in z.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               select new { Id = p["Id"], Published = p["Published"], MercatorId = p["Sku"], Modiftag = q["Value"] };

            var productsDatas = from p in productsMIds
                                join modif in gaModiftagIdsValues on p.Id equals modif["EntityId"]
                                into z
                                from q in z.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                select new ProductDatas {
                Id = (int)p.Id, Published = (bool)p.Published, MercatorId = p.MercatorId.ToString(), Modiftag = (int)q["Value"]

            //return map;
예제 #20
        //Update every product url and sync new ones
        public override bool Sync()
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))
                    List <STOCK> prodList = new List <STOCK>();


                    string whereClause = String.Format(StockSyncer.WHERE_CLAUSE, -1);

                    prodList = GetMercatorProductListWithUrlDatas(connection, whereClause).ToList();

                    JToken[] products = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Product")
                                                                                          .FilterEq("Published", true)
                                                                                          .Select("Id", "MercatorId")

                    foreach (JToken j in products)
                            STOCK s = prodList.Where(x => x.S_ID.TrimEnd() == j["MercatorId"].ToString().TrimEnd()).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (s != null)
                                string   newUrl = BuildProductUrl(s, connection);
                                JToken[] urls   = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord")
                                                                                                    .FilterEq("EntityId", (int)j["Id"])
                                                                                                    .FilterEq("EntityName", "Product")
                                if (urls.Length > 0)
                                    int urlId = (int)urls.FirstOrDefault()["Id"];

                                    JObject newUrlObject = new JObject();
                                    newUrlObject.Add("Slug", newUrl);

                                    WebService.Patch(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").Id(urlId).BuildQuery(), newUrlObject.ToString());
                        catch (Exception e)

                catch (Exception e)
                    if (connection != null)
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronize RFS with Nop's categories
        /// Sync E-Commerce first (access to everyone)
        /// Then Sync Restricted access
        /// </summary>
        /// <note>RFS to excludes are to add in appconfig file</note>
        /// <param name="niveau"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool Sync(RFS.TYPE niveau)
            //Get Rayons From Mercator
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))
                IEnumerable <Category> categories = new List <Category>();

                //map mercator's ids with nop commerce's existing ids
                IDictionary <string, int> mapMIdNopId = GetMapIdNopId();

                categories = GetRFSAsCategories(connection, mapMIdNopId, niveau);

                //ID Mercator (url) + id category
                //rayonID => urlRecordID
                //rayonID + "SLUG" => catID
                //var existingUrlRecordsSlugAndCatId = GetExistingUrlRecords(categories);

                List <int> categoriesToKeep = new List <int>();

                //ADD/EDIT RAYONS
                foreach (Category category in categories)
                        //Format to JSON
                        JObject json  = ParserJSon.ParseRFSToNopCategory(category);
                        int     catId = 0;

                        //ADD CATEGORY TO NOP
                        if (mapMIdNopId.ContainsKey(category.MercatorId))
                                catId = mapMIdNopId[category.MercatorId];

                                //Send via PATCH/PUT (existing ones)
                                WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(catId).BuildQuery(), json.ToString());

                                //Activate url (in case it was deactivated)
                                JObject urlActivate = new JObject();
                                urlActivate.Add("IsActive", true);
                                JObject urls = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").And().FilterEq("EntityId", catId).FilterEq("EntityName", ENTITY).BuildQuery()));

                                var urlsValues = urls["value"].ToArray();
                                if (urlsValues.Count() > 0)
                                    WebService.Patch(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").Id((int)urlsValues[0]["Id"]).BuildQuery(), urlActivate.ToString());
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Program.log("Exception lors de la mise à jour de la categorie : " + category.Name.TrimEnd());
                                Program.log("NopId de la catégorie :" + catId);
                            //Send via POST (new ones)

                            string  result = WebService.Post(ENTITY, json.ToString());
                            JObject newCat = JObject.Parse(result);
                            catId = (int)newCat["Id"];

                            //ADD URL RECORD
                            JObject urlJson = ParserJSon.GetUrlRecordJson(ENTITY, catId, UrlsSyncer.BuildCategoryUrl(category));
                            WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.URL_RECORD, urlJson.ToString());

                            //ADD GENERIC ATTRIBUTE MERCATOR ID
                            JObject genericAttributeJSon = ParserJSon.GetGenericAttributeJSon(catId, ENTITY, KEY_MERCATORID, category.MercatorId);
                            WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE, genericAttributeJSon.ToString());

                            Console.WriteLine(category.Name + " inserted");

                        //Store cat to keep
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Program.log(String.Format("Error syncing category : {0}.", category.Name));

                //Delete categories that aren't in Mercator
                List <int> existings = new List <int>();

                List <JToken> values = niveau == RFS.TYPE.RAYON ? JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(urlBuilder.And().FilterEq("Published", true).FilterEq("ParentCategoryId", 0).BuildQuery()))["value"].ToList()
                    : (niveau == RFS.TYPE.FAMILLE ? GetNopFamilles() : GetNopSousFamilles());

                foreach (JToken v in values)
                    if (!(bool)v["Deleted"])

                var toDelete = existings.Except(categoriesToKeep);
                toDelete = toDelete.ToList();

                JObject deletedJson = new JObject();
                deletedJson.Add("Deleted", true);

                JObject urlDeactivated = new JObject();
                urlDeactivated.Add("IsActive", false);

                foreach (int i in toDelete)
                    //Deactivate the deleted category and delete corresponding urlRecord
                    //Instead of published : false => Delete : false ou vraiment la supprimer ?
                    //WebService.Patch(wsCategoryMapping + "(" + s + ")", "{\"Published\":false}");
                    JObject urls       = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").And().FilterEq("EntityId", i).FilterEq("EntityName", "Category").BuildQuery()));
                    var     urlsValues = urls["value"].ToArray();

                    if (urlsValues.Count() > 0)
                        Program.log(i + " deleted");
                        //deleteResult = WebService.Delete(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.URL_RECORD_ID, (int)urlsValues[0]["Id"]));
                        WebService.Patch(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").Id((int)urlsValues[0]["Id"]).BuildQuery(), urlDeactivated.ToString());
                    //deleteResult = WebService.Delete(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.CATEGORY_ID, i));
                    WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(i).BuildQuery(), deletedJson.ToString());

예제 #22
        public override bool Sync()
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))

                    //Get clients (lastActivityDate comes with it)
                    string   nopClients = WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterNe("Email", null).FilterEq("IsSystemAccount", false).FilterEq("Active", true).Expand("Addresses").BuildQuery());
                    JToken[] clis       = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(nopClients);

                    List <Customer> toSync = new List <Customer>();

                    foreach (JToken c in clis)
                            string   mercatorIdResult = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", KEY_MERCATORID).FilterEq("EntityId", (int)c["Id"]).BuildQuery());
                            JToken[] mercatorIdToken  = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(mercatorIdResult);

                            string mercatorId = mercatorIdToken.FirstOrDefault()?["Value"]?.ToString();

                            if ((DateTimeOffset)c["LastActivityDateUtc"] > DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(-12) || mercatorId == null)
                                string ordersByCliResult = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Order")
                                                                          .FilterEq("CustomerId", c["Id"])

                                JToken[] ordersTokens = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(ordersByCliResult);

                                if (ordersTokens.Length > 0)
                                    var address = c["Addresses"].ToArray();

                                    if (address.Length > 0)
                                        //Prend la première adresse
                                        Address a = getAddressFromToken(address[0]);

                                        Customer cli = new Customer
                                            Id           = (int)c["Id"],
                                            Email        = c["Email"].ToString(),
                                            Username     = c["Username"].ToString(),
                                            Name         = a.FirstName + " " + a.LastName,
                                            CreatedOnUtc = (DateTime)c["CreatedOnUtc"],
                                            MercatorId   = mercatorId,
                                            Address1     = a,

                                        //Fetch Tva
                                        JToken[] tvaNumber = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute")
                                                                                                               .FilterEq("EntityId", (int)c["Id"])
                                                                                                               .FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY)
                                                                                                               .FilterEq("Key", KEY_VATNUMBER)

                                        if (tvaNumber.Length > 0)
                                            cli.Tva = tvaNumber.First()["Value"].ToString();

                        }catch (Exception e)

                    foreach (Customer c in toSync)
                            //Check if has to be edited or added
                            SigCli sigCli = new SigCli();
                            bool   exists = sigCli.ReadWhere(String.Format("C_ID_WEB = '{0}'", c.Id));

                            string newMercatorId = "";

                            if (!exists)
                                sigCli        = createMClient(c);
                                newMercatorId = sigCli.GetField("C_ID").Value.ToString();
                            else if ((bool)sigCli.GetField("C_FROM_WEB").Value)
                            //On l'update s'il a été créé sur le site, pas s'il vient de Mercator
                                if (c.MercatorId == null)
                                    newMercatorId = sigCli.GetField("C_ID").Value.ToString().TrimEnd();
                                    c.MercatorId  = newMercatorId;

                            //Add the newly created mercator id to the nopCommerce customer
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newMercatorId))
                                JToken[] result = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", KEY_MERCATORID).FilterEq("EntityId", c.Id).BuildQuery()));
                                if (result.Length > 0)
                                    if (result.FirstOrDefault()["Value"].ToString() != "")
                                        Program.log(String.Format("Client {0} already has a MercatorId : {1}", c.Id, result[0]["Value"]));
                                    JObject mercatorIdGA = ParserJSon.GetGenericAttributeJSon(c.Id, ENTITY, KEY_MERCATORID, newMercatorId);

                                    WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE, mercatorIdGA);
                        catch (Exception e)
                catch (Exception e)

예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the products to the website by WS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="products"></param>
        /// <returns>False if an exception has been caught, true if products have been succesfully synced</returns>
        private void SendProducts(JArray products, bool publish = true, List <STOCK> stocks = null, SqlConnection connection = null)
            JObject container            = new JObject();
            string  addedProductsResult  = "";
            JObject addedProductsResultO = new JObject();

                //Add the products to the JSON
                container.Add("products", products);

                //Post everything
                Console.WriteLine("Envoi des produits");
                addedProductsResult = WebService.Post(urlBuilder.BuildQueryFct("AddProducts"), container.ToString());

                addedProductsResultO = JObject.Parse(addedProductsResult);

                Console.WriteLine("Produits synchros");

                if (publish)
                    Console.WriteLine("Ajouts URLS && Generic Attributes");

                    JArray urlList = new JArray();
                    JArray genericAttributeList = new JArray();

                    foreach (var j in addedProductsResultO)
                        STOCK s = stocks.Where(x => x.S_ID.TrimEnd() == j.Value.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();

                        string  url              = UrlsSyncer.BuildProductUrl(s, connection);
                        JObject urlJSon          = ParserJSon.GetUrlRecordJson(ENTITY, Int32.Parse(j.Key), url);
                        JObject genericAttribute = ParserJSon.GetGenericAttributeJSon(Int32.Parse(j.Key), ENTITY, KEY_MODIFTAG, s.S_MODIFTAG.ToString());


                    JObject urlContainer = new JObject();
                    JObject gaContainer  = new JObject();

                    urlContainer.Add("urls", urlList);
                    gaContainer.Add("genericAttributes", genericAttributeList);

                    WebService.Post(new UrlBuilder("UrlRecord").BuildQueryFct("AddUrlRecords"), urlContainer.ToString());
                    WebService.Post(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").BuildQueryFct("AddGenericAttributes"), gaContainer.ToString());

                    Console.WriteLine("URLS et GA ajoutés");
            catch (Exception e)
                Program.log("Erreur lors de l'envoi des produits");

                Program.log("These products have failed syncing : ");
                foreach (JObject jo in products)
                    Program.log(jo.ToString(), false);

예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Sync Clients from Mercator to Nop
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Sync()
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))
                    //TODO Get clients to be registered => DEFINIR CONDITION
                    List <CLI> mclis = GetMercatorClientsList(connection, WHERE_CLAUSE);

                    //List<CLI> mclis = mClients.Select(x => x.Cli).ToList();
                    string nopClient          = "";
                    IEnumerable <JToken> clis = null;
                    foreach (CLI c in mclis)
                            if (c.C_ID_WEB != 0)
                            //a déjà été synchro : vérifie si on doit modifier quelque chose
                                //Get the customer addresses for the given customer Id if it is not deleted
                                nopClient = WebService.Get(urlBuilder
                                                           .FilterEq("Deleted", false)

                                clis = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(nopClient);

                                if (clis.Count() > 0)
                                    JToken client = clis.FirstOrDefault();

                                    string   modiftagResult  = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", KEY_MODIFTAG).FilterEq("EntityId", (int)client["Id"]).BuildQuery());
                                    JToken[] modiftagJtokens = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(modiftagResult);
                                    string   modiftagS       = modiftagJtokens.FirstOrDefault()?["Value"]?.ToString();
                                    decimal  modiftag        = Decimal.Parse(modiftagS);

                                    if (modiftag < c.C_MODIFTAG)
                                        var address = client["Addresses"].ToArray();

                                        if (address.Count() > 0)
                                            Address a = GetAddressFromToken(address.Last());

                                            Customer customer = new Customer(c.C_ID, client["Email"].ToString(), client["Username"].ToString(), c.C_NOM.TrimEnd(), (DateTime)client["CreatedOnUtc"], (int)client["Id"], a);

                                            customer.Tva = c.C_NUM_TVA?.TrimEnd();

                                            customer.PasswordSalt = client["PasswordSalt"].ToString();
                                            customer.Password     = client["Password"].ToString();

                                            updateNopClient(c, customer, modiftagJtokens.First());
                                    //Doesn't exist or has been deleted
                        }catch (Exception e)
                catch (Exception e)

예제 #25
        public override bool Sync()
            //Get orders placed since last sync (based on Order's id) from Nop using Web Service

            using (Main Mercator = new Main(directory, null, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MercatorLogin"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MercatorMdp"]))
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))

                        if (Mercator != null)
                            MercatorApi.Api.IsWeb = true;
                            string jsonCommandes = "";

                            jsonCommandes = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", KEY_SYNCED).FilterEq("Value", "0").BuildQuery());
                            //jsonCommandes = WebService.Get(WebServiceUrls.ORDER_UNSYNCED);

                            JToken[] commandes = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(jsonCommandes);
                            if (commandes.Length == 0)
                                Program.WriteLine("Pas de nouvelles commandes");

                            foreach (JToken co in commandes)
                                    string orderResult = WebService.Get(urlBuilder

                                    //JToken[] orderToken = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(orderResult);
                                    JObject order = JObject.Parse(orderResult);

                                    //if (order.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                    //    JToken c = orderToken.FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (((int)order["PaymentStatusId"] == 30 || (int)order["PaymentStatusId"] == 20) || (order["PaymentMethodSystemName"].ToString() == "Payments.CheckMoneyOrder"))
                                        JObject syncMarker = new JObject();

                                        List <int> syncedOrderIds = new List <int>();

                                        var items = (order["OrderItems"]).ToArray();
                                        int id    = int.Parse(order["CustomerId"].ToString());
                                        //Get web client
                                        SigCli sigCli = new SigCli();
                                        bool   exists = sigCli.ReadWhere(String.Format("C_ID_WEB = '{0}'", id));

                                        if (!exists)
                                            Program.log("Commande n°" + order["Id"].ToString() + " non synchronisée car le client " + id + " n'a pas été trouvé dans Mercator.");
                                            //Get the journal in which the order has to be placed
                                            using (BillingEngine be = BillingEngine.InitNew(Billing.TypeVAEnum.V, 3, journal))
                                                if (be.PIEDS != null)

                                                    be.PIEDS["DATE"] = DateTime.Parse(order["CreatedOnUtc"].ToString());
                                                    throw new Exception("An error occured - please check that the journal exists");

                                                foreach (JToken i in items)
                                                    //Get product ids by SKU (Nop's SKU = S_CLE_1)
                                                    JObject o   = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Product").Id((int)i["ProductId"]).Select("Sku").BuildQuery()));
                                                    string  sku = o["Sku"].ToString();

                                                    int index = be.AppendLine();
                                                    //get from db stock using cle_1 then Add ID
                                                    be.InsertItem(sku, index, 1);

                                                    //Use price/vat used when the order was placed : might have been some changes in Mercator since then
                                                    be.LIGNES.Rows[index]["Q"]  = i["Quantity"].Value <Double>() /** condit*/;
                                                    be.LIGNES.Rows[index]["PU"] = i["UnitPriceExclTax"].Value <Decimal>();   /* * (1 + (i["Remise"].Value<Decimal>() / 100));*/

                                                //Shipping tax
                                                //TODO: faire un doc avec les étapes de l'installation + vérifications à faire
                                                //TODO: Verif: Présence d'un article frais de livraison dans le Mercator cible
                                                if (Double.Parse(order["OrderShippingInclTax"].ToString()) > 0)
                                                    string fraislivraisonId = OptionsMercator.GetOptionValue("NOP_LIV_ID").ToString();

                                                    SigStock sigStock      = new SigStock();
                                                    bool     fraisLivFound = sigStock.ReadWhere(String.Format("S_CLE1 = '{0}'", fraislivraisonId));

                                                    if (fraisLivFound)
                                                        int n = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.InsertItem(sigStock.GetField("S_ID").Value.ToString(), n, 1);
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["PU"]       = Double.Parse(order["OrderShippingInclTax"].ToString()) / 1.21;
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["TAUX_TVA"] = 21;

                                                //CODE PROMO SUR TOTAL COMMANDE
                                                //TODO:CODE PROMO - UNCOMMENT IF NECESSARY
                                                //if (Double.Parse(c["OrderDiscount"].ToString()) > 0)
                                                //    string codepromocommandecle1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CODEPROMOCOMMANDE"];
                                                //    SigStock sigStock = new SigStock();
                                                //    bool codePromoFound = sigStock.ReadWhere(String.Format("S_CLE1 = '{0}'", codepromocommandecle1));
                                                //    if (codePromoFound)
                                                //    {
                                                //        int n = be.AppendLine();
                                                //        be.InsertItem(sigStock.GetField("S_ID").Value.ToString().S_ID.TrimEnd(), n, 1);
                                                //        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["PU"] = (Double.Parse(c["OrderDiscount"].ToString())) * -1;
                                                //        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["TAUX_TVA"] = 0;
                                                //    }


                                                #region payments

                                                //Check if order is paid : c["PaymentStatusId"] -> 10 pending, 30 paid
                                                if (order["PaymentStatusId"].ToString() == "10")
                                                    switch (order["PaymentMethodSystemName"].ToString())
                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_VIREMENT: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;

                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_PAYPAL: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_PAYPAL; break;

                                                        be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;
                                                else if (order["PaymentStatusId"].ToString() == "30")
                                                    double tot = Convert.ToDouble(be.PIEDS["TOT_TTC_DV"].ToString());

                                                    switch (order["PaymentMethodSystemName"].ToString())
                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_VIREMENT: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;

                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_PAYPAL: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_PAYPAL; break;

                                                        be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;
                                                    //be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = 10;
                                                    be.PIEDS["TOT_PAIEM1"] = tot;
                                                    be.PIEDS["NET_DV"]     = tot;
                                                    be.PIEDS["NET_FB"]     = tot;


                                                #region shipment
                                                if (order["PickUpInStore"].ToString() == "True")
                                                    int nAdresse = be.AppendLine();
                                                    be.LIGNES.Rows[nAdresse]["DESIGNATIO"] = "Retrait en magasin";
                                                    Address billingA  = AddressConverter.ParseJsonToAddress(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Address").Id((int)order["BillingAddressId"]).BuildQuery()));
                                                    Address shippingA = AddressConverter.ParseJsonToAddress(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Address").Id((int)order["ShippingAddressId"]).BuildQuery()));
                                                    if (!billingA.Equals(shippingA))
                                                        int nAdresse = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nAdresse]["DESIGNATIO"] = "Adresse de livraison: ";
                                                        int nN = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nN]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.FirstName + " " + shippingA.LastName;
                                                        int nA = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nA]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.Street;
                                                        int nP = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nP]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.ZipPostalCode;
                                                        int nV = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nV]["DESIGNATIO"] = String.Format("{0}, {1}", shippingA.City, shippingA.Country);
                                                        int nPh = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nPh]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.PhoneNumber;

                                                        //TODO: Mode de livraison UPS + suppléments


                                                #region CheckoutAttributes
                                                //Récupère les attributs de commandes associés à la commande et les affiches dans les lignes_v
                                                //if (order["CheckoutAttributeDescription"].ToString() != "" && order["CheckoutAttributeDescription"].ToString() != "null")
                                                //    Dictionary<string, string> attributes = extractAttributes(order["CheckoutAttributesXml"].ToString());

                                                //    if (attributes.ContainsKey(ATTRIBUT_COMM))
                                                //    {
                                                //        if (attributes[ATTRIBUT_COMM] != "")
                                                //        {
                                                //            be.AppendLine();
                                                //            int n = be.AppendLine();
                                                //            be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["DESIGNATIO"] = "Commentaires: ";

                                                //            string[] commLines = attributes[ATTRIBUT_COMM].Split(new string[] { "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                                //            foreach (string s in commLines)
                                                //            {
                                                //                int nLine = be.AppendLine();
                                                //                be.LIGNES.Rows[nLine]["DESIGNATIO"] = s;
                                                //            }
                                                //        }
                                                //    }

                                                be.PIEDS["ID_WEB"]    = order["Id"].ToString();
                                                be.PIEDS["REFERENCE"] = REF_WEB;

                                                if (be.Save())
                                                    syncMarker.Add("Value", "1");
                                                    //WebService.Patch(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.ORDER_ID, (int)c["Id"]), syncMarker.ToString());
                                                    WebService.Patch(String.Format(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").Id((int)co["Id"]).BuildQuery()), syncMarker.ToString());
                                catch (Exception e)

                            //****** UPDATE STATUS ********//
                            Program.WriteLine("Updating Nop Order status...");
                            string   ordersUncomplete = WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterEq("OrderStatusId", 20).BuildQuery());
                            JToken[] orders           = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(ordersUncomplete);

                            if (orders.Count() > 0)
                                foreach (JToken o in orders)
                                    int    oId    = (int)o["Id"];
                                    PiedsV piedsV = new PiedsV();
                                    bool   exists = piedsV.Read(oId, "ID_WEB");

                                    if (exists)
                                        JObject patch = new JObject();
                                        patch.Add("OrderStatusId", 30);
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(piedsV.GetField("TYPE").Value) == 2)
                                            patch.Add("PaymentStatusId", 30);
                                            patch.Add("ShippingStatusId", 30);
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(piedsV.GetField("TYPE").Value) == 1)
                                            patch.Add("OrderStatusId", 30);
                                            patch.Add("PaymentStatusId", 30);
                                            patch.Add("ShippingStatusId", 40);

                                        WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(oId).BuildQuery(), patch.ToString());
                    catch (Exception e)

예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Customer in NopCommerce from a Mercator CLI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void createNopClient(CLI c)
            //Check if email/username already exists

            //Generation random password, or use C_ID?
            //string password = PasswordManagement.CreatePassword();
            string password = c.C_ID;

            //Add address
            string  addressResult = WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.ADDRESS, ParserJSon.ParseAddressToJson(c, OptionsMercator).ToString());
            JObject newAddress    = JObject.Parse(addressResult);
            int     addressId     = (int)newAddress["Id"];

            string clientJson = ParserJSon.ParseClientToJson(c.C_EMAIL.TrimEnd(), DateTimeOffset.Now, password, /*mercatorPrefix+*/ c.C_ID.TrimEnd(), c.C_MODIFTAG).ToString();

            string clientResult = WebService.Post(ENTITY, clientJson);

            JObject newCli = JObject.Parse(clientResult);
            int     id     = (int)newCli["Id"];

            c.C_ID_WEB = id;

            //Add TVA Number (if not_empty)
            //VatNumberStatudId : 10 = empty, 20 = valid
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.C_NUM_TVA))
                List <JObject> entries = ParserJSon.ParseClientCompanyToJson(id, c.C_NUM_TVA.TrimEnd(), c.C_NOM.TrimEnd());
                foreach (JObject e in entries)
                    WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE, e.ToString());

            JObject linkCliToAddress = new JObject();

            linkCliToAddress.Add("@odata.id", WebService.GetStoreAddress() + new UrlBuilder("Address").Id(addressId).BuildQuery());
            //link address
            WebService.Put(urlBuilder.BuildQueryRef(c.C_ID_WEB, "Addresses"), linkCliToAddress.ToString());

            //link address as billing address
            //WebService.Put(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.LINK_CUSTOMER_TO_BILLING_ADDRESS, c.C_ID_WEB.ToString()), linkCliToAddress.ToString());

            //link role
            //3 = Registered (so that he can connect)
            JObject linkCliToCR = new JObject();

            linkCliToCR.Add("@odata.id", WebService.GetStoreAddress() + new UrlBuilder("CustomerRole").Id(3).BuildQuery());
            WebService.Put(urlBuilder.BuildQueryRef(c.C_ID_WEB, "CustomerRoles"), linkCliToCR.ToString());

            JObject genericAttributeMercatorId = ParserJSon.GetGenericAttributeJSon(id, ENTITY, KEY_MERCATORID, c.C_ID);

            WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE, genericAttributeMercatorId);
            JObject genericAttributeModiftagId = ParserJSon.GetGenericAttributeJSon(id, ENTITY, KEY_MODIFTAG, c.C_MODIFTAG.ToString());

            WebService.Post(WebApiEntities.GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE, genericAttributeModiftagId);
            //From Mercator, tarif indiqué dans fiche article
            //string roleIdResult = WebService.Get(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.CUSTOMER_ROLE_BY_SYSTEM_NAME, WebServiceUrls.TARIF_ + c.C_TARIF));
            //JToken[] roleId = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(roleIdResult);

            //linkCliToCR = "{\"@odata.id\":\"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storeAddress"] + String.Format(WebServiceUrls.CUSTOMER_ROLE_ID, roleId.FirstOrDefault()["Id"].ToString()) + "\"}";
            //WebService.Put(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.LINK_CUSTOMER_TO_CR_WS, c.C_ID_WEB.ToString()), linkCliToCR);
            SigCli sigCli = new SigCli();


            sigCli.SetValueForField("C_ID_WEB", c.C_ID_WEB);
