public void OnEventAcquired(object sender, ParserEventArgs args) { try { //Update property window anyway PropertyGridViewModel.Clear(); DataViewModel?.Clear(); if (args == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Invalid arguments passed"); } PropertyGridViewModel.AddData(args.TreeNode?.Properties); var argsType = args.ArgsType; if ((argsType & MessageType.ProcessAll) != 0) { DataViewModel = MarkupManager.Resolve(args.TreeNode?.Markup) ?? new DataGridViewModel(); DataViewModel.ProcessNodeData(args.TreeNode); } DataViewModel?.Refresh(); PropertyGridViewModel.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxInstance.Raise(ex.Message); } }
public void ConstructorThrowsOnNullArguments() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { var _ = new ParserEventArgs(0, null); }); }
void target_ProductParsed(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Product parsed: {0}", e.Product.ToString())); ; Assert.IsNotNull(e.Product); Assert.IsTrue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Product.Name)); Assert.IsTrue(!Double.IsNaN(e.Product.Price)); }
void _parser_FoundProduct(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Thread {0} Product found: {1} {2}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, e.ParentCategoryId, e.ProductLink)); var task = _factory.StartNew <HtmlDocument>(() => { return(_client.Load(e.ProductLink)); }).ContinueWith( (t) => _parser.ParseProductPage(t.Result, e.CategoryName)); }
private void ParserStatusChanged(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { double.TryParse(e.Value, out double status); // Assert Assert.True(status > _previousStatus); _previousStatus = status; }
internal void ProcessParsingError(ParserEventArgs parserEventArgs) { var e = new PortListenerEventArgs(parserEventArgs.VirtualPort, parserEventArgs.ErrorDescription); if (ParsingErrorEvent != null) { ParsingErrorEvent(this, e); } }
private void parser_FoundCategory(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Thread {0} Category found: {1} {2}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, e.CategoryName, e.CategoryLink)); var task = _factory.StartNew <HtmlDocument>(() => { return(_client.Load(e.CategoryLink)); }).ContinueWith( (t) => _parser.ParseCategoryPage(t.Result, e.ParentCategoryId)); _tasks.Add(task); }
private static void parsedResult_event(object sender, ParserEventArgs <QuotesObject> args) { // add next if (args.ParsedData.has_next) { int next = + 1; (sender as SimpleSpider).AddPage(buildPageUri(next), args.FetchInfo.Link); } // process data (show on console) foreach (var q in args.ParsedData.quotes) { Console.WriteLine($"{ }: { q.text }"); } }
public void TreeElement_Selected(ITreeNodeViewModel currentNode) { if (currentNode == null) { return; } var args = new ParserEventArgs() { ArgsType = (currentNode.IsFinalGuiNode ? MessageType.ProcessAll : MessageType.ProcessProperties), TreeNode = currentNode, }; Messenger.RaiseEvent(this, args); }
public void OnEventAcquiredProcessAllRegularTest() { var args = new ParserEventArgs() { TreeNode = Utilities.FormNodeFromStorage(Tools.GetMockStorage(Tools.MockType.IsGuiNode)), ArgsType = MessageType.ProcessAll }; mainViewModel.OnEventAcquired(null, args); propertyGridViewModelMock.Verify(model => model.Clear(), Times.AtLeastOnce()); dataGridViewModelMock.Verify(model => model.Clear(), Times.AtLeastOnce()); propertyGridViewModelMock.Verify(model => model.AddData(It.IsAny <List <DataTuple> >()), Times.AtLeastOnce()); dataGridViewModelMock.Verify(model => model.ProcessNodeData(It.IsAny <ITreeNodeViewModel>()), Times.AtLeastOnce()); propertyGridViewModelMock.Verify(model => model.Refresh(), Times.AtLeastOnce()); dataGridViewModelMock.Verify(model => model.Refresh(), Times.AtLeastOnce()); }
private void CommandRouter(Object Sender, ParserEventArgs e) { switch (e.Action) { case Actions.Print: this.PrintChar(e.CurChar); ////Console.Write ("{0}", e.CurChar); break; case Actions.Execute: this.ExecuteChar(e.CurChar); break; case Actions.Dispatch: break; default: break; } Int32 Param = 0; Int32 Inc = 1; // increment switch (e.CurSequence) { case "": break; case "\x1b" + "7": // DECSC Save Cursor position and attributes this.SavedCarets.Add(new uc_CaretAttribs( this.Caret.Pos, this.G0.Set, this.G1.Set, this.G2.Set, this.G3.Set, this.CharAttribs)); break; case "\x1b" + "8": // DECRC Restore Cursor position and attributes this.Caret.Pos = ((uc_CaretAttribs) this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1]).Pos; this.CharAttribs = ((uc_CaretAttribs) this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1]).Attribs; this.G0.Set = ((uc_CaretAttribs) this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1]).G0Set; this.G1.Set = ((uc_CaretAttribs) this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1]).G1Set; this.G2.Set = ((uc_CaretAttribs) this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1]).G2Set; this.G3.Set = ((uc_CaretAttribs) this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1]).G3Set; this.SavedCarets.RemoveAt(this.SavedCarets.Count - 1); break; case "\x1b~": //LS1R Locking Shift G1 -> GR this.CharAttribs.GR = this.G1; break; case "\x1bn": //LS2 Locking Shift G2 -> GL this.CharAttribs.GL = this.G2; break; case "\x1b}": //LS2R Locking Shift G2 -> GR this.CharAttribs.GR = this.G2; break; case "\x1bo": //LS3 Locking Shift G3 -> GL this.CharAttribs.GL = this.G3; break; case "\x1b|": //LS3R Locking Shift G3 -> GR this.CharAttribs.GR = this.G3; break; case "\x1b#8": //DECALN e.CurParams.Elements.Add("1"); e.CurParams.Elements.Add(this._rows.ToString()); this.SetScrollRegion(e.CurParams); // put E's on the entire screen for (int y = 0; y < this._rows; y++) { this.CaretToAbs(y, 0); for (int x = 0; x < this._cols; x++) { this.PrintChar('E'); } } break; case "\x1b=": // Keypad to Application mode this.Modes.Flags = this.Modes.Flags | uc_Mode.KeypadAppln; break; case "\x1b>": // Keypad to Numeric mode this.Modes.Flags = this.Modes.Flags ^ uc_Mode.KeypadAppln; break; case "\x1b[B": // CUD if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) Inc = 1; this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y + Inc, this.Caret.Pos.X); break; case "\x1b[A": // CUU if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) Inc = 1; this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y - Inc, this.Caret.Pos.X); break; case "\x1b[C": // CUF if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) Inc = 1; this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y, this.Caret.Pos.X + Inc); break; case "\x1b[D": // CUB if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) Inc = 1; this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y, this.Caret.Pos.X - Inc); break; case "\x1b[H": // CUP case "\x1b[f": // HVP Int32 X = 0; Int32 Y = 0; if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Y = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]) - 1; } if (e.CurParams.Count() > 1) { X = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[1]) - 1; } this.CaretToRel(Y, X); break; case "\x1b[J": if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.ClearDown(Param); break; case "\x1b[K": if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.ClearRight(Param); break; case "\x1b[L": // INSERT LINE this.InsertLine(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[M": // DELETE LINE this.DeleteLine(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1bN": // SS2 Single Shift (G2 -> GL) this.CharAttribs.GS = this.G2; break; case "\x1bO": // SS3 Single Shift (G3 -> GL) this.CharAttribs.GS = this.G3; // Console.WriteLine ("SS3: GS = {0}", this.CharAttribs.GS); break; case "\x1b[m": this.SetCharAttribs(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[?h": this.SetqmhMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[?l": this.SetqmlMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[c": // DA Device Attributes // this.DispatchMessage (this, "\x1b[?64;1;2;6;7;8;9c"); this.DispatchMessage(this, "\x1b[?6c"); break; case "\x1b[g": this.ClearTabs(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[h": this.SethMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[l": this.SetlMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[r": // DECSTBM Set Top and Bottom Margins this.SetScrollRegion(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[t": // DECSLPP Set Lines Per Page if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Param > 0) this.SetSize(Param, this._cols); break; case "\x1b" + "D": // IND if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.Index(Param); break; case "\x1b" + "E": // NEL this.LineFeed(); this.CarriageReturn(); break; case "\x1bH": // HTS this.TabSet(); break; case "\x1bM": // RI if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.ReverseIndex(Param); break; default: // Console.Write ("unsupported VT sequence {0} happened\n", e.CurSequence); break; } if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b(")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G0.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } else if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b-") || e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b)")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G1.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } else if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b.") || e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b*")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G2.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } else if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b/") || e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b+")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G3.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } }
void _parser_ProductParsed(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { Products.Add(e.Product); }
private void target_FoundCategory(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Category found: {0} {1}", e.CategoryName, e.CategoryLink)); categoryCount++; }
void target_FoundProductLink(object sender, ParserEventArgs e) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Product link found: {0}", e.ProductLink)); productCount++; }
protected override void OnFoundCategory(ParserEventArgs args) { base.OnFoundCategory(args); }
protected override void OnFoundProductLink(ParserEventArgs args) { base.OnFoundProductLink(args); }
private void CommandRouter(object Sender, ParserEventArgs e) { //prntSome.printSome("CommandRouter"); switch (e.Action) { case Actions.Print: this.PrintChar(e.CurChar); //System.Console.Write ("{0}", e.CurChar); break; case Actions.Execute: this.ExecuteChar(e.CurChar); break; case Actions.Dispatch: break; default: break; } System.Int32 Param = 0; System.Int32 Inc = 1; // increment //rdbsb.AppendLine("cmdrotr: " + e.CurSequence + " params: "+e.CurParams.Elements.Count); //for(int rr=0; rr < e.CurParams.Elements.Count; rr++) // rdbsb.AppendLine("cmdrotr params: " + e.CurParams.Elements[rr]); switch (e.CurSequence) { case "": break; case "\x1b" + "7": //DECSC Save Cursor position and attributes this.SavedCarets.Add(new uc_CaretAttribs( this.Caret.Pos, this.G0.Set, this.G1.Set, this.G2.Set, this.G3.Set, this.CharAttribs)); break; case "\x1b" + "8": //DECRC Restore Cursor position and attributes this.Caret.Pos = this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1].Pos; this.CharAttribs = this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1].Attribs; this.G0.Set = this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1].G0Set; this.G1.Set = this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1].G1Set; this.G2.Set = this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1].G2Set; this.G3.Set = this.SavedCarets[this.SavedCarets.Count - 1].G3Set; this.SavedCarets.RemoveAt(this.SavedCarets.Count - 1); break; case "\x1b~": //LS1R Locking Shift G1 -> GR this.CharAttribs.GR = G1; break; case "\x1bn": //LS2 Locking Shift G2 -> GL this.CharAttribs.GL = G2; break; case "\x1b}": //LS2R Locking Shift G2 -> GR this.CharAttribs.GR = G2; break; case "\x1bo": //LS3 Locking Shift G3 -> GL this.CharAttribs.GL = G3; break; case "\x1b|": //LS3R Locking Shift G3 -> GR this.CharAttribs.GR = G3; break; case "\x1b#8": //DECALN e.CurParams.Elements.Add("1"); e.CurParams.Elements.Add(this.Rows.ToString()); this.SetScrollRegion(e.CurParams); // put E's on the entire screen for (int y = 0; y < this.Rows; y++) { this.CaretToAbs(y, 0); for (int x = 0; x < this.Columns; x++) { this.PrintChar('E'); } } break; case "\x1b=": // Keypad to Application mode this.Modes.Flags = this.Modes.Flags | uc_Mode.KeypadAppln; break; case "\x1b>": // Keypad to Numeric mode this.Modes.Flags = this.Modes.Flags ^ uc_Mode.KeypadAppln; break; case "\x1b[B": // CUD if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) { Inc = 1; } this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y + Inc, this.Caret.Pos.X); break; case "\x1b[A": // CUU if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) { Inc = 1; } this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y - Inc, this.Caret.Pos.X); break; case "\x1b[C": // CUF if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) { Inc = 1; } this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y, this.Caret.Pos.X + Inc); break; case "\x1b[D": // CUB if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Inc = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Inc == 0) { Inc = 1; } this.CaretToAbs(this.Caret.Pos.Y, this.Caret.Pos.X - Inc); break; case "\x1b[H": // CUP System.Int32 X = 0; System.Int32 Y = 0; if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Y = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]) - 1; } if (e.CurParams.Count() > 1) { X = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[1]) - 1; } this.CaretToRel(Y, X); break; case "\x1b[f": // HVP System.Int32 Xf = 0; System.Int32 Yf = 0; if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Yf = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]) - 1; } if (e.CurParams.Count() > 1) { Xf = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[1]) - 1; } this.CaretToRel(Yf, Xf); break; case "\x1b[J": if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.ClearDown(Param); break; case "\x1b[K": if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.ClearRight(Param); break; case "\x1b[L": // INSERT LINE this.InsertLine(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[M": // DELETE LINE this.DeleteLine(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1bN": // SS2 Single Shift (G2 -> GL) this.CharAttribs.GS = this.G2; break; case "\x1bO": // SS3 Single Shift (G3 -> GL) this.CharAttribs.GS = this.G3; //System.Console.WriteLine ("SS3: GS = {0}", this.CharAttribs.GS); break; case "\x1b[m": this.SetCharAttribs(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[?h": this.SetqmhMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[?l": this.SetqmlMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[c": // DA Device Attributes // this.DispatchMessage (this, "\x1b[?64;1;2;6;7;8;9c"); this.DispatchMessage(this, "\x1b[?6c"); //prntSome.printSome(" DA Device Attributes", "montdis", countmontdisrdb); //countmontdisrdb++; break; case "\x1b[g": this.ClearTabs(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[h": this.SethMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[l": this.SetlMode(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[r": // DECSTBM Set Top and Bottom Margins this.SetScrollRegion(e.CurParams); break; case "\x1b[t": // DECSLPP Set Lines Per Page if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } if (Param > 0) { this.SetSize(Param, this.Columns); } break; case "\x1b" + "D": // IND if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.Index(Param); break; case "\x1b" + "E": // NEL this.LineFeed(); this.CarriageReturn(); break; case "\x1bH": // HTS this.TabSet(); break; case "\x1bM": // RI if (e.CurParams.Count() > 0) { Param = System.Convert.ToInt32(e.CurParams.Elements[0]); } this.ReverseIndex(Param); break; default: //System.Console.Write ("unsupported VT sequence {0} happened\n", e.CurSequence); break; } if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b(")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G0.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } else if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b-") || e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b)")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G1.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } else if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b.") || e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b*")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G2.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } else if (e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b/") || e.CurSequence.StartsWith("\x1b+")) { this.SelectCharSet(ref this.G3.Set, e.CurSequence.Substring(2)); } }