예제 #1
 public KeyBoardProvider()
     SettingsPostfix = "keys";
     keys            = new Dictionary <string, KeyCondition>();
     if (!Parser.Exists <KeyCondition>())
         Parser.Add <KeyCondition>(ParseKeyBinding);
예제 #2
 public TextureManager(GraphicsDevice graphics)
     Graphics = graphics;
     textures = new Dictionary <string, SpriteMap>();
     if (!Parser.Exists <SpriteMap>())
         Parser.Add <SpriteMap>(ParseTexture);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the specified <paramref name="arguments"/> to a command within the <paramref name="commandList"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TCommand">The type of the t command.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="parser">The parser.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">The argument array.</param>
        /// <param name="commandList">The command list.</param>
        /// <param name="onSuccess">The action invoked when a command is found.</param>
        /// <param name="onParsingError">The action invoked when a parsing error occurs.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><typeparamref name="TCommand"/> is not assignable from the mapped object command.</exception>
        public static void Map <TCommand>(this Parser parser, string[] arguments, IEnumerable <Type> commandList, Action <TCommand> onSuccess, Action <string> onParsingError)
            foreach (Type type in commandList)

            if (parser.TryMap(arguments, out CommandInfo command, out string error))
                if (command.IsInternal) /* DO NOTHING; IT'S ALREADY HANDLED. */ } {
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Appends a new <see cref="CommandInfo"/> object to the parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="parser">The parser.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the command.</param>
        /// <param name="cmdlet">The cmdlet name.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created <see cref="CommandInfo"/> object.</returns>
        public static CommandInfo <T> DefineCommand <T>(this Parser parser, string name, string cmdlet = "")
            var command = new CommandInfo <T>(name)
                Cmdlet = cmdlet

예제 #5
        protected virtual void Init()
            ISet <Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor> > grammers = new HashSet <Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor> > {
                new Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor>(TokenType.Pipe)
                    Rules = { new LookaheadRule <TokenType>(TokenType.Function, TokenType.TextValue, TokenType.StringValue) }

                new Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor>(TokenType.StringValue, TokenType.TextValue)
                    IncludeTriggerToken = true,
                    Construct           = x => new ItemsProcessor(x.Cast <string>()),
                    Rules =
                        new RepeatingSequenceRule <TokenType>(false, TokenType.Seperator)
                            new Rule <TokenType>(TokenType.StringValue, TokenType.TextValue)
                        new LookaheadRule <TokenType>(TokenType.Pipe, TokenType.Eol)

            foreach (TokenDefinition <TokenType> def in FsuLanguageSpec.GetTokenDefinitions())

            IEnumerable <Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor> > allGrammers = grammers.Concat(FsuLanguageSpec.GetGrammers());

            // Ensure that all functions have a pipe or be the end of line after them.
            foreach (Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor> grammer in allGrammers.Where(x => x.TriggerTokens[0].Equals(TokenType.Function)))
                grammer.Rules.Add(new LookaheadRule <TokenType>(TokenType.Pipe, TokenType.Eol));

            foreach (Grammar <TokenType, IProcessor> grammer in allGrammers)
예제 #6
        public void LoadKeys()
            if (!Parser.Exists <KeyCondition>())
                Parser.Add <KeyCondition>(KeyBoardProvider.ParseKeyBinding);
            KeyCondition cond = new KeyCondition();

            if (Parser.TryParse <KeyCondition>("W", ref cond))
                if (cond.Keys[0] != Keys.W)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Key Parse for \'W\' test");

            cond = new KeyCondition();
            if (Parser.TryParse <KeyCondition>("W+Q", ref cond))
                if (cond.Keys[0] != Keys.W || cond.Keys[1] != Keys.Q)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Key Parse for \'W+Q\' test");

            cond = new KeyCondition();
            if (Parser.TryParse <KeyCondition>("W+91", ref cond))
                if (cond.Keys[0] != Keys.W || (int)cond.Keys[1] != 91)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Key Parse for \'W+91\'");

            if (Parser.TryParse <KeyCondition>("Waaa+91", ref cond))
                throw new Exception("Invalid Key Parse for \'Waa+91\'");

            if (Parser.TryParse <KeyCondition>("W+13)&*%^", ref cond))
                throw new Exception("Invalid Key Parse for \'Waa+91\'");
예제 #7
        private void AddParsers()
            Parser.Add <Color>(o =>
                if (o.StartsWith("0x") && (o.Length == 8 || o.Length == 5))
                    o = o.Substring(2);
                    if (o.Length == 3)
                        var r = int.Parse(o.Substring(0, 1), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                        var g = int.Parse(o.Substring(1, 1), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                        var b = int.Parse(o.Substring(2, 1), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                        return(new Color(r * 16, g * 16, b * 16));
                        var r = int.Parse(o.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        var g = int.Parse(o.Substring(2, 2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                        var b = int.Parse(o.Substring(4, 2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                        return(new Color(r, g, b));
                    int r   = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
                    var rgb = o.Split(',');

                    //Parse a RGB comma sperated string
                    if (rgb.Length != 3)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Expected a comma sperated RGB value");
                    r = byte.Parse(rgb[0]);
                    g = byte.Parse(rgb[1]);
                    b = byte.Parse(rgb[2]);

                    return(new Color(r, g, b));
예제 #8
	public CsGrammar()
		instance = this;

		EOF = new Id("EOF");
		LITERAL = new Id("LITERAL");
		NAME = new NameId();

	//	NAME = new Id("IDENTIFIER");
	//	tokenName = TokenToId("NAME");
	//	NAME.lookahead.Add(new TokenSet(tokenName));

		var externAliasDirective = new Id("externAliasDirective");
		var usingDirective = new Id("usingDirective");
		//var globalAttribute = new Id("globalAttribute");
		var namespaceMemberDeclaration = new Id("namespaceMemberDeclaration");
		var namespaceDeclaration = new Id("namespaceDeclaration");
		var qualifiedIdentifier = new Id("qualifiedIdentifier");
		var namespaceBody = new Id("namespaceBody");
		//var typeDeclaration = new Id("typeDeclaration");
		var attributes = new Id("attributes");
		var modifiers = new Id("modifiers");
		var typeParameterList = new Id("typeParameterList");
		var typeParameter = new Id("typeParameter");
		var classBase = new Id("classBase");
		var typeParameterConstraintsClauses = new Id("typeParameterConstraintsClauses");
		var typeParameterConstraintsClause = new Id("typeParameterConstraintsClause");
		var classBody = new Id("classBody");
		var classMemberDeclaration = new Id("classMemberDeclaration");
		var attribute = new Id("attribute");
		var typeName = new Id("typeName");
		var argumentList = new Id("argumentList");
		var attributeArgumentList = new Id("attributeArgumentList");
		var expression = new Id("expression");
		var constantExpression = new Id("constantExpression");
		var primaryExpression = new Id("primaryExpression");
		var arrayCreationExpression = new Id("arrayCreationExpression");
		var implicitArrayCreationExpression = new Id("implicitArrayCreationExpression");
		var constantDeclaration = new Id("constantDeclaration");
		var fieldDeclaration = new Id("fieldDeclaration");
		var methodDeclaration = new Id("methodDeclaration");
		var propertyDeclaration = new Id("propertyDeclaration");
		var eventDeclaration = new Id("eventDeclaration");
		var indexerDeclaration = new Id("indexerDeclaration");
		var operatorDeclaration = new Id("operatorDeclaration");
		var constructorDeclaration = new Id("constructorDeclaration");
		var destructorDeclaration = new Id("destructorDeclaration");
		//var staticConstructorDeclaration = new Id("staticConstructorDeclaration");
		var constantDeclarators = new Id("constantDeclarators");
		var constantDeclarator = new Id("constantDeclarator");
		var type = new Id("type");
		var type2 = new Id("type2");
		var predefinedType = new Id("predefinedType");
		var variableDeclarators = new Id("variableDeclarators");
		var variableDeclarator = new Id("variableDeclarator");
		var arrayInitializer = new Id("arrayInitializer");
		var variableInitializer = new Id("variableInitializer");
		var variableInitializerList = new Id("variableInitializerList");
		var simpleType = new Id("simpleType");
		var exceptionClassType = new Id("exceptionClassType");
		//var arrayType = new Id("arrayType");
		var nonArrayType = new Id("nonArrayType");
		var rankSpecifier = new Id("rankSpecifier");
		var numericType = new Id("numericType");
		var integralType = new Id("integralType");
		var floatingPointType = new Id("floatingPointType");

		r_compilationUnit = new Rule("compilationUnit",
			new Many(externAliasDirective) - new Many(usingDirective)
				//new Many(globalAttribute),
				- new Many(namespaceMemberDeclaration) - EOF
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.CompilationUnitScope };

		parser = new Parser(r_compilationUnit, this);

		//NAME = new Id("NAME");
		//parser.Add(new Rule("NAME",
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("externAliasDirective",
			new Seq( "extern", "alias", IDENTIFIER, ";" )
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ExternAlias });

		var usingNamespaceDirective = new Id("usingNamespaceDirective");
		var usingAliasDirective = new Id("usingAliasDirective");
		var globalNamespace = new Id("globalNamespace");
		var namespaceName = new Id("namespaceName");
		var namespaceOrTypeName = new Id("namespaceOrTypeName");
		var PARTIAL = new Id("PARTIAL");

		parser.Add(new Rule("usingDirective",
			"using" - (new If(IDENTIFIER - "=", usingAliasDirective) | usingNamespaceDirective) - ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("PARTIAL",
			new If(s => s.Current.text == "partial", IDENTIFIER) | "partial"
		) { contextualKeyword = true });
		parser.Add(new Rule("namespaceMemberDeclaration",
			| (attributes - modifiers - new Alt(
				new Seq(
					new Opt(PARTIAL),
					new Id("classDeclaration") | new Id("structDeclaration") | new Id("interfaceDeclaration")),
				new Id("enumDeclaration"),
				new Id("delegateDeclaration"))

		parser.Add(new Rule("namespaceDeclaration",
			"namespace" - qualifiedIdentifier - namespaceBody - new Opt(";")
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.NamespaceDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("qualifiedIdentifier",
			NAME - new Many(new Lit(".") - NAME)

		parser.Add(new Rule("namespaceBody",
			"{" - new Many(externAliasDirective) - new Many(usingDirective) - new Many(namespaceMemberDeclaration) - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.NamespaceBodyScope });

			//parser.Add(new Rule("typeDeclaration",
			//   new Alt(
			//       new Seq(
			//           new Opt("partial"),
			//           new Id("classDeclaration") | new Id("structDeclaration") | new Id("interfaceDeclaration")),
			//       new Id("enumDeclaration"),
			//       new Id("delegateDeclaration"))
			//   ));

	//	parser = new Parser(r_compilationUnit, this);

		parser.Add(new Rule("usingNamespaceDirective",
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.UsingNamespace });

		parser.Add(new Rule("namespaceName",

		parser.Add(new Rule("usingAliasDirective",
			IDENTIFIER - "=" - namespaceOrTypeName
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.UsingAlias });

		parser.Add(new Rule("classDeclaration",
			new Seq(
				new Opt(typeParameterList),
				new Opt(classBase),
				new Opt(typeParameterConstraintsClauses),
				new Opt(";"))
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ClassDeclaration | SemanticFlags.TypeDeclarationScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeParameterList",
			"<" - attributes - typeParameter - new Many("," - attributes - typeParameter) - ">"

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeParameter",
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.TypeParameterDeclaration });

		var interfaceTypeList = new Id("interfaceTypeList");
		parser.Add(new Rule("classBase",
			":" - interfaceTypeList
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ClassBaseScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceTypeList",
			(typeName | "object") - new Many("," - typeName)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.BaseListDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("classBody",
			"{" - new Many(classMemberDeclaration) - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ClassBodyScope });

		var interfaceDeclaration = new Id("interfaceDeclaration");
		var classDeclaration = new Id("classDeclaration");
		var structDeclaration = new Id("structDeclaration");
		var memberName = new Id("memberName");
		var qid = new Id("qid");
		var enumDeclaration = new Id("enumDeclaration");
		//var enumDeclarator = new Id("enumDeclarator");
		var delegateDeclaration = new Id("delegateDeclaration");
		var conversionOperatorDeclaration = new Id("conversionOperatorDeclaration");

		parser.Add(new Rule("memberName",

		parser.Add(new Rule("classMemberDeclaration",
			new Seq(
				| "void" - methodDeclaration
				| new If(PARTIAL, PARTIAL - ("void" - methodDeclaration | classDeclaration | structDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration))
				| new If(IDENTIFIER - "(", constructorDeclaration)
				| new Seq(
					new If(memberName - "(", methodDeclaration)
					| new If(memberName - "{", propertyDeclaration)
					| new If(typeName - "." - "this", typeName - "." - indexerDeclaration)
					| new If(predefinedType - "." - "this", predefinedType - "." - indexerDeclaration)
					| indexerDeclaration
					| fieldDeclaration
					| operatorDeclaration)
				| classDeclaration
				| structDeclaration
				| interfaceDeclaration
				| enumDeclaration
				| delegateDeclaration
				| eventDeclaration
				| conversionOperatorDeclaration)
			| destructorDeclaration
			) /*{ semantics = SemanticFlags.MemberDeclarationScope }*/);

		var constructorDeclarator = new Id("constructorDeclarator");
		var constructorBody = new Id("constructorBody");
		var constructorInitializer = new Id("constructorInitializer");
		var destructorDeclarator = new Id("destructorDeclarator");
		var destructorBody = new Id("destructorBody");
		var arguments = new Id("arguments");
		var attributeArguments = new Id("attributeArguments");
		var formalParameterList = new Id("formalParameterList");
		var block = new Id("block");
		var statementList = new Id("statementList");

		parser.Add(new Rule("constructorDeclaration",
			constructorDeclarator - constructorBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodDeclarationScope | SemanticFlags.ConstructorDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("constructorDeclarator",
			IDENTIFIER - "(" - new Opt(formalParameterList) - ")" - new Opt(constructorInitializer)

		parser.Add(new Rule("constructorInitializer",
			":" - (new Lit("base") | "this") - arguments
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ConstructorInitializerScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("constructorBody",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			| ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("destructorDeclaration",
			destructorDeclarator - destructorBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodDeclarationScope | SemanticFlags.DestructorDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("destructorDeclarator",
			"~" - new Opt("extern") - IDENTIFIER - "(" - ")"

		parser.Add(new Rule("destructorBody",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			| ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("constantDeclaration",
			"const" - type - constantDeclarators - ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("constantDeclarators",
			constantDeclarator - new Many("," - constantDeclarator)

		parser.Add(new Rule("constantDeclarator",
			NAME - "=" -  constantExpression
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ConstantDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("constantExpression",

		var methodHeader = new Id("methodHeader");
		var methodBody = new Id("methodBody");
		var formalParameter = new Id("formalParameter");
		var fixedParameter = new Id("fixedParameter");
		var parameterModifier = new Id("parameterModifier");
		var defaultArgument = new Id("defaultArgument");
		var parameterArray = new Id("parameterArray");
		var statement = new Id("statement");
		var typeVariableName = new Id("typeVariableName");
		var typeParameterConstraintList = new Id("typeParameterConstraintList");
		var secondaryConstraintList = new Id("secondaryConstraintList");
		var secondaryConstraint = new Id("secondaryConstraint");
		var constructorConstraint = new Id("constructorConstraint");
		var WHERE = new Id("WHERE");

		parser.Add(new Rule("methodDeclaration",
			methodHeader - methodBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodDeclarationScope | SemanticFlags.MethodDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("methodHeader",
			memberName - "(" - new Opt(formalParameterList) - ")" - new Opt(typeParameterConstraintsClauses)

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeParameterConstraintsClauses",
			typeParameterConstraintsClause - new Many(typeParameterConstraintsClause)
			) );//{ semantics = SemanticFlags.TypeParameterConstraintsScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("WHERE",
			new If(s => s.Current.text == "where", IDENTIFIER) | "where"
			) { contextualKeyword = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeParameterConstraintsClause",
			WHERE - typeVariableName - ":" - typeParameterConstraintList
			) );//{ semantics = SemanticFlags.TypeParameterConstraint });

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeParameterConstraintList",
			(new Lit("class") | "struct") - new Opt("," - secondaryConstraintList)
			| secondaryConstraintList

		parser.Add(new Rule("secondaryConstraintList",
			secondaryConstraint - new Opt("," - new Id("secondaryConstraintList"))
			| constructorConstraint

		parser.Add(new Rule("secondaryConstraint",
			typeName // | typeVariableName

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeVariableName",

		parser.Add(new Rule("constructorConstraint",
			new Lit("new") - "(" - ")"

//	class_type
//	| 'class'
//	| 'struct' ;

		parser.Add(new Rule("methodBody",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			| ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("block",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			| ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.CodeBlockScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("statementList",
			new Many(new IfNot(new Seq( "default", ":" ), statement))

	//	var declarationStatement = new Id("declarationStatement");
		var labeledStatement = new Id("labeledStatement");
		var embeddedStatement = new Id("embeddedStatement");
		var selectionStatement = new Id("selectionStatement");
		var iterationStatement = new Id("iterationStatement");
		var jumpStatement = new Id("jumpStatement");
		var tryStatement = new Id("tryStatement");
		var lockStatement = new Id("lockStatement");
		var usingStatement = new Id("usingStatement");
		var yieldStatement = new Id("yieldStatement");
		var expressionStatement = new Id("expressionStatement");
		var breakStatement = new Id("breakStatement");
		var continueStatement = new Id("continueStatement");
		var gotoStatement = new Id("gotoStatement");
		var returnStatement = new Id("returnStatement");
		var throwStatement = new Id("throwStatement");
		var checkedStatement = new Id("checkedStatement");
		var uncheckedStatement = new Id("uncheckedStatement");
		var localVariableDeclaration = new Id("localVariableDeclaration");
		var localVariableType = new Id("localVariableType");
		var localVariableDeclarators = new Id("localVariableDeclarators");
		var localVariableDeclarator = new Id("localVariableDeclarator");
		var localVariableInitializer = new Id("localVariableInitializer");
		//var stackallocInitializer = new Id("stackallocInitializer");
		var localConstantDeclaration = new Id("localConstantDeclaration");
		//var unmanagedType = new Id("unmanagedType");
		var resourceAcquisition = new Id("resourceAcquisition");

		var VAR = new Id("VAR");

		parser.Add(new Rule("VAR",
			//new If(s => s.Current.text == "var", IDENTIFIER)
			IDENTIFIER | "var"
			) { contextualKeyword = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("statement",
			new If((type | "var") - IDENTIFIER - (new Lit(";") | "=" | "[" | ","), localVariableDeclaration - ";")
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - ":", labeledStatement)
			| localConstantDeclaration
			| embeddedStatement

	//	parser.Add(new Rule("declarationStatement",
	//		new Seq( localVariableDeclaration | localConstantDeclaration, ";" )
	//		));

		parser.Add(new Rule("localVariableDeclaration",
			localVariableType - localVariableDeclarators

		parser.Add(new Rule("localVariableType",
			new If(s => s.Current.text == "var", VAR)
			| type

		parser.Add(new Rule("localVariableDeclarators",
			localVariableDeclarator - new Many("," - localVariableDeclarator)

		parser.Add(new Rule("localVariableDeclarator",
			NAME - new Opt("=" - localVariableInitializer)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.LocalVariableDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("localVariableInitializer",
			expression | arrayInitializer //| stackallocInitializer
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.LocalVariableInitializerScope });

		//parser.Add(new Rule("stackallocInitializer",
		//    new Seq( "stackalloc", unmanagedType, "[", expression, "]" )
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("localConstantDeclaration",
			"const" - type - constantDeclarators - ";"

		//parser.Add(new Rule("unmanagedType",
		//    type
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("labeledStatement",
			IDENTIFIER - ":" - statement
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.LabeledStatement });

		var YIELD = new Id("YIELD");
		parser.Add(new Rule("YIELD",
				//new If(s => s.Current.text == "yield", IDENTIFIER)
				IDENTIFIER | "yield"
				){ contextualKeyword = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("embeddedStatement",
			| selectionStatement    // if, switch
			| iterationStatement    // while, do, for, foreach
			| jumpStatement         // break, continue, goto, return, throw
			| tryStatement
			| lockStatement
			| usingStatement
			| new If(
				s => {
					if (s.Current.text != "yield")
						return false;
					string next = s.Lookahead(1).text;
					return next == "return" || next == "break";
				}, yieldStatement)
			| "yield return" | "yield break;" // auto-completion hint only, while the actual code will be handled by the previous line
			| new If(new Lit("checked") - "{", checkedStatement)
			| new If(new Lit("unchecked") - "{", uncheckedStatement)
			| expressionStatement  // expression!
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.CodeBlockScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("lockStatement",
			new Seq( "lock", "(", expression, ")", embeddedStatement )

		parser.Add(new Rule("checkedStatement",
			new Seq( "checked", block )
		parser.Add(new Rule("uncheckedStatement",
			new Seq( "unchecked", block )
		parser.Add(new Rule("usingStatement",
			new Seq( "using", "(", resourceAcquisition, ")", embeddedStatement )
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.UsingStatementScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("resourceAcquisition",
			new If(localVariableType - IDENTIFIER, localVariableDeclaration)
			| expression

		parser.Add(new Rule("yieldStatement",
			YIELD -
				(( "return" - expression - ";" )
				| ( new Lit("break") - ";" ))

		var ifStatement = new Id("ifStatement");
		var elseStatement = new Id("elseStatement");
		var switchStatement = new Id("switchStatement");
		var booleanExpression = new Id("booleanExpression");
		var switchBlock = new Id("switchBlock");
		var switchSection = new Id("switchSection");
		var switchLabel = new Id("switchLabel");
		var statementExpression = new Id("statementExpression");

		parser.Add(new Rule("selectionStatement",
			ifStatement | switchStatement

		parser.Add(new Rule("ifStatement",
			new Lit("if") - "(" - booleanExpression - ")" - embeddedStatement - new Opt(elseStatement)

		parser.Add(new Rule("elseStatement",
			"else" - embeddedStatement

		parser.Add(new Rule("switchStatement",
			new Lit("switch") - "(" - expression - ")" - switchBlock

		parser.Add(new Rule("switchBlock",
			"{" - new Many(switchSection) - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.SwitchBlockScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("switchSection",
			new Many(switchLabel) - statement - statementList

		parser.Add(new Rule("switchLabel",
			"case" - constantExpression - ":"
			| new Seq( "default", ":" )

		parser.Add(new Rule("expressionStatement",
			statementExpression - ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("jumpStatement",
			| continueStatement
			| gotoStatement
			| returnStatement
			| throwStatement

		parser.Add(new Rule("breakStatement",
			new Seq( "break", ";" )

		parser.Add(new Rule("continueStatement",
			new Seq( "continue", ";" )

		parser.Add(new Rule("gotoStatement",
			"goto" - (
				| "case" - constantExpression
				| "default")
			- ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("returnStatement",
			"return" - new Opt(expression) - ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("throwStatement",
			"throw" - new Opt(expression) - ";"

		var catchClauses = new Id("catchClauses");
		var finallyClause = new Id("finallyClause");
		var specificCatchClauses = new Id("specificCatchClauses");
		var specificCatchClause = new Id("specificCatchClause");
		var catchExceptionIdentifier = new Id("catchExceptionIdentifier");
		var generalCatchClause = new Id("generalCatchClause");

		parser.Add(new Rule("tryStatement",
			"try" - block - (catchClauses - new Opt(finallyClause) | finallyClause)

		parser.Add(new Rule("catchClauses",
			new If(new Seq( "catch", "(" ), specificCatchClauses - new Opt(generalCatchClause))
			| generalCatchClause

		parser.Add(new Rule("specificCatchClauses",
			specificCatchClause - new Many(new If(new Seq( "catch", "(" ), specificCatchClause ))

		parser.Add(new Rule("specificCatchClause",
			new Lit("catch") - "(" - exceptionClassType - new Opt(catchExceptionIdentifier) - ")" - block
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.SpecificCatchScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("catchExceptionIdentifier",
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.CatchExceptionParameterDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("generalCatchClause",
			"catch" - block

		parser.Add(new Rule("finallyClause",
			"finally" - block

		parser.Add(new Rule("formalParameterList",
			formalParameter - new Many("," - formalParameter)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.FormalParameterListScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("formalParameter",
			attributes - (fixedParameter | parameterArray)
		//	| "__arglist"

		parser.Add(new Rule("fixedParameter",
			new Opt(parameterModifier) - type - NAME - new Opt(defaultArgument)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.FixedParameterDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("parameterModifier",
			new Lit("ref") | "out" | "this"

		parser.Add(new Rule("defaultArgument",
			"=" - (expression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE")

		parser.Add(new Rule("parameterArray",
			"params" - type - NAME
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ParameterArrayDeclaration });

		var whileStatement = new Id("whileStatement");
		var doStatement = new Id("doStatement");
		var forStatement = new Id("forStatement");
		var foreachStatement = new Id("foreachStatement");
		var forInitializer = new Id("forInitializer");
		//var forCondition = new Id("forCondition");
		var forIterator = new Id("forIterator");
		var statementExpressionList = new Id("statementExpressionList");

		parser.Add(new Rule("iterationStatement",
			whileStatement | doStatement | forStatement | foreachStatement

		parser.Add(new Rule("whileStatement",
			new Seq("while", "(", booleanExpression, ")", embeddedStatement)

		parser.Add(new Rule("doStatement",
			"do" - embeddedStatement - "while" - "(" - booleanExpression - ")" - ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("forStatement",
			new Seq("for", "(", new Opt(forInitializer), ";", new Opt(booleanExpression), ";",
				new Opt(forIterator), ")", embeddedStatement)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ForStatementScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("forInitializer",
			new If(localVariableType - IDENTIFIER, localVariableDeclaration)
			| statementExpressionList

		parser.Add(new Rule("forIterator",

		parser.Add(new Rule("foreachStatement",
			new Lit("foreach") - "(" - localVariableType - NAME - "in" - expression - ")" - embeddedStatement
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ForStatementScope | SemanticFlags.ForEachVariableDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("statementExpressionList",
			new Seq( statementExpression, new Many(new Seq( ",", statementExpression )) )

		// TODO: should be assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions
		parser.Add(new Rule("statementExpression",

		var accessorDeclarations = new Id("accessorDeclarations");
		var getAccessorDeclaration = new Id("getAccessorDeclaration");
		var setAccessorDeclaration = new Id("setAccessorDeclaration");
		var accessorModifiers = new Id("accessorModifiers");
		var accessorBody = new Id("accessorBody");

		parser.Add(new Rule("indexerDeclaration",
			new Lit("this") - "[" - formalParameterList - "]" - "{" - accessorDeclarations - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.IndexerDeclaration | SemanticFlags.AccessorsListScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("propertyDeclaration",
			memberName - "{" - accessorDeclarations - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.PropertyDeclaration | SemanticFlags.AccessorsListScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("accessorModifiers",
			"internal" - new Opt("protected")
			| "protected" - new Opt("internal")
			| "public"
			| "private"

		var GET = new Id("GET");
		var SET = new Id("SET");

		parser.Add(new Rule("GET",
			IDENTIFIER | "get"
			){ contextualKeyword = true } );

		parser.Add(new Rule("SET",
			IDENTIFIER | "set"
			){ contextualKeyword = true } );

		parser.Add(new Rule("accessorDeclarations",
			attributes - new Opt(accessorModifiers)
				- (new If(s => s.Current.text == "get", getAccessorDeclaration - new Opt(attributes - new Opt(accessorModifiers) - setAccessorDeclaration))
				| setAccessorDeclaration - new Opt(attributes - new Opt(accessorModifiers) - getAccessorDeclaration))

		parser.Add(new Rule("getAccessorDeclaration",
			GET - accessorBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.GetAccessorDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("setAccessorDeclaration",
			SET - accessorBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.SetAccessorDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("accessorBody",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			| ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.AccessorBodyScope });

		var eventDeclarators = new Id("eventDeclarators");
		var eventDeclarator = new Id("eventDeclarator");
		var eventWithAccessorsDeclaration = new Id("eventWithAccessorsDeclaration");
		var eventAccessorDeclarations = new Id("eventAccessorDeclarations");
		var addAccessorDeclaration = new Id("addAccessorDeclaration");
		var removeAccessorDeclaration = new Id("removeAccessorDeclaration");

		parser.Add(new Rule("eventDeclaration",
			"event" - typeName - (
				new If(memberName - "{",
				| eventDeclarators - ";" )

		parser.Add(new Rule("eventWithAccessorsDeclaration",
			memberName - "{" - eventAccessorDeclarations - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.EventWithAccessorsDeclaration | SemanticFlags.AccessorsListScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("eventDeclarators",
			eventDeclarator - new Many("," - eventDeclarator)

		parser.Add(new Rule("eventDeclarator",
			NAME - new Opt("=" - variableInitializer)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.EventDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("eventAccessorDeclarations",
			attributes - (
				new If(s => s.Current.text == "add", addAccessorDeclaration - attributes - removeAccessorDeclaration)
				| removeAccessorDeclaration - attributes - addAccessorDeclaration )

		var ADD = new Id("ADD");
		var REMOVE = new Id("REMOVE");

		parser.Add(new Rule("ADD",
			IDENTIFIER | "add"
			) { contextualKeyword = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("REMOVE",
			IDENTIFIER | "remove"
			) { contextualKeyword = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("addAccessorDeclaration",
			ADD - accessorBody
			) {semantics = SemanticFlags.AddAccessorDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("removeAccessorDeclaration",
			REMOVE - accessorBody
			) {semantics = SemanticFlags.RemoveAccessorDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("fieldDeclaration",
			variableDeclarators - ";"

		parser.Add(new Rule("variableDeclarators",
			new Seq( variableDeclarator, new Many(new Seq( ",", variableDeclarator )) )

		parser.Add(new Rule("variableDeclarator",
			NAME - new Opt("=" - variableInitializer)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.VariableDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("variableInitializer",
			expression | arrayInitializer

		//parser.Add(new Rule("arrayInitializer",
		//    new Seq( "{", new Opt(variableInitializerList), "}" )
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("modifiers",
			new Many(
				new Lit("new") | "public" | "protected" | "internal" | "private" | "abstract"
				| "sealed" | "static" | "readonly" | "volatile" | "virtual" | "override" | "extern"

		var operatorDeclarator = new Id("operatorDeclarator");
		var operatorBody = new Id("operatorBody");
		var operatorParameter = new Id("operatorParameter");
		var binaryOperatorPart = new Id("binaryOperatorPart");
		var unaryOperatorPart = new Id("unaryOperatorPart");
		var overloadableBinaryOperator = new Id("overloadableBinaryOperator");
		var overloadableUnaryOperator = new Id("overloadableUnaryOperator");
		var conversionOperatorDeclarator = new Id("conversionOperatorDeclarator");

		parser.Add(new Rule("operatorDeclaration",
			operatorDeclarator - operatorBody

		parser.Add(new Rule("operatorDeclarator",
			new Seq( "operator",
			new Seq( new Lit("+") | "-", "(", operatorParameter, binaryOperatorPart | unaryOperatorPart )
				| overloadableUnaryOperator - "(" - operatorParameter - unaryOperatorPart
				| overloadableBinaryOperator - "(" - operatorParameter - binaryOperatorPart)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.OperatorDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("operatorParameter",
			type - NAME
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.FixedParameterDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("unaryOperatorPart",

		parser.Add(new Rule("binaryOperatorPart",
			"," - operatorParameter - ")"

		parser.Add(new Rule("overloadableUnaryOperator",
			/*'+' |  '-' | */ new Lit("!") |  "~" |  "++" | "--" | "true" |  "false"

		parser.Add(new Rule("overloadableBinaryOperator",
			/*'+' | '-' | */
			// >> check needed
			new Lit("*") | "/" | "%" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "<<" | new If(new Seq(">",">"), new Seq(">",">")) | "==" | "!=" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<="

		parser.Add(new Rule("conversionOperatorDeclaration",
			conversionOperatorDeclarator - operatorBody

		parser.Add(new Rule("conversionOperatorDeclarator",
			(new Lit("implicit") | "explicit") - "operator" - type - "(" - operatorParameter - ")"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ConversionOperatorDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("operatorBody",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			| ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodBodyScope });

		var typeOrGeneric = new Id("typeOrGeneric");
		var typeArgumentList = new Id("typeArgumentList");
		var unboundTypeRank = new Id("unboundTypeRank");
		var structInterfaces = new Id("structInterfaces");
		var structBody = new Id("structBody");
		var structMemberDeclaration = new Id("structMemberDeclaration");

		parser.Add(new Rule("structDeclaration",
			"struct" - NAME - new Opt(typeParameterList) - new Opt(structInterfaces)
			- new Opt(typeParameterConstraintsClauses) - structBody - new Opt(";")
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.StructDeclaration | SemanticFlags.TypeDeclarationScope });

		//    'new' | 'public' | 'protected' | 'internal' | 'private' | 'unsafe' ;

		parser.Add(new Rule("structInterfaces",
			":" - interfaceTypeList
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.StructInterfacesScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("structBody",
			"{" - new Many(structMemberDeclaration) - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.StructBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("structMemberDeclaration",
			new Seq(
				| "void" - methodDeclaration
				| new If(PARTIAL, PARTIAL - ("void" - methodDeclaration | classDeclaration | structDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration))
				| new If(IDENTIFIER - "(", constructorDeclaration)
				| new Seq(
					new If(memberName - "(", methodDeclaration)
					| new If(memberName - "{", propertyDeclaration)
					| new If(memberName - "." - "this", typeName - "." - indexerDeclaration)
					| new If(predefinedType - "." - "this", predefinedType - "." - indexerDeclaration)
					| indexerDeclaration
					| fieldDeclaration
					| operatorDeclaration )
				| classDeclaration
				| structDeclaration
				| interfaceDeclaration
				| enumDeclaration
				| delegateDeclaration
				| eventDeclaration
				| conversionOperatorDeclaration
				| ".STRUCTBODY" )

		var interfaceBase = new Id("interfaceBase");
		var interfaceBody = new Id("interfaceBody");
		var interfaceMemberDeclaration = new Id("interfaceMemberDeclaration");
		var interfaceMethodDeclaration = new Id("interfaceMethodDeclaration");
		var interfaceEventDeclaration = new Id("interfaceEventDeclaration");
		var interfacePropertyDeclaration = new Id("interfacePropertyDeclaration");
		var interfaceIndexerDeclaration = new Id("interfaceIndexerDeclaration");
		var interfaceAccessorDeclarations = new Id("interfaceAccessorDeclarations");
		var interfaceGetAccessorDeclaration = new Id("interfaceGetAccessorDeclaration");
		var interfaceSetAccessorDeclaration = new Id("interfaceSetAccessorDeclaration");

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceDeclaration",
			"interface" - NAME - new Opt(typeParameterList) - new Opt(interfaceBase) -
				new Opt(typeParameterConstraintsClauses) - interfaceBody - new Opt(";")
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceDeclaration | SemanticFlags.TypeDeclarationScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceBase",
			":" - interfaceTypeList
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceBaseScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceBody",
			"{" - new Many(interfaceMemberDeclaration) - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceMemberDeclaration",
			new Seq( attributes, modifiers,
				"void" - interfaceMethodDeclaration
				| interfaceEventDeclaration
				| new Seq( type,
					new If(memberName - "(", interfaceMethodDeclaration)
					| new If(memberName - "{", interfacePropertyDeclaration)
					| interfaceIndexerDeclaration )

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfacePropertyDeclaration",
			NAME - "{" - interfaceAccessorDeclarations - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfacePropertyDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceMethodDeclaration",
			NAME - new Opt(typeParameterList) - "(" - new Opt(formalParameterList) - ")"
				- new Opt(typeParameterConstraintsClauses) - ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MethodDeclarationScope | SemanticFlags.InterfaceMethodDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceEventDeclaration",
			new Seq( "event", typeName, NAME, ";" )
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceEventDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceIndexerDeclaration",
			new Seq( "this", "[", formalParameterList, "]", "{", interfaceAccessorDeclarations, "}" )
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceIndexerDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceAccessorDeclarations",
			new Seq( attributes,
				new If(s => s.Current.text == "get", interfaceGetAccessorDeclaration - new Opt(attributes - interfaceSetAccessorDeclaration))
				| interfaceSetAccessorDeclaration - new Opt(attributes - interfaceGetAccessorDeclaration) )

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceGetAccessorDeclaration",
			GET - ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceGetAccessorDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("interfaceSetAccessorDeclaration",
			SET - ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.InterfaceSetAccessorDeclaration });

		var enumBase = new Id("enumBase");
		var enumBody = new Id("enumBody");
		var enumMemberDeclarations = new Id("enumMemberDeclarations");
		var enumMemberDeclaration = new Id("enumMemberDeclaration");

		parser.Add(new Rule("enumDeclaration",
			"enum" - NAME - new Opt(enumBase) - enumBody - new Opt(";")
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.EnumDeclaration | SemanticFlags.TypeDeclarationScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("enumBase",
			new Seq( ":", integralType )
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.EnumBaseScope } );

		parser.Add(new Rule("enumBody",
			"{" - new Opt(enumMemberDeclarations) - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.EnumBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("enumMemberDeclarations",
			new Seq(
				new Many(new IfNot(new Seq( ",", "}" ) | "}", "," - enumMemberDeclaration)), new Opt(",") )

		parser.Add(new Rule("enumMemberDeclaration",
			attributes - NAME - new Opt("=" - constantExpression)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.EnumMemberDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("delegateDeclaration",
			"delegate" - ("void" | type) - NAME - new Opt(typeParameterList)
				- "(" - new Opt(formalParameterList) - ")" - new Opt(typeParameterConstraintsClauses) - ";"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.DelegateDeclaration | SemanticFlags.TypeDeclarationScope });

		var attributeTargetSpecifier = new Id("attributeTargetSpecifier");
		parser.Add(new Rule("ATTRIBUTETARGET",
			(IDENTIFIER | "event:" | "return:" | "field:" | "method:" | "param:" | "property:" | "type:" | "assembly:" | "module:")
			) { contextualKeyword = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("attributeTargetSpecifier",
			(new If(s => s.Current.text == "field"
				|| s.Current.text == "method"
				|| s.Current.text == "param"
				|| s.Current.text == "property"
				|| s.Current.text == "type"
				|| s.Current.text == "assembly"
				|| s.Current.text == "module",
					ATTRIBUTETARGET) | "event" | "return") - ":"

		parser.Add(new Rule("attributes",
			new Many(
				"[" - new If(attributeTargetSpecifier, attributeTargetSpecifier) - attribute -
					new Many("," - attribute) - "]"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.AttributesScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("attribute",
			typeName - new Opt(attributeArguments)

		var rankSpecifiers = new Id("rankSpecifiers");

		parser.Add(new Rule("type",
			predefinedType - new Opt("?") - new Opt(rankSpecifiers)
			| typeName - new Opt("?") - new Opt(rankSpecifiers)

		parser.Add(new Rule("type2",
			predefinedType - new Opt(rankSpecifiers)
			| typeName - new Opt(rankSpecifiers)

		//parser.Add(new Rule("typeSpecifier",
		//    predefinedType - new Opt("?") - new Opt(rankSpecifiers)
		//    | typeName - new Opt("?") - new Opt(rankSpecifiers)
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("exceptionClassType",
			typeName | "object" | "string"

		parser.Add(new Rule("nonArrayType",
			(typeName | simpleType) - new Opt("?")
			| "object"
			| "string"

	//	parser.Add(new Rule("arrayType",
	//		nonArrayType - rankSpecifiers
	//		));

		parser.Add(new Rule("simpleType",
			numericType | "bool"
		parser.Add(new Rule("numericType",
			integralType | floatingPointType | "decimal"

		parser.Add(new Rule("integralType",
			new Lit("sbyte") | "byte" | "short" | "ushort" | "int" | "uint" | "long" | "ulong" | "char"

		parser.Add(new Rule("floatingPointType",
			new Lit("float") | "double"

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeName",
		parser.Add(new Rule("globalNamespace",
			IDENTIFIER | "global"

		parser.Add(new Rule("namespaceOrTypeName",
			new If(IDENTIFIER - "::", globalNamespace - "::") -
			typeOrGeneric - new Many("." - typeOrGeneric)

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeOrGeneric",
			IDENTIFIER - new If("<" - type, typeArgumentList) - new If("<" - (new Lit(",") | ">"), unboundTypeRank)
//				new If(new Seq(IDENTIFIER, typeArgumentList), new Seq(IDENTIFIER, typeArgumentList))

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeArgumentList",
			"<" - type - new Many("," - type) - ">"

		parser.Add(new Rule("unboundTypeRank",
			"<" - new Many(",") - ">"

		//parser.Add(new Rule("typeArguments",
		//    type - new Many("," - type)
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("rankSpecifier",
			"[" - new Many(",") - "]"

		var unaryExpression = new Id("unaryExpression");
		var assignmentOperator = new Id("assignmentOperator");
		var assignment = new Id("assignment");
		var nonAssignmentExpression = new Id("nonAssignmentExpression");
		var castExpression = new Id("castExpression");

		parser.Add(new Rule("expression",
			new If(unaryExpression - assignmentOperator, assignment)
			| nonAssignmentExpression

		parser.Add(new Rule("assignment",
			unaryExpression - assignmentOperator - (expression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE")

		var preIncrementExpression = new Id("preIncrementExpression");
		var preDecrementExpression = new Id("preDecrementExpression");

		parser.Add(new Rule("unaryExpression",
			new If("(" - type - ")" - IDENTIFIER, castExpression)
			| new If(castExpression, castExpression)
			| primaryExpression - new Many(new Lit("++") | "--") // TODO: Fix this! Post increment operators should be primaryExpressionPart
			| new Seq( new Lit("+") | "-" | "!", unaryExpression )
			| new Seq( "~", unaryExpression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE" )
			| preIncrementExpression
			| preDecrementExpression

		parser.Add(new Rule("castExpression",
			"(" - type - ")" - unaryExpression

		parser.Add(new Rule("assignmentOperator",
			new Lit("=") | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | new Seq(">", ">=")

		parser.Add(new Rule("preIncrementExpression",
			"++" - unaryExpression

		parser.Add(new Rule("preDecrementExpression",
			"--" - unaryExpression

		var brackets = new Id("brackets");
		var primaryExpressionStart = new Id("primaryExpressionStart");
		var primaryExpressionPart = new Id("primaryExpressionPart");
		var objectCreationExpression = new Id("objectCreationExpression");
		//var delegateCreationExpression = new Id("delegateCreationExpression");
		var anonymousObjectCreationExpression = new Id("anonymousObjectCreationExpression");
		var sizeofExpression = new Id("sizeofExpression");
		var checkedExpression = new Id("checkedExpression");
		var uncheckedExpression = new Id("uncheckedExpression");
		var defaultValueExpression = new Id("defaultValueExpression");
		var anonymousMethodExpression = new Id("anonymousMethodExpression");

		parser.Add(new Rule("primaryExpression",
			primaryExpressionStart - new Many(primaryExpressionPart)
			| new Seq( "new",
				((nonArrayType | ".EXPECTEDTYPE") - (objectCreationExpression | arrayCreationExpression))
				| implicitArrayCreationExpression
				| anonymousObjectCreationExpression,
				new Many(primaryExpressionPart))
			| anonymousMethodExpression

		var parenExpression = new Id("parenExpression");
		var typeofExpression = new Id("typeofExpression");
		var qidStart = new Id("qidStart");
		var qidPart = new Id("qidPart");
		var accessIdentifier = new Id("accessIdentifier");

		parser.Add(new Rule("typeofExpression",
			new Lit("typeof") - "(" - (type | "void") - ")"
		parser.Add(new Rule("predefinedType",
			new Lit("bool") | "byte" | "char" | "decimal" | "double" | "float" | "int" | "long"
			| "object" | "sbyte" | "short" | "string" | "uint" | "ulong" | "ushort"

		parser.Add(new Rule("qid",
			qidStart - new Many(qidPart)

		parser.Add(new Rule("qidStart",
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - "<", NAME - typeParameterList)
			| IDENTIFIER - new Opt("::" - IDENTIFIER)

		parser.Add(new Rule("qidPart",
			new If("." - IDENTIFIER, accessIdentifier) | "."

		parser.Add(new Rule("primaryExpressionStart",
			| LITERAL | "true" | "false"
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - typeArgumentList /*- (new Lit("(") | ")" | ":" | ";" | "," | "." | "?" | "==" | "!="*/, IDENTIFIER - typeArgumentList)
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - "::", globalNamespace - "::") - IDENTIFIER
			| parenExpression
			| "this"
			| "base"
			| typeofExpression
			| sizeofExpression
			| checkedExpression
			| uncheckedExpression
			| defaultValueExpression

		//var bracketsOrArguments = new Id("bracketsOrArguments");
		var argument = new Id("argument");
		var attributeArgument = new Id("attributeArgument");
		var expressionList = new Id("expressionList");
		var argumentValue = new Id("argumentValue");
		var argumentName = new Id("argumentName");
		var attributeMemberName = new Id("attributeMemberName");
		var variableReference = new Id("variableReference");

		parser.Add(new Rule("primaryExpressionPart",
			| brackets
			| arguments

		parser.Add(new Rule("accessIdentifier",
			"." - IDENTIFIER - new If(typeArgumentList, typeArgumentList)

		//parser.Add(new Rule("bracketsOrArguments",
		//    brackets | arguments
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("brackets",
			"[" - new Opt(expressionList) - "]"

		parser.Add(new Rule("expressionList",
			expression - new Many("," - expression)

		parser.Add(new Rule("parenExpression",	
			"(" - expression - ")"

		parser.Add(new Rule("arguments",
			"(" - argumentList - ")"

		parser.Add(new Rule("attributeArguments",
			"(" - attributeArgumentList - ")"
		parser.Add(new Rule("argumentList",
			new Opt(argument - new Many("," - argument))
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ArgumentListScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("attributeArgumentList",
			new Opt(attributeArgument - new Many("," - attributeArgument))
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.AttributeArgumentsScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("argument",
			new If(IDENTIFIER - ":", argumentName - argumentValue)
			| argumentValue

		parser.Add(new Rule("attributeArgument",
			new If(IDENTIFIER - "=", attributeMemberName - argumentValue)
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - ":", argumentName - argumentValue)
			| argumentValue

		parser.Add(new Rule("argumentName",

		parser.Add(new Rule("attributeMemberName",

		parser.Add(new Rule("argumentValue",
			| new Seq( new Lit("out") | "ref", variableReference )

		parser.Add(new Rule("variableReference",

		parser.Add(new Rule("rankSpecifiers",
			"[" - new Many(",") - "]" - new Many("[" - new Many(",") - "]")

		//parser.Add(new Rule("delegateCreationExpression",
		//    new Seq( typeName, "(", typeName, ")" )
		//    ));

		var anonymousObjectInitializer = new Id("anonymousObjectInitializer");
		var memberDeclaratorList = new Id("memberDeclaratorList");
		var memberDeclarator = new Id("memberDeclarator");
		var memberAccessExpression = new Id("memberAccessExpression");

		parser.Add(new Rule("anonymousObjectCreationExpression",
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.AnonymousObjectCreation });
		parser.Add(new Rule("anonymousObjectInitializer",
			"{" - new Opt(memberDeclaratorList) - new Opt(",") - "}"

		parser.Add(new Rule("memberDeclaratorList",
			memberDeclarator - new Many( new If("," - IDENTIFIER, "," - memberDeclarator) )
		parser.Add(new Rule("memberDeclarator",
			new If(IDENTIFIER - "=", IDENTIFIER - "=" - expression)
			| memberAccessExpression
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MemberDeclarator });

		parser.Add(new Rule("memberAccessExpression",

		//parser.Add(new Rule("primaryOrArrayCreationExpression",
		//    new If( /*arrayCreationExpression*/ "new" - new Opt(nonArrayType) - "[", arrayCreationExpression )
		//    | primaryExpression
		//    ));

		var objectOrCollectionInitializer = new Id("objectOrCollectionInitializer");
		var objectInitializer = new Id("objectInitializer");
		var collectionInitializer = new Id("collectionInitializer");
		var elementInitializerList = new Id("elementInitializerList");
		var elementInitializer = new Id("elementInitializer");
		var memberInitializerList = new Id("memberInitializerList");
		var memberInitializer = new Id("memberInitializer");

		parser.Add(new Rule("objectCreationExpression",
			arguments - new Opt(objectOrCollectionInitializer)
			| objectOrCollectionInitializer

		parser.Add(new Rule("objectOrCollectionInitializer",
			"{" - ((new If(IDENTIFIER - "=", objectInitializer) | "}" | collectionInitializer))

		parser.Add(new Rule("collectionInitializer",
			elementInitializerList - new Opt(",") - "}"

		parser.Add(new Rule("elementInitializerList",
			elementInitializer - new Many(new IfNot(new Opt(",") - "}", "," - elementInitializer))

		parser.Add(new Rule("elementInitializer",
			| "{" - expressionList - "}"

		parser.Add(new Rule("objectInitializer",
			new Opt(memberInitializerList) - new Opt(",") - (new Lit("}") | ".MEMBERINITIALIZER")

		parser.Add(new Rule("memberInitializerList",
			memberInitializer - new Many(new IfNot(new Opt(",") - "}", "," - memberInitializer))
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.MemberInitializerScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("memberInitializer",
			(IDENTIFIER | ".MEMBERINITIALIZER") - "=" - (expression | objectOrCollectionInitializer | ".EXPECTEDTYPE")

		//var invocationPart = new Id("invocationPart");
		var explicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList = new Id("explicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList");
		var explicitAnonymousFunctionParameter = new Id("explicitAnonymousFunctionParameter");
		var anonymousFunctionParameterModifier = new Id("anonymousFunctionParameterModifier");
		var explicitAnonymousFunctionSignature = new Id("explicitAnonymousFunctionSignature");

		parser.Add(new Rule("arrayCreationExpression",
			new If( new Seq("[", new Lit(",") | "]"), rankSpecifiers - arrayInitializer )
			|  "[" - expressionList - "]" - new Opt(rankSpecifiers) - new Opt(arrayInitializer)

		parser.Add(new Rule("implicitArrayCreationExpression",
			rankSpecifier - arrayInitializer

		//parser.Add(new Rule("invocationPart",
		//    accessIdentifier | brackets
		//    ));

		parser.Add(new Rule("arrayInitializer",
			"{" - new Opt(variableInitializerList) - "}"

		parser.Add(new Rule("variableInitializerList",
			variableInitializer - new Many(new IfNot(new Seq(",", "}"), "," - new Opt(variableInitializer))) - new Opt(",")

		parser.Add(new Rule("sizeofExpression",
			new Lit("sizeof") - "(" - simpleType - ")"

		parser.Add(new Rule("checkedExpression",
			new Lit("checked") - "(" - expression - ")"
		parser.Add(new Rule("uncheckedExpression",
			new Lit("unchecked") - "(" - expression - ")"
		parser.Add(new Rule("defaultValueExpression",
			new Seq( "default", "(", type, ")" )

		var anonymousFunctionSignature = new Id("anonymousFunctionSignature");
		var lambdaExpression = new Id("lambdaExpression");
		var queryExpression = new Id("queryExpression");
		var conditionalExpression = new Id("conditionalExpression");
		var lambdaExpressionBody = new Id("lambdaExpressionBody");
		var anonymousMethodBody = new Id("anonymousMethodBody");
		var implicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList = new Id("implicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList");
		var implicitAnonymousFunctionParameter = new Id("implicitAnonymousFunctionParameter");

		var FROM = new Id("FROM"); parser.Add(new Rule("FROM", IDENTIFIER | "from") { contextualKeyword = true });
		var SELECT = new Id("SELECT"); parser.Add(new Rule("SELECT", IDENTIFIER) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var GROUP = new Id("GROUP"); parser.Add(new Rule("GROUP", IDENTIFIER | "group") { contextualKeyword = true });
		var INTO = new Id("INTO"); parser.Add(new Rule("INTO", new If(s => s.Current.text == "into", IDENTIFIER | "into")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var ORDERBY = new Id("ORDERBY"); parser.Add(new Rule("ORDERBY", new If(s => s.Current.text == "orderby", IDENTIFIER | "orderby")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var JOIN = new Id("JOIN"); parser.Add(new Rule("JOIN", new If(s => s.Current.text == "join", IDENTIFIER | "join")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var LET = new Id("LET"); parser.Add(new Rule("LET", new If(s => s.Current.text == "let", IDENTIFIER | "let")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var ON = new Id("ON"); parser.Add(new Rule("ON", new If(s => s.Current.text == "on", IDENTIFIER | "on")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var EQUALS = new Id("EQUALS"); parser.Add(new Rule("EQUALS", new If(s => s.Current.text == "equals", IDENTIFIER | "equals")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var BY = new Id("BY"); parser.Add(new Rule("BY", new If(s => s.Current.text == "by", IDENTIFIER | "by")) { contextualKeyword = true });
		var ASCENDING = new Id("ASCENDING"); parser.Add(new Rule("ASCENDING", IDENTIFIER | "ascending") { contextualKeyword = true });
		var DESCENDING = new Id("DESCENDING"); parser.Add(new Rule("DESCENDING", IDENTIFIER | "descending") { contextualKeyword = true });

		var fromClause = new Id("fromClause");

		parser.Add(new Rule("nonAssignmentExpression",
			new If(anonymousFunctionSignature - "=>", lambdaExpression)
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - IDENTIFIER - "in", queryExpression)
			| new If(IDENTIFIER - type - IDENTIFIER - "in", queryExpression)
			| conditionalExpression

		parser.Add(new Rule("lambdaExpression",
			anonymousFunctionSignature - "=>" - lambdaExpressionBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.LambdaExpressionScope | SemanticFlags.LambdaExpressionDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("anonymousFunctionSignature",
			new Seq(
				new Opt(
					new If(new Seq(IDENTIFIER, new Lit(",") | ")"), implicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList)
					| explicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList),
			| implicitAnonymousFunctionParameter
			));// { semantics = SemanticFlags.LambdaExpressionDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("implicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList",
			implicitAnonymousFunctionParameter - new Many("," - implicitAnonymousFunctionParameter)

		parser.Add(new Rule("implicitAnonymousFunctionParameter",
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ImplicitParameterDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("lambdaExpressionBody",
			| "{" - statementList - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.LambdaExpressionBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("anonymousMethodExpression",
			"delegate" - new Opt(explicitAnonymousFunctionSignature) - anonymousMethodBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.AnonymousMethodDeclaration | SemanticFlags.AnonymousMethodScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("anonymousMethodBody",
			"{" - statementList - "}"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.AnonymousMethodBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("explicitAnonymousFunctionSignature",
			"(" - new Opt(explicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList) - ")"
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.FormalParameterListScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("explicitAnonymousFunctionParameterList",
			explicitAnonymousFunctionParameter - new Many("," - explicitAnonymousFunctionParameter)

		parser.Add(new Rule("explicitAnonymousFunctionParameter",
			new Opt(anonymousFunctionParameterModifier) - type - NAME
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.ExplicitParameterDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("anonymousFunctionParameterModifier",
			new Lit("ref") | "out"

		var queryBody = new Id("queryBody");
		var queryBodyClause = new Id("queryBodyClause");
		var queryContinuation = new Id("queryContinuation");
		var letClause = new Id("letClause");
		var whereClause = new Id("whereClause");
		var joinClause = new Id("joinClause");
		var orderbyClause = new Id("orderbyClause");
		var orderingList = new Id("orderingList");
		var ordering = new Id("ordering");
		var selectClause = new Id("selectClause");
		var groupClause = new Id("groupClause");

		parser.Add(new Rule("queryExpression",
			fromClause - queryBody
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.QueryExpressionScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("fromClause",
			FROM - (new If(NAME - "in", NAME) | type - NAME) - "in" - expression
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.FromClauseVariableDeclaration });

		parser.Add(new Rule("queryBody",
			new Many(
				new If(s => s.Current.text == "from"
					| s.Current.text == "let"
					| s.Current.text == "join"
					| s.Current.text == "orderby"
					| s.Current.text == "where", queryBodyClause)
			) - (new If(s => s.Current.text == "select", selectClause) | "select" | groupClause) - new Opt(queryContinuation)
			) { semantics = SemanticFlags.QueryBodyScope });

		parser.Add(new Rule("queryContinuation",
			INTO - IDENTIFIER - queryBody

		parser.Add(new Rule("queryBodyClause",
			new If(s => s.Current.text == "from", fromClause)
			| new If(s => s.Current.text == "let", letClause)
			| new If(s => s.Current.text == "join", joinClause)
			| new If(s => s.Current.text == "orderby", orderbyClause)
			| whereClause

		parser.Add(new Rule("joinClause",
			JOIN - new Opt(type) - IDENTIFIER - "in" - expression - ON - expression - EQUALS - expression - new Opt(INTO - IDENTIFIER)

		parser.Add(new Rule("letClause",
			LET - IDENTIFIER - "=" - expression

		parser.Add(new Rule("orderbyClause",
			ORDERBY - orderingList

		parser.Add(new Rule("orderingList",
			ordering - new Many("," - ordering)

		parser.Add(new Rule("ordering",
			expression - new Opt(new If(s => s.Current.text == "ascending", ASCENDING) | DESCENDING)

		parser.Add(new Rule("selectClause",
			SELECT - expression

		parser.Add(new Rule("groupClause",
			GROUP- expression - BY - expression

		parser.Add(new Rule("whereClause",
			WHERE - booleanExpression

		parser.Add(new Rule("booleanExpression",

		var nullCoalescingExpression = new Id("nullCoalescingExpression");
		var conditionalOrExpression = new Id("conditionalOrExpression");
		var conditionalAndExpression = new Id("conditionalAndExpression");
		var inclusiveOrExpression = new Id("inclusiveOrExpression");
		var exclusiveOrExpression = new Id("exclusiveOrExpression");
		var andExpression = new Id("andExpression");
		var equalityExpression = new Id("equalityExpression");
		var relationalExpression = new Id("relationalExpression");
		var shiftExpression = new Id("shiftExpression");
		var additiveExpression = new Id("additiveExpression");
		var multiplicativeExpression = new Id("multiplicativeExpression");

		parser.Add(new Rule("conditionalExpression",
			nullCoalescingExpression - new Opt("?" - expression - ":" - expression)
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("nullCoalescingExpression",
			conditionalOrExpression - new Many("??" - conditionalOrExpression)
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("conditionalOrExpression",
			conditionalAndExpression - new Many("||" - conditionalAndExpression)
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("conditionalAndExpression",
			inclusiveOrExpression - new Many("&&" - inclusiveOrExpression)
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("inclusiveOrExpression",
			exclusiveOrExpression - new Many("|" - (exclusiveOrExpression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE"))
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("exclusiveOrExpression",
			andExpression - new Many("^" - andExpression)
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("andExpression",
			equalityExpression - new Many("&" - (equalityExpression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE"))
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("equalityExpression",
			relationalExpression - new Many( (new Lit("==") | "!=") - (relationalExpression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE") )
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("relationalExpression",
			new Seq( shiftExpression, new Many(
				new Seq( new Lit("<") | ">" | "<=" | ">=", (shiftExpression | ".EXPECTEDTYPE") )
				| new Seq( new Lit("is") | "as", new If(type2 - "?" - expression - ":", type2) | type) ))
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("shiftExpression",
			new Seq( additiveExpression,
				new Many(new If(new Seq(">", ">") | "<<", new Seq( new Seq(">", ">") | "<<", additiveExpression ))))
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("additiveExpression",
			new Seq( multiplicativeExpression, new Many(new Seq( new Lit("+") | "-", multiplicativeExpression )) )
			) { autoExclude = true });

		parser.Add(new Rule("multiplicativeExpression",
			new Seq( unaryExpression, new Many(new Seq( new Lit("*") | "/" | "%", unaryExpression )) )
			) { autoExclude = true });

		Rule.debug = false;


예제 #9
         * Unrolls plugins referenced in specified content.
        async Task <string> UnrollPluginsAsync(
            ISignaler signaler,
            string content,
            Node node,
            bool isMarkdown)
            var result = new StringBuilder();
            var buffer = new StringBuilder();

            using (var reader = new StringReader(content))
                var line = reader.ReadLine();
                while (line != null)
                    // TODO: Implement true parsing, to allow for having plugins inside of e.g. attributes, etc.
                    if (line == "![[")
                         * Hyperlambda content, reading until we find the end of it, parsing,
                         * evaluating, and adding results of evaluation into buffer.
                         * Making sure we first append content found so far in StringReader.
                        if (isMarkdown)
                        line = reader.ReadLine(); // Discarding opening "![[" parts.
                        while (line != "]]!")
                            line = reader.ReadLine();

                         * Notice, passing in all arguments as [.arguments] to all
                         * inline Hyperlambda plugin sections.
                        var lambda = new Parser(buffer.ToString()).Lambda();
                        lambda.Add(new Node(".arguments", null, node.Children.Select(x => x.Clone())));
                        var evalResult = new Node();
                        await signaler.ScopeAsync(
                            async() => await signaler.SignalAsync("wait.eval", lambda));

                         * Assuming the plugin section returned some sort of inclusion,
                         * effectively being server side "document.write" logic.
                        result.Append(evalResult.Get <string>());
                        // Normal content.
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                if (isMarkdown)