private List<BuildTarget> PrepareBuildTargets(List<ContentFileV2.Target> rawTargets, ItemGroup globalItems, PropertyGroup globalProps)
            List<BuildTarget> buildTargets = new List<BuildTarget>();

            foreach (var rawTarget in rawTargets)
                    PropertyGroup targetProps = new PropertyGroup(globalProps);

                    targetProps.Set("TargetName", rawTarget.Name);

                    if (rawTarget.Properties != null)
                        targetProps.ExpandAndAddFromList(rawTarget.Properties, targetProps);

                    ItemGroup targetItems = new ItemGroup(globalItems);

                    ParsedPathList inputFiles = new ParsedPathList();
                    string[] list = rawTarget.Inputs.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    foreach (var rawInputFile in list)
                        ParsedPath pathSpec = null;
                        string s = targetProps.ReplaceVariables(rawInputFile);

                            pathSpec = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).MakeFullPath();
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new ContentFileException("Bad path '{0}'".CultureFormat(s), e);

                        if (pathSpec.HasWildcards)
                            if (!Directory.Exists(pathSpec.VolumeAndDirectory))
                                throw new ContentFileException("Directory '{0}' does not exist".CultureFormat(pathSpec.VolumeAndDirectory));

                            IList<ParsedPath> files = DirectoryUtility.GetFiles(pathSpec, SearchScope.DirectoryOnly);

                            if (files.Count == 0)
                                throw new ContentFileException("Wildcard input refers to no files after expansion");

                            inputFiles = new ParsedPathList(inputFiles.Concat(files));
                            if (!File.Exists(pathSpec))
                                throw new ContentFileException("Input file '{0}' does not exist".CultureFormat(pathSpec));


                    ParsedPathList outputFiles = new ParsedPathList();

                    list = rawTarget.Outputs.Split(';');

                    foreach (var rawOutputFile in list)
                        string s = targetProps.ReplaceVariables(rawOutputFile);

                            ParsedPath outputFile = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).MakeFullPath();

                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new ContentFileException("Bad path '{0}'".CultureFormat(s), e);

                    targetItems.Set("TargetInputs", inputFiles);
                    targetItems.Set("TargetOutputs", outputFiles);

                    bool needsRebuild = IsCompileRequired(inputFiles, outputFiles);

                    if (!needsRebuild)

                    buildTargets.Add(new BuildTarget(rawTarget.LineNumber, targetProps, targetItems));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentPath, rawTarget.LineNumber, "Error preparing targets", e);

            return buildTargets;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches multiple directories for a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paths">An array of paths to search.  Each path is assumed to be a directory.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to search for. Any root or directory portion is ignored.  Wildcards are not allowed.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of just the paths that contain the file, in the same order as the passed in array.</returns>
        public static ParsedPathList FindFileInPaths(ParsedPathList paths, ParsedPath file)
            ParsedPathList foundPaths = new ParsedPathList();

            foreach (ParsedPath path in paths)
                    ParsedPath fullPath = new ParsedPath(path, PathParts.VolumeAndDirectory).Append(file);

                    if (File.Exists(fullPath))
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // If there is a bad path in the list, ignore it

            return foundPaths;
예제 #3
        private void LoadCompilerClasses()
            CompilerClasses         = new List <CompilerClass>();
            NewestAssemblyWriteTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            ParsedPathList assemblyPaths = new ParsedPathList();

            foreach (var rawAssembly in ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies)
                ParsedPath pathSpec = null;

                    pathSpec = new ParsedPath(Properties.ExpandVariables(rawAssembly.Value), PathType.File);
                catch (KeyNotFoundException e)
                    throw new ContentFileException(rawAssembly, e);


            for (int i = 0; i < assemblyPaths.Count; i++)
                var      assemblyPath = assemblyPaths[i];
                Assembly assembly     = null;

                    // We use Assembly.Load so that the test assembly and subsequently loaded
                    // assemblies end up in the correct load context.  If the assembly cannot be
                    // found it will raise a AssemblyResolve event where we will search for the
                    // assembly.
                    assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies[i], e);

                Type[] types;

                // We won't get dependency errors until we actually try to reflect on all the types in the assembly
                    types = assembly.GetTypes();
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
                    string message = "Unable to reflect on assembly '{0}'".CultureFormat(assemblyPath);

                    // There is one entry in the exceptions array for each null in the types array,
                    // and they correspond positionally.
                    foreach (Exception ex in e.LoaderExceptions)
                        message += Environment.NewLine + "   " + ex.Message;

                    // Not being able to reflect on classes in the compiler assembly is a critical error
                    throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies[i], message, e);

                int compilerCount = 0;

                // Go through all the types in the test assembly and find all the
                // compiler classes, those that inherit from IContentCompiler.
                foreach (var type in types)
                    Type interfaceType = type.GetInterface(typeof(IContentCompiler).ToString());

                    if (interfaceType == null)

                    CompilerClass compilerClass = new CompilerClass(this.ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies[i], assembly, type, interfaceType);


                DateTime dateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(assembly.Location);

                if (dateTime > NewestAssemblyWriteTime)
                    NewestAssemblyWriteTime = dateTime;

                WriteMessage("Loaded {0} compilers from assembly '{1}'".CultureFormat(compilerCount, assembly.Location));
예제 #4
        private void LoadCompilerClasses()
            CompilerClasses = new List<CompilerClass>();
            NewestAssemblyWriteTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            ParsedPathList assemblyPaths = new ParsedPathList();

            foreach (var rawAssembly in ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies)
                ParsedPath pathSpec = null;

                    pathSpec = new ParsedPath(Properties.ExpandVariables(rawAssembly.Value), PathType.File);
                catch (KeyNotFoundException e)
                    throw new ContentFileException(rawAssembly, e);


            for (int i = 0; i < assemblyPaths.Count; i++)
                var assemblyPath = assemblyPaths[i];
                Assembly assembly = null;

                    // We use Assembly.Load so that the test assembly and subsequently loaded
                    // assemblies end up in the correct load context.  If the assembly cannot be
                    // found it will raise a AssemblyResolve event where we will search for the
                    // assembly.
                    assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies[i], e);

                Type[] types;

                // We won't get dependency errors until we actually try to reflect on all the types in the assembly
                    types = assembly.GetTypes();
                catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e)
                    string message = "Unable to reflect on assembly '{0}'".CultureFormat(assemblyPath);

                    // There is one entry in the exceptions array for each null in the types array,
                    // and they correspond positionally.
                    foreach (Exception ex in e.LoaderExceptions)
                        message += Environment.NewLine + "   " + ex.Message;

                    // Not being able to reflect on classes in the compiler assembly is a critical error
                    throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies[i], message, e);

                int compilerCount = 0;

                // Go through all the types in the test assembly and find all the
                // compiler classes, those that inherit from IContentCompiler.
                foreach (var type in types)
                    Type interfaceType = type.GetInterface(typeof(IContentCompiler).ToString());

                    if (interfaceType == null)

                    CompilerClass compilerClass = new CompilerClass(this.ContentFile.CompilerAssemblies[i], assembly, type, interfaceType);


                DateTime dateTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(assembly.Location);

                if (dateTime > NewestAssemblyWriteTime)
                    NewestAssemblyWriteTime = dateTime;

                WriteMessage("Loaded {0} compilers from assembly '{1}'".CultureFormat(compilerCount, assembly.Location));
예제 #5
        private List <BuildTarget> PrepareBuildTargets(List <ContentFileV2.Target> rawTargets, ItemGroup globalItems, PropertyGroup globalProps)
            List <BuildTarget> buildTargets = new List <BuildTarget>();

            foreach (var rawTarget in rawTargets)
                    PropertyGroup targetProps = new PropertyGroup(globalProps);

                    targetProps.Set("TargetName", rawTarget.Name);

                    if (rawTarget.Properties != null)
                        targetProps.ExpandAndAddFromList(rawTarget.Properties, targetProps);

                    ItemGroup targetItems = new ItemGroup(globalItems);

                    ParsedPathList inputFiles = new ParsedPathList();
                    string[]       list       = rawTarget.Inputs.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    foreach (var rawInputFile in list)
                        ParsedPath pathSpec = null;
                        string     s        = targetProps.ReplaceVariables(rawInputFile);

                            pathSpec = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).MakeFullPath();
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new ContentFileException("Bad path '{0}'".CultureFormat(s), e);

                        if (pathSpec.HasWildcards)
                            if (!Directory.Exists(pathSpec.VolumeAndDirectory))
                                throw new ContentFileException("Directory '{0}' does not exist".CultureFormat(pathSpec.VolumeAndDirectory));

                            IList <ParsedPath> files = DirectoryUtility.GetFiles(pathSpec, SearchScope.DirectoryOnly);

                            if (files.Count == 0)
                                throw new ContentFileException("Wildcard input refers to no files after expansion");

                            inputFiles = new ParsedPathList(inputFiles.Concat(files));
                            if (!File.Exists(pathSpec))
                                throw new ContentFileException("Input file '{0}' does not exist".CultureFormat(pathSpec));


                    ParsedPathList outputFiles = new ParsedPathList();

                    list = rawTarget.Outputs.Split(';');

                    foreach (var rawOutputFile in list)
                        string s = targetProps.ReplaceVariables(rawOutputFile);

                            ParsedPath outputFile = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).MakeFullPath();

                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new ContentFileException("Bad path '{0}'".CultureFormat(s), e);

                    targetItems.Set("TargetInputs", inputFiles);
                    targetItems.Set("TargetOutputs", outputFiles);

                    bool needsRebuild = IsCompileRequired(inputFiles, outputFiles);

                    if (!needsRebuild)

                    buildTargets.Add(new BuildTarget(rawTarget.LineNumber, targetProps, targetItems));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentPath, rawTarget.LineNumber, "Error preparing targets", e);
