예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Include files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pars"></param>
        public void Visit(ParsedIncludeFile pars)
            var inc = new IncludeCodeItem {
                DisplayText   = pars.Name,
                Flags         = pars.Flags,
                SubText       = null,
                DocumentOwner = pars.FilePath,
                GoToLine      = pars.Line,
                GoToColumn    = pars.Column

            if (pars.Flags.HasFlag(ParseFlag.NotFound))
                    GetExplorerListNode("Missing includes/variables", CodeExplorerIconType.MissingInclude),
                // To code explorer
                    GetExplorerListNode("Includes", CodeExplorerIconType.Include),
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of tokens corresponding to the given include
        /// </summary>
        private List <Token> GetIncludeFileTokens(TokenString previousTokenString, ParsedIncludeFile parsedInclude)
            // Parse the include file ?
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath))
                ProTokenizer proTokenizer;

                // did we already parsed this file in a previous parse session?
                if (SavedTokenizerInclude.ContainsKey(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath))
                    proTokenizer = SavedTokenizerInclude[parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath];
                    // Parse it
                    if (previousTokenString != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousTokenString.Value))
                        proTokenizer = new ProTokenizer(Utils.ReadAllText(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath), previousTokenString.Value[0] == '"', previousTokenString.Value[0] == '\'');
                        proTokenizer = new ProTokenizer(Utils.ReadAllText(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath));
                    if (!SavedTokenizerInclude.ContainsKey(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath))
                        SavedTokenizerInclude.Add(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath, proTokenizer);

                var includeNumber = (ushort)(_parsedIncludes.Count - 1);

                // add this include to the references and modify each token
                // Remove EOF
                List <Token> copiedTokens = new List <Token>();
                for (int i = 0; i < proTokenizer.GetTokensList.Count - 1; i++)
                    var token       = proTokenizer.GetTokensList[i];
                    var copiedToken = token.Copy(token.Line, token.Column, token.StartPosition, token.EndPosition);
                    copiedToken.OwnerNumber = includeNumber;

            parsedInclude.Flags |= ParseFlag.NotFound;
예제 #3
 public void Visit(ParsedIncludeFile pars)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the include reference to be seen in the explorer
        /// </summary>
        private ParsedIncludeFile CreateParsedIncludeFile(Token bracketToken, int startPos, int endPos)
            // info we will extract from the current statement :
            ParsedIncludeFile newInclude = null;
            string            fileName   = "";
            bool   usesNamedArg          = false;// true if the arguments used are with the format : &name=""
            bool   expectingFirstArg     = true;
            string argName    = null;
            int    argNumber  = 1;
            var    parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            var state = 0;

            for (int i = startPos + 1; i <= endPos - 1; i++)
                var token = PeekAt(i);
                if (token is TokenComment)
                switch (state)
                case 0:
                    // read the file name
                    if (token is TokenWord || token is TokenString)
                        fileName += GetTokenStrippedValue(token);


                case 1:
                    if (token is TokenSymbol && (token.Value.Equals("/") || token.Value.Equals("\\")))
                        // it's a path, append it to the name of the run
                        fileName += token.Value;
                        state     = 0;

                    // read the arguments
                    if (expectingFirstArg)
                        // case of a {file.i &x="arg1" &x=arg2}
                        if (token is TokenPreProcDirective)
                            argName           = token.Value;
                            usesNamedArg      = true;
                            expectingFirstArg = false;
                            // case of a {file.i "arg1" arg2}
                        else if (!(token is TokenEol || token is TokenWhiteSpace))
                            if (!parameters.ContainsKey(argNumber.ToString()))
                                parameters.Add(argNumber.ToString(), GetTokenStrippedValue(token));
                                parameters[argNumber.ToString()] = GetTokenStrippedValue(token);
                            expectingFirstArg = false;
                        if (usesNamedArg)
                            // still waiting to read the argument name
                            if (argName == null)
                                if (token is TokenPreProcDirective)
                                    argName = token.Value;
                            else if (!(token is TokenEol || token is TokenWhiteSpace || token.Value == "="))
                                if (!parameters.ContainsKey(argName))
                                    parameters.Add(argName, GetTokenStrippedValue(token));
                                    parameters[argName] = GetTokenStrippedValue(token);

                                argName = null;
                        else if (!(token is TokenEol || token is TokenWhiteSpace))
                            if (!parameters.ContainsKey(argNumber.ToString()))
                                parameters.Add(argNumber.ToString(), GetTokenStrippedValue(token));


            // we matched the include file name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                // try to find the file in the propath
                var fullFilePath = FindIncludeFullPath(fileName);

                newInclude = new ParsedIncludeFile(fileName, bracketToken, parameters, fullFilePath ?? fileName, _parsedIncludes[bracketToken.OwnerNumber]);

                AddParsedItem(newInclude, bracketToken.OwnerNumber);

        /// <summary>
        /// If it is an {&amp;var} or {include.i}, replaces the token at "current position + posAhead" by a list of tokens.
        /// In case of {&amp;var}, the list of tokens has been extracted when we found the GLOBAL/SCOPE-DEFINE.
        /// In case of {include.i}, we will read the file and tokenize it, then we will have the list of token we need to replace.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReplaceIncludeAndPreprocVariablesAhead(int posAhead)
            if (_context.InFalsePreProcIfBlock)

             * { include-file
             *  [ argument ... | {&argument-name = "argument-value" } ... ] }
             * This method should handle those cases :
             * {   file.i &name=val &2="value"   } -> {&name} and {&2}
             * {file.i val "value"} -> {1} {2}
             * { &preprocessor-name }
             * { { n | &argument-name } }

            bool weReplacedSomething = false;

            // we check if the token + posAhead will be an include that needs to be replaced
            var toReplaceToken = PeekAt(posAhead);

            byte nbOfNestedReplacements = 0;

            while (toReplaceToken is TokenInclude || toReplaceToken is TokenPreProcVariable)
                // a ~ is the escape character for an include or a pre-proc variable
                var previousToken = PeekAt(posAhead - 1);
                if (previousToken is TokenSymbol && previousToken.Value.Equals("~"))

                // replace the {include} present within this {include}
                var count = 1;
                while (true)
                    var curToken = PeekAt(posAhead + count);
                    if (curToken is TokenEof)
                        return(false);                      // we didn't match the end of the include, better not do anything
                    if (curToken is TokenSymbol && curToken.Value == "}")
                    if (!ReplaceIncludeAndPreprocVariablesAhead(posAhead + count))

                count++; // number of tokens composing this include

                // get the characteristics of this include
                string            replaceName   = null;
                ParsedIncludeFile parsedInclude = null;
                string            preprocValue  = null;
                if (count >= 3)
                    if (toReplaceToken is TokenInclude)
                        parsedInclude = CreateParsedIncludeFile(toReplaceToken, posAhead, posAhead + count - 1);
                        if (parsedInclude != null)
                            replaceName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath) ? parsedInclude.IncludeFilePath : parsedInclude.Name;
                        replaceName  = (toReplaceToken.Value == "{" ? "" : "&") + PeekAt(posAhead + 1).Value;
                        preprocValue = CreateUsedPreprocVariable(toReplaceToken, replaceName);

                // remove the tokens composing this include
                RemoveTokens(posAhead, count);

                weReplacedSomething = true;

                // name not found, leave
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceName))

                // Handle the compiler message: Nested recursion limit of 255 exceeded in preprocessor expansion. (2936)
                // It happens when:
                // &GLOBAL-DEFINE name1 ~{&name2}
                // &GLOBAL-DEFINE name2 ~{&name1}
                // {&name1}
                if (++nbOfNestedReplacements >= 255)

                var prevToken = PeekAt(posAhead - 1);

                // get the list of tokens that will replace this include
                List <Token> valueTokens;
                if (toReplaceToken is TokenInclude)
                    // Handle the compiler message: Nested recursion limit of 255 exceeded in preprocessor expansion. (2936)
                    // This will happen if you have an include that calls itself for instance
                    var includeStackSize = 0;
                    var parentInclude    = parsedInclude.Parent;
                    while (parentInclude != null)
                        parentInclude = parentInclude.Parent;
                    if (includeStackSize >= 255)
                    valueTokens = GetIncludeFileTokens(prevToken as TokenString, parsedInclude);
                    valueTokens = GetPreProcVariableTokens(prevToken as TokenString, toReplaceToken, preprocValue);

                // do we have a definition for the var/include?
                if (valueTokens != null)
                    // we have to "merge" the TokenWord at the beginning and end of what we are inserting, this allows to take care of
                    // cases like : DEF VAR lc_{&val}_end AS CHAR NO-UNDO.
                    if (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, valueTokens.FirstOrDefault() as TokenWord, true))

                    if (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead, valueTokens.LastOrDefault() as TokenWord, false))
                        valueTokens.RemoveAt(valueTokens.Count - 1);

                    // if we are in this case : MESSAGE "begin{include.i}end". we must try to merge this into one single string
                    prevToken = PeekAt(posAhead - 1);
                    var nextToken = PeekAt(posAhead);
                    if (prevToken is TokenString && nextToken is TokenString)
                        while (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, valueTokens.FirstOrDefault(), true))
                            var weMergedAString = valueTokens.FirstOrDefault() is TokenString;
                            if (weMergedAString)
                                // to handle the particular case where include.i contains something like :
                                // word". MESSAGE "anothre mess

                        while (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead, valueTokens.LastOrDefault(), false))
                            var weMergedAString = valueTokens.LastOrDefault() is TokenString;
                            valueTokens.RemoveAt(valueTokens.Count - 1);
                            if (weMergedAString)

                // if we have tokens insert, do it
                if (valueTokens != null && valueTokens.Count > 0)
                    InsertTokens(posAhead, valueTokens);
                    // make sure we don't have two TokenWord following each other, or we must merge them
                    if (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, PeekAt(posAhead) as TokenWord, true) ||
                        MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, PeekAt(posAhead) as TokenString, true))
                        RemoveTokens(posAhead, 1);

                toReplaceToken = PeekAt(posAhead);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// If it is an {&amp;var} or {include.i}, replaces the token at "current position + posAhead" by a list of tokens.
        /// In case of {&amp;var}, the list of tokens has been extracted when we found the GLOBAL/SCOPE-DEFINE.
        /// In case of {include.i}, we will read the file and tokenize it, then we will have the list of token we need to replace.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReplaceIncludeAndPreprocVariablesAhead(int posAhead)
             * { include-file
             *  [ argument ... | {&argument-name = "argument-value" } ... ] }
             * This method should handle those cases :
             * {   file.i &name=val &2="value"   } -> {&name} and {&2}
             * {file.i val "value"} -> {1} {2}
             * { &preprocessor-name }
             * { { n | &argument-name } }

            bool weReplacedSomething = false;

            // we check if the token + posAhead will be an include that needs to be replaced
            var toReplaceToken = PeekAt(posAhead);

            HashSet <string> replacedName = null; // keep track of replacement here

            while (toReplaceToken is TokenInclude || toReplaceToken is TokenPreProcVariable)
                // replace the {include} present within this {include}
                var count = 1;
                while (true)
                    var curToken = PeekAt(posAhead + count);
                    if (curToken is TokenEof)
                        return(false);                      // we didn't match the end of the include, better not do anything
                    if (curToken is TokenSymbol && curToken.Value == "}")
                    if (!ReplaceIncludeAndPreprocVariablesAhead(posAhead + count))

                count++; // number of tokens composing this include

                // get the caracteristics of this include
                string            replaceName   = null;
                ParsedIncludeFile parsedInclude = null;
                string            preprocValue  = null;
                if (count >= 3)
                    if (toReplaceToken is TokenInclude)
                        parsedInclude = CreateParsedIncludeFile(toReplaceToken, posAhead, posAhead + count - 1);
                        if (parsedInclude != null)
                            replaceName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parsedInclude.FullFilePath) ? parsedInclude.FullFilePath : parsedInclude.Name;
                        replaceName  = (toReplaceToken.Value == "{" ? "" : "&") + PeekAt(posAhead + 1).Value;
                        preprocValue = CreateUsedPreprocVariable(toReplaceToken, replaceName);

                // remove the tokens composing this include
                RemoveTokens(posAhead, count);

                weReplacedSomething = true;

                // name not found, leave
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceName))

                // make sure to not replace the same include in the same replacement loop, if we do that
                // this means we will go into an infinite loop case of a {&{&one}} with one=two and two=one
                if (replacedName == null)
                    replacedName = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                if (replacedName.Contains(replaceName))

                var prevToken = PeekAt(posAhead - 1);

                // get the list of tokens that will replace this include
                List <Token> valueTokens;
                if (toReplaceToken is TokenInclude)
                    valueTokens = GetIncludeFileTokens(prevToken as TokenString, parsedInclude);
                    valueTokens = GetPreProcVariableTokens(prevToken as TokenString, toReplaceToken, preprocValue);

                // do we have a definition for the var/include?
                if (valueTokens != null)
                    // we have to "merge" the TokenWord at the beginning and end of what we are inserting, this allows to take care of
                    // cases like : DEF VAR lc_{&val}_end AS CHAR NO-UNDO.
                    if (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, valueTokens.FirstOrDefault() as TokenWord, true))

                    if (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead, valueTokens.LastOrDefault() as TokenWord, false))
                        valueTokens.RemoveAt(valueTokens.Count - 1);

                    // if we are in this case : MESSAGE "begin{include.i}end". we must try to merge this into one single string
                    prevToken = PeekAt(posAhead - 1);
                    var nextToken = PeekAt(posAhead);
                    if (prevToken is TokenString && nextToken is TokenString)
                        while (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, valueTokens.FirstOrDefault(), true))
                            var weMergedAString = valueTokens.FirstOrDefault() is TokenString;
                            if (weMergedAString)
                                // to handle the particular case where include.i contains something like :
                                // word". MESSAGE "anothre mess

                        while (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead, valueTokens.LastOrDefault(), false))
                            var weMergedAString = valueTokens.LastOrDefault() is TokenString;
                            valueTokens.RemoveAt(valueTokens.Count - 1);
                            if (weMergedAString)

                // if we have tokens insert, do it
                if (valueTokens != null && valueTokens.Count > 0)
                    InsertTokens(posAhead, valueTokens);
                    // make sure we don't have two TokenWord following each other, or we must merge them
                    if (MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, PeekAt(posAhead) as TokenWord, true) ||
                        MergeTokenAtPosition(posAhead - 1, PeekAt(posAhead) as TokenString, true))
                        RemoveTokens(posAhead, 1);

                toReplaceToken = PeekAt(posAhead);
