예제 #1
    private void ClientReceiveFrame(Parsec.ParsecFrame frame, IntPtr image, IntPtr opaque)
        // Debug.Log($"Frame received at {Time.time}. Format:{frame.format} Size:{frame.width}x{frame.height} ActualSize:{frame.fullWidth}x{frame.fullHeight} ByteSize:{frame.size}");

        decoder.Decode(frame, image);

        Vector2 padding = new Vector2((float)frame.width / frame.fullWidth, (float)frame.height / frame.fullHeight);

        parsecGuestView.Populate(decoder.Y, decoder.U, decoder.V, padding, decoder.AspectRatio);
예제 #2
    // TODO: I don't know for certain, but this is probably not the most efficient way of
    // getting an image to Unity. I'm guessing that ClientPollFrame pulls the texture
    // from GPU memory (where it was initially decoded) into system memory, before it is
    // passed here. Then, Unity places it back into GPU memory.
    public void Decode(Parsec.ParsecFrame frame, System.IntPtr image)
        if (frame.format != Parsec.ParsecColorFormat.FORMAT_I420)
            throw new System.Exception($"Decoder does not currently support {frame.format}. Only {Parsec.ParsecColorFormat.FORMAT_I420} is permitted.");

        // The texture will be built if it does not currently exist.
        // Otherwise, only rebuild the texture if the dimensions have changed.
        if (Y == null || (Y.width != frame.fullWidth || Y.height != frame.fullHeight))
            if (Y != null)

            Y = new Texture2D((int)frame.fullWidth, (int)frame.fullHeight, TextureFormat.R8, false, false);
            U = new Texture2D((int)frame.fullWidth / 2, (int)frame.fullHeight / 2, TextureFormat.R8, false, false);
            V = new Texture2D((int)frame.fullWidth / 2, (int)frame.fullHeight / 2, TextureFormat.R8, false, false);

        int yBytes  = (int)frame.fullWidth * (int)frame.fullHeight;
        int uvBytes = (int)frame.fullWidth / 2 * (int)frame.fullHeight / 2;

        Y.LoadRawTextureData(image, yBytes);

        System.IntPtr uPtr = System.IntPtr.Add(image, yBytes);
        U.LoadRawTextureData(uPtr, uvBytes);

        System.IntPtr vPtr = System.IntPtr.Add(uPtr, uvBytes);
        V.LoadRawTextureData(vPtr, ((int)frame.fullWidth * (int)frame.fullHeight) / 2);

        Padding     = new Vector2((float)frame.width / frame.fullWidth, (float)frame.height / frame.fullHeight);
        AspectRatio = (float)frame.width / (float)frame.height;
 private void OnClientReceiveFrame(Parsec.ParsecFrame frame, IntPtr image, IntPtr opaque)
     parsecFrameDecoder.Decode(frame, image);
     // TODO: Could just initialize the guest view with the decoder?
     parsecGuestView.Populate(parsecFrameDecoder.Y, parsecFrameDecoder.U, parsecFrameDecoder.V, parsecFrameDecoder.Padding, parsecFrameDecoder.AspectRatio);