public void DeletePark(ParqueCampismo park) { if (park == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The ParqueCampismo cannot be null to be deleted"); } EnsureContext(); using (IDbCommand command = context.createCommand()) { command.CommandText = DeleteParkFindHóspedesCommandText; command.CommandType = DeleteParkFindHóspedesCommandType; SqlParameter nomeParq = new SqlParameter("@nomeParque", park.nome); command.Parameters.Add(nomeParq); List <Hóspede> hospedes = new List <Hóspede>(); IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Hóspede h = new Hóspede(); h.NIF = reader.GetInt32(0); hospedes.Add(h); } HóspedeMapper hospedeMapper = new HóspedeMapper(context); hospedes.ForEach(h => { hospedeMapper.Delete(h); }); reader.Close(); command.Parameters.Clear(); command.CommandText = DeleteParkCommandText; command.CommandType = DeleteParkCommandType; SqlParameter nome = new SqlParameter("@nome", park.nome); command.Parameters.Add(nome); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
public Tuple <int, int> FindFacturas(Hóspede hóspede, DateTime dataInicio, DateTime dataFim, ParqueCampismo parqueCampismo) { if (hóspede == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The hóspede cannot be null"); } LinkedList <Factura> facturas = new LinkedList <Factura>(); using (IDbCommand command = context.createCommand()) { command.CommandText = FindFacturaCommandText; command.CommandType = FindFacturaCommandType; FillParametersFindFactura(command, hóspede, dataInicio, dataFim, parqueCampismo.nome); IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Factura f = new Factura(); = reader.GetInt32(1); f.preçoTotal = reader.GetInt32(0); facturas.AddLast(f); } } return(CalcularDespesasHospede(facturas, hóspede.NIF)); }